Environment - Answers (2024)

1. Who leads environmental efforts at Apple?

Lisa P.Jackson is Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. The Office of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives works with teams across Apple to set strategy, engage stakeholders, and measure and communicateprogress on Apple’s commitments to address climate change, develop green materials for safer products, and use materials as efficiently aspossible.

Apple’s Board of Directors oversees the CEO and other senior management in the competent and ethical operation of Apple on a day-to-day basis and ensures that the long-term interests of shareholders are being served. Our integrated approach means that decisions about environmental and social issues are reviewed at the highest levels of the company. Executive Team members regularly review each new product during its development, focusing on material and design choices, the supply chain, packaging, and product energy efficiency.

2. How does Apple plan to reach zero net emissions by2030?

As a large global company, we believe it’s our responsibility to take strong, decisive, and inclusive steps to mitigate our impact on the climate. We’ve committed to bring our net emissions to zero across our entire carbon footprint, including all our products, by 2030 — reducing emissions by 75 percent compared with 2015. We’re cutting the majority of emissions through innovations in materials, clean energy, and low-carbon shipping. And we’re investing in nature-based projects to offset the small amount that remains. Our 2030 goal is more aggressive than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recommendation for global carbon neutrality within 20 years. We’ve already made progress by cutting emissions across our carbon footprint by over 55 percent since2015.

3. How does Apple conduct its Product Greenhouse Gas Life CycleAssessment?

When conducting a product life cycle assessment (LCA), we calculate carbon emissions using the 100-year time horizon global warming potentials from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, 2023 (AR6) GWP100, including biogenic carbon. The following details the five steps we use to conduct ourLCA:

  1. To model the manufacturing phase, we use part-by-part measurements of the entire product along with data on part production. In some cases where part-by-part data is not readily available, we also use design-level data for size and weight detail. The measurements help us accurately determine the size and weight of the components and materials in the product, while data on manufacturing processes and yield loss during production allows us to account for the impact of manufacturing. The LCA includes accessories and packaging, as well as decreased emissions through Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Program. When calculating Apple’s comprehensive carbon footprint, we also include units that are repaired and replaced throughAppleCare.

  2. To model customer use, we measure the power consumed by a product while it is running in a simulated scenario. Daily usage patterns are specific to each product and are a mixture of actual and modeled customer use data. For the purposes of our assessment, years of use, which are based on first owners, are modeled to be four years for macOS and tvOS devices and three years for iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS devices. Most Apple products last longer and are often passed along, resold, or returned to Apple by the first owner for others to use. More information on our product energy use is provided in our Product EnvironmentalReports.

  3. To model transportation, we use data collected on shipments of single products and multipack units by land, sea, and air. We account for transporting materials between manufacturing sites; transporting products from manufacturing sites to regional distribution hubs; transporting products from regional distribution hubs to individual customers; and transporting products from final customers to recyclingfacilities.

  4. To model end of life, we use material composition data on our products and estimate the ratio of products that are sent to recycling or disposal. For products sent to recycling, we capture the initial processing by the recycler to prepare the product for recovery of electronic, metal, plastic, and glass material streams. Subsequent downstream recycling processes are not included, as these are considered stages of production and not end‑of‑life processing. For products sent to disposal, we capture the emissions associated with landfilling or incineration of each type ofmaterial.

  5. After we collect data about manufacturing, use, transportation, and end of life, we combine it with detailed greenhouse gas emission data. This emission data is based ona combination of Apple-specific and industry-average datasets for material production, manufacturing processes, electricity generation, and transportation. Renewable energy used in the supply chain, initiated by suppliers independently or through the Apple Supplier Clean Energy Program, is also accounted for within the LCA model. Combining product-specific information with emission data in our LCA allows us to compile detailed results for greenhouse gas emissions as they relate to each product. The data and modeling approaches are checked for quality and accuracy by the Fraunhofer Institute inGermany.

There is inherent uncertainty in modeling carbon emissions due primarily to data limitations. For the top component contributors to Apple’s carbon emissions, Apple addresses this uncertainty by developing detailed process-based environmental models with Apple-specific parameters. For the remaining elements of Apple’s carbon footprint, we rely on industry-average data andassumptions.

4. Does Apple report country-specific environmentaldata?

Yes. We break down our scope 1 and 2 emissions, natural gas use, and electricity use for select geographies in our 2024 Environmental Progress Report (PDF). The report also provides further information on energy use at our datacenters.

5. Does Apple have an Environmental Health and Safety Policy?

Yes. Apple is committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and the global communities in which we operate. For more information, read our Environmental Health and Safety Policy Statement (PDF).

6. Does Apple restrict substances that are hazardous to human health and theenvironment?

Yes. Apple’s Regulated Substances Specification details a broad range of substances that are restricted or banned from use in Apple products, packaging, and manufacturing. All Apple products conform to the European Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which restricts the use of lead and other substances. Apple defines a material as RoHS compliant if it conforms to European Union Directive 2011/65/EU and its amendments, including exemptions for the use of lead. Apple is working to phase out the use of these exempted substances where technically possible. As a result of our approach to substances, many of Apple’s restrictions exceed regulatory requirements. View Apple’s Regulated Substances Specification (PDF) to learn more about our efforts to reduce and eliminate hazardoussubstances.

7. Does Apple restrict brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from its products?

Yes. Apple defines a material as BFR‑free and PVC‑free if there is no intentional use and it otherwise contains less than 900 parts per million (ppm) of bromine and of chlorine. Apple led the industry in the phaseout of BFRs and PVC, and this 900-ppm limit is now standard in the electronics industry. If BFRs or PVC were present, the bromine or chlorine levels would need to be significantly higher than 900 ppm in order to be effective.

Apple’s phaseout of BFRs and PVC covers all new Apple product designs manufactured since 2009, all Beats products manufactured since 2016, and Beddit Sleep Monitors manufactured since late 2018. While Apple’s phaseout covers the vast majority of products and components, some older Apple product designs may not be fully BFR‑free and PVC‑free. However, these products, including their replacement parts and accessories, were still designed to meet regulatory requirements.

Power cords in Thailand, India, and South Korea contain PVC due to country-specific requirements. We continue to seek approval for our PVC replacement.

8. Does Apple use PFAS in its products?

At Apple, we have a long history of leading in the removal of potentially harmful substances. As part of this effort, we plan to engage all of our supply chain partners to restrict the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from our products and manufacturing processes and to develop safer alternatives that not only maintain, but may even enhance, the performance of Apple products. For more information on Apple’s long-standing goal to design products that are better for the environment and for people, read about our commitment to phasing out per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (PDF).

9. What is REACH, and how is Apple complying with the REACHregulation?

The Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation EC 1907/2006, commonly referred to as REACH, is a European regulation on chemicals and their safe use. With the publication of candidate lists for authorization, the European Chemicals Agency identifies sets of substances of very high concern (SVHC) that manufacturers must disclose to customers if used in articles in their products above 0.1% byweight.

Based on the current version of the candidate list for authorization, Apple products that contain the SVHCs above the disclosure threshold can be found in the REACH SVHC Disclosure(PDF).

The SVHCs used in these products do not pose a safety risk to customers under normal useconditions.

10. Does Apple use ozone-depleting substances?

No ozone‑depleting chemicals (ODCs) are used in any processes to manufacture product components and materials, or product packaging materials used by Apple, as stipulated by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

11. How is Apple helping to accelerate a circulareconomy?

A durable device is a greener device. When products can be used longer, fewer resources need to be extracted from the earth to make new ones. Apple’s continuing focus on making the best and most durable products, coupled with expert repair services, ensures that our products are used for a very long time. When our customers are done using their devices, we make it easy to return them through AppleTradeIn — so devices can be passed on to another user or recycledresponsibly.

In 2017, Apple made public our commitment to one day make products using only renewable and recycled materials. And, where possible, we aim to contribute material back to the market for Apple or others to use. With advancements like Daisy, Dave, and Taz, our disassembly robots, we can recover more materials at a higher quality than through traditional recyclingprocesses.

We have initiatives in place to ensure that the materials we use in our products are sourced responsibly — through strict standards and programs that drive positive change. We are continuing that commitment, but we are also challenging ourselves to make all our products without extracting finite resources from the earth. It’s an ambitious goal that will require years of collaboration across Apple teams, our suppliers, and recyclers — but our work is alreadyunderway.

For more information on our progress to date, read the 2024 Environmental Progress Report(PDF).

12. Is Apple reducing its use ofplastics?

Apple is committed to eliminating plastics in our packaging by 2025 and transitioning to recycled and renewable plastics in ourproducts.

We’ve already made significant progress in eliminating plastics in our packaging. More than 97% of our packaging is fiber-based. Since 2017, 100% of the virgin wood fiber in our packaging has come from responsiblesources.

Beginning in fiscal year 2022, we expanded our packaging goal boundary to better reflect our impact, resulting in an increase of about 36% of our total packaging mass, as reported in our 2023 Environmental Progress Report. We’re now including retail bags, all finished-goods boxes (including plastic content in labels and in-box documentation), packaging sent to our customers as part of AppleTradeIn, AppleCare packaging for whole units and service modules (with the exception of plastics needed to protect items from electrostatic discharge), and secondary packaging of Apple products and accessories sold by Apple. Our goal boundary does not include the inks, coatings, or adhesives used in our packaging. In addition to our packaging footprint, we also calculate the fiber used at our corporate facilities. In fiscal year 2023, this number was 1100 metrictons.

13. Where can I find the product sheet on environmental qualities and characteristics, as required by the AGEC law?

The product sheet on environmental qualities and characteristics is a requirement in France, under Article 13 of the Circular Economy law (AGEC). Apple has made this information available for its products on the Product sheet on environmental qualities and characteristics web page.

14. How do I make the most of the battery in my Appledevice?

You can learn more about how your battery charges and maximizing battery performance by visitingapple.com/batteries/maximizing-performance.

15. When and how should I get the battery of my Apple device replaced?

You can learn more about servicing and recycling your battery by visiting apple.com/batteries/service-and-recycling.

16. Does Apple offer repair for its products?

We design our products to be durable and long-lasting with minimal need for repair. But we believe that if a repair is needed, customers should have easy access to convenient, high-quality repair services. Repair options include AppleStore locations, Apple Authorized Service Providers, the Apple Contact Center, and onsite service. In the past three years we’ve expanded our repair services — nearly doubling the number of professional service locations that have access to genuine Apple parts, tools, and training. We also continue to expand coverage by offering repair service at our customers‘ homes and offices in select cities across the United States.

Since 2019, our Independent Repair Provider program has enabled more than 4000 independent repair businesses of all sizes to access genuine Apple parts, tools, diagnostics, and training. The Independent Repair Providers, along with a global network of more than 5000 Apple Authorized Service Providers, represent a workforce of more than 100,000 service technicians offering support to customers who need repairs.

In 2022 we introduced Self Service Repair, providing individuals who have the knowledge and experience to repair electronic devices with access to repair manuals and genuine Apple parts and tools through the Apple Self Service Repair Store. Self Service Repair is available in the United States and Europe — including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

17. Does Apple offer recycling?

Apple provides product take-back and recycling collection programs in 99% of the countries where we sell products. These include our trade-in program, now available in 25 countries. AppleTradeIn lets customers recycle any Apple device (including devices from Apple-owned brands) for free. AppleTradeIn includes recycling for batteries and electronic products as well as free, on-demand packaging recycling for our commercial, education, and institutional customers. When we receive a device, it is thoroughly inspected and assessed for reuse or recycling. And end-of-life iPhone devices collected in select regions will be sent to our disassembly robot, Daisy, the most innovative and efficient way to reclaim more of the valuable materials iniPhone.

For more information about how to recycle devices, including in countries where AppleTradeIn is not available, please visit our Apple Reuse and RecyclingProgramsite.

18. Does Apple set standards for environmental protection and worker rights in its supplychain?

The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the high standards our suppliers must meet for labor and human rights, health and safety, environmental protections, management systems, and ethics. We require that all suppliers doing business with Apple adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct and the associated Supplier Responsibility Standards. To enforce the code, we conduct rigorous assessments, reviewing over 500 criteria. When a violation of our code is identified, we require our suppliers to take immediate action, and we partner with them to help improve their operations and meet our standards. To learn more, visit our Supply Chain Innovationwebsite.

19. Does Apple work with environmental NGOs or otherpartners?

We work with a wide range of nonprofit, industry, government, and business partners around the world. We collaborate with other best-in-class companies across all our environmental initiatives through our memberships in organizations like Ceres and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). On our climate change efforts, we work with organizations including Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), RE100, the Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership, and We Mean Business. Our work on creating circular material supply chains is supported by our membership with the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative and the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE). We’re also members of Green America’s Clean Electronics Production Network (CEPN) and the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council (GC3). For more information on our partnerships, read the 2024 Environmental Progress Report(PDF).

20. Does Apple have an ISO 14001certification?

Yes. Apple operates a manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland, and we certify 100% of this facility with ISO 14001. The full certification is included in the appendix of our 2024 Environmental Progress Report(PDF).

21. Does Apple comply with the European Union Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Directive?

Where Apple is deemed the producer of electronic equipment in the European Union, we comply with the European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. To comply with national take-back and recycling requirements stemming from the EU WEEE Directive, Apple is a member of Producer Compliance Schemes in every country in which we have an obligation. Product information guides — provided with the product and found at support.apple.com/manuals — include information about the meaning of the wheelie bin symbol applied to products and packaging and information about how to properly dispose of electronic waste. Upon request, Apple also provides recyclers with technical information to assist with treatment and recycling. As indicated on our AppleTradeIn website under More Ways to Recycle, independent recycling professionals can obtain removal instructions for the battery and other components requiring selective treatment by contacting AppleSupport. Apple also participates in the I4R Platform, the Information for Recyclers platform by DIGITALEUROPE, APPLiA, and the WEEE Forum, where recyclers can access recycling information at a product categorylevel.

Environment - Answers (2024)
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