Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (2024)

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This homemade pancake recipe is one we’ve been making for over a decade! I picked it up years ago when working with innkeepers and I think you’ll love how light and fluffy these homemade pancakes turn out! And the recipe has been tested to give you great results each time.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (1)

So next time you’re looking in your pantry for store-bought pancake mix, I hope you remember to have this recipe saved! No need to run to your local grocer and buy some shake and pour. Everything you need is probably already in your pantry. Take scroll through the tips below, or simply click the ‘jump to recipe’ button to look at how easy and simple it is to make a classic pancake.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (2)

Homemade Pancakes – What You’ll Need

Grab the following items out of your pantry: flour,sugar,salt,baking powder. Open your refrigerator door and pull out one single egg and a carton of milk. Get a big mixing bowl out of your cabinet, and a whisk or a large fork. Let’s get started! This will take 5 minutes, tops.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (3)

Ingredients For Making Homemade Pancakes From Scratch

Quickly scrolling to look for a grocery list or what to search for in your pantry? Here are the items you’ll need in list form:

  • flour
  • sugar
  • salt
  • baking powder
  • one egg
  • one cup of milk (plant based milk works too. I like to use oatmilk)
  • butter or oil for greasing sauté pan or griddle

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (4)

How To Make Homemade Pancakes

First, pour all the dry ingredients into the bowl. That includes about 1 1/2 cups of flour, 2 tsp of sugar, a pinch of salt, and 2 teaspoons of baking powder.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (5)

Mix the dry ingredients together with a whisk or a fork until they are well blended. If you would like, you could put this mix into a sealed jar or container to have as a homemade pancake mix. But if you’re ready to make pancakes now, just scroll to the next step for the refrigerated ingredients you’ll need to add.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (6)

Next, beat the egg in a small bowl just a bit with a fork so that the yolk and egg whites are well mixed. It makes the pancakes a bit fluffier when you do this first by incorporating a little air into the whisked egg. Plus it makes it easier to properly blend the egg well with the dry ingredients.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (7)

Then add the wet ingredients to the bowl of flour: about 1 cup of milk and a whisked egg. TIP: I keep an extra half cup of milk on hand to add in a bit more in case the batter is too thick. Measuring flour can sometimes be tricking when using cups instead of weight. So just in case you added a heaping cup of flour in the steps above, it is good to have some extra milk on hand in case you need to thin the batter.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (8)

And there you have it! A quick and easy homemade pancake recipe. Now the batter is ready to cook.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (9)

After you’ve mixed all the ingredients together, heat a griddle or non-stick saute pan and add a dab of butter or oil. Pour pancake batter onto a heated griddle and wait for bubbles to form.In about 5 minutes, you’ll have breakfast. Got your syrup ready?

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (10)

Let the homemade pancakes get a lot of bubbles coming up to the surface and slightly cooked and dry around the edges before flipping.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (11)

Flip the pancakes and let them cook an additional one or two minutes until the second side is nice and golden. And there you go. Nice golden brown and delicious homemade fluffy pancakes.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (12)

Look at these wonderfully fluffy pancakes! Just the perfect texture and color.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (13)

Homemade Pancake Toppings

Now, as for toppings, there are so many variations. You could top with fresh blueberries, like we have here. Or raspberries, figs, sliced bananas. Nuts are also a great topping, especially walnuts or pecans. My husband loves to put peanut butter on his pancakes! I like to have a side of maple syrup to dip each bite into.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (14)

Making Different Flavors Of Homemade Pancakes

Now, when it comes to cooking fruit in with your pancakes, it could change up how long it takes them to cook. For blueberries, I recommend using frozen so they don’t burst and create a sugary sticky mess on your pan. Sliced bananas cooked in with the batter are so sweet and tasty. And thinly sliced apples are a great way to make apple pancakes in the fall. No matter how many creative variations you try, refer back to this homemade pancake recipe as the base.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (15)

After making these, try our barley pancakes with blueberry sauce or lemon pancakes too! And if you’re in a festive spirit, there’s also gingerbread pancakes.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (16)

Fluffy Pancake Recipe

Yield: 4 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

This fluffy pancake recipe makes the easiest homemade pancakes!


  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 1 1/2 cup milk
  • **A note about flour. You can also nix the baking powder and use self rising flour for fluffier pancakes.


  1. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. (Flour, baking powder, sugar, salt.)
  2. Whisk egg in a small bowl and add to the above flour mixture along with the milk.
  3. Stir together until well blended and pour onto a hot greased griddle.
  4. Wait until pancakes are bubbling and cooked around the edges and flip.
  5. Serve with fresh fruit and maple syrup.

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More Breakfast Recipes You’ll Love

  • Homemade Pancake Syrup
  • Gingerbread Pancakes
  • Barley Pancakes
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  • Air Fryer French Toast
  • Easy Weekday Microwave Oatmeal

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Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (17)

Originally published on Inn The Kitchen,Oct 4, 2009. Updated 2022.

Easy Homemade Pancake Recipe (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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