Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (2024)

Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (1)Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (2)

Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (3)


Price Prediction

Ethereum, ETH could hit $4431.39 in 2024

Ethereum’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value ETH at $3110.85 in 2024.

Ethereum’s previous All Time High was on 10 November 2021 where ETH was priced at $4878.26.

Ethereum’s price at the same time last week was $3822.37. It has moved by 0.67 % in the past week and is currently at $3888.56. Infact, in the past 24 hours, ETH has dumped by -2.79 %. There is a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and ETH could hit $4870.16 in 2025.

The total circulating supply of Ethereum as of writing this article was $120085821.83 and the marketcap of ETH remains at $466,234,795,326


For some coins with little to no data points and inexistent historical data the model by default will show a positive price prediction. There is no way for our AI bot to decipher whitepaper, tokenomics and team integrity. The coin's price that you are about to see below can fall drastically depending on many factors, so please invest wisely after checking the team and project's whitepaper. This current price prediction is done by a machine crunching numbers and the model is still in the early beta stages. It should strictly not be taken as an investment advice. Although the best engineers are currently tweaking and updating the algorithm, no human has verified the price predicted below, so please use your discretion and make a decision wisely.

ETH price prediction: Key highlights

1. Primary support and resistance levels

  • According to our analysis, the lowest support for ETH was established at$1,551 on the weekly chart.
  • On the flip side, the highest resistance level can likely stand around the$3,970to $4,100range.

2. Market sentiment

  • The current market state on the weekly chart isoverly bullish, indicating an upward trend in prices and investor confidence in ETH.

3. Predictive forecasts

  • Our AI/ML predictive models forecast the average price of ETH to reach approximately$4,800in 2025.
  • In 2032, the model suggests that the average price could soar over$11,000.

Given below is a comprehensive monthly technical analysis of ETH, followed by the coming days of the month, upcoming months, and yearly forecast tables derived from our AI/ML-based predictive models:

ETH technical analysis: More gains lie ahead

Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (4)

ForETH,bulls appeared to be the dominant force, capitalizing on market opportunities. This set the ground for an optimistic Ethereum price prediction in 2024. In March, the price attempted a recovery from its lowest support level at$1,551.

This rally led to the price reaching$2,135 by mid-April. Nonetheless, a rejection followed. The series of declines led the price to fall back to its lowest price floor by mid-August.

Bulls initiated a strongerrally in mid-October, pushing the price over$2,135in December and turning it into a support. For the entire month, buyers strived to defend this support while eyeing the resistance at$2,501.A subsequent test of this level in January triggered a slightpullbackmid-month.

The decline ceased swiftly. Towards the end of the month, upward momentum resumed, overcoming resistance by mid-February. The price continued to ascend, and by March, it had surpassed the$3500 threshold, establishing a new peak resistance at$3973. At the time of writing, the altcoin was trading at$3929.

ETH's latest ascent was marked by an increase in the coin's funding rates acrosscryptocurrency exchanges. The pattern mirrored the precursors to the price surge in 2021, asnoted by aCryptoQuant analyst using a pseudonym. This indicates a robust demand forlong positions and is typically viewed as abullish indicator, suggesting the potential for continued growth in the asset's price.

Further bolstering the optimism around the future of Ethereum is the launch ofMagic Eden on the Ethereum network. Previously one of the most popularnon-fungible token (NFT)marketplaces onSolana (SOL), Magic Eden's expansion to Ethereum is anticipated to enhance the network's appeal and utility, potentially attracting more users and activity to its ecosystem.

The 2024bull run is anticipated to gain further momentum, potentially propelling the price of the coin beyond its current highest resistance level. Such a surge could elevate the price to as high as$4,300 in the short to medium term. ETH can also follow inBitcoin’s (BTC)footsteps and reach its all-time high (ATH) this year. However, as the price trajectory evolves, ETH may encounter significant resistance in the$3,970to $4,100range.

The anticipation of and ongoing discussions about a potential Ethereumexchange-traded fund (ETF)being approved could draw significant attention and investment from both investors and the industry.

This development could act as acatalyst that establishes it as a favored asset on Wall Street after BTC. Predictions from our models indicate that ETH will trade at an average price of$4,800 by next year. The next significant milestone for the coin would be crossing five digits.

The earliest possibility of this happening is in 2030. The models predict that the coin might attain the highest price of around$10,000. Moreover, in 2032, ETH is expected to trade at an average of$11,000.

Conversely, should the market adjust from itsovervaluedstate, ETH could undergo a correction. This pattern might mirror what was observed withBitcoin. A similar downturn for Ethereum could see its price retract to around$3,500, with a morebearish scenario bringing it closer to the$2,500mark.

ETH's 2024 roadmap: Key indicators to watch and trade

  • The trading volume started high but began to decline as the price dropped. A recovery was observed during thebullishphase in mid-October, although it did not reach the levels seen at the beginning of the year.
  • Since mid-February, the volume significantly recovered, coinciding with a priceuptrend. This implied strong investor interest and confidence in the asset.
  • The On-Balance Volume (OBV) ascended between March and May, then descended until October. After this, it has continued to rise, reaching its current value of144.6 million. This value marked the highest recorded over the analyzed time frame. It indicated strongbuying pressure, further strengthening thebullish signal.
  • The Awesome Oscillator (AO) remainedpositive for the most part, except for a minor dip from the end of August until November.
  • Since November, it has continued to rise, with its current value standing at885.75. This suggested that the uptrend was not onlyintact but might also continue for some time.

Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (5)Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (6)

Ethereum Price Prediction

Ethereum has had an eventful 2023. To simplify the latest ETH price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term Ethereum price prediction and long term Ethereum price prediction. As of writing this article, ETH had a trading volume of 27,421,965,768. Ethereum has gone up by 47.45% in the past 30 days.

According to our analysis in the short term, Ethereum price prediction for May 2024 shows the average price of ETH at 3105.42 and the highest possible price for May 2024 would be $3322.79.

Further, according to our analysis in the long term, Ethereum price prediction for September 2024 shows the average price of ETH at 3441.08 and the highest possible price for September 2024 would be $3681.95.

Ethereum's Short Term Price Prediction

DateAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
15 March 2024$3812.39$3545.53$4079.26
16 March 2024$3860.74$3590.49$4131.00
17 March 2024$3908.69$3635.08$4182.29
18 March 2024$3849.65$3580.17$4119.12
23 March 2024$3682.34$3424.58$3940.11
28 March 2024$3516.50$3270.34$3762.65
7 April 2024$3196.44$2972.69$3420.19
May 2024$3105.42$2888.04$3322.79
June 2024$3189.33$2966.08$3412.58
July 2024$3273.25$3044.12$3502.37
August 2024$3357.16$3122.16$3592.16
September 2024$3441.08$3200.20$3681.95
October 2024$3524.99$3278.24$3771.74
November 2024$3608.91$3356.29$3861.53
December 2024$3692.82$3434.33$3951.32

Ethereum price prediction 15 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 15 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3545.53 to $4079.26 and the average price of ETH should be around $3812.39.

Ethereum price prediction 16 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 16 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3590.49 to $4131.00 and the average price of ETH should be around $3860.74.

Ethereum price prediction 17 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 17 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3635.08 to $4182.29 and the average price of ETH should be around $3908.69.

Ethereum price prediction 18 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 18 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3580.17 to $4119.12 and the average price of ETH should be around $3849.65.

Ethereum price prediction 23 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 23 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3424.58 to $3940.11 and the average price of ETH should be around $3682.34.

Ethereum price prediction 28 March 2024: Ethereum's price for 28 March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3270.34 to $3762.65 and the average price of ETH should be around $3516.50.

Ethereum price prediction 7 April 2024: Ethereum's price for 7 April 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2972.69 to $3420.19 and the average price of ETH should be around $3196.44.

Ethereum price prediction May 2024: Ethereum's price for May 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2888.04 to $3322.79 and the average price of ETH should be around $3105.42.

Ethereum price prediction June 2024: Ethereum's price for June 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2966.08 to $3412.58 and the average price of ETH should be around $3189.33.

Ethereum price prediction July 2024: Ethereum's price for July 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3044.12 to $3502.37 and the average price of ETH should be around $3273.25.

Ethereum price prediction August 2024: Ethereum's price for August 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3122.16 to $3592.16 and the average price of ETH should be around $3357.16.

Ethereum price prediction September 2024: Ethereum's price for September 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3200.20 to $3681.95 and the average price of ETH should be around $3441.08.

Ethereum price prediction October 2024: Ethereum's price for October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3278.24 to $3771.74 and the average price of ETH should be around $3524.99.

Ethereum price prediction November 2024: Ethereum's price for November 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3356.29 to $3861.53 and the average price of ETH should be around $3608.91.

Ethereum price prediction December 2024: Ethereum's price for December 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3434.33 to $3951.32 and the average price of ETH should be around $3692.82.

Ethereum's Long Term Price Prediction

Ethereum’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at ETH’s future prospect with regards to price. Ethereum was last seen at $3888.56, with a market cap of $466,234,795,326 and trading volumes of $27,421,965,768. ETH’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.

YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price

Ethereum price prediction 2024: Ethereum's price for 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2954.26 to $4431.39 and the average price of ETH should be around $3692.82.

Ethereum price prediction 2025: Ethereum's price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $3246.77 to $4870.16 and the average price of ETH should be around $4058.47.

Ethereum price prediction 2026: Ethereum's price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $4318.21 to $6477.31 and the average price of ETH should be around $5397.76.

Ethereum price prediction 2027: Ethereum's price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $5743.22 to $8614.82 and the average price of ETH should be around $7179.02.

Ethereum price prediction 2028: Ethereum's price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $7638.48 to $11457.71 and the average price of ETH should be around $9548.10.

Ethereum price prediction 2029: Ethereum's price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $10159.17 to $15238.76 and the average price of ETH should be around $12698.97.

Ethereum price prediction 2030: Ethereum's price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $13511.70 to $20267.55 and the average price of ETH should be around $16889.63.

Ethereum price prediction 2031: Ethereum's price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $17970.56 to $26955.84 and the average price of ETH should be around $22463.20.

Ethereum price prediction 2032: Ethereum's price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $23900.85 to $35851.27 and the average price of ETH should be around $29876.06.

Ethereum price prediction 2033: Ethereum's price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $31788.13 to $47682.19 and the average price of ETH should be around $39735.16.

Ethereum price prediction 2035: Ethereum's price for 2035 according to our analysis should range between $56230.02 to $84345.03 and the average price of ETH should be around $70287.52.

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A Historical look at Ethereum, ETH’s price



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Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (53)


Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (54)

FAQs about Ethereum

What is the price of Ethereum as of today 14 March 2024?

Ethereum’s current price is $3888.56 and witnessed a -2.79% decrease in the past 24 hours. ETH/BTC pair saw a -0.92% decrease in the past 24 hours

Is ETH a good investment?

Investing in Ethereum, ETH will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours Ethereum’s price has witnessed a -2.79% decrease and over the past 30 days Ethereum has increase by 47.45%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

How high can Ethereum’s price go this year in 2024?

According to our latest Ethereum Price prediction for 2024, ETH should vary between $4431.39 and $2954.26. Please keep in mind that the crypto market is very volatile and this Ethereum price prediction does not account for extreme wild swings in price.

How much will the Ethereum be worth in 2024 ?

As per the Ethereum price prediction 2024 model above, ETH’s price for March 2024 should range between $2954.26 to $4431.39 with the average price for March being $3692.82

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2025?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2025 would be $4058.47. This price would however would range from $4870.16 and $3246.77.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2026?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2026 would be $5397.76. This price would however would range from $6477.31 and $4318.21.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2027?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2027 would be $7179.02. This price would however would range from $8614.82 and $5743.22.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2028?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2028 would be $9548.10. This price would however would range from $11457.71 and $7638.48.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2029?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2029 would be $12698.97. This price would however would range from $15238.76 and $10159.17.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2030?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2030 would be $16889.63. This price would however would range from $20267.55 and $13511.70.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2031?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2031 would be $22463.20. This price would however would range from $26955.84 and $17970.56.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2032?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2032 would be $29876.06. This price would however would range from $35851.27 and $23900.85.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2033?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2033 would be $39735.16. This price would however would range from $47682.19 and $31788.13.

How much will Ethereum be worth in 2035?

According to the Ethereum Price Prediction model above, ETH’s price in 2035 would be $70287.52. This price would however would range from $84345.03 and $56230.02.

What was the highest price of Ethereum?

The highest price for Ethereum was recorded in 10 November 2021 during which ETH hit an All Time High of $4878.26

What is the price of 1 Ethereum?

The price of 1 Ethereum according to current market rate is $3888.56

Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030 (2024)


Ethereum Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030? ›

Our most recent Ethereum price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 1.3% and reach $3,050.54 by August 05, 2024.

How much will ETH be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 3,119.27
2026$ 3,275.23
2027$ 3,438.99
2030$ 3,981.07
1 more row

How high will ETH go in 2024? ›

Our most recent Ethereum price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 1.3% and reach $3,050.54 by August 05, 2024.

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2025? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction 2025 by predictive model
ETH predictionMinimumMaximum

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2040? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction 2040 (in INR & USD)

Considering it, our Ethereum price prediction for 2040 lies between $56,840 and $36,750. The average price for 1 ETH in 2050 could be $42,390.

Can Ethereum reach $50,000? ›

Why ETH Rising To $50,000 Is Possible. Crypto investor Jesse Eckel recently made a bullish case for Ethereum, explaining why Ethereum will not only reach but surpass the $50,000 price target. He alluded to VanEck's prediction that Bitcoin can reach $52 million by 2050.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 64,695.71
2026$ 67,930.50
2027$ 71,327.02
2030$ 82,569.94
1 more row

How high can Ethereum realistically go? ›

At the beginning of 2030, the ETH price could reclaim its position of $10,000 and probably be above that level, establishing a robust upward trend. ETH might even bypass this all-time high of around $12,000 and set a new record. But, again, after reaching this peak, a crucial pullback might ensue.

Which crypto will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos of 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Cardano (ADA)$13 billion$0.3847
Avalanche (AVAX)$9.8 billion$25.04
Shiba Inu (SHIB)$9.5 billion$0.00001554
Polkadot$7.7 billion$5.27
6 more rows

How high will Ethereum go in 5 years? ›

The live price of the Ethereum token is $ 3,171.59674227. ETH price could end the trade for July 2024 with a potential high of $3,730. By the end of 2030, the predicted Ethereum price could soar to a peak of $26,575.21.

How much will 1 bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2025

At the beginning of the year, Bitcoin could see strong positive momentum, likely staying above $85,000 with minimal resistance from bearish market forces. By the end of Q2, continued positive trends and limited bearish activity may drive Bitcoin to reach the $100,000 milestone.

How high will Ethereum go in 2050? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction Table
YearAverage Price*Percent Increase
8 more rows

How much dogecoin will be in 2030? ›

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 0.112256
2026$ 0.117868
2027$ 0.123762
2030$ 0.14327
1 more row

Can ETH hit 100k? ›

While Ethereum can hit $100,000 after 2030, it is not realistic to expect ETH to reach 100k before 2030. It's nearly impossible. There is no path for Ethereum to hit 100k before 2030, it's impossible. ETH can realistically hit $10,000 in the coming years, either in 2025 or in 2026.

How much will 1 Ethereum cost in 2027? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 3,226.26
2025$ 3,387.57
2026$ 3,556.95
2027$ 3,734.80
1 more row

How much will 1 bitcoin be worth in 2050? ›

Our digital assets research team outlines their assumptions for a scenario in which bitcoin could reach $2.9 million per coin by 2050, driven by its adoption as a global medium of exchange and a reserve asset.

What will bitcoin be worth in 2040? ›

Based on our long-term Bitcoin Coin price forecast, we anticipated that prices could reach a new all-time high this year. By 2040, the maximum price of the BTC Coin is projected to be around $5,69,240.60. Our average price forecast for Bitcoin is $5,57,632.74 in 2040.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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