Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (2024)

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (1)

Note: In 2014 Rakuten purchased Ebates. Since they took over Ebates, they have slowly changed the look, feel and even the name Ebates to Rakuten. However, until we are officially ready to stop calling them Ebates and adopt the name Rakuten, this is still an Ebates review.

*My latest savings hack using Ebates, Honey browser extension, and Giftcard Granny has been added at the bottom of this post. Watch Now (Video)

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2020 Ebates Review: What is Ebates?

Ebates is a company that is partners with over 2,000 online companies to form an affiliate relationship with each company. An affiliate relationship simply means Ebates and each online company have created a partnership where Ebates will refer you or I to buy something from them, and that company then sends Ebates a thank-you referral.

The good news: Ebates then splits the thank-you referral with you, and you earn Cash Back.

For example, at the time this post was published, Kohl’s has agreed to send Ebates a thank-you referral of 12% Cash Back for whoever shops online at Kohl’s via the Ebates website. Ebates then splits the referral commission with you or I (the online shopper) and we each earn 6% cash back.

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (2)
It truly is a Win-Win-Win.

  • #1 Win – The Online Retailer: The online store is getting more of us to shop online at their stores.
  • #2 Win – Ebates: Ebates receives a thank-you commission for referring us to shop online.
  • #3 Win – You and I: Ebates splits that commission with us in the form of CASH.

Getting Started with Ebates

Creating an account with Ebates is FREE and simple.

To create an account with Ebates, all you need is an email address, Facebook account or a Google account to get started. Once you create your account, you can shop online just like you would normally do, however now you can earn between 1% – 40% CASH BACK at over 2,000 online stores!

The Cash Back is truly Cash Back, meaning you will either receive a check in the mail or your money will be deposited into your PayPal account. Remember, this is actual money, not a bunch of gift cards, points, or anything like that.

To get started, go to the Ebates website to create an account. You will see a pop up here that looks like this:

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (3)

This $10 bonus you’re receiving is because I referred you to the Ebates site!

Just to be 100% transparent, Ebates will also send me a thank-you referral for referring you to their site. However, you can also refer your friends and family to their website and earn the same thank-you referral as well!

I will explain more about this little side hustle later in this post.

How to Shop and Save with Ebates

Right now, the vast majority of cash back savings is online, however there are specific stores that offer in-store cash back as well.


According to a recent study, millennials do 60% of their shopping online. The fact that you are here reading about Ebates shows you are also online, and chances are you regularly shop online.

This is why I see Ebates as an absolute no brainer – you’re going to get cash back for doing what you’re already doing.

Search Ebates First (Good Option)

Before you shop online, head on over to the Ebates website and you can search the 2,000+ online retailers to see if they have a partnership with Ebates. Once you find a store where you’re going to shop, simply click on the button of that store.

For example, let’s say you’re going to purchase something from Things Remembered and you go through Ebates to get 16% Cash Back. You would click on the Things Remembered icon below:

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (4)

Once you click on it, you will be taken to the screen below to let you know your cash back is now activated:

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (5)

You will then be automatically redirected to the Things Remembered website to shop. This extra step took a whole 10 seconds which in return offers you cash back for doing something you were going to do anyhow – shop online.

Get the Ebates Button (Best Option)

Guess who is the king of buying something, bringing it home, and then finding a coupon for it after the fact?

….This guy.

Ebates must know we sometimes do this so they created a button we can add to our Google Chrome Browser. Now instead of having to remember to go to Ebates first, we will get a little notification on our screen when we arrive at an online store that is an affiliate (partner) with Ebates.


Andrea and I are big fans of Groupon because we LOVE getting a deal! Now, when we go to Groupon, this little pop up let’s us know we will get an additional 6% back on anything we purchase via Groupon once we activate the Ebates Reward.

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (6)

Note: You can get the button added by clicking here.

In Store

This is something that is newer to Ebates, but it’s really cool!

What you will need to do is add your debit or credit card to your Ebates Account. Then, before you shop in-store, check Ebates.com or the Ebates app for both iOS and Android, and see if that store has an in-store cash back option.

All you will need to do next is click on “Link Offer”.

Now, just make sure you use the same credit/debit card you added to your account when you checkout, and you will receive the same cash back as you would if you shopped online.

You can also search where you live to find if any of the stores in your area are offering in-store cash back. This is an example of where I live in Phoenix, AZ. As you can see, Macy’s is offering 3% in-store cash back. However, Macy’s also is offering 6% cash back when you shop online. I would always recommend checking both online vs in-store to get the best deal.

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (7)

Daily Deals, Coupons, and Promo Codes

In addition to cash back, you can also use Promo Codes to get an even further discount. For example, when I logged into Ebates today, I noticed a one-day promo for Macy’s and Kohl’s in addition to my 6% cash back. You can see exactly what it looks like below.

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (8)

Now not only will I get my 6% cash back, but I will also receive an additional coupon/deal that is currently offered by Macy’s or Kohl’s. Plus, this saves me the time of looking around the web for coupon codes before I buy something online! Ebates makes it quick and simple.

When Do I Get My Cash Back?

Pay close attention here, because I want you to know exactly how it all works. Ebates is going to either send you a paper check in the mail or they are going to pay you via your PayPal account. They aren’t going to send you a check for each and every little transaction you make in the form of cash back. Instead they have a payment schedule set up in advance. You can see it below:

Purchase PeriodYou Get Paid On
Jan 1 – March 31May 15th
Apr 1 – Jun 30Aug 15th
Jul 1 – Sep 30Nov 15th
Oct 1 – Dec 31stFeb 15th

How to Earn More Money with Ebates

Ebates extends their referral program to any Ebates member who would like to share how to earn cash back while shopping online. Once you create an account with Ebates, you can invite your friends and family to join in on the cash back savings, and YOU will also receive a thank-you referral.

You can share Ebates with anyone via your Gmail contacts, by sending them an email, sharing on Facebook, or by copying your referrallink and sending it out. If you have a website or blog, you can also add in the link and a small Ebates widget anywhere on your site.

As you can see, when someone shops via Ebates and spends $10 or more, you will get $25.

If you look in the top right, this shows you the amount I have personally made with Ebates including cash back!

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Side Hustle Alert!

Here’s the really crazy part….this could be a great little way to try a side hustle. Remember how earlier I showed you how this was a win-win-win. Well, I would also go as far as to call it a win-win-win-WIN!

  • #4 Win – Side Hustle: You can earn money fast by helping your friends and family save money while doing something they’re most likely already doing – shopping online.

Ebates Pro Tip

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (10)Here’s my BEST piece of advice for you: Try Ebates out for a few weeks first before you tell anyone else about it. I find a lot of value with Ebates because I know my friends, family, and you will save money by literally doing the exact same things you’re already doing – shopping online.

I am 99.9% positive you’re going to see the value in Ebates, but I would still highly recommend you actually try them out before you share this with a friend.

The One Problem with Ebates

Whenever I do a review like this, I always look for the good and bad. If you ever read a review that doesn’t point out the flaws, this should automatically be a red-flag alert!

However, finding the “bad” with Ebates was difficult. It’s free, there isn’t software you have to download or install, and the amount of effort to activate your cash back is effortless. I still dug into it and found a few things you could consider flaws:

  • Deals will come and go. You may shop one day and see 6% cash back and then a few months later the partner is no longer found on Ebates.
  • It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re getting your cash back. 99.9% of the time your account will be credited within 48 hours. If you don’t see it in your account, it’s your responsibility to notify them about it via a form on their site.
  • You will only get your cash back payout once every 90 days.

Watch Video: The Triple Savings Hack

If you want to get a little crazy, you can do what I have been doing and I actually made this video to show you how to also.

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (11)

I use Ebates, the Honey browser extension, and Giftcard Granny all at once to save the absolute most money possible. When I arrive at the online retailer I activate my Ebates to get my cash back activated. Then at checkout, I click on the Honey browser extension to apply any available coupon codes. Once I know my final checkout price, I search Gift Card Granny for an online gift card at a discount (someone may be selling a $50 gift card for $42 to get rid of it).

This means I am getting the cashback discount, the maximum discount using any and all coupon codes, and then the discount at the end with a bargain gift card.

Triple whammy my friend!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Membership Fee?

No. Ebates is 100% free for anyone to use.

What if I return something?

Your cash back will then be reversed. However, it is important to note that if you are sending the item back only to exchange it, you must go back through the initial process of activating the cash back via Ebates.com or the Google Chrome Extension or Ebates may not be able to capture your rewards.

How long does the cash back take to show up in my account?

Cash back will show up in 48 hours or less. However, in very rare instances the retailer will not credit Ebates your cash back until their 30 day return period has expired.

What if the cash back doesn’t show up in my account?

Ebates has a “Help” Link which will ask you to fill out the store name, the date, and order number, so they can track down your Cash Back and get it resolved for you.

Is there an Ebates App?

Yes, for iPhone, Android, and iPad.

Does Ebates work outside the United States and Canada?

Yes. Just make sure the online retailer ships outside the U.S and Canada. Also, your Cash Back will come to you in whatever currency you set up as your initial payment method.


As you can see, Ebates is a great way to shop and save money without much effort. The days of making your latest hobby clipping coupons and storing them in your purse or wallet is gone. Thanks to places like Ebates, the effort of saving money is as easy as clicking one or two buttons on a computer screen or mobile app.

In addition to saving while shopping, Ebates also has one of the most lucrative referral programs on the internet. By sharing the savings with your friends and family, you can earn hundreds of extra dollars.

Sign up for free with Ebates right now so you are ready for the next time you shop online. Also, don’t forget about the Ebates Chrome Extension (desktop only) – it’s an automatic savings game changer!

Ebates Review: How Does it Work & How Do You Earn Cash Back (2020) (2024)


What is Ebates and how does it work? ›

CliffNotes version – how does Ebates work?: Amazon wants more customers, so it offers to pay Ebates.com a commission for every sale that they make through an Ebates referral. Ebates then gives you a portion of their referral commission in the form of cash back. You win, Ebates wins, Amazon wins, everybody wins!

How does the Rakuten Cash Back work? ›

Earning Cash Back with Rakuten is simple.
  1. Start at Rakuten and choose a store. You can use our website, mobile app, or browser extension.
  2. Activate Cash Back to start shopping. Once you make an eligible purchase, we'll add Cash Back to your account.
  3. Get paid! Add your address and get paid via check or PayPal.

Does Rakuten Cash Back count as income? ›

Are credit card cash-back rewards taxable? No, credit card cash-back rewards are not taxable. The IRS treats cash-back rewards as a rebate on spending and not as income, so you aren't required to pay income tax on these rewards.

How much money do you get back from Rakuten? ›

Many offers on Rakuten pay between 1% and 10% cash back. However, you can find offers paying 10% to 50% cash back or even more, especially for products like software or subscription services.

Is there a downside to using Rakuten? ›

Not every store is available

Rakuten partners with many stores but doesn't have deals with every retailer. You may find you can't earn cash back at some of your regular stores.

Is it safe to use Ebates? ›

These companies pay you cashback rewards to shop online. And no, they're not scams. Earning discounts and savings just for shopping online might sound too good to be true.

Do you lose Rakuten Cash Back if you return? ›

If you canceled your order, it's no longer eligible for Cash Back. Did you make any returns? If you returned all or part of your order, the store will let us know and we will adjust your Cash Back accordingly. Going to other sites, especially ones that offer shopping rewards and coupons, can void Cash Back.

Do you really get money from Rakuten? ›

We'll send your first payment as soon as 15 days after your first purchase. After that, we'll send your Cash Back payment every three months. If there's any Cash Back pending, we'll carry it over to your next payment. Remember, you can only earn Cash Back if you start shopping at Rakuten.

What does 2x Cash Back on Rakuten mean? ›

What purchases are eligible for double cash back? Every day we pick at least one store and double the cash back on purchases for a twenty-four hour period only.

Do you pay taxes on Cash Back rewards? ›

Credit card rewards you earn by making purchases with the card aren't considered income and are not taxable. This includes rewards miles, points and cash back.

Is Cash Back worth it? ›

Earning cash back can be easy and makes sense if you're using a credit card to make regular purchases anyway. If you're looking to reward yourself with some extra cash, it's worth considering at least one quality cash-back card to keep in your wallet.

Do I have to claim Cash Back on my taxes? ›

Unless you are racking up an enormous amount of rewards, odds are you won't owe any taxes. It doesn't matter if your rewards come in the form of cash back, miles or points — as long as you meet a spending requirement to get there, you are in the clear. Remember, it doesn't matter how much you are earning in rewards.

Who pays the Cash Back on Rakuten? ›

Stores pay Rakuten a commission for sending you their way, and Rakuten shares the commission with you as Cash Back. Get paid every three months, plus earn a cash bonus when you join and shop.

What stores are involved in Rakuten? ›

Stores our members love
  • WalmartQVCSaks Fifth AvenueSephoraExpediaNeiman MarcusDell TechnologiesBloomingdale'sHotels.comUlta BeautyStaplesDick's Sporting GoodsLenovoNordstrom RackQuill.
  • Saks OFF 5THPetSmartUnder ArmourTravelocityNikeAeropostaleSam's ClubHobby LobbySHEINTEMUeBayValvolineadidasLive NationChewy.

How is Rakuten Cash Back calculated? ›

For the most part, the amount of cash back you receive will depend on the brand you're ordering from; cash back can be as low as 1% and as much as around 20% — and there's no limit to how much money you can cash out.

Do you keep Rakuten Cash Back if you return? ›

If you canceled your order, it's no longer eligible for Cash Back. Did you make any returns? If you returned all or part of your order, the store will let us know and we will adjust your Cash Back accordingly. Going to other sites, especially ones that offer shopping rewards and coupons, can void Cash Back.

How do I get paid from Rakuten? ›

Every 3 months, we send you a Cash Back payment for your online purchases that posted to your account during the previous quarter, based on the schedule below. You can decide to receive this payment via a cheque in the mail or by PayPal.

Are Ebates and Rakuten the same? ›

Ebates has been a Rakuten company since 2014. The same team that brought you Ebates is part of the Rakuten family. What has changed? Almost nothing, except that in places you're used to seeing the name Ebates, you now see Rakuten instead.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5720

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.