Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (2024)


Jun 28, 2024

Will M.

7min Read

Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (1)

Error 404 not found is one of the most common issues you may encounter while browsing. This HTTP status code means the requested page can’t be found on the website server. It may indicate a flaw with a hosting service or your domain name system (DNS) configuration settings.

Encountering this error may leave a negative impression on your website visitors. It can also negatively impact search engine optimization (SEO) and your website’s ranking as it hinders search engines’ ability to crawl your website properly.

Fortunately, since it is mainly a client-side issue, it is relatively easy for website owners to fix the 404 error. This article will explain five effective methods to fix error 404 and discuss its possible causes.

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Error code Connection refused
Error typeNetwork communication protocol error
Error causesNetwork problem
Incorrect SSH installation
Wrong credentials
Security system configuration

What Is Error 404?

Error 404 is a client-side issue indicating the requested URL can’t be found on the server. It may occur because of several reasons, such as the domain is not pointed correctly, a broken .htaccess file, or misconfigured file permissions.

Error 404: How to Fix 404 Page Not Found Error – Video Tutorial

Find out how to fix the 404 error on a WordPress website.

Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (2)

Subscribe For more educational videos! Hostinger Academy

5 Ways to Resolve 404 Errors

Sometimes, it only takes a quick fix to solve error 404 not found. Therefore, we recommend trying these simple steps before exploring other methods to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Restart your browser. Try closing the current window and opening a new one. It is as simple as that.
  2. Clear cache. Remove your browser data and history. Check whether the error persists.
  3. Double-check for mistyped characters. Recheck the URL to ensure you entered the correct website address in the search bar.
  4. Use another device. Access the website using another web browser or machine. If it works, try clearing the previous device’s cache and cookies one more time.
  5. Switch to the Incognito window. This mode doesn’t retain cache and cookies, so it will display a renewed web page version.

We also recommend performing the following actions:

  1. Check external links regularly. Ensure there are no broken links on your website.
  2. Regular 404 error audit. Scan for dead-end pages using the Google Search Console.

If the 404 error persists, your website may have an underlying issue. The following section will explain five methods to fix the error message – using Hostinger AI Troubleshooter, checking the DNS settings, updating file permissions, disabling the .htaccess code, and restoring a backup file.

1. Use Hostinger AI Troubleshooter

Since there are many possible causes of the 404 error, it’s easier to fix it by troubleshooting and finding the root cause first. If you host a WordPress site on Hostinger, use the AI Troubleshooter to find the error cause quickly. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Open your hPanel and navigate to WordPress → AI Troubleshooter (beta).
  2. The tool will automatically scan for errors on your site. If the 404 error is detected, it will tell you when the error occurred and start checking the server, error logs, and website files.
  3. Once finished, it will suggest the action to take. Depending on the root cause, the AI Troubleshooter can fix it for you. In this case, click the Fix my website button to let the AI Troubleshooter perform the fix for you.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (4)
  1. After the AI finishes the fix, visit your site to check if the error is resolved. If not, you can click the Try another solution button to let the AI work out another solution.

2. Make Sure the Domain Is Pointing To Your Hosting

If the domain is still propagating, you may encounter a 404 error page. To solve it, you will need to wait until the propagation is complete. Usually, it takes a maximum of 24 hours until the DNS resolves.

Additionally, the 404 error can be caused by misconfigured DNS settings. You may have pointed the domain to an incorrect nameserver or a wrong IP address through an A record. Therefore, you need to check if the domain is pointed correctly to solve this issue.

There are two methods to connect a domain to your hosting – using nameservers or the IP address via an A record.

Here’s how to check your Hostinger nameservers and IP address:

  1. Log in to your Hostinger account.
  2. On hPanel, go to the Hosting tab.
  3. Choose the hosting plan and click Manage.
  4. On your Hosting Account panel, you will find the Hostinger nameservers and your IP address on the left sidebar.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (5)

There are plenty of online tools to check which DNS server your domain is pointed to, such as DNS Checker, DNSMap, and

3. Fix File Permissions

If error 404 still occurs, we recommend fixing file permissions.

When you use web hosting, the server manages your files and sends them to the browser so it can load the site.

File and folder permissions let the server know who can run, read, or edit the data on the hosting account. However, if the values are misconfigured, the web page may show a 404 error.

Therefore, you will need to modify the file permissions to solve this issue. If you’re a Hostinger user, the default values are 644 for files and 755 for folders.

Here’s how to fix file permissions on hPanel:

  1. Log in to your Hostinger account.
  2. On hPanel, go to the Hosting tab.
  3. Select the hosting plan and click Manage.
  4. On the Hosting Account panel, scroll down to Other and choose Fix File Ownership.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (6)
  1. Tick the box to confirm that you want to set the file permissions to default. Click Execute.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (7)
  1. If you want to set the file permissions to specific values, go to the File Manager menu.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (8)
  1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to modify and select Permissions.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (9)
  1. Tick the boxes to modify accesses. The values will automatically update upon choosing the permissions. Click on Update to save your changes.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (10)

In most cases, this should solve the 404 page not found error. However, if you still encounter the issue, proceed to the following step.

4. Disable the .htaccess File

URL redirections, access control, website security, and performance are managed by a directory-level configuration file called .htaccess or Hypertext Access.

As an essential part of a website, .htaccess is located inside the public_html directory alongside other critical data. However, it can become corrupt for several reasons, such as incompatible plugins and wrong configuration.

A broken .htaccess may disrupt a website’s appearance and cause a 404 error page. To fix this problem, disable and replace it with a new one.

Here’s how to disable .htaccess:

  1. Log in to the Hostinger account.
  2. On hPanel, click the Hosting tab.
  3. Choose the hosting plan and select Manage.
  4. In the Hosting Account panel, click File Manager.
  5. Double-click the public_html folder to enter the directory.
  6. Right-click on .htaccess and choose Rename.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (11)
  1. Simply add any additional character to the file name to disable the file. Click Rename to save the changes.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (12)

Next, here’s how to create a new .htaccess:

  1. In File Manager, click New File in the upper menu.
  2. Enter .htaccess as the file name.
  3. Copy and paste the following code within the file. Alternatively, generate the proper code using a .htaccess generator.
# BEGIN WordPress<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</IfModule># END WordPress
  1. Click Create to save your changes.

If you can access the website after disabling and creating a new .htaccess file, it was probably causing the 404 page not found error.

5. Restore Backup

404 error messages may occur when internet users come from external links from other sites that redirect them to deleted web pages. To solve this issue, restore the site backup.

Note that this method only works if certain website pages are broken or show a 404 error.

Here’s how to restore a website backup in Hostinger:

  1. Log in to your Hostinger account.
  2. On hPanel, go to the Hosting tab.
  3. Select the hosting plan and choose Manage.
  4. In the Hosting Account panel, click Backups.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (13)
  1. Under the Files backups option, click Select.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (14)
  1. Choose a preferred backup date.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (15)
  1. Click the Next Step button to prepare the backup file.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (16)
  1. Choose the files you want to back up.
Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (17)
  1. If you want to restore the backup directly, click Restore files.
  2. If you want to download the backup and restore it manually, select Download all files.

Pro Tip

Learn how to restore your WordPress site easily with our step-by-step restore guide.

What Causes the 404 Error Not Found Message?

The 404 error not found means the browser has connected and sent the request to the web server. However, the latter can’t find the requested resource. As a result, the browser can’t load the web page, showing a 404 error.

Many factors can cause error 404 not found, including:

  • Moved or deleted page. Sometimes, the page’s content may have been deleted or moved without fixing the broken link.
  • Mistyped URL. The page link is typed incorrectly into the browser’s address bar. In other words, you’re using the wrong URL to access the page.
  • DNS settings issue. Either the domain is still propagating or pointing to a wrong DNS address.
  • Caching problems. The browser may cache the 404 error page instead of the actual content. Therefore, you keep seeing the error even when the website works for everyone else.
  • Missing asset. Usually, any missing asset, such as an image, CSS, or JavaScript file, can generate a 404 error.

A 404 error can occur in any web browser. The error code may look slightly different depending on which one you use.

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox shows a straightforward message by displaying a 404 Not Found page with a description saying, “The resource requested could not be found on this server!”.

Google Chrome

If you come across a 404 error page on Chrome, the browser shows a descriptive message under the HTTP status code.


When a 404 error occurs on Opera, the browser displays the description of the status page on the upper part of the page.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge shows the HTTP Error 400 message and a description saying, “The request URL is invalid.”

Many websites display custom 404 not found errors. While it isn’t strictly necessary, it helps explain to the visitors that the website works, but the page they’re looking for cannot be found.

Learn How to Solve Other Error Messages

How to Fix a 400 Bad Request Error
How to Fix 401 Error

How to Fix 413 Request Entity Too Large
How to Fix 429 Too Many Requests Error Code
Ways to Fix HTTP Error 431
How to Fix “Your Connection Is Not Private” Error


404 not found is an HTTP status code error that indicates the specific page you are trying to visit is non-existent.

Usually, it occurs when the domain points to an incorrect DNS address, files or folders have misconfigured permissions, or the system runs a corrupt .htaccess file.

When the 404 error appears, it is critical to solve the issue immediately. Do one of these methods to fix it:

  1. Use Hostinger AI Troubleshooter
  2. Ensure the domain points to the web host
  3. Fix file permissions
  4. Disable the broken .htaccess file
  5. Restore the website backup file

We hope this article has helped you fix the 404 not found error. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Error 404 FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about error 404.

How Can I Prevent Error 404 Messages?

Ensure that all internal links on your website are functioning correctly and that all external links are up-to-date to prevent error 404 messages. You can also set up redirects for pages that have been moved or deleted.

Can You Bypass a 404 Error?

No, you cannot bypass a 404 error, as it is a response from the server indicating that the requested page cannot be found. However, you can set up a redirect to a different page on your website or use a custom 404 page to provide helpful information to visitors.

Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (22)

The author

Will M.

Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he's not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.

More from Will M.

Error 404 Not Found: 5 Ways to Fix It (2024)


How do I fix error 404 not found? ›

8 tips for fixing 404 errors as a web user
  1. Refresh the page. ...
  2. Check the URL. ...
  3. Check the directory levels. ...
  4. Search the website. ...
  5. Use a search engine. ...
  6. Try to access the webpage from a different device. ...
  7. Clear your cache and delete cookies. ...
  8. Contact the website administrator.
Feb 13, 2024

What are two main causes of the 404 error message? ›

404 error codes are generated when a user attempts to access a webpage that does not exist, has been moved, or has a dead or broken link. The 404 error code is one of the most frequent errors a web user encounters.

How do I get rid of Google 404 error? ›

Redirect or Fix URLs: Once you've confirmed the existence of 404 error pages, you have two primary options: redirect or fix the URLs. If the content previously existed but has been moved or deleted, consider setting up 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines to relevant pages.

How to fix 404 error in Chrome? ›

Therefore, we recommend trying these simple steps before exploring other methods to troubleshoot the issue:
  1. Restart your browser. Try closing the current window and opening a new one. ...
  2. Clear cache. ...
  3. Double-check for mistyped characters. ...
  4. Use another device. ...
  5. Switch to the Incognito window.
Jun 28, 2024

Does 404 error mean I was blocked? ›

404 errors: These occur when a page can't be found. This can happen if the page has been deleted or if the URL has been typed incorrectly. 400 errors: These indicate that the server is unable to process the request. This can happen if the website is down for maintenance or if there is an error in the code.

Is Error 404 My fault? ›

An HTTP error 404 occurs when the web server cannot find a resource (like a webpage) at a certain URL. This can happen if: The user has used the wrong page URL, e.g., by making a typo in it. The website owner has deleted the resource and it's no longer available on the server.

How to get rid of 404? ›

Let's dive into the six most common ways to resolve 404 error codes.
  1. Check your browser. Sometimes, 404 error codes are caused by issues on your device rather than problems with your website. ...
  2. Set up 301 redirects. ...
  3. Disable plugins and themes. ...
  4. Fix file permissions. ...
  5. Configure . ...
  6. Check the domain and DNS settings.
Jan 15, 2024

What is the most common error 404? ›

A 404 error happens when you try to access a resource on a web server (usually a web page) that doesn't exist. Some reasons for this can be a broken link, a mistyped URL, or that the webmaster has moved the requested page somewhere else (or deleted it).

Who is responsible for 404 error? ›

Understanding the Error 404 Not Found

This error occurs when a web page that the user is trying to access cannot be found on the server. The server responds to the request with a 404 status code, indicating that the requested resource is not available.

Do 404 errors go away? ›

Some 404s you want to fade and naturally go away on their own because it's a signal to Google that the page is dead. Google's Susan Moskwa commented that Google will stop looking at pages that result in 404s over time: After seeing that a URL repeatedly 404s, we stop crawling it.

Is Error 404 permanent? ›

Links that lead to a 404 page are often called broken or dead links and can be subject to link rot. A 404 status code only indicates that the resource is missing without indicating if this is temporary or permanent. If a resource is permanently removed, servers should send the 410 Gone status instead.

How do I change my 404 error? ›

To customize your 404 page for customers and SEO, here are some best practices:
  1. Go to your Online store -> Actions -> Edit Languages.
  2. In the Filter translations search bar, type "404".
  3. Under the Errors section, click on "404 Not Found Page". Edit the content of the 404 page to your liking using the rich text editor.
Mar 15, 2023

How do I get around a 404 error? ›

No, you cannot bypass a 404 error, as it is a response from the server indicating that the requested page cannot be found. However, you can set up a redirect to a different page on your website or use a custom 404 page to provide helpful information to visitors.

How to avoid 404 error? ›

Start by refreshing the page and double-checking the URL (typos are more common than you think). If you're still getting a 404 error, try accessing the link on another device. If you can see the page, the problem may be with your computer's cache.

What is the solution for 404 error? ›

1. Refresh the window or Clear the Cache. You can try refreshing the webpage because sometimes a 404 error can be due to some glitches. You can also try to clear the web browser cache to fix the 404 error.

What is 404 reason error? ›

The HTTP 404 Not Found client error response status code indicates that the server cannot find the requested resource. Links that lead to a 404 page are often called broken or dead links and can be subject to link rot.

How to fix not found the requested URL was not found on this server? ›

Five Ways To Fix 'Error 404: The Requested URL Was Not Found On This Server'
  1. #1. Reload The Page.
  2. #2. Clear Browser Cache.
  3. #3. Update Your Site's Permalinks.
  4. #4. Set Up 301 Redirects For Moved or Renamed Content.
  5. #5. Disable The '.htaccess' File.
Dec 1, 2023

What do I put on a 404 error page? ›

So, when designing a 404 page, there are a few simple tips you should keep in mind:
  1. Keep it simple. ...
  2. Use humor or creative design. ...
  3. Use branding elements. ...
  4. Include a search bar. ...
  5. Provide helpful links. ...
  6. Redirect to the homepage. ...
  7. Redirect to the most relevant page. ...
  8. Set up 301 redirects.

How to fix 404 links? ›

404 errors can also happen when URLs are changed. If you change the URL on a page, the old URL will return a not-found 404 error. Not-found errors caused by changed URLs are usually easy to fix by adding a redirect from the old URL to the new URL.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.