Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (2024)

According to MarketCap, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency, with a current value of $2,921.50. Recently, Bitmain, a company that manufactures ASIC chips for crypto-mining, has announced a release of an Application Specific Circuit(ASIC) miner for Ethereum Mining. Thus, indicating to its developers that the Ethereum Mining Industry is going to be doubling down at Proof-of-Work only.

Till today almost 115,708,027 Ethereum has been mined with a trading volume of $29,107,123,138.

If you are interested in Ethereum and Ethereum Mining, then you are in the right place.

In this Ethereum Mining tutorial, you will look into the various concepts and components around Ethereum Mining.

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Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (1)

Introduction to Ethereum

  • Ethereum is defined as a blockchain-based computing platform that enables its developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.
  • Ether is the cryptocurrency for Ethereum, which is used to build decentralized applications, smart contracts, and make standard peer-to-peer payments.
  • Ether acts as fuel for the Ethereum Network. It tracks and facilitates all the transactions in the network.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (2)

Ethereum Coin

Features of Ethereum

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (3)

Now, have a look at the features of Ethereum that make it so different from other cryptocurrencies.

  • Ethereum ensures all the transactions in the Ethereum blockchain are cryptographically more secure.
  • All transactions performed under the Ethereum blockchain are immutable. That is, once the data is written and stored, it cannot change. This makes it more difficult to hack or manipulate.
  • Ethereum has the largest developer community globally, which gives it a tremendous advantage over other protocols.
  • You can instantly connect the applications built on Ethereum to hundreds of different protocols like finance and marketing, known as money legos.

What is Ethereum Mining?

  • In simple words, Ethereum Mining is a process of creating and adding a block of transactions to the blockchain network of Ethereum.
  • Currently, it uses the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism.
  • All transactions taking place in the Ethereum network need to get approved by the miners.
  • Miners use a Hashing Scrypt (Ethash) to solve computationally hard puzzles for successfully mining the blocks of transactions, in the Ethereum Blockchain Network.
  • This process helps secure the network from attacks like hacking or manipulation of identity.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (4)

Ethereum Mining

Why Should You Mine Ethereum?

  • The primary goal for mining Ethereum is to make money.
  • It turns the act of securing the network into a relatively complex, but profitable business.
  • Miners receive a certain amount as a reward for mining each block of the Ethereum Blockchain Network, including the transaction fees paid by the users.

Types of Ethereum Mining

There are three ways of performing Ethereum Mining :

  • Pool Mining
  • Solo Mining
  • Cloud Mining

Pool Mining

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (5)

  • Pool Mining is the easiest and fastest way to get started with Ethereum Mining.
  • Along with other people, you work together in a single pool. And if someone gets the hashcode correctly, they share the reward among everyone in the Pool.
  • Important Factors that you should consider before joining a Pool are:
    • Pool size
    • Minimum Payout
    • Pool fee

Pool size is the factor that determines the number of blocks you find in the Ethereum network and its share rewards. As the number of miners increases, the chances to get rewards also increase.

However, the more people, the smaller your share in the reward.

Minimum Payout is the minimum amount of Ethereum you need to mine before it gets credited to your wallet.

  • Pools with large Minimum Payouts are not beneficial as you will have to wait in the same pool for a longer period before getting your reward.
  • Therefore, pools with small Minimum Payouts are considered to be a safer option. You will get paid frequently without committing your time to a single Pool for too long.

Every pool has a certain amount of Pool fee associated with it. It is the amount you need to pay to continue using the pool. This amount is percentage-based, on the amount of Ethereum you are mining. It mainly varies between 1% to 3%.

Note: It would help more if you went for Pool Mining because you might get a smaller reward, but you will not have to wait for days or weeks to get no reward.

Solo Mining

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (6)

In Ethereum Solo Mining, you will get rewarded only if you solve the puzzle and mine the Ethereum block first.

Note: Here, since you are competing with many people and companies, you have to be very good at your work.

Solo Mining is only profitable when you have plenty of resources with you, like a 100+ Graphics Card. But it has its disadvantages like:

  • Electricity costs - Having so much equipment and other electrical devices like fans and lights may use a lot of electricity, leading to high electricity bills.
  • Space - Space is a real problem because not everyone has a considerable amount of area to set up all the resources and equipment needed for mining Ethereum.

Cloud Mining

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (7)

In Ethereum Cloud Mining, you pay someone else with the equipment to mine Ethereum for you. You pay some amount of money as fees to them for investing their time and resources, and in return, they provide you with the reward they gain by mining Ethereum.

But this technique of mining Ethereum has some pros and cons too.


  • You are not responsible for any equipment damage.
  • You don't have to acquire all the necessary equipment and look for ample space to store it. You can sit back, observe the market and enjoy the reward for your investment in Ethereum Mining.


  • If the Ethereum price drops, then there is no way you are getting your money back. The money you invested, or the fees you paid to the miner, is lost.
  • You can't ask the other person to change their equipment according to your concern.

Ethereum Cloud Mining is considered a safer way for mining service providers to guarantee a profit for the resources they have purchased.

How Does the Mining Process Work?

Ethereum Mining follows a specific set of steps to function.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (8)

  1. A user requests a transaction with the help of the private key of his digital wallet account.
  2. Then the request is shared worldwide with the Ethereum network.
  3. Next, the requested transaction is added to a list of pending transactions that need to be added to the Ethereum blockchain network.
  4. The miner then verifies and validates the requested transaction and performs a complex mathematical puzzle on the transaction data.
  5. Once the requested transaction is verified and it stores a copy of it in EVM, the process of "Proof-of-Work" begins for the respective block.
  6. Then, the nodes of the Ethereum Network verify that the checksum of the state of the miner's block matches the checksum of their updated state of EVM after execution of all transactions.
  7. Only after that, the block is added to the Ethereum Blockchain Network.
  8. On successfully mining the block, it rewards the miner with some amount of Ether in their wallet.
  9. Then the requested transaction is approved and credited to the respective wallet/wallets.

Each transaction is mined only once, but every participant of the Ethereum Network verifies it.

How to Mine Ethereum?

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (9)

Tools you will need to be an efficient miner for Ethereum on your personal computer are :

  • An Ethereum wallet to store all your currency earned.
  • GPU drivers or Graphics Card with a minimum of 3GB RAM.
  • A mining software suitable according to your hardware like GPU.
  • And a compatible operating system (Windows 7 or 10, 64 bit).

Create an Ethereum Wallet

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (10)

Before getting started with mining Ethereum, you need to create an Ethereum Wallet to store all your Ether.

Trezor Model T and Ledger Nano are the most reliable and secure wallets in the market of cryptocurrency.

Installing Your GPU drivers or Graphics Card

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (11)

After creating your digital wallet, you need to update all the hardware, i.e., drives in your system.

You can use two types of Graphics Cards, they are :

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Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (12)

Installing Software for Mining Ethereum

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (13)

Claymore is considered the best software for mining Ethereum on GPU drives.

1. Download the latest version of Claymore dual miner for your operating system. The latest version is Claymore11.0.

2. Click on the latest version for Windows and download the zip file.

3. Extract the files of Claymore v11.0 to a folder on your desktop for easy access.

4. Open the folder to have a look at the files.

5. Right-click on start and then on the edit option.

6. Edit the Start.txt file and add these lines :






EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal -epsw x

7. Choose your desired pool from these recommendations:

Pool Name

Pool Fee

Minimum Payout (ETH)

Pool Address

Pool Size








Very Big








Very Big

You can find better search results than these according to your region.

8. Type in your pool address instead of <Mining Pool Address>.

9. Save your Start.txt file with your new updates.

P.S. - While saving, select type as “All Files.”

10. Once you save, click on the Start.bat file, to begin mining Ethereum.

Will the Proof-of-Stake Transition Kill Ethereum Mining?

  • The newly introduced concept of Ethereum 2.0 roadmaps plans to upgrade to Proof-of-Stake, a consensus algorithm in which it will provide all existing miners of Ethereum Network with a limited time to earn a return for their investment.
  • It is expected to be launched by the end of 2021 or the starting of 2022. It was supposed to be launched by October 2020, but the history of delays regarding this upgrade is worth talking about.
  • Nobody truly knows when Ethereum 2.0 will be completed and introduced to the Crypto-mining world.

Therefore, Proof-of-Work mining is likely to be functional till 2022.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (14)


Is Mining Ethereum Profitable?

  • The profit of any crypto-mining majorly depends on the cost of electricity in that particular area.
  • As a rule, anything below $0.12 per kilowatt consumed in an hour is considered profitable.
  • You can mine Ether and turn it into a vital source of income by analyzing these figures like hashrate of Ethereum, block reward, no. of blocks per day, and the coin price of Ethereum.
  • You can use an Ethereum Calculator to figure out your daily revenue basing it on these factors.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (15)

Ethereum Calculator

  • Or you can use this formula too.

Daily Revenue = (your hashrate * block reward *blocks in a day * coin price) / Total hashrate

The predictions are made that the ETH price can rise and become more stable in the coming few years. So, it is an excellent opportunity to invest in and save in Ethereum.

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In this tutorial, you saw Ethereum Mining, its concepts, types of Ethereum Mining, how you can mine Ethereum, what you need for Ethereum Mining, and if it is profitable to mine Ethereum.

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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, it's evident that Ethereum holds a significant position in the market, currently ranking as the second-largest cryptocurrency with a value of $2,921.50 according to MarketCap. My expertise extends beyond just numbers, delving into recent developments such as Bitmain's announcement of an Application Specific Circuit (ASIC) miner for Ethereum mining. This signals a potential shift towards a doubling down on Proof-of-Work for Ethereum mining, a move that can have far-reaching implications for the industry.

Now, let's break down the key concepts and components mentioned in the article:

Ethereum and Its Features:

  • Definition of Ethereum: Ethereum is a blockchain-based computing platform that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.

  • Ether (ETH): The cryptocurrency for Ethereum, used for building decentralized applications, smart contracts, and peer-to-peer payments.

  • Features of Ethereum:

    • Cryptographically secure transactions.
    • Immutable transactions, making it resistant to hacking or manipulation.
    • Largest global developer community among blockchain platforms.
    • Interconnectivity with various protocols, often referred to as "money legos."

Ethereum Mining:

  • Definition: The process of creating and adding a block of transactions to the Ethereum blockchain using the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism.

  • Mining Process:

    • Miners use a Hashing Scrypt (Ethash) to solve computationally hard puzzles.
    • Transaction approval by miners helps secure the network from attacks.
  • Types of Ethereum Mining:

    • Pool Mining: Miners collaborate in a pool, sharing rewards based on successful hashcode calculations.
    • Solo Mining: Individual miners compete to mine a block independently.
    • Cloud Mining: Outsourcing mining to a service provider for a fee.

Factors for Pool Mining:

  • Pool Size: Determines block rewards, with larger pools increasing chances of rewards but decreasing individual shares.
  • Minimum Payout: The minimum amount needed before receiving rewards.
  • Pool Fee: Percentage-based fee associated with the amount of Ethereum being mined.

Tools for Ethereum Mining:

  • Ethereum Wallet: To store earned Ether.
  • GPU Drivers or Graphics Card: A minimum of 3GB RAM for efficient mining.
  • Mining Software: Claymore dual miner is recommended for GPU mining.

Proof-of-Stake Transition:

  • Ethereum 2.0: A planned upgrade transitioning to Proof-of-Stake, expected to impact mining by limiting returns for existing miners.

Profitability of Ethereum Mining:

  • Cost of Electricity: Major factor influencing profitability, with costs below $0.12 per kilowatt considered profitable.
  • Calculation: Daily revenue can be calculated using hashrate, block reward, daily blocks, and Ethereum price.


  • Mining Profitability: Dependent on electricity costs and market factors.
  • Opportunity: With Ethereum's potential for price stability, investing and saving in Ethereum is considered a favorable opportunity.

In conclusion, this tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of Ethereum, its mining processes, and factors influencing profitability. The industry's evolution, including the transition to Proof-of-Stake, makes it crucial for enthusiasts and miners to stay informed and adapt to emerging trends.

Ethereum Mining: Understanding The Second Largest Cryptocurrency (2024)


Is Ethereum the second largest cryptocurrency? ›

Ethereum (ETH) is the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. Founded by Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood in 2015, today Ethereum's market capitalization represents approximately 20% of the $1.1 trillion global crypto market. There are some distinct differences between Ethereum and the original crypto.

What is ETH mining understanding? ›

Ethereum mining in a nutshell

At its core, Ethereum works very similar to Bitcoin. It's a decentralized ledger that is verified and updated by participants of the Ethereum network. Ethereum is requires mining just like Bitcoin. The only way to update a new block of Ethereum transactions is by mining that block.

How long will it take to mine 1 ETH? ›

The time it takes to mine 1 Ethereum can vary significantly based on several factors, including the hash rate of your mining rig, the current mining difficulty, and luck. However, with a powerful mining rig and favorable conditions, it typically takes several days (up to 60 days) to several weeks to mine 1 Ethereum.

Is mining Ethereum still profitable? ›

As of 2024, mining Ethereum can be profitable, depending on electricity costs and market conditions. An efficient GPU setup includes high-performance models like the NVIDIA RTX 3080 or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT, known for their hash rates and energy efficiency.

What is the second largest crypto currency? ›

10 Largest Cryptocurrencies by Market Capitalization
  • Bitcoin (BTC) Market Cap: $458 billion. ...
  • Ethereum (ETH) Market Cap: $216 billion. ...
  • Tether (USDT) Market Cap: $66 billion. ...
  • USD Coin (USDC) Market Cap: $54 billion. ...
  • Binance Coin (BNB) Market Cap: $52 billion. ...
  • Ripple (XRP) ...
  • Cardano (ADA) ...
  • Binance USD (BUSD)

Why Ethereum will be bigger than Bitcoin? ›

Ethereum has more uses than Bitcoin.

Ethereum is a payments network too, and it's the No. 1 smart contract blockchain. I wrote about how Ethereum smart contracts work over here, but the TL;DR is that they allow developers to build all kinds of decentralized applications (dapps) on Ethereum.

How do Ethereum miners make money? ›

Once a solution was found, the transaction was validated, added to the blockchain, and the successful miner was rewarded with a certain amount of ETH — Ethereum's native token. This reward came in the form of Gas fees, transaction fees, and block rewards.

How much Ethereum can I mine in a day? ›

How much Ethereum can be mined per day? Based the mining hardware inputs provided, 0.01017177 Ethereum can be mined per day with a Ethereum mining hashrate of 750.00 MH/s, a block reward of 2 ETH, and a Ethereum difficulty of 12,741,140,367,843,423.00.

How hard is it to mine Ethereum? ›

Compared to mining Bitcoin, Ethereum mining takes up a lot of electricity and computational power. The difficulty level adjusts itself dynamically to produce one block after every 12 seconds. The mining process for Ethereum uses the Proof-of-work system (POW).

How much does it cost to mine 1 Ethereum? ›

On the other hand, 1 ETH mining cost is around $150 while 1 ETH price is around $1.6K. If we compare 1 BTC with 1 ETH mining cost-to-profit ratio is higher in Ethereum. Bitcoin halving is coming next year as a result mining costs will be doubled.

How many Ethereum are left to mine? ›

Unlike Bitcoin, which has a limited supply, Ethereum has an infinite supply. As of this writing, there are 122.7 million ETH in circulation.

What is the most profitable crypto to mine? ›

This list contains the name of the top most profitable crypto assets and the reasons to invest in them.
  • Bitcoin.
  • Ethereum.
  • Ravencoin.
  • LiteCoin.
  • ECOS.
  • Vertcoin.
  • ZCash.
Jun 7, 2024

Why is Ethereum mining ending? ›

Because Ethereum shifted to proof-of-stake in 2022, you cannot mine ether.

What are the risks of mining Ethereum? ›

Pool mining Ethereum can have risks like pool fees, potential downtime of the pool, and centralization concerns. It's important to choose a reputable mining pool with good security measures and a solid track record to minimize these risks.

Is it better to mine Ethereum or Bitcoin? ›

In Bitcoin, every time a miner adds a block to the blockchain, he is rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins, a rate set in November 2021. In Etherium a miner, or validator, receives a value of 3 ether every time a block is added to the blockchain, and the reward will never be halved.

What is the 3 largest cryptocurrency? ›

Total Cryptocurrency Market Cap: $2,410,410,146,607
RankName (Symbol)Market Cap
1Bitcoin (BTC)1,314,610,341,347
2Ethereum (ETH)414,057,773,664
3Tether USDt (USDT)114,251,554,025
4BNB (BNB)84,718,976,786
77 more rows

Which crypto can overtake Ethereum? ›

Cardano has also been dubbed an "Ethereum killer" because its blockchain is said to be capable of more. That said, Cardano is still in its early stages, with a long way to go regarding DeFi applications.

Which crypto can beat Ethereum? ›

Like Ethereum, Solana is a blockchain that was built with utility in mind. In Solana's case, it's become known for facilitating the easy creation of decentralized applications, or dApps, but the network is actually even faster than Ethereum, has far lower fees and is intended to be more easily scalable than rivals.

How much bigger is Bitcoin than Ethereum? ›

How Does Bitcoin's Price Compare to Ethereum? Bitcoin trades at a premium to ETH, currently ranging from 15 to 20 times the price, though the ratio fluctuated much more significantly in Ethereum's early years. There are two main reasons a single bitcoin holds more value.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.