Escrow | (2024)

Escrow is a feature of the XRP Ledger that allows you to send conditional XRP payments. These conditional payments, called escrows, set aside XRP and deliver it later when certain conditions are met. Conditions to successfully finish an escrow include time-based unlocks and crypto-conditions . Escrows can also be set to expire if not finished in time.

The XRP set aside in an escrow is locked up. No one can use or destroy the XRP until the escrow has been successfully finished or canceled. Before the expiration time, only the intended receiver can get the XRP. After the expiration time, the XRP can only be returned to the sender.


Escrow | (1)

Step 1: To send an escrow, the sender uses an EscrowCreate transaction to lock up some XRP. This transaction defines a finish time, an expiration time, or both. The transaction may also define a crypto-condition that must be fulfilled to finish the escrow. This transaction must define an intended recipient for the XRP; the recipient may be the same as the sender.

Step 2: After this transaction has been processed, the XRP Ledger has an Escrow object that holds the escrowed XRP. This object contains the properties of the escrow as defined by the transaction that created it. If this escrow has a finish time, no one can access the XRP before then.

Step 3: The recipient, or any other XRP Ledger address, sends an EscrowFinish transaction to deliver the XRP. If the correct conditions are met, this destroys the Escrow object in the ledger and credits the XRP to the intended recipient. If the escrow has a crypto-condition, this transaction must include a fulfillment for that condition. If the escrow has an expiration time that has already passed, the EscrowFinish transaction instead fails with the code tecNO_PERMISSION.

Expiration Case

Escrow | (2)

All escrows start the same way, so Steps 1 and 2 are the same as in the successful case.

Step 3a: If the escrow has an expiration time, and it has not been successfully finished before then, the escrow is considered expired. It continues to exist in the XRP Ledger, but can no longer successfully finish. (Expired objects remain in the ledger until a transaction modifies them. Time-based triggers cannot change the ledger contents.)

Step 4a: The sender, or any other XRP Ledger address, sends an EscrowCancel transaction to cancel the expired escrow. This destroys the Escrow object in the ledger and returns the XRP to the sender.


Escrow is designed as a feature to enable the XRP Ledger to be used in the Interledger Protocol and with other smart contracts. The current version has a modest scope to avoid complexity.

  • Escrow only works with XRP, not tokens.
  • Escrow requires sending at least two transactions: one to create the escrow, and one to finish or cancel it. Thus, it may not be financially sensible to escrow payments for very small amounts, because the participants must destroy the transaction cost of the two transactions.
    • When using Crypto-Conditions, the cost of the transaction to finish the escrow is higher than usual.
  • All escrows must be created with a "finish-after" time or a crypto-condition , or both. If the escrow does not have a finish-after time, it must have an expiration time.

    Note: The fix1571 amendment changed the requirements for creating an escrow. Escrows created before that amendment could provide an expiration time with no condition or finish-after time. Anyone can finish such escrows immediately (sending the funds to the intended recipient).

  • None of the time values can be in the past when the escrow-creating transaction executes.

  • Timed releases and expirations are limited to the resolution of XRP Ledger closes. This means that, in practice, times may be rounded to approximately 5 second intervals, depending on exactly when the ledgers close.
  • The only supported crypto-condition type is PREIMAGE-SHA-256.

Escrow provides strong guarantees that are best suited for high-value, low-quantity payments. Payment Channels are better suited for fast, low-value payments. Of course, unconditional Payments are also preferable for many use cases.

State Diagram

The following diagram shows the states an Escrow can progress through:

Escrow | (3)

The diagram shows three different cases for three possible combinations of the escrow's "finish-after" time (FinishAfter field), crypto-condition (Condition field), and expiration time (CancelAfter field):

  • Time-based Escrow (left): With only a finish-after time, the escrow is created in the Held state. After the specified time has passed, it becomes Ready and anyone can finish it. If the escrow has an expiration time and no one finishes it before that time passes, then the escrow becomes Expired. In the expired state, an escrow cannot be finished, and anyone can cancel it. If the escrow does not have a CancelAfter field, it never expires and cannot be canceled.

  • Combination Escrow (center): If the escrow specifies both a crypto-condition (Condition field) and a "finish-after" time (FinishAfter field), the escrow is Held until its finish-after time has passed. Then it becomes Conditionally Ready, and can finish it if they supply the correct fulfillment to the crypto-condition. If the escrow has an expiration time (CancelAfter field), and no one finishes it before that time passes, then the escrow becomes Expired. In the expired state, an escrow cannot be finished, and anyone can cancel it. If the escrow does not have a CancelAfter field, it never expires and cannot be canceled.

  • Conditional Escrow (right): If the escrow specifies a crypto-condition (Condition field) and not a finish-after time, the escrow becomes Conditionally Ready immediately when it is created. During this time, anyone can finish the escrow, but only if they supply the correct fulfillment to the crypto-condition. If no one finishes the escrow before its expiration time (CancelAfter field), the escrow becomes Expired. (An escrow without a finish-after time must have an expiration time.) In the expired state, the escrow can no longer be finished, and anyone can cancel it.

Availability of Escrow

Conditional payments have been enabled by the "Escrow" Amendment to the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol since 2017-03-31. A previous version of the same functionality was available on the XRP Ledger Test Net by the name "Suspended Payments" (SusPay) in 2016.

When testing in stand-alone mode, you can force the Escrow feature to be enabled locally regardless of the amendment status. Add the following stanza to your rippled.cfg:


You can check the status of the Escrow amendment using the feature method.

EscrowFinish Transaction Cost

When using crypto-conditions , the EscrowFinish transaction must pay a higher transaction cost because of the higher processing load involved in verifying the crypto-condition fulfillment.

If the escrow is purely time-locked with no crypto-condition, the EscrowFinish costs only the standard transaction cost for a reference transaction.

The additional transaction cost required is proportional to the size of the fulfillment. Currently, an EscrowFinish with a fulfillment requires a minimum transaction cost of 330 drops of XRP plus 10 drops per 16 bytes in the size of the fulfillment. If the transaction is multi-signed, the cost of multi-signing is added to the cost of the fulfillment.

Note: The above formula is based on the assumption that the reference cost of a transaction is 10 drops of XRP.

If Fee Voting changes the reference_fee value, the formula scales based on the new reference cost. The generalized formula for an EscrowFinish transaction with a fulfillment is as follows:

reference_fee * (signer_count + 33 + (fulfillment_bytes / 16))

Why Escrow?

The age-old practice of Escrow enables many kinds of financial transactions that would be considered risky otherwise, especially online. By letting a trusted third party hold the money while a transaction or evaluation period is underway, both sides can be assured that the other must hold up their end of the bargain.

The Escrow feature takes this idea further by replacing the third party with an automated system built into the XRP Ledger, so that the lock up and release of funds is impartial and can be automated.

Fully automated escrow, backed by the integrity of the XRP Ledger itself, solves important problems for Ripple, and we think there are many other use cases that escrow enables. Ripple encourages the industry to find new and unique ways to put escrow to use.

Use Case: Time-based Lock-Up

Background: Ripple holds a large amount of the total XRP, which it sells methodically as a way to fund and incentivize the healthy development of the XRP Ledger and related technologies. At the same time, owning such a large chunk of XRP causes problems for the company, such as:

  • Individuals and businesses who use the XRP Ledger worry that their investments in XRP could be diluted or devalued if Ripple were to flood the market by selling at a higher rate than usual.
    • Although flooding the market would be a long-term loss for Ripple, the possibility that the company could do so exerts downward pressure over the price of XRP, and thus decreases the value of the company's assets.
  • Ripple must carefully manage ownership of its accounts to protect against digital theft and other forms of malicious behavior, even by insiders.

Solution: By placing 55 billion XRP into time-based escrows, Ripple ensures that the supply of XRP in circulation is predictable and increases at a slow but steady rate. Others who hold XRP know that Ripple cannot flood the market, even if the company's priorities or strategy changes.

Placing the money into escrow does not directly protect Ripple's holdings from malicious actors, but it sharply reduces the amount of XRP that can be quickly stolen or redirected if a malicious actor gains temporary control over Ripple's XRP accounts. This reduces the risk of catastrophic losses of XRP and increases the time for Ripple to detect, prevent, and track down unintended uses of Ripple's XRP assets.

Use Case: Interledger Payments

Background: In the quickly-developing world of financial technology, one of the core challenges is coordinating activities that cross multiple digital money systems, or ledgers. Many proposed solutions to this problem (including early views of the XRP Ledger!) can be reduced to creating "one ledger to rule them all." Ripple believes no single system can meet the needs of everyone in the world: in fact, some desirable features are mutually exclusive. Instead, Ripple believes that an interconnected network of ledgers—an interledger—is the true future of financial technology. The Interledger Protocol defines standards for making as many systems as possible connect securely and smoothly.

The most fundamental principle of inter-ledger payments is conditional transfers. Multi-hop payments have a risk problem: the more hops in the middle, the more places the payment can fail. Interledger solves this with the financial equivalent of a "two-phase commit ", where the two steps are (1) prepare conditional transfers, then (2) fulfill the conditions to execute the transfers. The Interledger project defined a crypto-conditions specification to standardize automated ways to define and verify conditions, and settled on SHA-256 hashes as a "common denominator" of such conditions.

Solution: The Escrow feature makes the XRP Ledger ideal for bridging multi-hop payments using the Interledger Protocol, because it natively supports transfers that deliver XRP based on PREIMAGE-SHA-256 crypto-conditions, and it executes those transfers within seconds of being presented with the matching fulfillment.

See Also

For more information about Escrow in the XRP Ledger, see the following:

For more information on Interledger and how conditional transfers enable secure payments across multiple ledgers, see Interledger Architecture .

For more information on Ripple's 55-billion XRP lock-up, see Ripple's Insights Blog .

Escrow | (2024)


What happens if there isn't enough in escrow? ›

It's also possible to have an escrow deficiency. Unlike an escrow shortage, in which your account may hold money, an escrow deficiency means your account has a negative balance. A deficiency can occur if there's a shortage in your escrow account, and your lender must pay the difference for your tax and insurance bills.

How much XRP is left in escrow? ›

In 2017, Ripple transferred 55 billion tokens out of the 80 billion XRP into an escrow account. As of September 4, 2022, the escrow accounts held 44.6 billion XRP. Tokens in escrow don't make up the circulating supply.

How to lock XRP in escrow? ›

To create an escrow from your connected wallet, open the Escrow page and enter a Finish After date. Please note that neither the sender nor the destination can access the escrowed XRP until after the date you select.

How many XRP left? ›

Despite the decline in its price over the years due to the SEC lawsuit, many are still bullish on the coin. Out of the fixed supply of 100 billion coins, 55.57 billion are currently in circulation. In this article, we discuss those who currently make up the XRP rich list, i.e., those holding the most XRP coins.

Can you fight an escrow shortage? ›

Yes. If your bank determines that there will not be sufficient funds in your mortgage escrow account, it may raise your payment by the amount of the shortage. The bank may offer you the choice to repay the amount in one lump sum or spread the payments over a 12-month period.

Is it better to pay your escrow shortage in full or monthly? ›

By paying your escrow shortage in full, you may have peace of mind that you eliminated the shortage and brought your escrow account back into balance.

Can XRP reach $100? ›

Can XRP reach $100? Reaching a $100 price point would mean a market capitalisation of roughly $5.2 trillion for XRP, considering the current circulating supply of about 52 billion. This would be more than four times larger than the current value of all cryptocurrencies combined.

Can XRP reach $500? ›

Can XRP Reach 500 Dollars? For XRP to achieve a price of $500, it would necessitate an increase of over 1,000 times its current value. While theoretically possible in the dynamic world of digital assets, this scenario faces significant practical hurdles.

Who owns the XRP in escrow? ›

On the ledger, an “Escrow” entry has a source account, a destination account, and an XRP amount. It is considered owned by the account that created it and increases the required XRP reserve for that account until it is completed or cancelled.

How do I get my money out of XRP? ›

XRP withdrawal
  1. Navigate to your Wallet and click the Withdraw button.
  2. Select XRP wallet in the “Withdraw from” field.
  3. Select withdrawal address or add a new withdrawal address. ...
  4. Enter the amount of XRP you wish to withdraw.
  5. Click Review withdraw button.
  6. A confirmation screen will pop up.

Can XRP freeze your account? ›

It is a common misconception that Ripple or others can freeze XRP, similar to how centralized services like PayPal can suspend your account and prevent you from accessing your funds. In reality, while the XRP Ledger does have a freeze feature, it can only be used on issued tokens, not on XRP. No one can freeze XRP.

Will Ripple burn XRP in escrow? ›

Schwartz detailed Ripple's ability to achieve the effect of burning escrows by "blackholing" the associated accounts. He explained that Ripple could unilaterally enact measures to prevent XRP from these escrows entering circulation by effectively rendering the associated accounts inaccessible.

Will XRP Make Me a Millionaire? ›

But for XRP to turn a $10,000 investment into over $1 million, it would need to generate a 100-bagger gain. Even the most bullish forecasts fall short of those expectations.

Will ripple XRP reach $1000? ›

At a $1,000 price, the market would need to move 1 billion XRP tokens to account for a $1 trillion volume and 20 billion tokens for a $20 trillion volume. For XRP to clinch a $1,000 price, it would need to skyrocket by a massive 188,543% from its current value of $0.5301.

What is the highest XRP can reach? ›

With most XRP future Ripple price predictions however, It's generally expected that Ripple should be worth more in 2024 than it is now, with some pundits suggesting that it could be worth as high as a maximum price of $4. Some are a little bit more modest, expecting closer to $1.

Is it normal for escrow to increase every year? ›

Escrow payments usually go up due to increasing insurance costs or taxes. If you opt to add an escrow account later in your mortgage term, it may involve additional fees to set up and manage the account. Fortunately, the cost to set up and manage the account shouldn't exceed one-sixth of your annual escrow payments.

What is the lowest required escrow balance? ›

The minimum balance in your escrow account may be equal up to two months of escrow payments. Your lender may require a cushion that cannot exceed two months of escrow payments for the year. What is a yearly escrow analysis? Typically, a yearly escrow analysis is provided by your servicer.

What happens if escrow falls through? ›

If a property falls out of escrow, it doesn't always mean that the deal cannot be made. Sometimes it just means the process will take longer and additional information is required to pursue the deal. In a perfect world, escrow can complete without a hitch.

Can I pay my escrow shortage online? ›

To avoid your shortage being added to and spread across your future monthly escrow payments, you can pay off the shortage if your account is current. The simplest way to do this is through your online account, although you may use other payment methods or call us at 855-218-3690 for assistance.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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