Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (2024)

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Grace Kay


Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (1)

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images and Philip Pacheco/AFP via Getty Images
  • For the better part of a decade, Elon Musk has been taking digs at Apple and its CEO Tim Cook.
  • On Monday, Musk accused Apple of monopolizing the market and opposing free speech.
  • Here's a history of the beef between the Tesla CEO and the tech giant.


Elon Musk seemingly declared "war" on Apple in a since-deleted tweet.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (2)

Elon Musk

The billionaire accused Apple of monopolizing the market and opposing free speech in a series of tweets.

"Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter," Musk tweeted on Monday. "Do they hate free speech in America?"

In a series of tweets, Musk accused Apple of being politically biased, called for Apple to publish all actions it has taken toward censorship, and asked his followers for support in his fight against the largest tech company in the world.

The Tesla CEO and "Chief Twit" later added that Apple had "threatened" to take Twitter off its App Store and "won't tell us why."

A spokesperson for Apple did not respond to a request for comment from Insider ahead of publication.


The story of Musk's beef with Apple dates back several years.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (3)

James Leynse/Corbis via Getty Images

The first signs of Musk's one-sided beef with Apple came in 2015 when he joked that Apple employed Tesla's rejects.

"They have hired people we've fired," Musk told German newspaper Handelsblatt. "We always jokingly call Apple the 'Tesla Graveyard'. If you don't make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I'm not kidding."

In the interview with the news outlet, the Tesla CEO shrugged off reports that Apple was looking into making its own electric car and took a dig at some of Apple's latest products.

"Did you ever take a look at the Apple Watch?" Musk said. "No, seriously: It's good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very complex compared to phones or smartwatches. You can't just go to a supplier like Foxconn and say: Build me a car."


In 2016, Musk reportedly tried to take CEO Tim Cook's job.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (4)

Britta Pedersen-Pool/Getty Images, Steve Granitz/WireImage

According to Tim Higgins' book "Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century," Tim Cook had suggested that Apple acquire Tesla in 2016.

At the time, Musk reportedly said he wanted to be CEO and Cook allegedly agreed, until Musk clarified that he wanted to be CEO of Apple — not just Tesla.

According to the book, which cited a source who had heard Musk's retelling of the exchange, Cook said "f*ck you" before hanging up the phone on Musk.

Both Musk and Apple have denied the reports, saying the two CEOs have never spoken.

"There was a point where I requested to meet with Cook to talk about Apple buying Tesla," Musk said on Twitter when the book came out last year. "There were no conditions of acquisition proposed whatsoever. He refused to meet. Tesla was worth about 6% of today's value."


Four years ago, Musk said Apple's devices don't "blow people's minds" like they used to.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

In a 2018 interview with Recode's Kara Swisher, Musk said Apple's products have grown stale.

"There's not many products you can buy that really make you happier," he said. "I still think, obviously, that Apple makes great phones. ... I still use an iPhone and everything. But Apple used to really bring out products that would blow people's minds, you know? And still make great products, but there's less of that."

Musk compared Apple to Tesla, saying Tesla planned to avoid Apple's pitfalls when it comes to consumer interest.

"I don't think people are necessarily running to the store for the iPhone 11," Musk said. "But I think with Tesla, we really want to make products that people just love, that are heart-stopping."


He doubled down his criticisms of Apple's technology in 2020.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (6)


In 2020, Musk criticized the iPhone's softwarewhile speaking at the Satellite 2020 conference.

"Technology does not automatically improve," Musk said. "People are used to the phone being better every year. I'm an iPhone user, but I think some of the recent software updates have been not great."

He continued to say that the software seemingly "broke" his email system.


A key Apple executive deleted his Twitter account this month.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (7)

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Phil Schiller, the senior Apple executive who runs the company's App Store, deactivated his Twitter account in November, shortly after Musk reinstated Donald Trump's account, per Bloomberg.

Schiller had hundreds of thousands of followers on the site and had formerly served as the company's head of marketing, The Independent reported. His decision to delete his account spawned headlines and raised eyebrows across the industry.


Most recently, Musk has slammed the tech company for its App Store fees.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (8)

Loren Elliott/Reuters

"Did you know Apple puts a secret 30% tax on everything you buy through the App Store?" Musk tweeted on Monday.

It was one of many times the billionaire has criticized Apple for its App Store fees.

In 2021, he called the fees a "de facto global tax on the Internet," and earlier this month, he tagged the Department of Justice's antitrust division in a criticism of the fees.

Now that he owns Twitter, Apple's fees could have an impact on Musk's business and his plans to generate revenue by charging users $8 per month for verification on the social media site.

The tech company controls app distribution for the iPhone and iPad, and takes between 15% and 30% of most in-app purchases made on iOS apps. The company typically requires that developers use in-app payment systems, though it has slightly softened that requirementfor certain apps like Netflix and Spotify.


Twitter and Apple have a longstanding relationship that Musk has seemingly torpedoed.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (9)


Cook has yet to respond to Musk on Twitter, even though the Tesla CEO called out the Apple CEO directly on the social media site.

"What's going on here @tim_cook?" Musk tweeted on Monday, after saying Apple had stopped spending ad money on Twitter.

In the first quarter of this year, Apple was the top advertiser on Twitter, accounting for 4% of the social media company's revenue, according to The Washington Post.

Up until Musk's takeover, Twitter and Apple appeared to enjoy a symbiotic relationship. Apple has frequently used the site for product announcements, and Apple even integrated tweets in its iOS operating system in 2011.

But Musk's recent actions might sour the relationship between the two companies. Ultimately Apple could decide to oust Twitter from its App Store over content moderation concerns.

In a op-ed with The New York Times, Yoel Roth, Twitter's former head of trust and safety, said that "the calls from the app review teams had already begun" when Musk's roll out of paid verification badges led to chaos, with users impersonating public figures and major companies.


But Musk doesn't seem afraid of the consequences of beefing with Apple.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (10)

Getty Images

Last week, Musk said he'd create his own smartphone if Apple booted Twitter of the App Store.

"I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone," Musk said on Twitter last week.

Tesla and Apple could also go head-to-head in the auto industry. For years, Apple has been said to be exploring the possibility of creating its own fully-autonomous electric car. The initiative, which is code-named Project Titan, appears to still be in its early phases.

In the past, Musk has said he doesn't see Apple as a threat to Tesla.


Apple is just one of many targets at which Musk has taken aim.

Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (11)

REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

The billionaire has been known to start his fair share of feuds on Twitter, and he's never appeared hesitant to speak his mind.

Most recently, Musk has publicly argued with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Stephen King on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Musk has personally called up CEOs of companies that have pulled ads from Twitter to complain, Financial Times reported on Sunday.

While Apple's business could be key to Twitter's success, Musk has shown he isn't afraid to ruffle a few feathers.

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Elon Musk Apple Tim Cook



Elon Musk is going to 'war' with Apple. Here's a look at the billionaire's years-long beef with the tech giant. (2024)


What does Elon Musk say about Apple? ›

In a 2015 interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, Musk playfully referred to Apple as a “Tesla graveyard.” His words were clear: If you don't make it at Tesla, you end up at Apple. The rivalry between the two tech giants perhaps will go down as a case of one that had all the ingredients to be an epic one.

What was Elon Musk doing at age 17? ›

When billionaire Elon Musk was a 17-year-old college student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, he had a brief stint where he only spent 1 dollar a day on food, and he successfully got by. “My threshold for existing was pretty low.

Is Tesla owned by Apple? ›

So, at the end of the day, Apple and Tesla didn't make a deal. Tesla is the top electric car company today, and Apple could have combined it to gain electric car know-how. However, buying Tesla would have been too risky and expensive for Apple, even though it would have been a shortcut into the car business.

Will Elon Musk buy Apple? ›

While the possibility of Elon Musk buying Apple can't be entirely ruled out, it seems highly unlikely based on the current circ*mstances. However, the world of tech is constantly evolving, and unexpected events can always occur. So, it's best to stay informed and follow the developments in this dynamic industry.

Why is Elon Musk suing Apple? ›

Musk complained that Apple had paused most of its advertising on Twitter, continuing his berating of companies that have done so. But it's his allegation that Apple “threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store but won't tell us why” that could prove more important.

Which phone does Elon Musk use? ›

Elon Musk (CEO of Space X and Tesla) uses an iPhone. Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) uses an iPhone and an Android phone (and confessed in an interview that he preferred his Android phone).

What is Elon Musk's IQ? ›

Let's first answer the critical question — Elon Musk's IQ is around 155. For context, it is believed that Albert Einstein had an IQ between 160 to 165. As such, Elon is way more brilliant than the average person.

What did Elon Musk do at age 13? ›

Not only this, the billionaire also developed a video game at age 13 and even got paid for it. In his recently-released biography penned by Walter Isaacson, Musk's love for gaming has been explored widely. The book also discusses how the SpaceX owner, when he was 13, created a video game and sold it to a magazine.

What degree does Elon Musk have? ›

Musk attended Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and in 1992 he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where he received bachelor's degrees in physics and economics in 1997.

Who owns 100% of Tesla? ›

Tesla (TSLA) Ownership Overview

The ownership structure of Tesla (TSLA) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 31.40% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 13.65% is owned by Insiders and 54.95% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

Who actually owns Apple? ›

Apple (AAPL) Ownership Overview

The ownership structure of Apple (AAPL) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 34.58% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 0.11% is owned by Insiders and 65.31% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

Will Google buy Tesla? ›

While Tesla narrowly escaped being acquired by Google, the tech giant continued to pursue its automotive ambitions, focusing on autonomous driving and robotics technologies and developing its pod-car prototype. This endeavor eventually evolved into Waymo, a distinct entity under the Alphabet Inc. umbrella.

Who is richer Apple or Elon? ›

Elon Musk is worth about 22 billion dollars. Apple is worth over a trillion. He could buy abou 2% of Apple if he liquidated everything he owns (and somehow got full value for it.) While this would be a significant enough position to give him some clout inside the company, it's… a little short of buying out Apple.

Did Bill Gates buy Apple? ›

Microsoft the company (not Bill Gates, the individual) did invest $150M in Apple in 1997, when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Did Bill Gates ever invest in Apple? ›

On August 6, 1997, Bill Gates led Microsoft invested $150 million in Apple in exchange for shares in the company. Apple's share price at that time was just about $0.2–$0.3. So, Microsoft received 150,000 shares of preferred stock in exchange for its $150 million investment.

What does Steve Jobs say about Apple? ›

Apple is about people who think 'outside the box,' people who want to use computers to help them change the world, to help them create things that make a difference, and not just to get a job done. Things don't have to change the world to be important.

What has Elon Musk warned us about? ›

The SpaceX and Tesla owner has long been outspoken about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence, and earlier this year warned it could even lead to "civilisation destruction". Asked by Sky News at the summit whether he still thought AI was a "threat to humanity", he replied: "It's a risk."

Is Elon Musk buying iPhone 15? ›

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has announced that he is buying a new iPhone 15 model for himself because he finds the camera 'incredible'.

Did Elon Musk offer to sell Tesla to Apple? ›

Elon Musk Wanted To Sell Tesla To Apple, But CEO Tim Cook Does Not Recall Ever Speaking To Him.

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