Enroll and provision a device  |  Android Management API  |  Google for Developers (2024)

Provisioning is the process of setting up a device to be managed usingpolicies by an enterprise. During the process a device installsAndroid Device Policy, which is used to receive and enforce policies. Ifprovisioning is successful, the API creates a devices object, binding thedevice to an enterprise.

Android Management API uses enrollment tokens to trigger the provisioningprocess. The enrollment token and provisioning method you use establishes adevice's ownership (personally-owned or company-owned) and management mode (workprofile or fully managed device).

Personally-owned devices

Android 5.1+

Devices owned by employees can be set up with a work profile. A work profileprovides a self-contained space for work apps and data, separate from personalapps and data. Most app, data, and other management policies apply to thework profile only, while the employee's personal apps and data remain private.

To set up a work profile on a personally-owned device, create an enrollmenttoken (ensure allowPersonalUsage is set toPERSONAL_USAGE_ALLOWED) and use one of the following provisioning methods:

  • Add work profile from "Settings"
  • Download Android Device Policy
  • Enrollment token link
  • Sign-in URL

Company-owned devices for work and personal use

Android 8+

Setting up a company-owned device with a work profile enables the device forboth work and personal use. On company-owned devices with work profiles:

  • Most app, data, and other management policies apply to the work profileonly.
  • The employee's personal profile remains private. However, enterprises canenforce certain device-wide policies and personal usage policies.
  • Enterprises can use blockScope to enforce compliance actions on anentire device or only its work profile.
  • devices.deleteand device commands apply to an entire device.

To set up a company-owned device with a work profile, create an enrollmenttoken (ensureallowPersonalUsage is set to PERSONAL_USAGE_ALLOWED) and use one of thefollowing provisioning methods:

  • Zero-touch enrollment
  • QR code
  • Sign-in URL
  • DPC identifier

Company-owned devices for work use only

Android 5.1+

Full device management is suitable for company-owned devices intendedexclusively for work purposes. Enterprises can manage all apps on the device andcan enforce the full spectrum of Android Management API policies and commands.

It's also possible to lock a device down (via policy) to a single app orsmall set of apps to serve a dedicated purpose or use case. This subset of fullymanaged devices is referred to as dedicated devices. Enrollment tokens forthese devices must have allowPersonalUsage set toPERSONAL_USAGE_DISALLOWED_USERLESS.

To set up full management on a company-owned device, create an enrollment token,ensuring allowPersonalUsage is set toPERSONAL_USAGE_DISALLOWEDorPERSONAL_USAGE_DISALLOWED_USERLESS,and use one of the following provisioning methods.

  • Zero-touch enrollment
  • QR code
  • Sign-in URL (not suitable for dedicated devices)
  • NFC
  • DPC identifier

Policies can impact the generation of the UI during device provisioning.Such policies are:

  • PasswordPolicyScope:This determines password requirements.
  • PermittedInputMethods:This determines package input methods.
  • PermittedAccessibilityServices:This determines which accessibility services are permitted for fully manageddevices and work profile.
  • SetupActions:This determines what actions are executed during setup.
  • ApplicationsPolicy:This determines the policy for an individual app.

If you want for password steps to be shown alongside installation of work appsand device register cards during device provisioning, we suggest updating yourpolicies to delay initiation of the UI generation by keeping the device in aquarantine state, which occurs if enrolled without an associated policy,until specifying the final selected policy for device setup populated with itemsrelevant to your setup needs. Once provisioning of the device has beencompleted, you can change the policy asrequired.

Create an enrollment token

Enroll and provision a device | Android Management API | Google for Developers (1)

You need an enrollment token for each device that you want to enroll (you canuse the same token for multiple devices). To request an enrollment token, callenterprises.enrollmentTokens.create. Enrollment tokens expire after onehour by default, but you can specify a custom expiration time (duration)up to approximately 10,000 years.

A successful request returns an enrollmentToken object containing anenrollmentTokenId and a qrcode that IT admins and end users can use toprovision devices.

Specify a policy

You might also want to specify a policyName in the request to apply a policyat the same time a device is enrolled. If you don't specify a policyName, seeEnroll a device without a policy.

Specify personal usage

allowPersonalUsage determines if a work profile can be added to the deviceduring provisioning. Set to PERSONAL_USAGE_ALLOWED to allow a user to create awork profile (required for personally-owned devices, optional for company-owneddevices).

About QR Codes

QR codes work as an efficient device provisioning method for enterprises thatmaintain many different policies. The QR Code returned fromenterprises.enrollmentTokens.create is made up of a payload of key-value pairscontaining an enrollment token and all the information that's needed for AndroidDevice Policy to provision a device.

Example QR Code bundle

The bundle includes the download location of Android Device Policy and anenrollment token.

{ "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_COMPONENT_NAME": "com.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc/.receivers.CloudDeviceAdminReceiver", "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_SIGNATURE_CHECKSUM": "I5YvS0O5hXY46mb01BlRjq4oJJGs2kuUcHvVkAPEXlg", "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION": "https://play.google.com/managed/downloadManagingApp?identifier=setup", "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE":{ "com.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc.EXTRA_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN": "{enrollment-token}" }}

You can use the QR Code returned from enterprises.enrollmentTokens.createdirectly or customize it. For a full list of properties that you can include ina QR Code bundle, see Create a QR Code.

To convert the qrcode string into a scannable QR Code, use a QR Code generatorsuch as ZXing.

Provisioning methods

This section describes different methods for provisioning a device.

Add work profile from "Settings"

Android 5.1+

To set up a work profile on their device, a user can:

  1. Go to Settings > Google > Set up & restore.
  2. Tap Set up your work profile.

These steps initiate a setup wizard that downloads Android Device Policy on thedevice. Next, the user will be prompted to scan a QR code ormanually enter an enrollment token to complete the work profile setup.

Download Android Device Policy

Android 5.1+

To set up a work profile on their device, a user can download Android DevicePolicy from the Google Play Store. After the app is installed,the user will be prompted to QR code or manually enter anenrollment token to complete the work profile setup.

Enrollment token link

Android 5.1+

Using the enrollment token returned from enrollmentTokens.create or theenterprise's signinEnrollmentToken,generate a URL with the following format:


You can provide this URL to IT admins, who can provide it to their end users.When an end user opens the link from their device, they will be guided throughthe work profile setup.


With this method, users are directed to a page to enter any additionalinformation required to complete provisioning. Based on the information the userenters, you can calculate the appropriate policy for the user before proceedingwith device provisioning. For example:

  1. Specify your sign-in URL in enterprises.signInDetails[]. SetallowPersonalUsage to PERSONAL_USAGE_ALLOWED if you want to allow a userto create a work profile (required for personally-owned devices, optionalfor company-owned devices).

    Add the resulting signinEnrollmentToken as provisioning extra to a QRcode, NFC payload, or Zero-touchconfiguration. Alternatively, you can provide thesigninEnrollmentToken to users directly.

  2. Choose an option:

    1. Company-owned devices: After turning on a new or factory-resetdevice, pass the signinEnrollmentToken to the device (via QR Code, NFCbump, etc.) or ask users need to enter the token manually. The device willopen the sign-in URL specified in Step 1.
    2. Personally-owned devices: Ask users to add a work profile from"Settings". When prompted, the userscans a QR Code containing the signinEnrollmentToken or enters thetoken manually. The device will open the sign-in URL specified in Step1.
    3. Personally-owned devices: Provide users with an enrollment tokenlink, where the enrollment token is thesigninEnrollmentToken. The device will open the sign-in URL specifiedin Step 1.
  3. Check whether Google has already authenticated the user. Get the deviceprovisioning information (during device enrollment) using the GET parameterprovisioningInfo and check for a value for the fieldauthenticatedUserEmail. If there is a value in this field, the user wasalready successfully authenticated by Google and you can use this identitywithout further authentication.

  4. If Google has not already authenticated the user then your sign-in URLshould prompt users to enter their credentials. Based on their identity, youcan determine the appropriate policy and get the device provisioninginformation (during device enrollment) using the GET parameterprovisioningInfo.

  5. Call enrollmentTokens.create, specifying the appropriate policyIdbased on the user's credentials.

  6. Return the enrollment token generated in Step 5 using URL redirect, in theform https://enterprise.google.com/android/enroll?et=<token>.

QR Code method

Android 7.0+

To provision a company-owned device, you can generate a QRcode and display it in your EMM console:

  1. On a new or factory-reset device, the user (typically an IT admin) taps thescreen six times in the same spot. This triggers the device to prompt theuser to scan a QR Code.
  2. The user scans the QR Code that you display in your management console (orsimilar application) to enroll and provision the device.

NFC method

Android 6.0+

This method requires you to create an NFC programmer app that contains theenrollment token, initial policies and Wi-Fi configuration, settings, and allother provisioning details required by your customer to provision a fullymanaged or dedicated device. When you or your customer installs the NFCprogrammer app on an Android-powered device, that device becomes the programmerdevice.

Detailed guidance on how to support the NFC method is available in the Play EMMAPI developerdocumentation. The site also includes sample code of the defaultparameters pushedto a device on an NFC bump. To install Android Device Policy, set the downloadlocation of the device admin package to:


DPC identifier method

If Android Device Policy can't be added using QR Code or NFC, a user or IT admincan follow these steps to provision a company-owned device:

  1. Follow the setup wizard on a new or factory-reset device.
  2. Enter Wifi login details to connect the device to the internet.
  3. When prompted to sign in, enter afw#setup, which downloads AndroidDevice Policy.
  4. Scan a QR code or manually enter an enrollment token toprovision the device.

Zero-touch enrollment

Android 8.0+ (Pixel 7.1+)

Devices purchased from an authorized zero-touch reseller are eligible forzero-touch enrollment, a streamlined method for preconfiguring devices toprovision themselves automatically on first boot.

Organizations can create configurations containing provisioning details fortheir zero-touch devices, either through the zero-touch enrollment portalor using your EMM console (see the zero-touch customer API). On firstboot, a zero-touch device checks if it's been assigned a configuration. If so,the device downloads Android Device Policy, which then completes setup of thedevice using the provisioning extras specified in its assigned configuration.

If your customers use the zero-touch enrollment portal, they need toselect Android Device Policy as the EMM DPC for each configuration theycreate. Detailed instructions on how to use the portal, including how to createand assign configurations to devices, are available in the Android Enterprisehelp center.

If you prefer your customers to set and assign configurations directly from yourEMM console, you need to integrate with the zero-touch customer API. Whencreating a configuration, you specify provisioning extras in thedpcExtras field. The following JSON snippet shows a basic example of what toinclude in dpcExtras, with an added sign-in token.

{ "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_COMPONENT_NAME":"com.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc/.receivers.CloudDeviceAdminReceiver", "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_SIGNATURE_CHECKSUM":"I5YvS0O5hXY46mb01BlRjq4oJJGs2kuUcHvVkAPEXlg", "android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE":{ "com.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc.EXTRA_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN":"{Sign In URL token}" }}

Launch an app during setup

Enroll and provision a device | Android Management API | Google for Developers (2)

In policies, you can specify one app for Android Device Policy to launchduring device or work profile setup. For example, you could launch a VPN app sousers can configure VPN settings as part of the setup process. The app mustreturn RESULT_OK to signal completion and allow Android Device Policy tocomplete device or work profile provisioning. To launch an app during setup:

Ensure the app's installType is REQUIRED_FOR_SETUP. If the app can't beinstalled or launched on the device, provisioning will fail.

{ "applications":[ { "packageName":"com.my.vpnapp.", "installType":"REQUIRED_FOR_SETUP" } ]}

Add the app's package name to setupActions. Use title and description tospecify user-facing instructions.

{ "setupActions":[ { "title":{ "defaultMessage":"Configure VPN" }, "description":{ "defaultMessage":"Enable your VPN client to access corporate resources." }, "launchApp":{ "packageName":"com.my.vpnapp." } } ]}

To distinguish that an app is launched from launchApp, the activity that'sfirst launched as part of the app contains the boolean intent extracom.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc.EXTRA_LAUNCHED_AS_SETUP_ACTION (set totrue). This extra lets you customize your app based on whether it'slaunched from setupActions or by a user.

After the app returns RESULT_OK, Android Device Policy completes any remainingsteps required to provision the device or work profile.

Cancel enrollment during setup

The app launched as SetupAction can cancel enrollment returningRESULT_FIRST_USER.

Canceling the enrollment resets a company-owned device or deletes the workprofile on a personally-owned device.

Note: Canceling the enrollment triggers the action without a userconfirmation dialog. It is the responsibility of the app to show an appropriateerror dialog to the user prior to returning RESULT_FIRST_USER.

Apply a policy to newly enrolled devices

The method you use to apply policies to newly enrolled devices is up to you andthe requirements of your customers. Here are the different approaches you canuse:

  • (Recommended) When creating an enrollment token, you can specifythe name of the policy (policyName) that will be initially linked to thedevice. When you enroll a device with the token, the policy is automaticallyapplied to the device.

  • Set a policy as the default policy for an enterprise. If no policy name isspecified in the enrollment token and there is a policy with the nameenterprises/<enterprise_id>/policies/default, each new device isautomatically linked to the default policy at the time of enrollment.

  • Subscribe to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic toreceive notifications about newly enrolled devices. In response to anENROLLMENT notification, call enterprises.devices.patch tolink the device with a policy.

Enroll a device without a policy

If a device is enrolled without a valid policy, then the device is placed intoquarantine. Quarantined devices are blocked from all device functions untilthe device is linked to a policy.

If a device is not linked to a policy in five minutes, then device enrollmentfails and the device is factory reset. The quarantine device state gives you theopportunity to implement licensing checks or other enrollment validationprocesses as part of your solution.

Example licensing check workflow

  1. A device is enrolled without a default policy or specific policy.
  2. Check how many licenses the enterprise has remaining.
  3. If there are licenses available, use devices.patch to attach apolicy to the device, and then decrement your license count. If there are nolicenses available, use devices.patch to disable the device.Alternatively, the API factory resets any device that is not attached to apolicy within five minutes of enrollment.
Enroll and provision a device  |  Android Management API  |  Google for Developers (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.