Ethics and Compliance (2024)




ESG Reporting


Ethics Compliance

Ethics and Compliance (1)

GRI: 2-23, 2-26, 3-3, 205-2



Published: Apr. 24, 2024

At a Glance

  • Trust is one of Walmart's competitive advantages; our commitment to upholding ethical standards and compliance establishes a culture of integrity and builds trust with our associates, customers, investors, suppliers, and business partners.
  • Walmart's Ethics and Compliance program is based on nine core program foundations designed to keep us consistent and responsive as our business and external environments change.
  • We maintain compliance programs for a broad range of subjects including anti-corruption, antitrust, worker health and safety, and prevention of discrimination and harassment.
  • Relevance to Our Business and Society
  • Walmart's Approach
  • Key Strategies and Progress
  • Challenges
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    Walmart strives to make trust a competitive advantage. Modeling the highest standards of ethics and compliance helps us maintain a culture of integrity, and integrity builds trust in our business.

    Relevance to Our Business and Society

    Businesses with high standards in ethics and compliance ground their decisions in those standards, acting swiftly to identify and address issues in order to mitigate risk and cultivate trust.

    Trust is one of Walmart’s competitive advantages, which is why associates, customers, investors, suppliers, and business partners choose Walmart, because they know we are a business they can trust. With more than 10,500 stores and clubs, 2.1 million associates worldwide, and tens of thousands of suppliers, our actions impact and influence far beyond the walls of our stores, clubs, and offices.

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    Walmart's Approach

    At every level of our company, we work to create a culture that inspires trust among our associates, with our customers, and in the communities we serve. We do this by:

    • Governing our ethics and compliance functions with strong oversight and empowered leadership.
    • Setting foundations for our Ethics and Compliance program that promote a corporate culture of integrity, provide the building blocks for an effective program, and inspire continuous improvement.
    • Building trust through robust compliance programs that reflect the size, complexity, and unique aspects of our business.

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    Key Strategies and Progress

    Ethics and Compliance (2)

    In this section:

    • Governance
    • Ethics and Compliance Program Foundations
    • Walmart Code of Conduct and Standards for Suppliers
    • Effective Compliance Programs


    Walmart’s Ethics and Compliance team is part of our Global Governance organization, led by our EVP of Global Governance, Chief Legal Officer (CLO), and Corporate Secretary. Our Global Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO) holds overall responsibility for Walmart’s Ethics and Compliance program’s structure, implementation, and maintenance. Governance leaders in each Walmart market are charged with designing and executing their compliance programs consistent with our program foundations and ensuring the overall program is operating efficiently and effectively.

    • The Audit Committee of Walmart’s Board of Directors plays a critical and active role in overseeing the company’s Ethics and Compliance program. The CECO reports to the Audit Committee (at least annually) on ethics and compliance matters and is independently empowered to request additional time with the Audit Committee to discuss ethics and compliance issues. As part of its oversight, the Audit Committee periodically holds private conversations with the CECO for candid discussion of ethics and compliance matters.
    • Walmart’s Governance Risk Committee comprises leaders including our CEO, CLO, and other members of executive management at the global level. This committee meets at least quarterly to discuss significant or strategic ethics and compliance matters, enterprise-level risk, and current issues.
    • We also maintain ethics and compliance committees in our international retail markets that meet regularly to discuss issues related to ethics, compliance, and other enterprise-level risks.

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    Ethics and Compliance Program Foundations

    Walmart’s Ethics and Compliance program is risk-based and tailored to address the needs of our global business. We design our program around nine foundations that enable consistency with the ability to adapt to changes in our business and the external environment.1

    Corporate Culture

    Setting the right tone from the top on ethics and compliance is critical, and management is expected to lead by example. Our commitment to integrity permeates all levels of the company by integrating compliance and ethics principles into business operations and performance expectations and recognizing associates who demonstrate integrity.

    To gauge our culture of integrity and identify opportunities to improve, we conduct regular assessments using our Associate Engagement Survey (AES) and other feedback channels. In 2023, AES measured the favorability of associate responses in six areas:

    • I am comfortable expressing my concerns without fear of retaliation.
    • Do you feel pressure to violate the organization’s ethics or the law to achieve business results?
    • I know how to report unethical behavior.
    • My direct supervisor acts ethically and honestly.
    • My direct supervisor has communicated to me expectations around working the right way and complying with laws and company policy.
    • My company responds to issues or concerns raised by associates.

    Results from the AES are shared with leadership across our company and, as needed, they work to develop action plans to address areas for improvement.

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    Walmart Code of Conduct and Standards for Suppliers

    Walmart’s Code of Conduct is our internal policy and external statement of our values, principles and expected behaviors. The Code applies to all associates of Walmart and its subsidiaries and to Walmart’s and its subsidiaries’ Board members, unless otherwise noted, when they are acting in their capacity as directors. The Code is reviewed and updated periodically, with the latest update in 2023.

    The Code makes clear that Walmart associates– at every level of the company – are responsible for upholding our standards and complying with all relevant laws and regulations. It covers expectations for topics including ethical decision-making, conflicts of interest, use of inside information, protection of Walmart’s property, and other foundational ethics and compliance topics. It also includes examples of how associates can put integrity into action, instructs them on when and how to speak up if an ethics question or issue arises, underscores our non-retaliation policy, and explains the consequences for failing to abide by the Code.2 To complement and supplement the Code, Walmart maintains, and regularly updates, issue-specific ethics and compliance policies.

    Walmart associates receive training on the Code during onboarding and regularly thereafter. All required Code of Conduct courses include an acknowledgment that associates must complete before finishing their training. Our Code of Conduct training was completed by approximately 95% of associates who were assigned in FY2024.3

    We also expect our suppliers, vendors, service providers, and other business partners to act with integrity and honor our values. Walmart's Standards for Suppliers set forth our foundational expectations of our suppliers. The Standards apply to all suppliers that sell their products to us for resale or for Walmart’s own use. Suppliers are expected to cascade the requirements outlined in our Standards throughout their supply chains– including raw materials, component or ingredient suppliers, and subcontractors and agents.

    Integrity in Action

    We know that doing the right thing isn't always easy. Through our annual Integrity in Action Awards, Walmart recognizes associates who demonstrate an exceptional level of integrity and courage and who promote our ethical culture in the workplace.

    Ethics and Compliance (3)

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    Effective Compliance Programs

    Our compliance programs are foundational elements of how we build trust in our business. They are risk-based programs that reflect the complexity of our global business and our dedication to doing business the right way. Walmart maintains compliance programs for a broad range of subjects. A few of the subject matters covered by the program include anti-corruption, antitrust, consumer protection, financial services, healthcare, food and product safety, environmental health and safety, and responsible sourcing. Several of these programs are described in more detail below.

    Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination

    Walmart is dedicated to a workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination. We do not tolerate any behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or otherwise offensive work environment based on an individual’s protected status. We also do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who raises a concern about harassment or discrimination. These expectations are set out in our Code of Conduct and in our Global Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy.

    Walmart takes a global approach to discrimination and harassment prevention and process enhancements and requires all salaried members of management to report suspected violations of the Global Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy. Violations of our policy may lead to discipline up to and including termination of employment.

    Walmart’s annual Code of Conduct training addresses discrimination and harassment prevention. Walmart assigns additional discrimination and harassment prevention and sexual harassment prevention training to U.S. based associates. Across our markets, additional trainings and awareness campaigns include tailored harassment and discrimination prevention training modules, messaging from leadership, and informational emails and posters.

    Creating a Safe Place to Work and Shop

    The health and safety of our associates and customers are not just business needs – they tie to our core values. As an ethical and responsible corporate citizen, Walmart is dedicated to preserving the health and safety of our associates and customers, including the goal of compliance with all environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. Walmart’s Global Environmental, Health and Safety Policy (“EHS Policy”) establishes a standard that is intended to ensure we protect human health and the environment while creating a safe workplace. Violations of our EHS Policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Additional detail on Walmart’s commitments and expectations for associates can be found in our Environmental, Health, and Safety Statement.

    Walmart employs a team of safety professionals who are responsible for developing and implementing safety initiatives for the different operational formats within the company. They focus on training, promoting a culture of safety compliance, and monitoring safety compliance. We also contract with an independent third party to conduct risk-based assessments of our U.S. stores and clubs and to monitor the execution of specific elements of our EHS program. More than 31,500 visits were conducted in 2023.

    Training is a key component of our program. In the U.S., new-to-role Walmart store and Sam’s Club associates are required to complete our safety foundations curriculum as well as tailored training that addresses the particular risks within their area. In FY2024, more than 96% of U.S. Walmart store and Sam’s Club associates timely completed their assigned safety training curricula.

    Associates can also access microlearning courses on safety topics, which are available on-demand and provide in-the-moment information in an easily digestible format. Managers and hourly supervisors are required to complete specialized training designed to help them support associates within the facility and maintain a strong safety culture.

    To help ensure a safe working environment for associates, we document and analyze associate incident and injury data. Our most common recordable incident types in the U.S. in FY2023 were4:

    • Fall/Slip/Trip
    • Material Handling
    • Struck by Object
    • Strain/Injury
    • Cut/Puncture/Scrape

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) and Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) are calculations that describe the frequency of incidents per 100 full-time employees per year. The RIR is based on all incidents that resulted in medical treatment beyond first aid; the LTIR only includes incidents that resulted in at least one lost workday. Our significantly lower LTIR compared to RIR indicates that the majority of our recorded incidents were minor in nature.5

    Retail RIR

    Walmart U.S. RIR

    Sam's Club U.S. RIR

    Industry RIR

    Retail LTIR

    Walmart U.S. LTIR

    Sam's Club U.S. LTIR

    Industry LTIR

    Supply Chain RIR

    Walmart U.S. RIR

    Industry RIR

    Supply Chain LTIR

    Walmart U.S. LTIR

    Industry LTIR

    Consistent with our Ethics and Compliance program foundations, Walmart aims for continuous improvement in our EHS program, and we use the data from our incident and injury monitoring to develop new targeted trainings, as well as new or enhanced safety policies, procedures, and practices designed to reduce workplace illness and injury.

    Walmart Safety on the Road

    Walmart operates one of the largest and safest truck fleets in the U.S., with more than 15,000 commercially licensed drivers, more than 13,000 tractors and more than 90,000 trailers. In 2023, Walmart fleet drivers drove more than 1.1 billion safe miles, the equivalent of driving around the Earth 44,000 times.

    In 2023, Walmart was recognized by the American Trucking Association for receiving top ranking in two categories for its 2021 performance:

    • No. 1 in National Industrial Safety: this award, in the General Commodities Truckload Division, is for companies with more than 1,000 employees and is given for the low number of OSHA-classified driver injuries.
    • No. 1 in National Truck Safety: this award, in the General Commodities Truckload/Line-haul Division, is for companies with drivers who cover more than 250 million miles and is based on the low number of accidents for the number of miles driven. Walmart has won the National Truck Safety Award for eight consecutive years and 16 times since 2000.

    For Walmart’s private fleet, safety is our top value, and we maintain focus on reducing injuries and preventable collisions.

    Combating Bribery and Corruption

    Walmart’s stance on bribery and corruption is firm: we compete fairly and honestly everywhere we do business around the world. Our Code of Conduct and Global Anti-Corruption Policy (“A/C Policy”) prohibit bribery in any form: Receiving, offering to pay, paying, promising to pay, or authorizing the payment of money or anything of value to improperly influence any act or decision or to secure any other improper advantage to obtain or retain business is strictly prohibited. The A/C Policy applies to our associates and to third-party intermediaries (TPIs) acting on Walmart’s behalf; our Standards for Suppliers require the same of Walmart’s product suppliers.

    Walmart dedicates significant resources to our Anti-Corruption Program, including:

    • Assigning a Global Anti-Corruption Officer to supplement dedicated Anti-Corruption teams in every Walmart market.
    • Conducting annual Anti-Corruption Program risk assessments, internal monitoring and testing, and TPI audits.
    • Designing system enhancements to globally manage corruption risks, as well as implementing our Anti-Corruption Compliance Program with acquired entities.
    • Training associates globally to identify corruption risks in our activities and report suspected violations of our A/C Policy and procedures. Training assignments and cadence are customized based on role, tenure, and knowledge proficiency. Associates who are more likely to encounter corruption risk touchpoints receive targeted anti-corruption training and awareness. Additionally, associates most likely to interact with government officials or work with TPIs receive live training, unless they demonstrate knowledge proficiency.
    • Assigning tailored training to TPIs based on their risk level. The tailored training addresses the TPIs’ obligations under our Global Anti-Corruption Policy, their duty to report suspected program violations, and whom to contact for guidance.

    Competing Fairly

    Walmart is committed to free and fair competition, which helps enable lower prices, maximize consumer choice, and promote innovation.

    Our Global Antitrust and Competition Law Policy applies across all of Walmart’s businesses. The Policy requires (among other things) that Walmart (1) compete independently; (2) protect competitively sensitive information; and (3) deal with suppliers and other parties in a manner that does not harm competition or consumers.

    Walmart’s Antitrust Center of Expertise (COE) is responsible for advising the company with respect to antitrust matters and for the development and implementation of a strong Global Antitrust Compliance Program. The program is led by a team of global and jurisdiction-specific specialists who identify market-based risks and design comprehensive training, as well as potential controls and monitoring to mitigate relevant risks. The COE works in close partnership with teams across Walmart to ensure that compliance controls, training, and awareness are embedded throughout the company and that the program is continually informed by relevant developments and evolving business activities.

    Walmart trains associates on antitrust topics through our Code of Conduct training. For associates who work in higher-risk business segments, additional detailed antitrust trainings are assigned. The COE also conducts targeted live trainings with teams in higher-risk business segments, both in the U.S. and globally, e.g., our merchandising, marketplace, and sourcing teams.

    Selling Safe Products

    Hundreds of millions of customers depend on Walmart for safe, quality food and products. We have compliance programs designed to deliver end-to-end food and product safety, including through specifications, facility procedures, monitoring and recalls, and withdrawals.

    Read more: Safer, Healthier Products

    Sourcing Responsibly

    Walmart’s supply chain consists of thousands of suppliers globally, many of whom have their own individual supply chains. We hold our suppliers accountable for the responsible operation of their facilities and for safeguarding the well-being of workers in their facilities and supply chains.

    Read more: People in Supply Chains and Human Rights

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    • Laws and regulations differ substantially across the 20 countries where Walmart operates, and they are constantly evolving. This dynamic creates challenges for implementing comprehensive and global programs. Read more about these factors in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K.
    • As Walmart's business expands into new areas, including healthcare and financial services, we face new and unique ethics and compliance challenges, adding more complexity to our overall program framework.
    • The success of our ethics and compliance programs depends, in part, on the engagement, participation, and cooperation of millions of our associates, suppliers, and other business partners.

    1. These foundations are informed by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs framework and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Good Practice Guidance.

    2. Associates may face discipline up to and including termination for a substantiated violation of our Code of Conduct or our ethics and compliance program policies. Other remedial actions may include reduction of associates’ annual cash incentive payment or additional assigned training or counseling.

    3. Completion rate includes active associates as of the end of FY2024.

    4. See the Bureau of Labor Statistics website for industry-wide information on the most common occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work.

    5. Data represents U.S. numbers. Rates subject to adjustments as claims are conciliated and resolved. Industry data for Retail charts is based on NAICS 452311 (45291 in 2018) - Warehouse clubs and supercenters. Industry data for Supply Chain charts is based on NAICS 49311 - General warehousing and storage. Industry data have a one-year lag time and therefore do not appear in this chart for 2023.

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    Ethics and Compliance (2024)


    What does ethics and compliance mean to you? ›

    In the context of corporate governance, compliance means obeying the law. Ethics is the intent to observe the spirit of the law, in other words, it is the expressed intent to do what is right. The aftermath of unethical behavior can be devastating for a company, as we have seen time and time again.

    What is the most important element of an ethics and compliance program? ›

    Both the structural and the substantive policies and procedures are essential to a compliance and ethics program so that the rules to which employees will be held accountable and the method for enforcing the rules are clearly documented.

    Why is ethics more than compliance? ›

    Ethics is proactive, rather than reactive as compliance is. Our personal values system, including our character, values and core principles, guide us when we make decisions. Most people feel a sense of deep personal satisfaction when they make ethical actions and decisions.

    What is the difference between ethics and compliance with law and regulation? ›

    Ethics encompasses a broader spectrum of moral considerations and values that go beyond legal requirements. It addresses questions of right and wrong, fairness, and the impact of actions on individuals and society. Compliance has a narrower focus on adhering to specific standards or regulations.

    What does ethics mean to you in your own words? ›

    Ethics are the principles that guide us to make a positive impact through our decisions and actions. Ethics play an important role not only in our personal lives but also in business. We are all encouraged to make ethical choices and apply ethics in all areas of our lives.

    What is an example of compliance and ethical behavior? ›

    Examples of ethical behaviors in the workplace includes; obeying the company's rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work. These examples of ethical behaviors ensures maximum productivity output at work.

    What are the 7 pillars of compliance? ›

    The Seven Elements
    • Implementing written policies & procedures. All policies can be found in the Policy Library.
    • Governance & oversight. ...
    • Effective training & education.
    • Effective lines of communication. ...
    • Internal auditing & monitoring.
    • Enforcement & disciplinary guidelines.
    • Prompt response.

    What makes effective compliance? ›

    Early Detection and Prevention: An effective compliance program will often include monitoring and reporting mechanisms, and with the right technology this could even be in real-time. This means that organizations can detect any potential issues early, and intervene to fix them before they even become a breach.

    What is code of ethics and compliance? ›

    Compliance-Based Code of Ethics

    For all businesses, laws regulate issues such as hiring and safety standards. Compliance-based codes of ethics not only set guidelines for conduct but also determine penalties for violations. In some industries, including banking, specific laws govern business conduct.

    What are the benefits of ethics and compliance in the workplace? ›

    Employees want to feel safe, secure, encouraged, valued, and respected. We all want that. Fostering an ethical compliance culture enhances all of these elements of a positive, thriving corporate environment and thus improves employee morale. Misconduct declines.

    What does compliance and ethics help in minimizing? ›

    “Compliance is a framework for ensuring an organization and its people comply with laws and regulations that are applicable to it and minimizing the risk of noncompliance,” notes Gerry Zack, CEO of both the Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) and the Health Care Compliance Association (HCAA).

    How can you contribute to culture of ethics and compliance? ›

    How to Cultivate a Culture of Compliance and Ethics
    1. Embody Company Values with Code of Conduct.
    2. Educate Management.
    3. Employ Effective Training Materials.
    4. Evaluate Incentive Programs.
    5. Establish an Anonymous Reporting System.
    Jan 13, 2021

    What is the value of ethics and compliance? ›

    Compliance and ethics program helps an organization ensure adherence to applicable laws, regulations and standards. It also helps create an ethical culture among employees by establishing clear expectations of ethical behavior and providing training and support to ensure those expectations are met.

    What are the goals of ethics and compliance? ›

    The prevailing norms, expectations, and recognised acceptable behaviour form the corporate culture of an organisation. By implementing an ethical code of conduct and compliance with all regulations a part of those norms, the organisation will help promote positive behaviour and integrity among its staff.

    What is the purpose of the ethics and compliance program? ›

    The United States Sentencing Commission defines an effective compliance and ethics program as a program designed to assure compliance with applicable legal requirements with mechanisms to prevent, detect, and correct violations and wrongdoings within an organization.

    What is the objective of ethics and compliance? ›

    Hold employees accountable

    By clearly defining the company's mission, values, and goals – and developing policies such as a written code of conduct to reflect the mission, values, and goals – you are creating an ethical compliance culture.

    Why is ethics and compliance important in healthcare? ›

    Compliance is important in healthcare because complying with the regulations that govern the healthcare industry can help avoid legal risks and penalties for non-compliance, protect the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information, and improve the quality and safety of patient care.

    What is an example of compliance-based ethics? ›

    An example of a compliance-based code of ethics is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which Congress enacted in response to financial misconduct at Enron and Worldcom, as well as the Code of Professional Conduct from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, which focuses on the need for accountants to abide ...

    What does having a strong work ethic mean to you? ›

    Employees with strong work ethics take their work seriously and devote their working hours to going above and beyond what's required of them. Their passion for their job means that they'll complete tasks quickly and to the best of their ability. Higher Quality Employees to Advance.

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    Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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    Name: Pres. Carey Rath

    Birthday: 1997-03-06

    Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

    Phone: +18682428114917

    Job: National Technology Representative

    Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.