Equity Financing: What It Is, How It Works, Pros and Cons (2024)

What Is Equity Financing?

Equity financing is the process of raising capital through the sale of shares. Companies raise money because they might have a short-term need to pay bills or need funds for a long-term project that promotes growth. By selling shares, a business effectively sells ownership of its company in return for cash.

Equity financing comes from a variety of sources. For example, an entrepreneur's friends and family, professional investors, or an initial public offering (IPO) may provide needed capital.

An IPO is a process that private companies undergo to offer shares of their businessto the public in a new stock issuance. Public share issuance allows a company to raise capital from public investors.Industry giants, such as Google and Meta (formerly Facebook), raised billions in capital through IPOs.

While the term equity financing refers to the financingof public companies listed on an exchange, the term also applies to private company financing.

Key Takeaways

  • Equity financing is used when companies need cash.
  • It is typical for businesses to use equity financing several times as they become mature companies.
  • There are two methods of equity financing: the private placement of stock with investors and public stock offerings.
  • Equity financing differs from debt financing: the first involves selling a portion of equity in a company, while the latter involves borrowing money.
  • National and local governments closely monitor equity financing to ensure it's done according to regulations.

How Equity Financing Works

Equity financing involves the sale of common stock and other equity or quasi-equity instruments such as preferred stock, convertible preferred stock, and equity units that include common shares and warrants. This action can affect existing shareholders and impact the ability to reach new shareholders.

A startup that grows into a successful company will have several rounds of equity financing as it evolves. Since a startup typically attracts different types of investors at various stages of its evolution, it may use other equity instruments for its financing needs.

For example, angel investors and venture capitalists—generally the first investors in a startup—favor convertible preferred shares rather than common stock in exchange for funding new companies because the former have more significant upside potential and some downside protection.

Once a company has grown large enough to consider going public, it may consider selling common stock to institutional and retail investors.

Later, if the company needs additional capital, it may choose secondary equity financing options,such as a rights offering or an offering of equity units that includes warrants as a sweetener.

Equity financing is distinct from debt financing. With debt financing, a company assumes a loan and pays back the loan over time with interest. Equity financing involves selling ownership shares in return for funds.

Types of Equity Financing

Individual Investors

These are often friends, family members, and colleagues of business owners. Individual investors usually have less money to invest, so more are needed to reach financing goals. These investors may have no relevant industry experience, business skills, or guidance to contribute to a business.

Angel Investors

Often, these are wealthy individuals or groups interested in funding businesses they believe will provide attractive returns. Angel investors can invest substantial amounts and provide needed insight, connections, and advice due to their industry experience. Typically, angels invest in the early stage of a business's development.

Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists are individuals or firms capable of making substantial investments in businesses that they view as having very high and rapid growth potential, competitive advantages, and solid prospects for success. They usually demand a noteworthy share of ownership in a business for their financial investment, resources, and connections. In fact, they may insist on significant involvement in managing a company's planning, operations, and daily activities to protect their investment. Venture capitalists typically get involved early and exit at the IPO stage, where they can reap enormous profits.

Initial Public Offerings

A more well-established business can raise funds through IPOs, selling company stock shares to the public. Due to the expense, time, and effort that IPOs require, this type of equity financing occurs in a later stage of development after the company has grown. Investors in IPOs expect less control than venture capitalists and angel investors.


Crowdfunding involves individual investors investing small amounts via an online platform (such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfundr) to help a company reach particular financial goals. Such investors often share a common belief in the company's mission and goals.

Equity Financing vs. Debt Financing

Businesses typically have two options for financing when they want to raise capital for business needs: equity financing and debt financing. Debt financing involves borrowing money. Equity financing involves selling a portion of equity in the company. While there are distinct advantages to both types of financing, most companies use a combination of equity and debt financing.

No Ownership Issues With Debt

The most common form of debt financing is a loan. Unlike equity financing, which carries no repayment obligation, debt financing requires a company to pay back the money it receives, plus interest. However, an advantage of a loan (and debt financing, in general) is that it does not require a company to give up a portion of its ownership to shareholders.

With debt financing, the lender has no control over the business's operations. Once you pay back the loan, your relationship with the lender ends. Companies that elect to raise capital by selling stock to investors must share their profits and consult with these investors when they make decisions that impact the entire company.

Operational and Expense Differences

Debt financing can also restrict a company's operations, limiting its ability to take advantage of opportunities outside of its core business. In general, companies want a relatively low debt-to-equity ratio. Creditors look more favorably on such a metric and may allow additional debt financing in the future if a pressing need arises.

Finally, interest paid on loans is tax deductible as a business expense. Loan payments make forecasting for future expenses easy because the amount does not fluctuate.

Factors to Consider

When deciding whether to seek debt or equity financing, companies usually consider these three factors:

  • What source of funding is most easily accessible for the company?
  • What is the company's cash flow?
  • How important is it for principal owners to maintain complete control of the company?

If a company has given investors apercentage of their company through the sale of equity, the only way to remove them (and their stake in the business) is to repurchase their shares, a process called a buy-out. However, repurchasing the shares will likely cost more than you received when you issued them.

Reasons to Choose Equity Financing

You're a Startup

Businesses in their early stages can be of particular interest to angel investors and venture capitalists. That's because of the high return potential they may see due to their experience and skills.

Established Lending Sources Ignore You

Equity financing is a solution when established financing methods aren't available due to the nature of the business. For example, traditional lenders such as banks often won't extend loans to companies they consider too significant a risk because of an owner's lack of business experience or an unproven business concept.

You Don't Want to Incur Debt

With equity financing, you don't add to your existing debt load and don't have a payment obligation. Investors assume the risk of investment loss.

You Get Guidance From Experts

Equity financing delivers more than money. Depending on the source of the funds, you may also receive and benefit from the valuable resources, guidance, skills, and experience of investors who want you to succeed.

Your Goal Is the Sale of Your Company

Equity financing can raise the substantial capital you may need to promote rapid and greater growth, making your company attractive to buyers and a sale possible.

Pros and Cons of Equity Financing

While equity financing has benefits, there are some disadvantages to being funded this way.

Pros of Equity Financing

  • No obligation to repay the money

  • No additional financial burden on the company

  • Large investors can provide a wealth of business expertise, resources, guidance, and contacts

Cons of Equity Financing

  • You have to give investors an ownershippercentage of your company

  • You have to share your profits with investors

  • You give up some control over your company

  • It may be more expensive than borrowing

Pros Explained

Equity financing results in no debt that must be repaid. It's also an option if your business can't obtain a loan. It's seen as a lower risk financing option because investors seek a return on their investment rather than the repayment of a loan. Plus, investors typically are more interested in helping you succeed than lenders are because the rewards can be substantial.

Equity financing offered by angel investors and venture capitalists can provide access to outstanding business expertise, insight, and advice. It can also provide you with new and vital business contacts and networks that may lead to additional funding.

Cons Explained

The stakes taken by investors providing equity financing can be significant, and thus, profits going to the business owners are reduced. Even small common stock investors get a share of the profits. Moreover, investors may want to be consulted whenever you plan to make decisions that will impact the company.

In exchange for the large amounts that angel investors and venture capitalists may invest, business owners must give over some percentage of ownership. That can translate to having less control over your own company.

The typically higher rate of return demanded by large investors can easily exceed that lenders charge. Also, shareholder dividends aren't tax deductible. Interest payments on loans are, with some exceptions.

Example of Equity Financing

Say that you've started a small tech company with your own capital of $1.5 million. At this stage, you have 100% ownership and control. Due to the industry that you're in and a fresh social media concept, your company attracts the interest of various investors, including angel investors and venture capitalists.

You're aware that you'll need additional funds to keep up a rapid pace of growth, so you decide to consider an outside investor. After meeting with a few and discussing your company's plans, goals, and financial needs with each, you decide to accept the $500,000 offered by an angel investor who you feel brings enough expertise to the table in addition to the funding. The amount is enough for this round of funding. Plus, you don't wish to relinquish a greater percentage of your company ownership by taking a larger amount.

Thus, the total invested in your company is now $2 million ($1.5 million + $500,000). The angel investor owns a 25% stake ($500,000/$2 million), and you maintain a 75% stake.

Special Considerations

The equity-financing process is governed by rules imposed by a local or national securities authority in most jurisdictions. Such regulation is primarily designed to protect the investing public from unscrupulous operators who may raise funds from unsuspecting investors and disappear with the financing proceeds.

Equity financing is thus often accompanied by an offering memorandum or prospectus, which contains extensive information that should help the investor make an informed decision on the merits of the financing. The memorandum or prospectus will state the company's activities, give information on its officers and directors, discuss how the financing proceeds will be used, outline the risk factors, and have financial statements.

Investor appetite for equity financingdepends significantly on the state of the financial markets in general and equity markets in particular. While a steady pace of equity financingindicates investor confidence, a torrent of financingmay indicate excessive optimism and a looming market top.

For example, IPOs by dot-coms and technology companies reached record levels in the late 1990s, before the "tech wreck" that engulfed the Nasdaq from 2000 to 2002.

The pace of equity financingtypically drops off sharply after a sustained market correction due to investor risk aversion during such periods.

How Does Equity Financing Work?

Equity financing involves selling a portion of a company'sequityin return forcapital.By selling shares, owners effectively sell ownership of their company in return for cash.

What Are the Different Types of Equity Financing?

Companies use two primary methods to obtainequity financing: the private placement of stock with investors or venture capital firms and public stock offerings. It is more common for young companies and startups to choose private placement because it is more straightforward.

Is Equity Financing Better Than Debt?

The most important benefit ofequity financingis that the money does not need to be repaid. However, the cost of equity is often higher than thecost of debt.

The Bottom Line

Companies often require outside investment to maintain their operationsand invest in future growth.Any smart business strategy will include a consideration of the balance of debt and equity financing that is the most cost-effective.

Equity financing can come from various sources. Regardless of the source, the greatest advantage of equity financing is that it carries no repayment obligation and provides extracapitalthat a company can use to expand its operations.

Equity Financing: What It Is, How It Works, Pros and Cons (2024)


Equity Financing: What It Is, How It Works, Pros and Cons? ›

Is Equity Financing Better Than Debt? The most important benefit of equity financing is that the money does not need to be repaid. However, the cost of equity is often higher than the cost of debt.

What are the pros and cons of equity financing? ›

Is Equity Financing Better Than Debt? The most important benefit of equity financing is that the money does not need to be repaid. However, the cost of equity is often higher than the cost of debt.

What are the pros and cons of equities? ›

Investing in stocks offers the potential for substantial returns, income through dividends and portfolio diversification. However, it also comes with risks, including market volatility, tax bills as well as the need for time and expertise.

What are the pros and cons of debt financing? ›

Pros of debt financing include immediate access to capital, interest payments may be tax-deductible, no dilution of ownership. Cons of debt financing include the obligation to repay with interest, potential for financial strain, risk of default.

What is 100% equity financing? ›

100% equity means that there will be no bonds or other asset classes. Furthermore, it implies that the portfolio would not make use of related products like equity derivatives, or employ riskier strategies such as short selling or buying on margin.

What are the pros and cons of an equity loan? ›

The benefits of a home equity loan include consistent monthly payments, lower interest rates, long repayment timelines and a possible tax deduction. The downsides of a home equity loan include a significant equity requirement and the potential to lose your house or owe more than your home is worth.

What are the pros and cons of equity shares? ›

Equity shares have both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that they offer greater returns than fixed-income investments such as savings accounts, bonds, debentures, and deposits. However, they also carry greater risk, especially if you do not choose your stocks wisely.

Are equity funds good or bad? ›

Equity funds provide investors with several benefits, including diversification, professional management, and the potential for superior returns. These funds also come with risks associated with stock market volatility and losses.

What are the benefits of equity? ›

The main benefit from an equity investment is the possibility to increase the value of the principal amount invested. This comes in the form of capital gains and dividends. An equity fund offers investors a diversified investment option typically for a minimum initial investment amount.

What are the disadvantages of the equity method? ›

  • Share profit. Your investors will expect – and deserve – a piece of your profits. ...
  • Loss of control. The price to pay for equity financing and all of its potential advantages is that you need to share control of the company.
  • Potential conflict.

How does equity financing work? ›

Equity financing involves selling a portion of a company's equity in return for capital. For example, the owner of Company ABC might need to raise capital to fund business expansion. The owner decides to give up 10% of ownership in the company and sell it to an investor in return for capital.

Is debt riskier than equity? ›

Debt financing is generally considered to be less risky than equity financing because lenders have a legal right to be repaid. However, equity investors have the potential to earn higher returns if the company is successful. The level of risk and return associated with debt and equity financing varies.

How do the rich use debt to get richer? ›

Wealthy individuals create passive income through arbitrage by finding assets that generate income (such as businesses, real estate, or bonds) and then borrowing money against those assets to get leverage to purchase even more assets.

How much money can I borrow from my equity? ›

A home equity loan generally allows you to borrow around 80% to 85% of your home's value, minus what you owe on your mortgage. Some lenders allow you to borrow significantly more — even as much as 100% in some instances.

Is equity financing expensive? ›

Since Debt is almost always cheaper than Equity, Debt is almost always the answer. Debt is cheaper than Equity because interest paid on Debt is tax-deductible, and lenders' expected returns are lower than those of equity investors (shareholders). The risk and potential returns of Debt are both lower.

What are the problems with equity financing? ›

The main disadvantage to equity financing is that company owners must give up a portion of their ownership and dilute their control. If the company becomes profitable and successful in the future, a certain percentage of company profits must also be given to shareholders in the form of dividends.

What is the disadvantage of equity method? ›

The disadvantages of the equity method

This method requires considerable time to collect, compare, and review data between the parent company and its subsidiaries. To arrive at a useful number, all financial data from all companies can be accurate and comparable.

What are the pros and cons of giving up equity? ›

Overall, giving up equity in a startup can be an effective way for founders to raise capital and attract talented employees. However, these benefits must be weighed against potential cons such as dilution of ownership and control, increased time commitment, higher expenses, and decreased long-term value.

What are the disadvantages of equity accounting? ›

Disadvantages of the equity method

The financial review shows an accumulated amount for the investment in addition to the company's actual business operations. This can lead to a false sense of profitability when there are issues in the parent company.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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