FAQs (2024)


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Is my organization or event eligible for funding? Let's Find Out!

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NWA Giving

Concept Note

Global Giving

Spark Good (Nonprofits)

FAQs for Customers

Is my organization or event eligible for grant funding?

Requirements vary by program, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application.

To find out which grants your organization or event may qualify for and start your application, click here.

How do I apply for a grant?

Walmart.org supports work directly related to our philanthropic strategies and geographic focus. For others, we publish requests for proposals (RFPs), accept concept notes, or have an open application process.

Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application.

Read more about our grants and apply here.

Can an organization request a product donation or gift card(s) instead of a grant?

No. Only financial grants are available through our programs. Requests for in-kind donations (products and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

If my organization has already received a grant from another giving program, can I still apply for funding?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Where do I find the Walmart.org logo and recognition guidelines if my organization has received a grant?

These are available in Cybergrants on your organization’s profile page, under Grantee Resources. Any announcement, logo usage or press release language requires prior approval. Please reach out to your program officer or the store manager to discuss plans for grant recognition and publicity.

Do you grant directly to individuals?

No. We do not make grants directly to individuals.

What areas or types of programs are not eligible for a grant?

We do not make grants directly to individuals. Other areas that we do not fund include:

  • Association/chamber memberships
  • Athletic sponsorships (teams/events)
  • Faith-based organizations when the proposed grant will only benefit the organization or its members
  • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns
Can I request funding if my organization has a pending 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, or just recently obtained 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status but I’m receiving a system error?

No. Only organizations that are currently listed in the Internal Revenue Service's current 50-State Master File are eligible to receive funding. If you believe that a system error is preventing you from submitting an application, please contact the IRS at 1-877-829-5500 and request to be added to Publication 78, also known as the 50-State Master File.

Can I request funding if my organization is a private foundation or privately operating foundation?

No. Only organizations recognized as public charities (other than Type III supporting organizations) are eligible for funding.

How do I check the status of my grant application if I applied for a grant and haven’t heard back?

You’ll receive an e-mail notification as soon as funding decisions have been made. Please log into your Cybergrants profile page to see an overview of the applications submitted to date.

Who do I contact if I was awarded a grant but still have not received the check?

Grant checks will be mailed directly to the recipient organization at the address listed in the organization’s application. The timeline for check delivery depends on the program. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. If the grant was approved more than 6 weeks ago and the organization has yet to receive the check, please reach out to the facility or grant manager to submit a void/reissue request.

Who do I contact if I would like to schedule a grant award recognition event?

Organizations should contact their grant manager or local facility from which funds were awarded to schedule a recognition event.

Where can I learn more about Walmart.org’s latest news?

Read more about Walmart.org’s latest news by visiting our homepage and referencing “Our Impact" or visiting "Latest News" under "Who We Are" menu.

Is there a difference between the Walmart Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation?

Yes. Sam and Helen Walton established the Walton Family Foundation in 1987, which operates independently of Walmart and the philanthropic efforts funded by the Walmart Foundation.

Northwest Arkansas Giving

Who is eligible for the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

Organizations that operate in Benton County and/or Washington County of Northwest Arkansas are eligible to apply for a grant.

How do I apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant?

Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application. Apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant here.

Can I apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant if my organization is not headquartered in Northwest Arkansas?

Yes. However, your proposed programs must directly benefit Benton County and/or Washington County.

What are the focus areas for Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Investments in Northwest Arkansas are focused around growing long-term capacity and capabilities of the region. Learn more about the current focus areas.

When are the deadlines for Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Deadlines are posted on the website annually. View this year’s deadlines.

If my organization has received funding through another program, can I still apply for funding through Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Can an organization request a product donation or gift card instead of a grant through the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

No. Only financial grants are available through the Northwest Arkansas Giving program. Requests for in-kind donations (product and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

How will I know if I have been selected to receive a grant from the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

You will receive an e-mail notification to the email address associated with the application in Cybergrants once funding decisions have been made.

If selected for funding through Northwest Arkansas Giving, how do I receive my grant check?

If approved, grant checks will be mailed directly to the recipient organization at the address listed in the grant application. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the status of a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant?

Please allow up to 30 days for your application to be reviewed. If it has been more than 30 days, please contact [email protected].

How do I submit a concept note?

The majority of our funding is proactive and made to U.S. tax-exempt organizations or equivalent organizations operating internationally that are independently identified by our staff. Program-related concept notes are only accepted for the Healthier Food for All focus area.

When will I be notified about the status of my concept note?

Following review of your concept note, if we are interested in pursuing a full request, we will reach out directly to invite a full proposal/additional information.

What are the deadlines to submit a concept note?

There are no deadlines. Concept notes are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Following review of your concept note, if your program aligns with our funding priorities, a full proposal requesting additional information will be invited.

Am I eligible to submit a concept note if my organization has received a grant through another giving program?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time. However, program-related concept notes are only accepted for the Healthier Food for All focus area.

If the focus area of the proposed program falls outside of these program-related concept note focus areas, will my application be considered?

No. Organizations and proposed programs must fall within the stated focus areas described here.

If I receive a grant through the concept note application, am I required to submit a report detailing how the grant was used?

Yes. All grant recipients are required to submit an impact report detailing how the grant was used and what outcomes were achieved. The impact report is accessible in Cybergrants. Grantees are not eligible to reapply until the impact report has been received.

How do I apply for a Local Community Grant if my organization is located outside the U.S.?

Walmart gives back to communities in the international markets where we operate through locally managed giving programs. To apply, please locate your country on this list to find the appropriate Walmart website.

What is FCPA?

FCPA is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. If the proposed grant includes any activities to be conducted outside the United States, the grantee must indicate that fact on the grant proposal.

When applying, organizations should carefully assess if any activities, including travel or subcontractor work, will be conducted outside the U.S. If so, please indicate “yes” on any questions relating to international activities or international distribution of funds when submitting the grant proposal.

Am I required to sign a certification that my organization is in compliance with FCPA?

Yes. Annually all grantees conducting activities outside the U.S. need to sign a certification that they are still in FCPA compliance with certain representations in the grant agreement.

What is Expenditure Responsibility (ER) and what responsibilities does it mean for my organization?

If an international organization is not a US 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, the team must demonstrate that the non-U.S. grantee is the “equivalent” of a U.S. public charity (“equivalency determination”) or exercise “expenditure responsibility” (ER).

ER requires a pre-grant inquiry to demonstrate that organization is capable of fulfilling the charitable purposes of the grant. For example, the team will investigate whether the organization received and managed funds from a US 501(c)(3) organization in the past.

Additional and more frequent reporting, along with additional financial management controls, may be required of ER grantees. The Walmart Foundation is required to report information on each of its ER grants to the IRS on the Foundation’s tax return, including the grant amount, date, amount expended, date of last grantee report, etc.

Can Expenditure Responsibility (ER) be used domestically, or just internationally?

The ER process may be used when the Walmart Foundation reviews a proposed grant to any non-501(c)(3) organization. Typically, the Walmart Foundation uses ER for international organizations invited to submit proposals.

  • Spark Good Local Grants
  • Spark Good Space Tool
  • Spark Good Associate Programs
  • Round Up and Registry (Walmart.com Customer Program)

Walmart Spark Good & Deed Verification

What is Walmart Spark Good? 

Walmart Spark Good brings together all our community giving programs under one brand and empowers local organizations to engage with customers and associates to support causes they care about. Local organizations that want to take advantage of Spark Good resources must create a Spark Good account on Walmart.com and be verified through Deed, a third-party verification provider.

From your Spark Good account, organizations can manage their charitable activities with Walmart, such as applying for local grants, setting up customer-facing registries for needed items, requesting space outside of our facilities to fundraise, signing up for Round Up and more.

What is the Walmart Spark Good account?

The Spark Good Account is a one-stop shop for eligible organizations to manage their charitable activities with Walmart, such as applying for Spark Good grants, setting up customer-facing registries for needed items, requesting space outside of our facilities to fundraise, signing up for Round Up, and more. To get started, click “Access Spark Good” on Walmart.com/nonprofits to set up your Spark Good account.

What does it mean to be a verified organization?

Walmart is now partnering with Deed to simplify verification. Deed validates and verifies that a local organization is in good standing with the IRS, and that individuals associated with the organization’s Spark Good account is deemed an "authorized user" from that organization. Once an organization is verified and active with Deed, the organization may access Spark Good programs, depending on program eligibility, and take advantage of benefits by other companies in the Deed ecosystem. To review Spark Good program guidelines and eligibility, click here.

*Please note that even if your organization was previously verified by FrontDoor, you will need to set up an account with Deed.

How do I know what Spark Good programs my organization is eligible to participate?

To review Spark Good program guidelines and eligibility, clickhere.

If my organization is new to Spark Good programs, how do I get started and verified?

Create a Spark Good accounton Walmart.com for your organization. You will be prompted to create or log into your Walmart.com account to get started. We recommend using an organization email, rather than a personal email. You will be directed to the verification process by clicking “Add Organizations.”

For the verification process, an organization will need to provide a minimum of the following: Organization’s primary email, IRS determination letter, Current 990 or equivalent documentation, Organization’s Bank Account Information, and or any additional information as required.

If you or your organization is unable or unwilling to provide any of the requirements listed, Walmart and Deed may not be able to serve you.

Can I access more than one organization on my Spark Good account?

Yes, if you are listed as an authorized user in Deed for more than one organization and the email address used for Deed for each of these organizations matches your Walmart.com account, you can access multiple organizations in your Spark Good account. Note, only the Primary User (administrator in Deed) will have access to the following tools in the Spark Good account: sign up for Spark Good Round Up, set up Registry Donation Receipt, and manage Organization Profile settings and preferences.

Who are authorized users? 

Deed verifies the primary account owner for each organization. All secondary users associated are authorized by the organization’s primary account owner. Authorized users may include employees, contractors, staff, and agents of organizations. Authorized users must be at least 18 years old.

To access Spark Good, all authorized users will need to have a Walmart.com account using an organizational email address that is also used to log into their Deed account.

What do I do if an organization’s authorized user is no longer with the organization and we need to remove the user?

Any primary user (administrator in Deed) can log into Deed to remove or make changes to the list of users.

Who do I contact if I have questions or issues with the Deed verification process?

As Deed is a third-party partner that Walmart works with, please reach out directly to Deed’s Nonprofit Success Team at [email protected].

Who do I contact if I have questions or issues with my Spark Good account on Walmart.com?

Please join one of our regular virtual help desks to speak with a Spark Good team member.Sign up for help desks.If you can't find the answers you need with these FAQs, you can also reach out to us on [email protected].

Where can I download the Spark Good logo?

You can download a Spark Good logo (.PNG)here.

Local organizations are encouraged to use this logo on their website, on social media or in communications to your supporters when communicating to them about your participation in Walmart Spark Good. Any other uses of this logo must be authorized by Walmart Media Relations.

Spark Good Local Grants

What organizations are eligible to apply for the Spark Good Local Grants?

Eligible organizations include public charities (501c3 organizations), recognized government entity, schools with a NCES number or 501c3 status, and a church or other faith-based organizations with a proposed project that benefits the community at large. Click to review Spark Good Local Grants guidelines.

How do I apply for a Spark Good Local Grant?

Organizations must have a Walmart Spark Good account and be a Deed verified organization. You can apply for a Spark Good Local Grant through your Spark Good account.

If my organization has received funding through another program, can I still apply for funding for the Spark Good Local Grant?

Yes, organizations are eligible to participate in multiple Spark Good programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Can I apply for Spark Good Local Grants from multiple Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and Logistics Facilities?

Yes. You can submit applications to multiple facilities. However, your proposed programs must directly benefit the service area of each facility to which you are applying, and organizations are limited to 25 applications a year.

Through the Spark Good Local Grant program, can I receive funding from a facility more than once per fiscal year?

No. Once you have received funding from a facility for this program, you are not eligible to reapply at that facility until the next fiscal year.

Can organizations request a product donation or gift card instead of a grant through the Spark Good Local Grant program?

No, only financial grants are available through this program. Requests for in-kind donations (product and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

How will I know if I have been selected to receive a Spark Good Local Grant?

You will receive an e-mail notification once funding decisions have been made. It will be sent to the email address associated with the application in your Spark Good account. Each facility manager may set the frequency and process in which application determinations are made.

If an organization is recommended for funding, organization will be notified about how to set up electronic payment to complete the final approval step in the grant application process.

Who do I contact if I was awarded a Spark Good Local Grant and would like to schedule a grant award recognition event?

Upon receiving a grant, organizations may contact the local facility from which funds were awarded to discuss their announcement and/or a formal recognition event (only if desired).

Spark Good Space Tool

What is Walmart’s Spark Good Space Tool?

Walmart’s Spark Good Space Tool allows local organizations to request space outside of Walmart facilities for the purpose of fundraising or community awareness campaigns. To request space at a local Sam’s Club, please reach out to the local club manager to learn more about ways to request.

What is the process for requesting space outside of a Walmart facility?

Organizations must have a Spark Good account on Walmart.com and be verified prior to accessing the space tool. Once a request is submitted, a Walmart store manager will review and approve or decline the request. Click to review Spark Good Space Tool guidelines.

Can organizations request space inside a store?

No, local organizations can only request space outside a Walmart facility.

How much advance notice is needed to request space?

An organization must submit a request no less than 21 days in advance of an event date. This is to ensure that store managers have sufficient time to review the space request.

How long will it take for a request to be approved or declined?

Facility management review space requests and make recommendations on all submitted requests. Each facility manager may set the frequency and process in which determinations are made. The organization will be notified of the status of a space request no less than 7 days before their event date.

How many times can an organization request outside space in a calendar year?

Local organizations may request and use space outside a Walmart facility up to14 days per facility, per calendar year, but no more than 3 consecutive days (and no more than 8 consecutive hours each day).

What kind of events can an organization host outside of Walmart facilities?

Organizations may request space outside of a facility for fundraising or community awareness events. Space Tool requests are not to be submitted for for-profit commercial sale of products or services to the public. Managers reserve the right to decline an organization’s request based on review of the organization’s reputation and activities and its agreement to comply with applicable terms and conditions. Submission of a request does not guarantee approval. Exclusions include organizations that deny service, membership or other involvement on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran, or disability status.

Is there a limit on the number of people that can participate in an event in front of a Walmart facility?

Yes, no more than 15 members of a group may participate in an event in front of a store at any one time.

Will Walmart send email or text notifications about an organization’s request?

Yes, the organization will receive email notifications when there are any changes made to a space request.

If an event request is accepted, what should an organization expect on the day of their event?

On the day of an event, the organization will receive 2 email notifications prompting a check-in before the start of the event and after the event. Upon arrival, visit the Customer Service desk to meet with the Store Manager. They will direct them to the event location. The organization representative will need to provide the space request check-in confirmation received via email. A digital copy, e.g., screen shot, forwarded email, etc., of the space reservation confirmation is acceptable.

What should the organization do after their event has ended?

Clean up and return the space to the condition in which it was found. Return to the Customer Service desk to let the Store Manager know the event has ended and check out in the Spark Good Space Tool, signaling that the event is over.

Who can you contact if there are issues related to the event?

If an issue arises during the event at a store, please seek assistance at the Customer Service desk. To share a concern after the event has concluded, email[email protected].

Spark Good Associate Programs

What organizations are eligible to benefit from the Spark Good Associate Programs?

Organizations must have a Walmart Spark Good account and be a Deed verified organization. Eligible organizations include public charities (501c3 organizations), recognized government entity, schools with a NCES number or 501c3 status, and other faith-based organizations that benefits the community at large. Click to review Spark Good Associate Programs guidelines.

How do I sign up to benefit from Spark Good Associate Programs?

You will need to have to Walmart Spark Good accounton Walmart.com and be a Deed verified organization. You can then click onAssociate Giving icon in your Spark Good Account to post volunteer opportunities. Any volunteering and giving is strictly voluntary and at the discretion of Walmart associates.

Can my organization post volunteer opportunities for associates to sign up for?

Yes, you can log into your Spark Good Account and post volunteer opportunities for Walmart associates when you click on the Associate Giving icon.

Does Walmart offer associate matching campaigns?

Associate donations made through the Spark Good Associate platform are not automatically matched. Matching campaigns will be offered as least twice per fiscal year and associates are notified when these matching opportunities are available.

Round Up and Registry (Walmart.com Customer Programs)

What is Spark Good Round Up?

Spark Good Round Up allows Walmart.com and Walmart app customers to round up their purchase total to the nearest dollar at checkout and donate the "change" to a charitable nonprofit or NCES school of their choice.

What is Spark Good Registry?

Spark Good Registry allows eligible charitable nonprofits and NCES schools to set up customer facing registries for needed items.

Who is eligible to sign up for Spark Good Round Up and Registry?

Organizations must have a Walmart Spark Good account, be verified by Deed and signed up for the program. Eligible organizations include current 501(c)(3) public charities listed in the IRS Business Master File that conduct charitable activities in the United States and educational institutions with a NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) number. Click to review Spark Good Round Up guidelines and Spark Good Registry guidelines.

Can a charitable organization outside the U.S. participate in Spark Good Round Up and Registry?

No, an eligible organization must be headquartered in the United States (the 50 States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

How do I register and receive Round Up donations for my charitable organization?

Only the primary user of your Spark Good account can register for Round Up on behalf of the organization. To sign up, log into the Spark Good account. As part of the sign up process, your organization must have a bank account and register for ACH payments with Network for Good to receive customer donations.

How do I create a Spark Good Registry?

To create a Spark Good Registry, you must log into your Spark Good accounton Walmart.comand find the active organization you would like to create a registry for. In the Spark Good account, under Spark Good Registry, click “+Create Registry”.

How do customers find my organization to round up to or to support my registry?

Once your organization has signed up for Spark Good Round Up or setup a Registry, your organization will immediately be discoverable on Walmart.com/sparkgood for a customer to select and support. You can share your organization’s profile page with your supporters.

Is there any cost to the organization to participate in Spark Good Round Up and Registry?

No, there is no cost to the charitable organization to sign up and participate in any Spark Good programs. No fees will be deducted from the donation amount.

How do I update the ACH bank account information for Spark Good Round Up?

Customer Round Up donations are disbursed through Network for Good, a donor advised fund. You can update your ACH back account information with Network for Good at any time.

Does my organization need a bank account to participate in Spark Good Round Up?

Yes, customer donations are disbursed electronically through Network for Good, a donor advised fund. As part of the enrollment process, your organization must have a bank account and register for ACH payments with Network for Good to receive customer donations. Please note that only the Spark Good account’s primary user can view and update the ACH payment information. While ACH details are required to participate in Spark Good Round Up, Network for Good will not share the ACH details with Walmart.

What is Network for Good and what role do they play in this program?

Network for Good (NFG), a 501(c)(3) is a nonprofit partner that operates a donor advised fund to distribute donations to nonprofits. Walmart works with Network for Good to disburse customer donations to the recommended charities that customers have selected.

What happens when a customer selects my organization to round up their purchases and when will I receive funds?

When a customer completes their order, the round up donation is made to Network for Good, a donor advised fund. Customer donations are disbursed through Network for Good to participating organizations quarterly, about 15-20 working days after the quarter's end. Quarters are defined as January-March, April- June, July-September, and October-December. To accept donations, the organization must be set up to receive electronic payment from Network for Good.

Where can I view the amount of Round Up donations my organization has received?

Log into your Spark Good account on Walmart.com to view the amount of customer donations received. On your organization’s profile page, you can also view the number of unique customers who donated to your organization.

How can I share with others that my organization is participating in Spark Good Round Up?

Share your organization’s profile page, under "Share this charity's profile", you can copy and share the link via Facebook, Twitter, and email.

As a Walmart.com customer, what ways can I give to a local organization?

You can sign up for Spark Good Round Up to donate your change or donate products to an organization through Spark Good Registry. For Spark Good Round up, you can choose a charitable nonprofit or NCES school that you care about, to round up your purchase total to the nearest dollar at checkout and donate your change to your chosen organization every time you shop online. For Spark Good Registry, you can purchase online and donate needed items listed by the charitable nonprofit or NCES school.

How do I select an organization to round up to or donate products on their Spark Good Registry?

Visit Walmart.com/SparkGood to search and select an organization to round up or purchase items off their Spark Good registry. You can search by name, cause or use the zip code filter. Organizations that signed up for Round Up and/or have set up Spark Good Registry will have the Round Up and/or Registry tag under their names.

Round Up: Once you have selected an organization under Round Up, click “Select this Charity.” In future orders, you will see the “Round up” amount appear when you view the check-out cart. You have to check the box if you wish to round up and donate your change, but you can also leave the box checked if you do not want to donate the round up sum for specific purchase.

Registry: You can click on the organization’s registry and purchase items to donate to the organization. Items will be shipped directly to the organization’s address.

Can I change my organization selection for Round Up?

Yes, you can change your organization selection at any time. Under your account settings, you can change your organization selection for Round Up under Giving & Impact tab.

You can choose from any eligible charitable organization that has enrolled to participate in Round Up or set up a Registry. If you do not see your preferred choice, please share this program with the charitable organization and encourage them to participate in Spark Good programs by starting at Walmart.com/nonprofits.

Are my Round Up donations and Spark Good Registry product donations made on Walmart.com tax deductible?

Yes, 100% of your donations is tax deductible to the extent otherwise allowed by law.

Will I receive any notifications when my Round Up donation or Spark Good Registry donation is received by the organization?

No, you will not receive any notifications for Round Up. You can track the status of your Round Up donations in your account. You will see your total monetary contributions to Spark Good Round Up, as well as a line-by-line account of Round Up donations to individual charitable organizations. When your donations are marked "Completed", your donation has been fully processed and received by the charity.

For purchases made on Spark Good Registry, you will receive delivery notifications when your donation has been delivered to the organization.

Will there be circ*mstances where my selected organization will not receive the Round Up donation?

There may be a rare occurrence where a selected charity does not satisfy Network for Good’s criteria for receiving donations based on its vetting policy or disbursem*nt review policy (e.g. organization is not in good standing with federal or state regulators, or the charity returns the donation for any reason). In this case, Network for Good will direct those donations to United Way Worldwide. You can see all your Round Up donation in your account settings. Any redirected donation will be reflected in the donation history in your Account Settings page under Giving & Impact.

How do I un-enroll from participating in Spark Good Round up?

You can un-enroll at any time. Under your account settings, click on Giving & Impact and turn off the button for Round Up.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5824

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.