Embedding a map  |  Maps Embed API  |  Google for Developers (2024)

New basemap styling is coming soon to Google Maps Platform. This update to map styling includes a new default color palette, modernized pins, and improvements to map experiences and usability. All map styles will be automatically updated in March 2025. For more information on availability and how to opt in earlier, see New map style for Google Maps Platform.

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This guide shows how to embed an interactive map onto your web page.

Creating the Maps Embed API URL

The following is an example URL that loads the Maps Embed API:



  • MAP_MODE with your map mode.
  • YOUR_API_KEY with your API key. For more information, see Get API key.
  • PARAMETERS with the required and optional parameters for your mapmode.

Adding the URL into an iframe

To use the Maps Embed API on your web page, set the URL you'vebuilt as the value of an iframe's src attribute. Control the map's size withthe iframe's height and width attributes, for example:

<iframe width="450" height="250" frameborder="0" style="border:0" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/MAP_MODE?key=YOUR_API_KEY&PARAMETERS" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The iframe sample above uses the additional properties:

  • The allowfullscreen property to allow certain map parts to go full screen.
  • The frameborder="0" and style="border:0" properties to remove the standardiframe border from around the map.
  • The referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" property to allow thebrowser to send the full URL as the Referer header with the request so theAPI key restrictions could work properly.

You can resize the iframe to suit the structure and design of your own website,but we find that visitors usually find it easier to interact with larger maps.Note that embedded maps are not supported below a size of 200 px in eitherdimension.

API key restrictions

If the hosting website has a referrer meta tag being set to no-referrer orsame-origin, the browser will not send the Referer header to Google. Thismay cause your API key restrictionto reject the requests. In order for the restriction to work properly, add areferrerpolicy property to the iframe, as in the example above, to explicitlyallow Referer headers to be sent to Google.

Advertisem*nts on the map

The Maps Embed API may include on-map advertising. The ad format andthe set of ads shown in any given map may change without notice.

Choosing map modes

You can specify one of the following map modes to use in your request URL:

  • place: displays a map pin at a particular place or address,such as a landmark, business, geographic feature, or town.
  • view: returns a map with no markers or directions.
  • directions: displays the path between two or morespecified points on the map, as well as the distance and travel time.
  • streetview: shows interactive panoramic views fromdesignated locations.
  • search: shows results for a search across the visible mapregion.

place mode

The following URL uses the place map mode to display a map marker at theEiffel Tower:

https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place ?key=YOUR_API_KEY &q=Eiffel+Tower,Paris+France

You can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted values
q Required Defines map marker location. URL-escaped place name, address, plus code, or place ID. The Maps Embed API supports both + and %20 when escaping spaces. For example, convert "City Hall, New York, NY" to City+Hall,New+York,NY, or plus codes "849VCWC8+R9" to 849VCWC8%2BR9.
center Optional Defines center of the map view. Accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude value; for example: 37.4218,-122.0840.
zoom Optional Sets initial zoom level of the map. Values ranging from 0 (the whole world) to 21 (individual buildings). The upper limit can vary depending on the map data available at the selected location.
maptype Optional Defines type of map tiles to load. roadmap (default) or satellite
language Optional Defines the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. By default, visitors will se a map in their own language. This parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used.
region Optional Defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. Accepts a region code specified as a two-character (non-numeric) unicode region subtag mapping to familiar ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character values. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

view mode

The following example uses the view mode and optional maptype parameter todisplay a satellite view of the map:

https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/view ?key=YOUR_API_KEY &center=-33.8569,151.2152 &zoom=18 &maptype=satellite

You can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted values
center Required Defines center of the map view. Accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude value; for example: 37.4218,-122.0840.
zoom Optional Sets initial zoom level of the map. Values ranging from 0 (the whole world) to 21 (individual buildings). The upper limit can vary depending on the map data available at the selected location.
maptype Optional Defines type of map tiles to load. roadmap (default) or satellite
language Optional Defines the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. By default, visitors will se a map in their own language. This parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used.
region Optional Defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. Accepts a region code specified as a two-character (non-numeric) unicode region subtag mapping to familiar ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character values. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

directions mode

The following example uses directions mode to display the path between Oslowand Telemark, Norway, the distance, and travel time avoiding tolls and highways.

https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions ?key=YOUR_API_KEY &origin=Oslo+Norway &destination=Telemark+Norway &avoid=tolls|highways

You can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted values
origin Required Defines the starting point from which to display directions. URL-escaped place name, address, plus code, latitude/longitude coordinates, or place ID. The Maps Embed API supports both + and %20 when escaping spaces. For example, convert "City Hall, New York, NY" to City+Hall,New+York,NY, or plus codes "849VCWC8+R9" to 849VCWC8%2BR9.
destination Required Defines the end point of the directions. URL-escaped place name, address, plus code, latitude/longitude coordinates, or place ID. The Maps Embed API supports both + and %20 when escaping spaces. For example, convert "City Hall, New York, NY" to City+Hall,New+York,NY, or plus codes "849VCWC8+R9" to 849VCWC8%2BR9.
waypoints Optional Specifies one or more intermediary places to route directions between the origin and destination. Place name, address, or place ID. Multiple waypoints can be specified by using the pipe character (|) to separate places (e.g. Berlin,Germany|Paris,France). You can specify up to 20 waypoints.
mode Optional Defines the method of travel. If no mode is specified the Maps Embed API will show one or more of the most relevant modes for the specified route. driving, walking (which prefers pedestrian paths and sidewalks, where available), bicycling (which routes via bike paths and preferred streets where available), transit, or flying.
avoid Optional Specifies features to avoid in directions. Note that this doesn't preclude routes that include the restricted feature(s); it biases the result to more favorable routes. tolls, ferries and/or highways. Separate multiple values with the pipe character (e.g. avoid=tolls|highways).
units Optional Specifies measurement method, metric or imperial, when displaying distances in the results. If units are not specified, the origin country of the query determines the units to use. metric or imperial
center Optional Defines center of the map view. Accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude value; for example: 37.4218,-122.0840.
zoom Optional Sets initial zoom level of the map. Values ranging from 0 (the whole world) to 21 (individual buildings). The upper limit can vary depending on the map data available at the selected location.
maptype Optional Defines type of map tiles to load. roadmap (default) or satellite
language Optional Defines the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. By default, visitors will se a map in their own language. This parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used.
region Optional Defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. Accepts a region code specified as a two-character (non-numeric) unicode region subtag mapping to familiar ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character values. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

streetview mode

The Maps Embed API lets you display Street View images asinteractive panoramas from designated locations throughout itscoverage area. Usercontributed Photospheres, andStreet View special collectionsare also available.

Each Street View panorama provides a full 360-degree view from a singlelocation. Images contain 360 degrees of horizontal view (a full wrap-around)and 180 degrees of vertical view (from straight up to straight down). Thestreetview mode provides a viewer that renders the resultingpanorama as a sphere with a camera at its center. You can manipulate the camerato control the zoom and the orientation of the camera.

See the following streetview mode panorama:

https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/streetview ?key=YOUR_API_KEY &location=46.414382,10.013988 &heading=210 &pitch=10 &fov=35

One of the following URL parameters are required:

  • location accepts a latitude and a longitude as comma-separatedvalues (46.414382,10.013988). The API will display the panoramaphotographed closest to this location. Because Street View imagery isperiodically refreshed, and photographs may be taken from slightly differentpositions each time, it's possible that your location may snap to a differentpanorama when imagery is updated.

  • pano is a specific panorama ID. If you specify apano you may also specify a location. Thelocation will be only be used if the API cannot find the panoramaID.

The following URL parameters are optional:

Parameter Type Description Accepted values
heading Optional Indicates the compass heading of the camera in degrees clockwise from North. Value in degrees from -180° to 360&deg
pitch Optional specifies the angle, up or down, of the camera. Positive values will angle the camera up, while negative values will angle the camera down. The default pitch of 0° is set based on on the position of the camera when the image was captured. Because of this, a pitch of 0° is often, but not always, horizontal. For example, an image taken on a hill will likely exhibit a default pitch that is not horizontal. Value in degrees from -90° to 90&deg
fov Optional determines the horizontal field of view of the image. It defaults to 90°. When dealing with a fixed-size viewport the field of view is can be considered the zoom level, with smaller numbers indicating a higher level of zoom. Value in degrees, with a range of 10° - 100&deg
center Optional Defines center of the map view. Accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude value; for example: 37.4218,-122.0840.
zoom Optional Sets initial zoom level of the map. Values ranging from 0 (the whole world) to 21 (individual buildings). The upper limit can vary depending on the map data available at the selected location.
maptype Optional Defines type of map tiles to load. roadmap (default) or satellite
language Optional Defines the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. By default, visitors will se a map in their own language. This parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used.
region Optional Defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. Accepts a region code specified as a two-character (non-numeric) unicode region subtag mapping to familiar ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character values. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

search mode

Search mode displays results for a search across the visible map region. It's recommended that a location for the search be defined, either by including a location in the search term (record+stores+in+Seattle) or by including a center and zoom parameter to bound the search.

https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/search ?key=YOUR_API_KEY &q=record+stores+in+Seattle

You can use the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted values
q Required Defines the search term. It can include a geographic restriction, such as in+Seattle or near+98033.
center Optional Defines center of the map view. Accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude value; for example: 37.4218,-122.0840.
zoom Optional Sets initial zoom level of the map. Values ranging from 0 (the whole world) to 21 (individual buildings). The upper limit can vary depending on the map data available at the selected location.
maptype Optional Defines type of map tiles to load. roadmap (default) or satellite
language Optional Defines the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. By default, visitors will se a map in their own language. This parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used.
region Optional Defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. Accepts a region code specified as a two-character (non-numeric) unicode region subtag mapping to familiar ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character values. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

Place ID parameters

The Maps Embed API supports using place IDs instead of supplying aplace name or address. Place IDs are stable way to uniquelyidentify a place. For more information, see the Google Places API documentation.

The Maps Embed API accepts place IDs for the following URLparameters:

  • q
  • origin
  • destination
  • waypoints

In order to use a place ID, you must first add the prefix place_id:. Thefollowing code specifies New York City Hall as the origin for a directionsrequest: origin=place_id:ChIJs--MqP1YwokRBwAhjXWIHn8.

  • radius sets a radius, specified in meters, in which to search for apanorama, centered on the given latitude and longitude. Valid valuesare non-negative integers. Default value is 50.

  • source limits Street View searches to selected sources. Valid values are:

    • default uses the default sources for Street View; searches arenot limited to specific sources.
    • outdoor limits searches to outdoor collections. Indoorcollections are not included in search results. Note that outdoor panoramasmay not exist for the specified location. Also note that the search onlyreturns panoramas where it's possible to determine whether they're indoorsor outdoors. For example, PhotoSpheres are not returned because it's unknownwhether they are indoors or outdoors.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-09-13 UTC.

Embedding a map  |  Maps Embed API  |  Google for Developers (2024)


Is Google Map API free for developers? ›

All Maps Embed API requests are available at no charge with unlimited usage.

How to create Google Maps embed API? ›

Getting started
  1. Use an automatic iframe generator to embed a map into your webpage: Go to Quickstart.
  2. Start developing with the Maps Embed API by setting up your Google Cloud project: Set up in Cloud Console.
  3. For an index of all the possible parameters for the Maps Embed API request, see the Embedding a map guide:

How do I get a Google Map API key for development? ›

Create API keys
  1. Go to the Google Maps Platform > Credentials page. Go to the Credentials page.
  2. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  3. Click Close. The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.

How to embed a custom map in Google Maps? ›

Embed your map:

Go back to your map and select the map menu pulldown, indicated by three dots next to the Share button. Select Embed on my site. Copy the HTML and paste it into the source code of your website. Note that you can customize the height and width of your map.

How much request is free for Google Maps API? ›

Note that the Maps Embed API, Maps SDK for Android, and Maps SDK for iOS currently have no usage limits and are at no charge (usage of the API or SDKs is not applied against your $200 monthly credit).

How much does it cost for Google Map API? ›

For most people, it is free to use Google maps on their website or apps. Google maps provide a free credit for $200 per month per account which can be used towards any services. The most popular service of the Google Maps API is the static maps API which costs just $2 per 1000 requests.

Is Google map API key free or paid? ›

API Keys is free of charge. If you use Cloud Endpoints to manage your API, you might incur charges at high traffic volumes.

Is My Google Maps API key Valid? ›

When you open the console, it will display any errors or warnings related to the API key. For instance, if your key has expired, the console will inform you of this issue, allowing you to take appropriate action to renew or replace the key.

How to use Google Maps API without a key? ›

Approach: Using an iframe

Using an iframe to add a Google map to your webpage is a simple and easy method that does not require an API key. With this approach, you can easily embed a Google map on your website by simply adding an iframe element to your HTML code.

Can you embed Google Maps for free? ›

One more thing…

The Google Maps Embed API requires an API key. Please register for an API key, at no charge, to embed a map on your site.

What can I use instead of Google Maps to embed? ›

10 Free Google Map Alternatives
  • Mapbox. This free API has made a name for itself in the mapping world with its extensive customization options, like live-updating maps and 3D rendering capabilities. ...
  • Apple Maps. ...
  • Bing Maps. ...
  • HERE Maps. ...
  • Open Street Map. ...
  • MapQuest. ...
  • TomTom. ...
  • OpenLayers.
Jan 19, 2023

Is Google Developer API free? ›

All use of Google Search Console API is free of charge. However, it is subject to usage limits. Was this helpful?

Is Google Map Places API free? ›

The Google Places API price works on a “pay as you go” model. You can get a 90-day or $300-credit free trial of the Google Places API if you've never used paid services on Google Cloud or the Google Maps Platform (which includes the Google Places API).

Is the Google Maps geocoding API free? ›

The Geocoding API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Geocoding API requests are billed using the SKU for Geocoding. Daily quotas are refreshed daily at midnight Pacific time.

Is Google Maps SDK paid? ›

The Maps SDK for Android uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Maps SDK for Android requests generate calls to one of three SKUs: SKU: Mobile Native Dynamic Maps, SKU: Dynamic Maps, or SKU: Dynamic Street View.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.