Fees and Features | eBay Seller Center (2024)

New listing updates go into effect October 15, 2015. Get the details

Fee updates encourage use of effective listing formats and durations

Fee updates for greater selling success

As one of the world’s largest marketplaces, eBay is always looking for ways to keep shoppers coming back. We want to make it easy for them to find and buy the items they’re looking for. To improve the visibility of sought-after merchandise—and help sellers increase their sales—eBay is updating fees and amending some listing features to encourage sellers to use the most effective listing format and durations.

We’re bringing the excitement back to auctions

Auction selling is a premium format that’s ideal for exclusive items, such as antiques, collectibles, limited items, or true one-of-a-kind merchandise. It’s a place where the market determines the price. With this update, we’re offering sellers unlimited insertion fee credits for listings that sell in auction (see details below). This will encourage sellers to list items that are more likely to sell in auctions, are more attractively priced, and listed long enough to drive buyer interest and engagement.

What to expect

Starting in May, eBay sellers will receive unlimited insertion fee credits for auction-style listings that end in a sale (exclusions apply), and we will introduce adjustments to the monthly allotments of free listings*—zero insertion fees—for both eBay Stores subscribers and sellers without an eBay Store. Additional changes include adjustments to listing duration feature fees, listing insertion fees and additional category specific changes.

These changes are intended to improve the overall marketplace, and will offer most sellers the opportunity to pay the same or less in fees by reviewing their current listing strategy and making adjustments to achieve greater selling success.


Starting May 1:

  • Unlimited insertion fee credits for auction-style listings that end in a sale. As an incentive for using the auction-style format successfully, sellers will be credited for the insertion fee on auction-style listings when that item sells (See details).
  • Listing duration and feature fee updates

    • The 10-day duration on auction-style listings will no longer have an added feature fee. Sellers can maximize visibility and enjoy our longest auction-style duration.
    • Sellers who choose 1- or 3-day auction-style listing durations will be charged a $1 special duration feature fee per listing. Charging this fee will help discourage the use of shorter durations where they are least successful.
    • The feature fee for Reserve Price will increase to the greater of $3, or 2% of the reserve price (minimum price that must be met for your item to sell), with a cap of $100. Consider using fixed price with a Best Offer option if you know the market value of your item, but may be willing to accept a lower price.
  • Adjustments to monthly allotment and insertion fees. To complement the unlimited insertion fee credits on auction-style listings that end in a sale, we’re adjusting the monthly allotments of free listings*—zero insertion fees—for all sellers.

    • All media category items listed in the fixed price format will now have the same insertion fee as other category listings.
    • For sellers with an eBay Stores subscription, the monthly allotments of free listings* will now be dedicated to fixed price listings, and, for listings in Collectibles categories, sellers will receive 100 additional free auction-style listings* per month.

    • eBay Stores 
Subscription Level




      Fixed price monthly listing allotment




      Auction-style monthly listing allotment for Collectibles only




      Insertion fee after monthly allotment (Exclusions apply)

      Auction-style (credited to you for successful listings)




      Fixed price




    • For sellers without an eBay Stores subscription, it’s still free to list.

      • Sellers without a subscription will receive 20 free listings* per month, which can be used to create auction-style or fixed price listings.
      • For listings in the Collectibles categories, sellers will receive an additional 20 free auction-style listings* per month.
      • Sellers will be credited for the insertion fee on auction-style listings when that item sells.
  • Final value fee cap introduced for listings in heavy equipment for eBay Stores subscribers: eBay Stores subscribers who sell in the Heavy Equipment, Concession Trailers & Carts, Imaging & Aesthetics Equipment, and Commercial Printing Presses categories will benefit from a final value fee cap of $250, where previously there was not a cap at all.

Take Action

  • Review the summary of fee and feature changes that take effect on May 1.
  • Review your listing practices.
    • If you’re using 1– or 3–day for auction–style—consider using longer durations such as 7– or 10–day durations, to avoid paying a feature fee and to keep your item on the site longer for buyers.
    • To increase the likelihood of selling your item in auctions, use auction-style listings for premium or limited items with high buyer demand and use fixed price listings when you can list your item at a set price so that buyers can purchase it right away.
  • Determine if an eBay Stores subscription will save you more in fees, especially with consideration to reduced final value fees. Subscriptions start as low as $15.95 a month. Learn more.

Best Practices

  • Take full advantage of your monthly allotment—list more!
  • Consider the listing format. Generally, fixed price is best for items that have a clear market value or you know the price wanted, while auction is best for items whose value may fluctuate, when price is unknown, or when there is intense buyer demand for a limited item.
  • Revisit your listings often to consider changes—especially to the price, title and photos—that will increase the likelihood of a sale. Search sold listings on eBay to find recent market values.
  • Choose longer durations, as the longer a listing appears on the site, the more opportunities it has to be found by buyers: 7– or 10–day for auction–style—now with no feature fee—and Good ’Til Cancelled for fixed price listings.
  • Load up on pictures! Up to 12 pictures are FREE on most listings, and adding beautiful, high quality pictures go a long way to help sell your items. Be sure to optimize for mobile buyers by uploading your pictures using eBay picture services instead of putting them in your description with HTML.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is eBay making this change?

    We want all eBay sellers to succeed by creating high-quality listings that turn the millions of eBay browsers into buyers, and keep them coming back for more. These updates are designed to incent sellers to create winning listings in the most appropriate format: fixed price when you know an item’s value, and auction-style when you are unsure of the value of your item. We hope sellers will also enjoy increased buyer engagement, increased conversion, and most sellers will experience no change in fees, while some will have the opportunity to pay less in fees by reviewing their current listing strategy and making adjustments.

  • How does this change benefit me?

    Most sellers will experience no change in fees and can benefit from these updates by continuing to follow best practices with their listing strategies. Some will have the opportunity to pay less in fees by reviewing their current listing strategy and making adjustments. These adjustments will help sellers create sales-winning listings in the most appropriate format. By making these adjustments, sellers can improve item visibility and reduce clutter on the site—as well as potentially increase buyer engagement and conversion.

  • Are my overall fees going to change?

    We don’t expect the overall fees to change significantly for most sellers. Some sellers may see an increase in fees, which can be reduced by adjusting their listing format, listing duration and improving the quality of their listings. Most sellers will see their fees stay the same or decrease.

  • Why is eBay changing the free monthly listing allotments? As a result, how should I change my listing strategy?

    These changes are intended to improve the overall marketplace by making it easier for shoppers to find and buy the items they’re looking for—and help sellers increase their sales. Review your current listing strategy as most sellers have the opportunity to pay the same or less in fees.

    If you are listing more than 20 items per month, you will likely benefit by subscribing to an eBay Store. With an eBay Store you’ll receive: more free listings* (150 for Basic Stores subscribers with another 100 auction style listings in collectibles), discounts on your final value fees, powerful marketing tools, and more. Subscriptions start as low as $15.95 a month.

    Start by re-evaluating your listing strategies and following best practices:

    • Use fixed price listing formats more often, especially for items that have a clear market value and when you know the price you want for your item so that buyers can purchase it right away. Use auction-style listings for premium items—when the value may fluctuate, when price is unknown, or when there is intense buyer demand for a limited item. As an incentive for using the auction-style format successfully, sellers will be credited for the insertion fee on auction-style listings when that item sells.
    • Choose a longer duration for your listings. Consider 7- or 10-day for most auction–style listings—now with no feature fee, as the longer a listing appears on the site, the more opportunities it has to be found by buyers. Use 1- or 3-day auction durations for time-sensitive items only, such as event tickets.
    • Modify your listings—the price, title, description, and photos—to increase the likelihood of a sale. Search sold listings on eBay to find recent market values. Use lots of pictures—you get up to 12 pictures free on most listings.
  • Will there be any change to Motors Vehicles and Real Estate fees?

    There are no changes to Motors Vehicles or Real Estate fees at this time.

  • What changes can I make to my listings to benefit from these updates?

    Review the new fees in detail and update your listings to optimize their visibility and appeal, and potentially increase your profits. Consider taking the following actions:

    • Review your listings, make sure that they are priced right, include a number of quality photos, and have effective titles with relevant keywords.
    • Determine the right listing format for your items. And if you know the price you want to receive for an item, make sure that it is listed in the fixed price format, at the maximum duration that makes sense for your business.
    • The longer a listing appears on the site, the more opportunities it has to be found by buyers, 7- or 10-day for auction-style—now with no feature fee—and Good ’Til Cancelled for fixed price listings.
    • Determine if an eBay Stores subscription could save you money on fees. Subscriptions start as low as $15.95 a month. Learn more.

    Note: On May 1, 2015 the Fee Calculator—along with the Fee Illustrator that helps you find out which Store best fits your needs—will be available to help you determine the best option for your sales.

  • Where can I find recommendations to improve my listings?

    You will find some great, personalized tips in the Selling section of My eBay or general best practices within the Seller Center to optimize your listings and increase your chances of selling the first time around.

  • How do the unlimited insertion fee credits for auction-style listings work?

    Free listing* allotments will be used first and will not be charged an insertion fee, regardless of whether the listing ends in a sale or not. Once those allotments are used up, auction-style listings will be charged an insertion fee, which will be credited back to you if the item sells. This will apply to all listings in nearly any category, including media. Sellers will receive only one insertion fee credit per sold item, but there is no limit on the number of sold items for which they can receive this new credit. Credits will take place at the time of the transaction, and will be reflected on the invoice at the same time as the final value fee.

  • Will listing upgrade or feature fees be credited for auction-style listings that sell, along with the insertion fee?

    No, only the insertion fee will be credited.

  • How does an auction-style listing that does not end in a sale count against my monthly allotment?

    Your monthly allotment will not be credited when an auction-style listing ends in a sale. Therefore, the allotment is first used—without regard to whether the item sells or not.

  • How are my allotted auction-style listings dedicated to Collectibles categories different than the insertion-fee credits for auction-style listings that end in a sale?

    Allotted auction-style listings in Collectibles categories are not charged an up-front insertion fee.

    If you are a seller without an eBay Stores subscription, auction-style listings in Collectibles categories will come out of your monthly allotment of 20 dedicated auction-style listings in Collectibles categories per month first. If you list more than 20 auction-style listings in Collectibles categories per month, additional listings will be deducted from your other 20 free listings* every month to the extent that you haven’t already used them and can be used in fixed price or auction-style—in nearly any category. Once those allotments are used up, auction-style listings in Collectibles categories will be charged an insertion fee of $0.30, which will be credited to you if the item sells.

    If you are a seller with an eBay Stores subscription, you’ll receive an allotment of 100 auction-style listings dedicated to Collectibles categories. Any auction-style listings in Collectibles categories—over the monthly allotment—will be charged the insertion fees below, which will be credited to you if the item sells:

    • Basic: $0.25
    • Premium: $0.15
    • Anchor: $0.10
  • What if I list an item in two categories—one Collectibles category, and another non-Collectibles category?

    When listing items in two categories, the monthly allotment or insertion fee credit will be based on the primary category. The second category will be charged standard rates, and are not eligible for the insertion fee credit. Learn more.

  • Will I still be able to add Buy It Now for free to my auction-style listings?

    If you are a seller without an eBay Stores subscription, you will still be able to add Buy It Now for free. eBay Stores subscribers will still pay a listing upgrade fee to add Buy It Now to their listings, and these fees will not be credited if the item sells.

  • How can I compare the current fees to the upcoming ones?

    You can see the new fee structure that will take effect on May 1, 2015 on the rate card. Click here to compare to the current fee structure.

  • When will these changes be reflected in the Fee Calculator and Fee Illustrator?

    The Fee Calculator and Fee Illustrator tools will be updated on May 1, 2015. As always, these tools will be available to all sellers, at no cost.

  • When will these updates take effect?

    The changes will go into effect beginning May 1 at 00:00:00 (12AM) Pacific Time—for both new listings and listings renewed on or after that date.

  • Where can I go to keep track of my monthly allotment?

    The Promotional Offers module within the All Selling area of My eBay will keep track of both your monthly allotment and any applicable listing promotions.

  • I sold an item via an auction-style listing, and the buyer returned the item. Will my insertion fee still be credited in this case?

    Yes, as credits will take place at the time of the sale commitment.

  • Will this affect the fees I pay to PayPal?

    There are no changes to PayPal fees at this time.

  • Are fees still based on the total amount of the sale—item price plus shipping?

    Yes, as buyers typically take all costs into consideration when making a purchase—including shipping. Having the final value fee based on the total cost also limits listings with high shipping costs but below value item costs, which reduce buyer engagement.

  • I’m an eBay Top Rated Seller. How will this affect my listings that qualify for the 20% Top Rated Plus discount?

    Your 20% discount will be applied on all listings where the Top Rated Plus seal appears, same as before. Get more details on Top Rated Seller requirements and benefits.

  • How do I choose the right listing format?

    Here are some general guidelines to help you select the best format for your items:

    Fixed price is the right format for the majority of items listed on eBay. Choose fixed price when:

    • You know the value of your item or know the exact price you need to get for it
    • You have multiple items that you can place into one listing
    • You have a lot of inventory and an eBay Store and want to minimize your upfront insertion fees
    • You want your items to be available to buyers for more than 10 days

    Auction-style is a profitable format when used according to the guidelines below. Choose auction-style when:

    • You’re unsure of the value of your item and want the eBay Marketplace to determine its value
    • You have unique and hard-to-find items that could attract demand and spur a bidding war, which could maximize profits from your listing
    • You have items whose market value may fluctuate
    • Use a combination of both auction-style and fixed price by adding the Buy It Now feature when you sell a variety of items and want to attract both bidders and buyers—those looking for a deal on auction-style listings and others who prefer the convenience of fixed price purchases. Be sure to price the Buy It Now much higher than the bidding start price.
  • What listings fall under the Collectibles categories?

    Collectibles categories are as follows:

    • Antiques
    • Art
    • Coins & Paper Money
    • Collectibles
    • Dolls & Bears
    • Entertainment Memorabilia
    • Pottery & Glass
    • Sports Memorabilia, Cards & Fan Shop
    • Stamps
    • Toys & Hobbies

    Note that the additional 20 free auction-style listings* provided to sellers without an eBay Store are dedicated to Collectibles categories only. Listings in Baby, Health & Beauty, Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Jewelry & Watches, will no longer have a different allotment.

  • What listings fall under the Media categories?

    Media categories are: Books, DVDs & Movies, Music, and Video Games.

  • I’m an eBay Stores subscriber. What are the price changes affecting listings in Media categories: Books, DVDs & Movies, Music, and Video Games?

    Basic- and Premium-level subscribers who exceed their monthly allotment will see an increase in insertion fees when listing in fixed price format in the Books, DVDs & Movies, Music, and Video Games categories. Anchor-level subscribers will not see an increase. Starting May 1, these fees will be as follows:

    • Basic: $0.20 per listing
    • Premium: $0.10 per listing
    • Anchor: $0.05 per listing
  • What impact will this have on Good ’Til Cancelled listings?

    Good ’Til Cancelled listings created or renewed on or after May 1, 2015 will be subject to these changes. Insertion fees and advanced listing upgrade fees are charged every 30 days.

  • Are all categories eligible for free listings?

    You can take advantage of your free listings* in all categories except Real Estate, Motors Vehicles, Heavy Equipment, Concession Trailers & Carts, Imaging & Aesthetics Equipment, and Commercial Printing Presses. See all exclusions and restrictions.

  • How will listing promotions affect my free listing allotment, and where can I keep track of all of my different types of promotions and free listings?

    Listing promotions are always outside of any monthly allotment. You can keep track of both your allotments and promotions via the Promotional Offers module within My eBay. For sellers not using Selling Manager, this is found within the All Selling area of My eBay.

    Fees and Features | eBay Seller Center (1)

  • Will I still be able to add Best Offer for free to my fixed price listings?

    Yes, Best Offer can still be added for free to your fixed price listings.

Connect & learn more

eBay Radio

Tune in to a special Seller Update live broadcast of eBay Radio, Tuesday March 17, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm PDT, to hear Griff discuss these changes and get your questions answered by eBay experts.

Discussion boards

Join a special Community board and discuss these changes with eBay staff and other sellers.

* Pay no insertion fees for your allotted free listings per calendar month. Final value fees and optional fees, including advanced listing upgrades and supplemental service fees, still apply.

† Motors Vehicles, Real Estate, Classified Ads, Heavy Equipment, Concession Trailers & Carts, Imaging & Aesthetics Equipment, and Commercial Printing Presses are excluded. Learn more.

Fees and Features | eBay Seller Center (2024)


How do I get around fees on eBay? ›

How to reduce eBay selling fees?
  1. Choose your categories wisely. Make sure you're using the correct category when listing an item. ...
  2. Use good 'Til canceled listings. ...
  3. 3 . ...
  4. Take advantage of your zero insertion fee credits. ...
  5. Become a top-rated seller. ...
  6. Limit international sales. ...
  7. Apply for credit.
Sep 24, 2023

How much does eBay take from a $100 sale? ›

Final value fees: 13.25% - 15% on average

The heftiest single fee you'll pay on eBay is called a “final value fee.” This fee represents the amount you owe eBay for every completed sale on its platform. The final value fee will vary based on your: Product category.

How to avoid eBay insertion fees? ›

You won't be charged an insertion fee if you still have an allotment of zero insertion fee listings available in a given month. However, you still need to pay a final value fee when your item sells.

How do I avoid eBay commission? ›

Consider selling items in categories with lower fees to reduce costs. Opt for Lower-Cost Shipping Options: eBay's final value fee is calculated based on the total transaction price, including shipping costs. Choosing lower-cost shipping options can reduce the final value fee.

How to end an eBay listing without fees? ›

You can end your auction listing early, if:
  1. There are no bids yet on your item.
  2. There are bids on your item, and you are willing to sell your item to the current highest bidder.
  3. There are bids on your item and you don't want to sell it to the highest bidder, but there are 12 or more hours left in the listing.

Are there hidden fees on eBay? ›

eBay collects state taxes from buyers (the tax amount depends on the state) and immediately deducts them from the payment. Sellers never get this money. But eBay applies selling and Ad fees to taxes.

How much does eBay take on a $50 sale? ›

The final value fee would be 12.55% of $50, which is $6.28, plus $0.30 per order, bringing the total to $6.58. However, because you're selling the item internationally, eBay will also charge an international selling fee. This fee is added to the final value fee and can increase your total fees significantly.

How much can I sell on eBay without paying tax in 2024? ›

The agency is also adding a transition year by setting a $5,000 threshold for transactions in 2024 and delaying the onset of the new $600 threshold until 2025, the IRS announced Tuesday afternoon.

Does eBay take 10% of every sale? ›

Final value fees are the portion that eBay takes out upon the sale of an item. Typically, this is 0.30 cents and anywhere from 0.50 and 15% of an item's value.

What happens if I never pay eBay fees? ›

Because you owe eBay, you won't be able to list new items on eBay. To resolve this issue and continue selling, you need to pay the amount you owe immediately. Also, keep in mind that if you don't pay this outstanding amount owed, your account may be subject to account suspension.”

Why is eBay charging me listing fees when I have free listings? ›

If the item you want to list is not in a included category then you will get insertion fee if you have used up your free listings for the month. Also look at the offer to see what dates the free listings are good for it is possible the offer has expired by now.

How to sell on eBay for free without paying? ›

If you are registered on ebay.com, you receive 250 zero insertion fee listings per month. This means you won't be charged insertion fees for these listings. You'll only pay insertion fees after you've used up those listings.

What is better than eBay? ›

Top Sites Like eBay
eBay AlternativeOverviewMarket
AmazonLargest global e-commerce platformWorldwide
BonanzaUser-friendly online marketplaceWorldwide
BookooLocal classifieds and social networkLocal regions (specific locations vary)
CraigslistOnline classifieds and community platformPrimarily US and Canada
21 more rows

How much does eBay charge if an item doesn't sell? ›

If your item doesn't sell, you will not be charged any final value fees.

Why is eBay charging me when I haven't sold anything? ›

Each time you use a reserve, your charged a reserve fee equal to 7.5% of the reserve price, whether the item sells or not. This information is posted on the listing form, and the fees you'll incur are shown right above the button you click to start the listing.

How do I pay off eBay fees? ›

Your fees and other selling costs are automatically deducted from your sales proceeds. However, you'll need to set up a valid payment method to cover your selling costs in case your sales proceeds are insufficient. A valid payment method includes a debit or credit card, or a linked payout bank account.

Why am I paying listing fees on eBay? ›

You get a monthly allowance of free listings, and you only pay transaction fees when your item sells (final value fees, regulatory operating fee, and international fee, if applicable) and for any optional listing upgrades you choose to add.

Can you avoid eBay fees with cash on collection? ›

If you're accepting payment by cheques, postal orders, or payment on collection, including cash, your fees are charged to your available funds or on-file payment method when checkout is completed.

How to sell on eBay for free? ›

Your first 250 listings each month are free and, after, there's a $0.35 insertion fee per listing. Learn more about fees - opens in new window or tab.. What's the best way to ship my item? eBay provides recommendations, but you can choose a preferred shipping carrier.

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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated:

Views: 6121

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.