DWS INVEST CORPORATE GREEN BONDS LD FONDS aktueller Kurs | DWS2X0 | LU1873225616 (2024)



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DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds Kurs - 1 Jahr



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Ein Fonds von BIT Capital


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BIT Global Leaders R - I

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Ein Fonds von BIT Capital


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Den Verkaufsprospekt und die wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen können Sie jederzeit in deutscher Sprache als PDF auf derHANSAINVEST Webseiteherunterladen oder per E-Mail an BIT Capital anfordern. Die Fonds weisen aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung und des möglichen Einsatzes von Derivaten eine erhöhte Volatilität auf.Die bisherige Wertentwicklung ist kein Indikator für die zukünftige Wertentwicklung. Kursverluste sind möglich.

BIT Global Fintech Leaders R - I

Schon heute in die zukünftigen Marktführer des Finanzsektors investieren.

Ein Fonds von BIT Capital

Der Fonds wurde am 3. Mai 2021 zu einem Anteilspreis von 100€ aufgelegt.


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Den Verkaufsprospekt und die wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen können Sie jederzeit in deutscher Sprache als PDF auf derHANSAINVEST Webseiteherunterladen oder per E-Mail an BIT Capital anfordern. Die Fonds weisen aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung und des möglichen Einsatzes von Derivaten eine erhöhte Volatilität auf.Die bisherige Wertentwicklung ist kein Indikator für die zukünftige Wertentwicklung. Kursverluste sind möglich.


Wichtige Kennzahlen

FondsgesellschaftDWS Investment S.A.
Ausgabeaufschlag regulär3,00%
Total Expense Ratio (TER)0,78%
BenchmarkMSCI Euro Corporate Green Bond 5% Cap TR
Fondsvolumen238,94 Mio. EUR
Perf. 1 J (mehr)8,62%
Vola 1 J (mehr)3,50%
Capture Ratio Up97,89
Capture Ratio Down42,5
Batting Average50,00%

zur Fonds-Suche zur Fonds-Suche

Gebühren, Stammdaten und Dokumente des DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds

Gebühren + Konditionen

Ausgabeaufschlag regulär3,00%
Anteilsklassenvolumen123,67 Mio. EUR
Fondsvolumen238,94 Mio. EUR

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DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds als Sparplan

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NameDWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds
FondsgesellschaftDWS Investment S.A.
BenchmarkMSCI Euro Corporate Green Bond 5% Cap TR
ManagerChristof Richter, Bernhard Birkhäuser
DepotbankState Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch
ZahlstelleDeutsche Bank (Suisse) SA
Riester FondsNein

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Fidelity Sustainable Biodiversity Fund

Artenvielfalt und Biodiversität zu erhalten ist für das Überleben der Menschheit dringend notwendig – und kann eine perspektivreiche Anlageidee sein: Denn die Einsicht wächst, dass jetzt gehandelt werden muss. Bis 2050 sollen Schätzungen zufolge mehr als acht Billionen US-Dollar in Naturschutz und Renaturierung fließen.¹ Der aktiv gemanagte Fonds investiert in Firmen, die zum Erhalt bedrohter Tier- und Pflanzenarten oder ganzer Ökosysteme beitragen: zum Beispiel durch recycelbare Verpackungen, ertragreicheres Saatgut oder nachhaltigere Pflanzenschutzmittel. Fondsmanagerin Velislava Dimitrova investiert unter anderem in Technologie- und Lösungsanbieter, die Auswirkungen von Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung und übermäßiger Ausbeutung natürlicher Ressourcen verringern wollen.

¹ UNEP, State of Finance for Nature, Mai 2021.

Fidelity Sustainable Biodiversity Fund


Die besten Mischfonds kaufen

Weitere Informationen zu Mischfonds finden Sie in unseren Ratgebern "Mischfonds kaufen - mit gemischten Fonds Risiko minimieren" und "Multi Asset Fonds kaufen - so investieren Sie günstig und diversifiziert".

Anlagepolitik des DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds


So investiert der DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds: Ziel der Anlagepolitik des DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds ist es, einen nachhaltigen Wertzuwachs zu erzielen, der die Wertentwicklung seines Referenzwerts, des Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Corporate Green Bond 5% Capped Index, übertrifft. Das Teilfondsvermögen wird vorwiegend in verzinslichen Wertpapieren öffentlicher, privatund gemischtwirtschaftlicher Emittenten weltweit angelegt, die spezielle Projekte mit Bezug zu Umwelt-, Sozial- und CorporateGovernance-Themen (ESG-Themen) finanzieren. Dies umfasst vor allem „grüne“ Anleihen (Green Bonds), d.h. Schuldtitel, deren Erlöse ausschließlich für Projekte zugunsten von Umwelt und/oder Klimaschutz eingesetzt werden dürfen. Das Teilfondsmanagement investiert mindestens 80% des Teilfondsvermögens in wirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten, die zur Erreichung von Umwelt- und/oder sozialen Zielen beitragen.

Der DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds gehört zur Kategorie "Renten".

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Performance und Kennzahlen des DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds


6 Monate5,29%
1 Jahr8,62%
3 Jahre-5,84%
5 Jahre-2,12%
10 Jahre-
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6 Monate
1 Jahr3,50%
3 Jahre5,75%
5 Jahre5,74%
10 Jahre
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Sharpe Ratio

6 Monate
1 Jahr1,15
3 Jahre-0,58
5 Jahre-0,15
10 Jahre
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Aktuelles zum DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds

News zum Fonds: DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds

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Zusammensetzung des DWS Invest Corporate Green Bonds LD Fonds

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DWS INVEST CORPORATE GREEN BONDS LD FONDS aktueller Kurs | DWS2X0 | LU1873225616 (8)

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DWS INVEST CORPORATE GREEN BONDS LD FONDS aktueller Kurs | DWS2X0 | LU1873225616 (2024)


How do corporate green bonds work? ›

Green bonds versus blue bonds

Green bonds are a type of debt classified as Socially Responsible Investment. On issuing this type of bond, a company — private or public — receives funds that must be used exclusively to finance or refinance (partly or fully) projects with a positive impact on the environment.

How do investors make money from green bonds? ›

Investors buy the bonds and the company or government pays them back over time with interest. But the investors aren't often everyday investors — green bonds are usually sold to larger organizations such as pension funds that can buy bonds in bulk.

Should I buy green bonds? ›

If you are conscious about the environment and looking to save for the future then you can buy Green Savings Bonds from National Savings & Investment (NS&I). NS&I is backed by the Treasury, so your money is fully protected if things go wrong.

How much money is in green bonds? ›

Issuance of impact bonds (i.e., green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked) totalled $939 billion in 2023, up 3% on the same period last year. It's not a record – that was 2021 when issuance reached $1.1 trillion.

What are the problems with green bonds? ›

However, there remain significant challenges and risks to the continued use and growth of the green bond market. These include inadequate green contractual protection for investors, the quality of reporting metrics and transparency, issuer confusion and fatigue, greenwashing, and pricing.

How do you qualify for a green bond? ›

The four-step process to classify a green bond as eligible includes: identification of environmentally themed bonds, reviewing eligible bond structures, evaluating the use of proceeds and screening eligible green projects or assets for adherence with the Climate Bonds Taxonomy.

Who pays for green bonds? ›

A green bond is a fixed income debt instrument in which an issuer (typically a corporation, government, or financial institution) borrows a large sum of money from investors for use in sustainability-focused projects.

What are the best green bonds? ›

  1. 1 - Xtrackers EUR Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF +USD 145 million. ...
  2. 2 - iShares Global Green Bond ETF +USD 124 million. ...
  3. 3 - Xtrackers USD Corporate Green Bond UCITS ETF +USD 122 million. ...
  4. 4 - Lyxor Green Bond UCITS ETF +USD 75 million. ...
  5. 5 - Franklin Liberty Euro Green Bond UCITS ETF +USD 66 million.

Are green bonds tax free? ›

Unlike tax-free savings accounts such as ISAs, interest you earn on green bonds is taxable. However, the personal savings allowance (PSA) means many people won't pay tax on their savings interest anyway.

Which bank is best for green bonds? ›

Sustainable Finance—Regional Winners
Best Bank for Sustainable FinanceSociete Generale
Best Bank for Green BondsNedbank
Best Bank for Social BondsIFC
Best Bank for Sustainable BondsAbsa
Best Bank for Transition/Sustainability Linked BondsRand Merchant Bank
7 more rows
Mar 4, 2024

Is there a better investment than bonds? ›

Stocks offer the potential for higher returns than bonds but also come with higher risks. Bonds generally offer fairly reliable returns and are better suited for risk-averse investors.

What are the risks of green investments? ›

Some risks and challenges associated with Green Funds include greenwashing, limited track records, liquidity concerns, regulatory and policy risks, and market volatility. Investors should be aware of these risks and challenges when selecting and managing their green investments.

Who is the largest green bond issuer? ›

Largest green bonds issuers in the U.S. 2022

In the U.S., the biggest issuer was Fannie Mae. A state-sponsored company and the country's largest mortgage bank, Fanny Mae issued green bonds worth 10.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.

How safe are green bonds? ›

Additionally, they demonstrate a strong safe haven property with high-emission sectors for the entire study period and with all sectors except financials during the COVID-19 period. This hedging and safe haven benefit of green bonds is agnostic of the environmental disclosure score of a firm.

Why do people invest in green bonds? ›

Green bonds are debt securities designed to finance environmentally friendly projects. Green bonds may offer tax advantages, providing incentives for investing in sustainable projects that do not apply to comparable types of bonds.

How are corporate bonds paid out? ›

Unlike equities, ownership of corporate bonds does not signify an ownership interest in the company that has issued the bond. Instead, the company pays the investor a rate of interest over a period of time and repays the principal at the maturity date established at the time of the bond's issue.

How can you make money from corporate bonds? ›

In return for buying the bonds, the investor – or bondholder– receives periodic interest payments known as coupons. The coupon payments, which may be made quarterly, twice yearly or annually, are expected to provide regular, predictable income to the investor..

How are corporate bonds paid back? ›

A bond is a debt obligation, like an Iou. Investors who buy corporate bonds are lending money to the company issuing the bond. In return, the company makes a legal commitment to pay interest on the principal and, in most cases, to return the principal when the bond comes due, or matures.

What is the difference between ESG bonds and green bonds? ›

ESG bonds refer to any bond with set environmental, social, or governance objectives. This can include everything from affordable housing to improved infrastructure, reduction of racial or gender inequity, or renewable energy. Green bonds specifically focus on issues related to the climate and environment.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.