Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (2024)


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Applies to: Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (1) SQL Server Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (2) Azure SQL Database Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (3) Azure SQL Managed Instance Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (4) Azure Synapse Analytics Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (5) Analytics Platform System (PDW)

This article describes how to enable data compression on an existing table or index in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. To enable data compression when creating a table or index, see the Create a compressed index and Creating a table that uses row compression examples.


  • System tables can't be enabled for compression.

  • If the table is a heap, the rebuild operation for ONLINE mode is single threaded. Use OFFLINE mode for a multi-threaded heap rebuild operation. Rebuild operations are OFFLINE unless you specify the ONLINE option. For complete information on performing an ONLINE rebuild, see Perform Index Operations Online.

  • You can't change the compression setting of a single partition if the table has nonaligned indexes.

  • Several data types aren't affected by data compression. For more detail, see How row compression affects storage.


Requires ALTER permission on the table or index.

Use SQL Server Management Studio

  1. In Object Explorer, expand the database that contains the table that you want to compress and then expand the Tables folder.

  2. To compress an index, expand the table that contains the index that you want to compress and then expand the Indexes folder.

  3. Right-click the table or index to compress, point to Storage and select Manage Compression....

  4. In the Data Compression Wizard, on the Welcome to the Data Compression Wizard page, select Next.

  5. On the Select Compression Type page, select the compression type to apply to each partition in the table or index you want to compress. When finished, select Next.

    The following options are available on the Select Compression Type page:

    • Use the same compression type for all partitions check box

      Select to configure the same compression setting for all partitions. This enables the selection box and disables the Compression Type column in the grid. When selected, the options in the adjacent list are None, Row, and Page.

    • Partition Number

      Lists each partition in the table or index. This column is read-only.

    • Compression Type

      Select the compression option for each partition. Isn't available when Use the same compression type for all partitions is selected. List options are None, Row, and Page.

    • Boundary

      Displays the partition boundary. This column is read-only.

    • Row Count

      Displays the number of rows in this partition. This column is read-only.

    • Current Space

      Displays the current space this partition occupies in megabytes (MB). This column is read-only.

    • Requested Compressed Space

      After you select Calculate, this column displays the estimated size of each partition after compression by using the setting specified in the Compression Type column. This column is read-only.

    • Calculate

      Select to estimate the size of each partition after compression by using the setting specified in the Compression Type column.

  6. In the Select an Output Option page, specify how you want to complete your compression. Select Create Script to create a SQL script based the previous pages in the wizard. Select Run immediately to create the new partitioned table after completing all remaining pages in the wizard. Select Schedule to create the new partitioned table at a predetermined time in the future.

    If you select Create script, the following options are available under Script options:

    • Script to file

      Generates the script as a .sql file. Enter a file name and location in the File name box or select Browse to open the Script File Location dialog box. From Save As, select Unicode text or ANSI text.

    • Script to Clipboard

      Saves the script to the Clipboard.

    • Script to New Query Window

      Generates the script to a new Query Editor window. This is the default selection.

    • If you select Schedule, select Change schedule.

    1. In the New Job Schedule dialog box, in the Name box, enter the job schedule's name.

    2. On the Schedule type list, select the type of schedule:

      • Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts

      • Start whenever the CPUs become idle

      • Recurring. Select this option if your new partitioned table updates with new information regularly.

      • One time. This option is the default selection.

    3. Select or clear the Enabled check box to enable or disable the schedule.

    4. If you select Recurring:

      1. Under Frequency, on the Occurs list, specify the frequency of occurrence:

        • If you select Daily, in the Recurs every box, enter how often the job schedule repeats in days.

        • If you select Weekly, in the Recurs every box, enter how often the job schedule repeats in weeks. Select the day or days of the week on which the job schedule is run.

        • If you select Monthly, select either Day or The.

          • If you select Day, enter both the date of the month you want the job schedule to run and how often the job schedule repeats in months. For example, if you want the job schedule to run on the 15th day of the month every other month, select Day and enter "15" in the first box and "2" in the second box. The largest number allowed in the second box is "99".

          • If you select The, select the specific day of the week within the month that you want the job schedule to run and how often the job schedule repeats in months. For example, if you want the job schedule to run on the last weekday of the month every other month, select Day, select last from the first list and weekday from the second list, and then enter "2" in the last box. You can also select first, second, third, or fourth, as well as specific weekdays (for example: Sunday or Wednesday) from the first two lists. The largest number allowed in the last box is "99".

      2. Under Daily frequency, specify how often the job schedule repeats on the day the job schedule runs:

        • If you select Occurs once at, enter the specific time of day when the job schedule should run in the Occurs once at box. Enter the hour, minute, and second of the day, as well as AM or PM.

        • If you select Occurs every, specify how often the job schedule runs during the day chosen under Frequency. For example, if you want the job schedule to repeat every 2 hours during the day that the job schedule is run, select Occurs every, enter "2" in the first box, and then select hour(s) from the list. From this list you can also select minute(s) and second(s). The largest number allowed in the first box is "100".

          In the Starting at box, enter the time that the job schedule should start running. In the Ending at box, enter the time that the job schedule should stop repeating. Enter the hour, minute, and second of the day, as well as AM or PM.

      3. Under Duration, in Start date, enter the date that you want the job schedule to start running. Select End date or No end date to indicate when the job schedule should stop running. If you select End date, enter the date that you want to job schedule to stop running.

    5. If you select One Time, under One-time occurrence, in the Date box, enter the date that the job schedule will be run. In the Time box, enter the time that the job schedule will be run. Enter the hour, minute, and second of the day, as well as AM or PM.

    6. Under Summary, in Description, verify that all job schedule settings are correct.

    7. Select OK.

    After completing this page, select Next.

  7. On the Review Summary page, under Review your selections, expand all available options to verify that all compression settings are correct. If everything is as expected, select Finish.

  8. On the Compression Wizard Progress page, monitor status information about the actions of the Create Partition Wizard. Depending on the options that you selected in the wizard, the progress page might contain one or more actions. The top box displays the overall status of the wizard and the number of status, error, and warning messages that the wizard has received.

    The following options are available on the Compression Wizard Progress page:

    • Details

      Provides the action, status, and any messages that are returned from action taken by the wizard.

    • Action

      Specifies the type and name of each action.

    • Status

      Indicates whether the wizard action as a whole returned the value of Success or Failure.

    • Message

      Provides any error or warning messages that are returned from the process.

    • Report

      Creates a report that contains the results of the Create Partition Wizard. The options are View Report, Save Report to File, Copy Report to Clipboard, and Send Report as Email.

    • View Report

      Opens the View Report dialog box, which contains a text report of the progress of the Create Partition Wizard.

    • Save Report to File

      Opens the Save Report As dialog box.

    • Copy Report to Clipboard

      Copies the results of the wizard's progress report to the Clipboard.

    • Send Report as Email

      Copies the results of the wizard's progress report into an email message.

    When complete, select Close.

Use Transact-SQL

In your database of choice, run sp_estimate_data_compression_savings (Transact-SQL) and then enable compression on the table or index. See the following sections.

The Transact-SQL code samples in this article use the AdventureWorks2022 or AdventureWorksDW2022 sample database, which you can download from the Microsoft SQL Server Samples and Community Projects home page.

Enable compression on a table

  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine.

  2. On the Standard bar, select New Query.

  3. Make sure you are in the context of your database.

  4. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and select Execute. The example first executes the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings to return the estimated size of the object if it were to use the ROW compression setting. The example then enables ROW compression on all partitions in the specified table.

    EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'Production', 'TransactionHistory', NULL, NULL, 'ROW';ALTER TABLE Production.TransactionHistory REBUILD PARTITION = ALLWITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW);GO

Enable compression on an index

  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine.

  2. On the Standard bar, select New Query.

  3. Make sure you are in the context of your database.

  4. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and select Execute. The example first queries the sys.indexes catalog view to return the name and index_id for each index on the Production.TransactionHistory table. It then executes the stored procedure sp_estimate_data_compression_savings to return the estimated size of the specified index ID if it were to use the PAGE compression setting. Finally, the example rebuilds index ID 2 (IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID), specifying PAGE compression.

    SELECT name, index_idFROM sys.indexesWHERE OBJECT_NAME (object_id) = N'TransactionHistory';EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings @schema_name = 'Production', @object_name = 'TransactionHistory', @index_id = 2, @partition_number = NULL, @data_compression = 'PAGE';ALTER INDEX IX_TransactionHistory_ProductID ON Production.TransactionHistory REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE);GO

For more information, see ALTER TABLE and ALTER INDEX.

Related content

  • Data compression
  • Row compression implementation
  • Page compression implementation
  • sp_estimate_data_compression_savings (Transact-SQL)
  • Create a compressed index
  • Create a table that uses row compression


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Enable compression on a table or index - SQL Server (2024)


How do you enable compression on a table or index? ›

To compress an index, expand the table that contains the index that you want to compress and then expand the Indexes folder. Right-click the table or index to compress, point to Storage and select Manage Compression....

How do you compress a table index in SQL Server? ›

To change the compression settings for both tables and indexes using the Data Compression wizard, perform the following steps:
  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Right-click the table or index you want to compress, click Storage, and click Manage Compression. ...
  3. Click Next. ...
  4. Choose the type of compression.

Does SQL compression improve performance? ›

In addition to saving space, data compression can help improve performance of I/O intensive workloads because the data is stored in fewer pages and queries need to read fewer pages from disk.

How do I check if compression is enabled in SQL Server? ›

You can do this by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS): Right-click on the instance name in Object Explorer. Choose Properties > Database Settings > and check if the Compress backup checkbox is selected.

How do I know if compression is enabled? ›

Enter a domain URL in the section provided for that purpose, and click on the "Test Now" button. The online tool performs a GZIP test and displays the information about compressed and uncompressed files in a matter of instance. The tool also shows either the GZIP compression is enabled on a website or not.

What does enable compression mean? ›

Enabling text compression allows you to serve smaller text-based resources like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the interest of faster file downloads. The larger those files are, the longer it takes to download them, and the longer your visitors have to wait to view the content on your page.

How to check if a table is compressed? ›

Query the *_TABLES or *_TAB_PARTITIONS data dictionary views to determine whether a table or partitioned is compressed. Query the *_TABLES data dictionary views to determine table compression. In the *_TABLES data dictionary views, compressed tables have ENABLED in the COMPRESSION column.

How do I disable table compression in SQL Server? ›

Right-click the table or index on which you want to disable compression, point to Storage and select Manage Compression.... To disable compression on an index, expand the table that contains the index and then expand the Indexes folder.

What is an example of data compression? ›

Compression ratio measures how much a file or data set is reduced in size through compression, usually expressed as a ratio or percentage. For example, if a file is originally 1,000 kilobytes (KB) and after compression becomes 500KB, the compression ratio is 50%.

What are the disadvantages of data compression in SQL Server? ›

Compression trade-offs are the disadvantages or challenges that you can face from applying either row-level or page-level compression to your SQL Server databases. Increased CPU overhead, altered data access, and varied compression results are common trade-offs.

How do I optimize SQL table performance? ›

  1. Use indexes effectively in relational databases like MySQL and Postgres. ...
  2. Avoid SELECT * and retrieve only necessary columns. ...
  3. Optimize JOIN operations. ...
  4. Minimize the use of subqueries. ...
  5. Avoid redundant or unnecessary data retrieval. ...
  6. Utilize stored procedures. ...
  7. Consider partitioning and sharding for MySQL and Postgres.
Jun 30, 2023

What is the best compression for SQL files? ›

For large databases and heavily loaded systems – it is recommended to use 7zip as an archive format. This can significantly speed up a backup job and save space in backup storage.

What is SQL Server compression ratio? ›

Calculate the compression ratio of a compressed backup

For example, a 3:1 compression ratio indicates that you are saving about 66% on disk space. To query on these columns, you can use the following Transact-SQL statement: SELECT backup_size/compressed_backup_size FROM msdb..

How do I enable backup compression in SQL Server? ›

Using SQL Server Management Studio
  1. In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties.
  2. Click the Database settings node.
  3. Under Backup and restore, Compress backup shows the current setting of the backup compression default option.
Nov 18, 2022

What is the compression function in SQL? ›

The COMPRESS function compresses the input expression data. You must invoke this function for each data section to compress. For more information about automatic data compression during storage at the row or page level, see Data Compression.

How do you enable index on table command? ›

To enable an index, use ALTER INDEX REBUILD or CREATE INDEX WITH DROP_EXISTING . For more information, see Disable indexes and constraints and Enable Indexes and Constraints.

How to enable index compression in Oracle? ›

Alternatively, it is possible to specify the prefix length as part of the index compression clause, which is the number of columns in the prefix entries: CREATE INDEX idxname ON tabname(col1, col2, col3) COMPRESS 2; The number, prefix column length, after the COMPRESS keyword denotes how many columns to compress.

How do I enable file compression? ›

How to Enable File Compression on a Folder in Windows 11
  1. Right-click a folder in File Explorer and select Properties.
  2. In the General tab, click on the Advanced button.
  3. In the Compress or Encrypt attributes section, tick the box for Compress contents to save disk space.
  4. Click OK, and then click OK again.
May 29, 2022

How do I enable text compression? ›

How do I enable text compression in HTML?
  1. First, go to developer tools.
  2. Then click on the Network tab.
  3. Finally, refresh your page.
  4. Go to the network line.
  5. If you see content-encoding in the file, it means that text compression is enabled.
Apr 17, 2021

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.