FAQ | Basic Attention Token (2024)

Table of Contents
Basics Which blockchains can BAT be used on? What does BAT stand for and what is it? Interested in developing a smart contract that interacts with BAT? Are BATs transferable? Where are BATs traded? What do BATs represent? Where will BAT be used? Why generate a distinct token, as opposed to using Bitcoin? How do I view BAT tokens in my wallet? Which wallets can be used to store BAT? Will I lose my BAT after 6 months? What is the roadmap? I transferred some BAT from one wallet to another and it never arrived. Can you help me? Why is the Domain Administrator based out of Panama? What are the VAT/GST implications of my voluntary contribution? BAT Sale, Distribution and Fund Use What crypto-currencies were accepted during the sale? What is the distribution of tokens? What was the value of BAT sold? Will there be a follow-on sale? What was the sale price at the time of token sale? What is the BAT smart contract address? How will the user growth pool be used? When the token sale was completed, where were the funds (ETH) stored? Brave and BAT Is BAT Hiring? Explain the Brave and BAT products and how they work together. How can a publisher apply to become part of BAT platform that is being integrated into the Brave browser? When will ads in the BAT platform be available to opt-into in the Brave browser? What are some names of publishers that have signed up for Brave and will be transitioned to the BAT once the platform is finished? How does BAT deal with ad fraud? Does the recent SEC bulletin affect BAT? Where can I find the whitepaper? How do I report a security issue? Publishers What should I do in order to transfer funds to my bank account if Uphold is not currently connected to my country's banking system? BAT DeFi How can I use BAT in Brave Wallet and DEX Aggregator?


Which blockchains can BAT be used on?

BAT can be used on Ethereum and Solana blockchains.

What does BAT stand for and what is it?

Basic Attention Token. It is a utility token based on the Ethereum technology that can also be used as a unit of account between advertisers, publishers, and users in a new, blockchain-based digital advertising and services platform. The token is not a digital currency, security or a commodity. We’ve also bridged BAT onto the Solana network, making it an SPL token that users can leverage in the Solana ecosystem. To learn more about how the BAT platform is working with the Brave browser, please see below.

Interested in developing a smart contract that interacts with BAT?

Please read the BAT token contract carefully before you begin implementing a smart contract that interacts with it. You should also read https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-20 and note that tokens do NOT need to implement the items that say “SHOULD” in order to comply with the standard (but must implement items that say “MUST”). In particular, the BAT contract was deployed before the ERC-20 spec was changed to recommend throwing on invalid transfer/transferFrom calls. Instead, it returns false, as was suggested in the spec at the time of BAT’s launch: github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20.

Are BATs transferable? Where are BATs traded?

BAT is a utility token meant for use in the BAT platform. It is transferable. While we are aware that the token is currently being traded on the exchanges listed here and elsewhere, we have not encouraged or facilitated this exchange trading in any way. We provide the foregoing information solely as a means of reducing the inquiries we receive directly.

What do BATs represent?

The utility tokens are intended for use on the BAT platform, a new Blockchain-based digital advertising and services platform. Ownership of the tokens carry no rights other than the right to use them as a means to obtain services on the BAT platform, and to enable usage of and interaction with the platform, if successfully completed and deployed. The tokens do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share or security or equivalent rights, or any right to receive future revenue shares, intellectual property rights or any other form of participation in or relating to the BAT platform, and/or Brave and its affiliates. The tokens are not refundable and are not intended to be a digital currency, security, commodity or any other kind of financial instrument.

Additional information regarding the utility of BAT is available in the terms and conditions.

Where will BAT be used?

We are building the BAT platform to integrate the Brave browser (see below), Brave’s ledger system, as well as a BAT wallet and related blockchain-attested functionality. The utility token is for conducting transactions and obtaining services on the platform. The token will be used, for example, in acquiring ad slots to be filled with privately matched, anonymously confirmed ads.

Given the open-source nature of the project, however, we also envision that as we develop the BAT protocol, third-party developers may come up with new and novel uses for the token.Some of these could include:

  • Other browsers: One obvious use case for the token is for it to be used inside other browsers. This means that the BAT ecosystem will extend out to anyone using any of the current popular browsers.
  • Telegram bot: In messaging apps like Telegram, we foresee the possibility of users being paid in BAT to view one ad.
  • WeChat official account: WeChat has become a robust system of bots, payments, and other solutions. We foresee the creation of different WeChat solutions integrating the the token.
  • Token and Status: The BAT also has attention-based applicability inside the Ethereum-based messaging/payment platforms such as Coinbase’s new Token app and Status app.

These apps must be fraud-resistant if they are to participate.

Why generate a distinct token, as opposed to using Bitcoin?

BAT is not a digital currency, it is a utility token. It can be used as a unit of account between advertisers, publishers, and users on the BAT platform, and can be utilized to directly measure, exchange, and verify attention. Bitcoin would not enable this distinct, in-platform problem solving. Also, an integral part of the token sale was the creation of the BAT user growth pool (UGP) of 300 million tokens, which will be used to incentivize users to join the BAT platform. Finally, using BAT on Ethereum allows for faster scalability than using Bitcoin.

How do I view BAT tokens in my wallet?

You can view BAT token balance in your non-hosted wallet that supports Ethereum and/or Solana.

Which wallets can be used to store BAT?

BAT is a ERC20 token, native to the Ethereum blockchain, and can be stored in ERC20 compatible wallets. We do not recommend a particular product, but some users report storing their BAT using a Ledger Nano S hardware wallet and MyEtherWallet. BAT is also supported cross-chain via bridges, and has holders and utility on Binance BNB Chain, Polygon, Solana and others that support wrapped variations of ERC20 tokens. Brave officially supports Wormhole v2 SPL BAT on Solana, but other variants are likely to emerge on multiple networks and secondary markets.

Will I lose my BAT after 6 months?

The Basic Attention Token (BAT) is built upon the ERC20 token standard. As such, any purchased BAT are not subject to a 6-month “use it or lose it” policy.
In the near future, we will use tokens set aside in the User Growth Pool (UGP) to incentivize users to join the platform. If these tokens are not claimed by recipients within 90 days then they will be returned to the UGP.

What is the roadmap?

The BAT 1.0 Roadmap is available here.

I transferred some BAT from one wallet to another and it never arrived. Can you help me?

We don’t maintain, or have any control over, the wallets where you choose to store your BAT, so we can’t help you directly. However, we suggest that you contact the wallet provider for both the source and destination and ask for their help. In particular, if you have a transaction-identifier (txHash) we suggest you include that in your query.

Why is the Domain Administrator based out of Panama?

“Domain administration is not handled in-house, and has no relevance to project operations.

AdministratorWhoisGuard ProtectedWhoisGuard, Inc.P.O. Box 0823-03411PanamaPanamaPanama Panama+507.8365503 Panama


What are the VAT/GST implications of my voluntary contribution?

At this time Brave does not believe the voluntary contributions are subject to VAT/GST, on the basis that they represent pure donations and are not linked to any benefits being derived by the voluntary contributor or another third party. The Brave browser gives all users exactly the same level of experience, regardless of whether such users are voluntary contributors to publishers.

However, as provided in the Brave Rewards Contributor Terms of Service, you are responsible for determining what, if any, taxes apply to your voluntary contributions. You are also responsible for withholding, collecting, reporting and remitting the correct taxes, if any, to the appropriate tax authorities. You may wish to consult a tax advisor regarding these issues.

BAT Sale, Distribution and Fund Use

What crypto-currencies were accepted during the sale?

Ethereum (ETH).

What is the distribution of tokens?

Onebillion BAT was sold. In addition to the tokens sold, we created a development team pool of 200 million tokens. Finally, we created a user growth pool (UGP) of 300 million BAT.

What was the value of BAT sold? Will there be a follow-on sale?

We sold the equivalent of 156,250 ETH, or 1 billion tokens. We do not plan to have a follow-on BAT sale.

What was the sale price at the time of token sale?

The ICO price on the sale date of May 31, 2017 was 1 ETH to 6,400 BAT.

What is the BAT smart contract address?

We are providing the BAT smart contract address as a matter of information: 0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF. However, the token sale is over so DO NOT send any ETH here or it will be sent back. Also, DO NOT send any BAT or other types of tokens here, it will be lost.

How will the user growth pool be used?

An integral part of the token sale is the creation of a user growth pool of 300 million tokens. These tokens will be used to incentivize users to join the BAT platform. We anticipate that when users download the Brave browser they will be rewarded with tokens. The final number is not yet determined. Potentially, this could prompt tens of millions of users to join.

Once in the system, users will be able to obtain services and gain and spend BAT in a number of different scenarios. Users will be able to use tokens in exchange for premium content from publishers. Users will also be able to donate tokens to publishers. The Brave browser already has a donation system in beta. Publishers could also incentivize users to download their app with BAT. We are confident there are many other services and use cases that will surface as the ecosystem comes to life.

When the token sale was completed, where were the funds (ETH) stored?

We use the standard Ethereum multi-signature wallet to store the ETH paid for the BAT.

Brave and BAT

Is BAT Hiring?

We are actively seeking individuals who share our vision for the future of ad-tech, and the attention market. To view currently-available positions, visit our Jobs page. Applicants are encouraged to apply directly―not by means of a recruiter or other representation.

Explain the Brave and BAT products and how they work together.

BAT is a utility token for a new, blockchain-based digital advertising and services platform. Brave is a privacy-focused, secure web browser that blocks ads and tracking by default.

A Brave feature called Brave Rewards allows people who use Brave to contribute BAT to the sites they visit. When someone turns on Brave Rewards, their browser will tally the time and attention they spend on each site, and divide up that person’s monthly BAT contribution among the sites they visit. Brave Ads will allow people to opt in to earn BAT based on their attention. When someone turns Brave Ads on, their browser will begin learning their preferences in order to show occasional relevant ads as system notifications.

None of this ever reveals someone’s browsing history or preferences. Brave Rewards uses an anonymous contribution system so that nobody can work out who supported which sites — only the totals for each site. Likewise, the information Brave Ads to decide which ads to show stays safely on your device and is never shared with anyone, even Brave. And naturally, both these protocols and the code are open source and available for audit.

Whether you want to earn BAT by seeing ads, or buy tokens directly, you can use them to support the sites you visit, automatically or via direct tipping. And soon, you’ll also be able to use BAT to get access to exclusive premium products and content — all the while supporting the unified Brave and BAT ecosystems.

How can a publisher apply to become part of BAT platform that is being integrated into the Brave browser?

If you are a publisher or content provider interested in joining the BAT platform on Brave, the best way to get going is join the current Brave publisher program here. Then we will transition you onto the Brave BAT platform once it is launched.

When will ads in the BAT platform be available to opt-into in the Brave browser?

Early ad trials are projected to begin this fall. See ourroad mapfor more details regarding ad development and scheduling.

What are some names of publishers that have signed up for Brave and will be transitioned to the BAT once the platform is finished?

Over 150 publishers have joined Brave Rewards.Wikihow,Archive.org, andSmashing Magazinehave given us approval to use their names. Other large name publishers will be added.

How does BAT deal with ad fraud?

We’ve covered the problems with ad fraud in the existing ad model inthis post, but here are just a few ways that BAT deals with ad fraud: the token eliminates third-party traffic sourcing, and the Basic Attention Metrics (BAM) system reduces fraud entry points. The code will be auditable as open source, with attention and engagement verified usingZero-Knowledge Proof(ZKP) protocols. Ads and payouts will be rate limited, and user growth pool token awards distributed over time to make bot operations less desirable.

Does the recent SEC bulletin affect BAT?

We and our counsel at Perkins-Coie are confident that the Basic Attention Token is properly classified as property with utility on the platform we are building, and not a security. We were glad to see the SEC call out utility tokens as unique from security tokens in their report on the DAO token (which was clearly a security, not a utility property). We welcome the SEC’s facts-and-circ*mstances approach and look forward to greater regulatory clarity and care over time.

Where can I find the whitepaper?

You can find the BAT whitepaperhere.

How do I report a security issue?

If you believe you have found a security issue in our product or service, we encourage you to notify us at https://hackerone.com/brave or [email protected].


What should I do in order to transfer funds to my bank account if Uphold is not currently connected to my country's banking system?

We’ve reached out to Uphold for information to help you address this issue.

Uphold is connected to the banking system of many, but not all, countries. Here is current list of countries. Uphold currently supports 34 countries, and Uphold reports that more are on the way.

If your country isn’t on this list, here are some suggestions from Uphold on how to transfer funds from your Uphold account to a bank in your country.

First, please make a request via Uphold to let them know that you’d like them to add support for your country. You can do that by filling out the support request form here. In your request, you should also ask them for a list of exchanges that do serve your country’s banking network.

Next, with that information in hand, you can get an account with such an exchange, get a Bitcoin address for that account, and transfer your funds to that Bitcoin address. From there, you can transfer to your checking account. Note that both Uphold and the exchange you use will employ know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering procedures to verify the origin and destination of your funds.

Unfortunately, there is a downside in terms of fees to this work-around. Here’s an illustrative breakdown of the extra fees so that this process is transparent. Let’s say that you are Canadian, and you determine that the exchange connects to your banking network.

First, Uphold charges a fee to convert from another currency to Bitcoin. According to this schedule, the fee would be $2.99 (the withdrawal via crypto fee) plus 1.05% (the Bitcoin fee, which is higher than the USD fee of 0.65%).

Second, the Bitcoin network will charge a transaction fee.

Third, the destination exchange you select may charge you a fee.

Finally, we would remind you that we are providing the above information for your convenience only, and that you are responsible for complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements when using an exchange as described above.


How can I use BAT in Brave Wallet and DEX Aggregator?

Please check BAT Roadmap 2.0 on how you can use BAT for Brave Wallet and DEX Aggregator

FAQ | Basic Attention Token (1)WhitepaperOn Token VelocityDownload BraveFAQ | Basic Attention Token (4)
FAQ | Basic Attention Token (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.