Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (2024)

Did You Know That...

  • We served more than 48million people in 1999
  • Social Security benefits were awarded to 3.9million persons
  • Social Security accounted for 38% of total income for aged persons
  • Social Security kept 39% of aged persons out of poverty
  • Social Security and Supplemental Security Income kept 1.1million children out of poverty
  • Women accounted for 58% of adult Social Security beneficiaries
  • The average age of Disability Insurance beneficiaries has fallen from just over 57 in 1960 to 50.6
  • Disability was the reason for paying 79% of SSI recipients


Average Indexed Monthly Earnings
Disability Insurance
Hospital Insurance
Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
Primary Insurance Amount
Social Security Administration
Supplemental Security Income

General Information, 2000

Tax rates

Tax rates, 2000 (in percent)
ProgramEmployer and
employee, each
NOTE: Social Security tax for employers and self-employed can be partially offset under income tax rules.

Average wage index

Average wage index, 1998–2000 (indollars)
1999 (estimated)30,299
2000 (estimated)31,685
SOURCE: Office of the Chief Actuary, SSA.

Maximum earnings subject to Social Security taxes

Maximum earnings subject to Social Security taxes, 2000 (indollars)
HINo limit

Taxes payable

Taxes payable, 2000 (in dollars)
Type of earnerOASIDIHI
Average earner1,679285459
Maximum earner4,039686No limit
Self-employed maximum earner8,0771,372No limit

Quarters of coverage

Quarters of coverage, 2000 (work credits):

  • $780 in earnings equals 1quarter of coverage (or 1credit)
  • $3,120 is the maximum earnings needed for 4quarters of coverage (or 4credits) per year

Retirement earnings test

Retirement earnings test, 2000 (in dollars)
Under age65 ($1 for $2 withholding rate)10,080840
Calendar year attaining age65
($1 for $3 withholding rate)
After calendar year attaining age65
or older
No limitNo limit

Age for full retirement benefit

Age for full retirement benefit
Full benefit at age—Applicable to workers who
attain age62 in year—
65 and 2months2000
65 and 4months2001
65 and 6months2002
65 and 8months2003
65 and 10months2004
66 and 2months2017
66 and 4months2018
66 and 6months2019
66 and 8months2020
66 and 10months2021
672022 and later

Benefit formula bend points

Benefit formula bend points (for workers who in 2000 attain age62, become disabled, or die before age62)

Primary insurance amount equals:

90% of the first $531 of AIME, plus
32% of AIME over $531 through $3,202, plus
15% of AIME over $3,202

Maximum family benefit equals:

150% of the first $679 of PIA, plus
272% of PIA over $679 through $980, plus
134% of PIA over $980 through $1,278, plus
175% of PIA over $1,278

Substantial gainful activity

Substantial gainful activity, 2000 (used for determining eligibility for and continuation of disability benefits):

  • Earnings of $700 per month for nonblind disabled persons
  • Earnings of $1,170 per month for blind persons

OASDI administrative expenses

OASDI administrative expenses (from the 2000 Trustees' Report): Costs were 0.7% of contributions in fiscal year 1999.

Trust fund operations

Trust fund operations 1999–2000 (inbillions ofdollars)
Calendar year
and program
at end
of year
1999 (actual)
2000 (estimated)
SOURCE: 2000 Trustees' Report.

Benefit payments

Benefit payments as a percentage of gross domestic product, 1998–1999
Calendar yearTotalOASIDI


Filed in fiscal year 1999
Type of filingNumber
OASI claimsa3.1 million
DI claims1.5 million
SSI applications1.6 million
a. OASI claims exclude those filed by disabled widow(er)s and disabled adult children of retired or deceased workers, which are included in the DI claims.

Supplemental Security Income

SSI federal payment standard, 2000:

  • $512 for an individual
  • $769 for a couple

Poverty thresholds

Poverty thresholds, 1997–1999
Family unit199719981999
Aged individual7,6987,8187,990
Family of two, aged head9,7129,86210,070
Family of four16,40016,66017,184
SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau.

Income of the Aged Population

Size of Income

Median income of aged units, 1962 and 1998

Median annual income for both married couples and nonmarried persons increased markedly from 1962 (the earliest year for which data are available) to 1998. Even after adjusting for inflation, median income rose 95% for married couples and 98% for nonmarried persons.

Median income of aged units (1998 dollars)

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (1)

Receipt of Income

Sources of Income, 1962 and 1998

Social Security benefits, which were the most common source of income in 1962, are now almost universal. The proportion of aged units with asset income, the next most common source, has grown from about one-half to nearly two-thirds. Over the 36-year period, receipt of private pensions has more than tripled and receipt of government pensions has increased by over 50%. A smaller proportion of couples and nonmarried persons aged65 or older received earnings in 1998 than in 1962.

Percentage of aged units receiving income from various sources

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (2)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of aged units receiving income, by source
Source of income19621998
Social Security6990
Asset income5463
Private pensions931
Government employee pensions914

Shares of Aggregate Income

Proportion of income from various sources, 1962 and 1998

In 1962, Social Security, private and government employee pensions, income from assets, and earnings made up only 84% of the total income of the aged, compared with 97% in 1998. Although private pensions still accounted for only a small proportion of total income in 1998, they more than tripled their share in the period—from 3% to 10%. The share from earnings declined from 28% to 21%.

Percentage of aggregate income of the aged from various sources, 1998

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (3)

Reliance on Social Security

Importance of benefits, 1998

The OASDI program paid benefits to 90% of those aged 65 or older in 1998. It was the major source of income (providing at least 50% of total income) for 63% of the beneficiary units (couples or nonmarried persons), and it was the only source of income for 18%.

Benefits Affect Poverty

Benefits reduce poverty rates, 1998

About two-fifths of the aged were kept out of poverty by Social Security benefits in 1998, a proportion that varies little by marital status or race. Overall, 9% of aged beneficiaries were poor; without Social Security, the total poverty rate would have been 48%. (Data are based on family income rather than aged person income to conform to official measures of poverty.)

Aged units and poverty status

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (5)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of aged beneficiaries in poverty with and kept out of poverty with Social Security, by marital status and race, 1998
CharacteristicPoor even with Social SecurityKeep out of
poverty with
Social Security
Total beneficiaries939
By marital status
By race
White alone739
Black alone2441

OASDI Program

Workers and Insured Status

Workers with taxable earnings, 1937–99

In 1999, 152million workers had earnings in employment covered by the Social Security program. Of these workers, 6% had earnings that equaled or exceeded the maximum amount currently subject to Social Security taxes, compared with 3% when the program began and a peak of 35% in 1965. About 85% of the earnings of workers in covered employment were taxable in 1999, compared with 92% in 1937.

Percentage of covered workers with maximum earnings and percentage of earnings taxable

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (6)

Workers and Insured Status

Insured workers, 1970–2000

Of persons aged20 or older, the percentage insured for benefits has steadily increased over time. The percent permanently insured (those with enough covered work experience to qualify for retired-worker benefits at retirement age) rose from 50% in 1970 to 69% in 2000. The percentage fully insured increased from 77% to 88%. To be fully insured, a worker must have at least one quarter of coverage for each year elapsed after 1950 (or age21, if later) and before the year in which he or she attains age62 or becomes disabled. To be insured for disability, the worker must be fully insured and have at least 20quarters of coverage during the last 40quarters. (Requirements for currently insured status are somewhat different for persons younger than age31.)

Insured workers, aged20 or older, as a percentage of the corresponding population, 1970–2000
(in millions)b
Insured for
SOURCE: Office of the Chief Actuary, SSA.
a. As of December31.
b. The population in the Social Security area includes residents of the 50states and the District of Columbia; civilian residents of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands; federal civilian employees and Armed Forces abroad and their dependents; crew members of merchant vessels; and all other U.S. citizens abroad.

Workers and Insured Status

Insured status, by sex, 1970 and 2000

Although men are more likely than women to be insured, the gender gap is shrinking. The proportion of men insured has remained essentially stable, with 93% fully insured and about 73% insured for disability. By contrast, the proportion of women insured has increased dramatically—from 63% to 83% for those fully insured and from 33% to 60% for those insured for disability.

Percentage of population aged20 or older insured for benefits, by sex

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (7)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of population aged 20 or older insured for benefits, by sex
Fully insured
Insured for disability

New Benefit Awards

Benefits awarded, 1999

Benefits were awarded to 3.9million persons in 1999. Forty-three percent were retired workers and 16% were disabled workers. The remaining 41% were survivors and/or dependents of workers—that is, spouses and children of retired or disabled workers who received benefits based on the worker's earnings record.

Awards, 1999
Type of beneficiaryTotal number
(in thousands)
New awards3,917100
Retired workers and dependents2,06552
Spouses and children3759
Disabled workers and dependents1,04527
Spouses and children42411
Survivors of deceased workers80721

Percentage of benefits awarded, 1999

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (8)

New Benefit Awards

Benefits awarded to workers, 1960–99

Benefits awarded to retired workers have increased considerably since 1960 but proportionately much less than benefits to disabled workers. The patterns of growth have also differed. Retired-worker awards rose steadily during the first half of the period, then leveled off around 1980 and have since declined slightly. Disabled-worker awards increased rapidly until the late seventies, then declined considerably for about a decade, resuming their growth during the nineties.


Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (9)

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Table equivalent for chart. New awards to retired and disabled workers (in thousands)

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Persons receiving monthly benefits, December1999

More than 44million persons were receiving monthly Social Security benefits in December1999. Of these, the majority were retired workers.

Benefit receipt, by type of beneficiary
Type of beneficiaryTotal number
(in thousands)
Total with benefits in current-payment status44,596100
Retired workers and dependents31,02869
Spouses and children3,2537
Disabled workers and dependents6,52415
Spouses and children1,6444
Survivors of deceased workers7,04416

Percentage of beneficiaries in current-payment status

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (10)

Benefit Amounts

Average amount of newly awarded benefits and benefits in current-payment status, 1999

Benefits payable to workers who retire at the normal retirement age and to disabled workers are equal to 100% of the PIA (subject to any applicable deductions). At the normal retirement age, widows benefits are also payable at 100% of the insured worker's PIA. Nondisabled widows and widowers can receive reduced benefits at age60. Disabled widow benefits are payable (with a greater reduction) at age50. Spouses, children, and parents receive smaller proportions of the worker's PIA than widows do.

Average monthly benefit amounts, 1999 (in dollars)
Type of beneficiaryNew
Retired workers795804
Disabled workers783754
Nondisabled widows and widowers715775
Disabled widows and widowers502500
Widowed mothers and fathers569566
Surviving children539526

Benefit Amounts

Hypothetical benefit amounts, 2000

A covered worker who had worked continuously at low wages (45% of average national wages) and who claimed benefits at age62 in January2000 would have received a monthly benefit of $518. One who had earnings at or above the maximum amount subject to Social Security taxes and who claimed benefits at age65 would have received $1,433.

Hypothetical benefit amounts for a person who claimed benefits in January2000

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (11)

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Table equivalent for chart. Hypothetical benefit amounts for a person who claimed benefits in January 2000 (in dollars)
Low earner518598
Average earner853987
High earner1,1101,279
Maximum earner1,2411,433

SOURCE: Office of the Chief Actuary, SSA.

NOTE: Low earnings are defined as 45% of the national average wage index, average earnings are equal to the index, high earnings are 160% of the index, and maximum earnings are equal to the OASDI contribution and benefits base.

Beneficiaries by Age

Age of persons receiving benefits, December1999

Some 81% of all OASDI beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status were aged62 or older in December1999. Among OASI beneficiaries, 93% were 62 or older. Among DI beneficiaries (disabled workers and their spouses and children), most were under age62.

Percentage of beneficiaries, by age

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (12)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage distribution of beneficiaries by age, by program, December 1999
Under 18421
65 or older840.3

NOTE: Percents may not sum to total due to rounding.

Beneficiaries by Age

Age of disabled-worker beneficiaries, 1960–99

The average age of disabled-worker beneficiaries in current-payment status has declined substantially since 1960, when DI benefits first became available to persons younger than age50. In that year, the average age of a disabled worker was 57.2years. By 1980, it had fallen to 53.2, and in 1999, the average age was 50.6years.

Average age of disabled-worker beneficiaries

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (13)

Show as table

Table equivalent for chart. Average age of disabled worker beneficiaries, selected years

Beneficiaries by Sex

Sex of persons receiving monthly benefits, December1999

Of all adults receiving monthly Social Security benefits at the end of 1999, 42% were men and 58% were women. More than 80% of the men and more than 55% of the women received retired-worker benefits. Slightly less than one-fourth of the women received survivors benefits.

Percentage of adult beneficiaries, by sex

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (14)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage distribution of adult beneficiaries by type of beneficiary, by sex, December 1999
Type of beneficiaryMenWomen
Retired workers8156
Disabled workers169
Spouses of workersa12
Spouses and widowers of workers1a
Adult survivorsa22
Disabled adult children21
a. Less than 0.5percent.

Beneficiaries by Sex

Average monthly benefit amounts, December1999

Among retired and disabled workers who collected benefits based on their own work record, men received a higher average monthly benefit than women. For those who collected benefits based on another person's work record (spouses and survivors), women had higher average benefits.

Average monthly benefit by sex, December1999 (in dollars)
Type of beneficiaryMenWomen
Retired workers905698
Disabled workers846630
Nondisabled widows and widowers572776
Disabled widows and widowers340504
Mothers and fathers474570

Beneficiaries by Sex

Women-worker beneficiaries, 1940–99

The proportion of women among retired-worker beneficiaries has quadrupled since 1940. The proportion of women among disabled-worker beneficiaries has more than doubled since 1957, when benefits first became payable to disabled workers.

Percentage of women-worker beneficiaries, 1940–99

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (15)

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Table equivalent for chart. Women as a percentage of retired worker and disabled worker beneficiaries, selected years
NOTE: -- = not available.

Dual Entitlement

Dual entitlement, 1960–99

The proportion of women aged62 or older who are receiving benefits as dependents (that is, on the basis of their husband's earnings record only) has been declining—from 57% in 1960 to 35% in 1999. At the same time, the proportion of women with dual entitlement (that is, paid on the basis of both their own earnings record and that of their husband) has been increasing—from 5% in 1960 to 27% in 1999.

Receipt of benefits by women at age62 or older, 1999

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (16)

SSI Program


Historical comparison, by age, 1974–99

Shortly after the SSI program began in 1974, the number of persons receiving federally administered payments rose to 4million. It remained at about that level until the mid-1980s, then rose through the mid-1990s. In 1999, it stood at nearly 6.6million.

Persons receiving federally administered SSI payments
DecemberTotal number
(in thousands)

Persons receiving federally administered SSI payments

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (17)

Payment Amounts

Average monthly payments, by age group, December1999

The average federally administered SSI payment was $369 in December1999. Payments varied by age group, ranging from an average of $450 for those under 18 to $293 for recipients aged65 or older.

Average monthly SSI payment amount

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (18)

NOTE: As of 1998, these figures exclude retroactive payments.

Federally Administered Payments

Recipients by type of payment, December1999

Over 6million persons received federally administered SSI payments in December1999. Most received federal SSI only. States have the option of supplementing the federal benefit rate and are required to do so if that rate does not equal the income the recipient would have had under the former state program.

Percentage of recipients, by type of payment

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (19)

a. Excludes state-administered state supplementation.

Basis for Eligibility

Recipients by basis for eligibility and age, December1999

One-fifth of SSI recipients have been awarded benefits on the basis of age; most of the rest on the basis of disability. One-third of the recipients were aged65 or older. In the SSI program—unlike the OASDI program—a disabled recipient can be aged65 or older. (DI beneficiaries are converted to the retirement program when they attain age65.)

SSI recipients, by basis for eligibility

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (20)

Recipients by Age

Historical comparison, by age, 1974–99

The proportion of SSI recipients aged65 or older has declined from 61% in January1974 to 31% in December1999. The long-term growth of the SSI program has occurred because of an increase in the number of disabled recipients, most of whom are under age65.

Percentage of SSI recipients aged65 or older

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (21)

Recipients by Sex and Age

Distribution by sex and age, December1999

Overall, 59% of the SSI recipients in December1999 were women, but this varied by age group. Women accounted for nearly three-fourths of recipients aged65 or older, over half of those aged18–64, and over a third of those under age18.

Number and percentage of SSI recipients, by sex and age

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (22)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage distribution of SSI beneficiaries by sex, by age, December 1999
Under 186337
65 or older2872

Other Income

Type of other income received, December1999

Nearly two-thirds of aged SSI recipients received OASDI benefits in December1999, as did about one-third of those aged18–64 and 7% of those under age18. Other types of unearned income, such as veterans' pensions or income from assets, also occurred most frequently among those aged65 or older (16%), while earned income was most prevalent (7%) among those 18–64.

Percentage with other income, by source and age

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (23)

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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of SSI beneficiaries receiving other income, by source and age, December 1999
All ages36.311.74.5
Under 187.416.90.4
65 or older59.715.81.6

OASDI and/or SSI

All Beneficiaries

Receipt of OASDI and SSI payments, December1999

More than 48million persons received a payment from Social Security in December1999. Most (42.2million) received OASDI benefits only; about 4.2million received SSI only; and 2.4million received payments from both programs.

Receipt of OASDI and/or SSI
Type of beneficiaryNumber
(in thousands)
Total receiving OASDI and/or SSI48,770
Total receiving OASDI44,596
Receiving OASDI only42,213
Total receiving SSI6,557
Total receiving SSI only4,173
Receiving both OASDI and SSI2,383

Number receiving OASDI and/or SSI

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (24)

Beneficiaries Aged65 or Older

Receipt of OASI and/or SSI aged benefits, December1999

Aged or survivors benefits were paid to 32.9million persons aged65 or older in December1999. About 1.2million of them received both OASI and SSI.

Receipt of OASI and/or SSI aged benefits
Type of beneficiaryNumber
(in thousands)
Aged65 or older, total (unduplicated)32,938
OASI totala32,125
Retired workers25,304
Nondisabled widow(er)s4,280
Disabled adult children aged65 or older63
SSI totalb2,019
Receiving SSI only813
Concurrently receiving both OASI and SSI1,206
a. Total includes 4,800persons who received either dependent parents benefits, special age-72 benefits, or mothers/fathers benefits.
b. Includes 710,600disabled and blind SSI recipients aged65 or older.

Disabled Beneficiaries

Receipt of disability payments, December1999

Payments based on the beneficiary's own disability were made to 9.1million persons under age65 in December1999. About 37% of them received payments from the SSI program only, 50% received payments from the OASDI program only, and 13% received payments from both programs.

Receiving OASDI and/or SSI disability payments
Type of paymentNumber
(in thousands)
Total receiving OASDI and/or SSI9,097
OASDI disability5,736
Disabled workers4,879
Disabled children aged18–64658
Disabled widow(er)s199
OASDI disability only4,559
SSI disabilitya4,538
Blind and disabled aged 18-643,691
Blind and disabled under age18847
SSI disability only3,361
Both OASDI and SSI1,177
a. Total excludes 710,600 disabled and blind SSI beneficiaries aged65 or older.

Number receiving disability payments

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (25)

Children and Social Security

Children and OASDI

Current receipt, December1999

Over 3million children under age18 and students aged18–19 received OASDI benefits in December1999—about half of them as the children of deceased workers. These children had the highest average payments, in part because they are eligible to receive monthly benefits equal to 75% of the worker's PIA, whereas the children of retired or disabled workers may receive 50%. Overall, the average monthly benefit amount for children was $363.

Number of children receiving OASDI

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (26)

Show as table

Table equivalent for chart. Number and average monthly benefit for children receiving OASDI, by type of beneficiary, December 1999
Type of beneficiaryNumber
Children of retired workers252342
Children of disabled workers1,412212
Children of deceased workers1,410518

Children and SSI

Recipients and payment amounts, 1974–99

In 1974 when the program began, there were 70,900 blind and disabled children receiving payments under SSI. Since then, that number has increased ten-fold. The relatively high average payment to children (compared with those made to blind and disabled adults) is due in part to a limited amount of other countable income. The peak in average monthly benefits in 1992 is due to retroactive payments resulting from the Sullivan v. Zebley decision.

Children receiving SSI

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (27)

Show as table

Table equivalent for chart. Number of children under age18 receiving SSI, and average monthly SSI payment to children under age18
YearNumber of children
receiving SSI
(in thousands)
Average monthly
SSI payment
(in percent)a
a. As of 1998, these figures exclude retroactive payments.

a. As of 1998, these figures exclude retroactive payments.

SSA's Role in Reducing Poverty

Social Security's role in reducing poverty for children

In 1998, 7million children were living in families receiving OASDI and/or SSI benefits. About 1.1million children would have resided in families with incomes below the poverty line without these benefits. About 2.3million children were still poor even though OASDI and SSI benefits improved their situation.

Reducing poverty for children

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (28)

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2000 (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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