Extended Hours Trading (2024)

Extended Hours Trading (1)

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Extended hours overview

Schwab offers extended hours trading sessions before and after regular market hours of 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET. Additionally, 24/5 trading of select securities is available exclusively on thinkorswim® platforms.

Pre-market trading session

Orders can be placed between 8:05 p.m. (previous trading day) and 9:25 a.m. ET and will be eligible for execution between 7:00 a.m. and 9:25 a.m. ET.

After-hours trading session

Orders can be placed and are eligible for execution between 4:05 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET.

Overnight trading session

Overnight trading session (EXTO) orders are 24-hour continuous orders that expire at 8 p.m. ET every market day. Overnight trading sessions are available for select securities and exclusively on thinkorswim platforms. This is in addition to pre-market and after-hours trading sessions available on thinkorswim. Learn more about thinkorswim trading.

Potential benefits of extended hours trading


Extended hours trading provides additional access, flexibility, and convenience for you to place trades outside of regular market hours.

Ability to react to news events

Many companies release earnings after the close of the regular session. After-hours traders can immediately place trades to manage their positions without having to wait until the next day's open, potentially missing meaningful price swings.

Potential risks of extended hours trading

Variable or lower liquidity

Because generally fewer shares trade after hours, there can be wide spreads between the bid (the highest price offered by all buyers) and the ask (the lowest price offered by all sellers). Some stocks may simply not trade after hours. In an overnight trading session, low liquidity or volume spikes may occur in either direction.

Uncertain prices

In the regular session, the quotes you see are consolidated and represent the best available prices across all trading venues. In extended hours trading sessions, you may only see prices from one venue, and these may not reflect the prices displayed in other electronic trading systems for the same security. There may also be one or more foreign markets opening or closing at any time during the session, which can have a short-term influence on pricing.

Lack of calculation of index value

For trades of certain index-based products, the underlying index values are not calculated by the broader market in the extended hours trading sessions.

Regular market vs. extended hours sessions for equities

Finding extended hours quotes

  • Regular market hours trading sessions
  • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions
  • Regular market hours trading sessions

    Orders can be placed at any time and will only be valid from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.


  • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

    Orders in extended hours can be placed outside of regular market hours (9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET) and are available for the following times:

    For orders placed on thinkorswim platforms:

    7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET with five-minute closures before and after regular market hours.

    Overnight trading is available 24 hours a day, every market day, by choosing an EXTO order type. EXTO orders expire at 8 p.m. ET each day. For example, an EXTO order placed at 2 a.m. ET Monday morning would be active immediately and remain active from then until 8 p.m. ET Monday night. A trade placed at 9 p.m. ET Monday night would be active immediately and remain active until 8 p.m. ET Tuesday night.

    For orders placed on Schwab.com or Schwab Mobile:

    7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m ET with five-minute closures before and after regular market hours.


    • Regular market hours trading sessions

      Trading occurs on exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq and through a variety of venues, including market makers and other market centers.


    • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

      Similar to regular market sessions, trading occurs on exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq and through a variety of venues, including market makers and other market centers.


      • Regular market hours trading sessions

        Many order types and conditions are accepted, including: market, limit, stop-limit, all-or-none, etc.


      • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

        Only limit orders are accepted.


        • Regular market hours trading sessions

          Many security types are available, including stocks, options, bonds, mutual funds, etc.


        • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

          For pre-market and after-market trading sessions on Schwab.com, there is no maximum quantity on a single order.

          For an overnight trading session, 50,000 shares, or a notional value of $10 million dollars, is the maximum quantity on a single order.


          • Regular market hours trading sessions

            Different timing choices are available, including Day, GTC, IOC, and FOK.


          • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

            Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight session order types are only good for the particular session in which they are placed. Seamless orders that participate in pre-market, regular market, and after-hours trading are available to be placed GTC.

            Note that GTC EXTO must be chosen to place overnight trading in thinkorswim trading platforms.


            • Regular market hours trading sessions

              In general, higher-volume trading activity means more liquidity and a greater likelihood of order execution.


            • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

              Lower volume trading activity may result in lower likelihood of order execution, plus wider spreads and greater price fluctuation.


              • Regular market hours trading sessions

                The quotes you receive are consolidated and represent the best available prices across all trading venues. Market makers work to ensure fair market pricing so that customers get the best available buy or sell prices.


              • Pre-market, after-hours, and overnight trading sessions

                Quotes and fills are not consolidated and represent the current prices available through the market. As a participant in the extended hours trading network, the market may also offer access to prices available in other participating markets but not necessarily all venues open for extended hours trading. Best execution is not guaranteed.


            Finding extended hours quotes

            It's important to note that an extended hours quote is different from a regular market quote. One significant difference is that there is currently no accurate trade volume available for extended hours trading on Schwab.com. Extended hours quotes reflect the best bid and ask orders currently available.

            On Schwab.com, an extended hours quote can be accessed by clients using the Quick Quote feature that appears at the bottom of the page while logged in.

            In thinkorswim, the last trade price is not displayed for an EXTO session, but mark, bid, ask, size, and level-2 quotes are displayed.

            You can view and monitor the securities eligible for overnight trading in thinkorswim using Watchlist. Open the Watchlist menu, select "Public," then select "24 Hour Trading" to load the symbol list.

            Extended Hours Trading (2)

            Frequently asked questions about extended hours trading

            Because of limited trading activity in the extended hours, the difference, or spread, between available buy and sell orders is likely to be greater than during regular market hours. Higher spreads often result in more volatile prices. But remember, when you place an extended hours limit order, although there is no guarantee your order will be filled, you are ensured your limit order price or better if your order is executed. Trading after normal market hours comes with unique and additional risks, such as lower liquidity and higher price volatility. Your order may only be partially executed or not at all.

            Currently, most listed securities are available for extended hours trading through Schwab. However, during any given extended hours session, certain securities may not trade due to a lack of trading interest.

            The overnight trading session in thinkorswim is limited to a select number of securities. You can view and monitor the securities eligible for overnight trading in thinkorswim using Watchlist. Open the Watchlist menu, select "Public," then select "24 Hour Trading" to load the symbol list.

            Both limited trading activity and orders placed ahead of yours may reduce the likelihood of your order being filled. Remember, extended hours orders are only executed when there is a matching buy or sell order in the system. If there is no matching buy or sell order at your limit order price, your order will not be executed. It's important to note that orders filled in an overnight trading session will be immediately visible in thinkorswim, but you may see a delay in viewing them in your Schwab.com transaction history.

            Yes, the extended hours session functions independently from the regular market session. Orders for the regular market can be placed anytime before, during, or after the extended hours sessions. Clients should select the appropriate order timing based on which trading session they want.

            Extended hours trading sessions are completely independent from the regular trading sessions, and you must specify which type of trading session (regular or extended) you intend for your order.

            Equity orders placed during regular hours using "Day + Extended" on Schwab.com will carry over into that day's extended hours session. Stop orders will not be eligible for execution during an extended hours session.

            Extended hours orders must be placed during an extended hours trading session on Schwab.com, Schwab Mobile, thinkorswim, or by calling 800-435-4000 and asking for an extended hours trading representative.

            The overnight trading session is available exclusively on thinkorswim trading platforms. Log in to thinkorswim and select EXT (pre-market and after-market) or EXTO (extended overnight trading) to place an overnight trading session order. Only select securities qualify for an extended hours overnight session. Please make sure to specify EXT or EXTO when placing the order.

            To view all securities eligible for overnight trading, open the Watchlist menu, select "Public," then select "24 Hour Trading" to load the symbol list.

            Please call 800-435-4000 to talk to a trading specialist.

            Additional stock trading resources

            TRADING STOCKS Discover the benefits of trading stocks at Schwab.
            EXTENDED HOURS TRADING Learn about important trading preparation when the markets are closed.
            STOCKS FOR BEGINNERS Explore the potential steps and process of buying stocks.

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Extended Hours Trading (2024)


Extended Hours Trading? ›

Extended trading on Nasdaq.com refers to the Pre-Market activity shown on the site from 4:15 - 9:30 AM (actual trading starts at 4:00 AM EST) every trading day and the After-Hours activity shown on the site from 4:15 - 6:30 PM every trading day (actual trading starts at 4:00 PM EST).

Read On
Can you trade in extended hours? ›

Yes. After-hours trading allows for stocks to be traded after the stock market's regular hours. However, investors should be prepared for their orders to not be filled as quickly (or even at all) due to the lower trading volume during these extended market hours.

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Is extended-hours trading good? ›

In after-hours trading, the trading volume for a stock may spike on the initial release of news but most of the time thins out as the session progresses. The growth of volume generally slows significantly by 6 p.m. So, there is a substantial risk that investors will be trading illiquid stocks after hours.

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What does extended mean in trading? ›

Extended trading (or electronic trading hours) is trading conducted by electronic networks either before or after the trading day of a stock exchange, i.e., pre-market trading or after-hours trading. It tends to be limited in volume than regular trading hours when the exchange is open.

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What are the extended trading hours for the Nasdaq? ›

Extended Hours Trading

For Nasdaq, pre-market trading hours are 4:00 am to 9:30 am, Eastern Time Zone. After hours runs from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Eastern Time Zone.

Find Out More
Is after-hours trading illegal? ›

Who Can Trade After Hours? Individual retail investors and institutional investors alike can trade after hours, as long as their brokerage offers it. There aren't any restrictions on who can trade after hours, although retail investors generally weren't able to trade after hours until mid-1999.

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Can you day trade 2 hours a day? ›

It is planned for 7.30 to 9.30, as you will generally need 2 hours a day to accommodate to the trades rhythm, feel free to adjust. Other common timeframes used are 5.30 to 7.30 and 18.00 to 20.00. Also, this procedure has been designed for American and European markets.

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What are the risks of extended trading hours? ›

If you're seeking to buy or sell securities during extended hours, you might find comparatively fewer counterparties, making it more difficult to execute a trade. As a result, your order may be executed partially or not at all. If it's executed, it might not be at a competitive price compared to regular trading hours.

Explore More
What is the 10 am rule in stock trading? ›

Traders that follow the 10 a.m. rule think a stock's price trajectory is relatively set for the day by the end of that half-hour. For example, if a stock closed at $40 the previous day, opened at $42 the next, and reached $43 by 10 a.m., this would indicate that the stock is likely to remain above $42 by market close.

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Why do stocks spike after hours? ›

Besides low volume, there is also limited liquidity during extended hours, which can lead to increased volatility, larger spreads, and greater price uncertainty. Plus, earning reports are typically announced after regular trading hours which can lead to major price swings.

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Does Robinhood allow after-hours trading? ›

Traditionally, the markets are open from 9:30 AM ET-4 PM ET during regular business days (Monday-Friday, except holidays). But with extended-hours trading and the Robinhood 24 Hour Market, you can execute trades from 8 PM ET Sunday until 8 PM ET Friday, with some restrictions.

Read The Full Story
What is the point of after-hours trading? ›

Convenience: Some traders' schedules prevent them from placing trades and seeing them fill during the normal session. Extended-hours trading gives them an opportunity to check out the current quotes, place a trade, and potentially even have that order fill outside of regular session hours.

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What price do I get if I buy stock after hours? ›

The pre- and after-hours markets function in the same fashion as the regular market in that the shares are traded between parties at an agreed-upon price. In other words, the price you will receive is the price that someone in the after-hours market or pre-market is willing to pay.

Get More Info Here
What does extended hours mean in trading? ›

Extended-hours trading (or electronic trading hours, ETH) is stock trading that happens either before or after the trading day regular trading hours (RTH) of a stock exchange, i.e., pre-market trading or after-hours trading.

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What are the best trading hours for NASDAQ? ›

'There is no "best" time to trade the NASDAQ, but many Europeans like to trade just after it opens at 13.30 GMT since the first hour can be volatile', explains our Senior Financial Analyst, Axel Rudolph.

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Can you see stock prices after hours? ›

Nasdaq provides market information on after hours trading daily from 4:15 p.m. ET to 3:30 p.m. ET on the following day.

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Can you trade while working full-time? ›

This means that even people who have full-time jobs or children at home can trade—it is just a matter of finding the right market and opportunity for you. This is not to say that trading is an easy business; it can be very difficult.

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Is it possible to day trade full-time? ›

Day trading is a skilled career that requires knowledge and expertise in financial investments. Because day trading happens online, this is a career you can pursue on a full-time or part-time basis.

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Is trading time extended? ›

"Currently, there is no plan to extend the timings as SEBI has returned our application as the stock brokers have not given the feedback that SEBI wanted. So, as of now, the extended time frame (plan) is shelved," NSE MD and CEO Ashishkumar Chauhan said in a post-earnings analysts call.

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What stocks can you trade on 24/7? ›

Using 24 Hour Market, people can place limit orders to buy whole shares of the most traded ETFs and individual stocks– such as TSLA, AMZN and AAPL– 24 hours a day, five days a week. 24 Hour Market lets customers invest when they want, on their schedule.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.