Due Diligence Report Basics & Best Practices on Writing One (2024)

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By iDeals

April 24, 2024

7 min read

Due Diligence Report Basics & Best Practices on Writing One (1)

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What is a due diligence report? What to include in your due diligence report? How to write a due diligence report in six steps? How can due diligence software help with reports? Key takeaways

Due diligence all too often becomes an exercise in verifying the target’s financial statements rather than conducting a fair analysis of the deal’s strategic logic and the acquirer’s ability to realize value from it

A comprehensive due diligence report can address this challenge by providing a thorough analysis of the deal’s strategic alignment, potential risks, and opportunities for value creation.

The article explains what a due diligence report is, how to write it, and why using due diligence software can be beneficial.

What is a due diligence report?

A due diligence report contains a detailed summary of the due diligence findings, covering the financial, legal, operational, and strategic aspects of a business or investment opportunity.

The due diligence report is typically written by the due diligence team, which may include professionals (financial analysts, lawyers, accountants) from the acquiring company, investment bank, or external consulting firms hired to conduct the assessment.

Creating due diligence reports helps investors and businesses to:

  1. Assess risk
    Investors can evaluate the risks associated with a potential investment, such as financial, legal, operational, and market risks.
  2. Identify opportunities
    Investors can uncover growth, expansion, or optimization opportunities within the target company.
  3. Make informed decisions
    Investors can make more informed decisions about whether to proceed with an investment, negotiate terms, or terminate a deal.

The information included in a due diligence report can vary depending on the deal type:

Deal typesWhat to include
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)Financial analysis. Analysis of financial statements, including revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
Market analysis. Assessment of the target company’s position within its industry, market trends, and growth potential.
Legal due diligence. Review of contracts, agreements, litigation history, and regulatory compliance.
Operational due diligence. Evaluation of operational efficiency, supply chain management, and potential synergies with the acquiring company.
Recommendations. Suggestions regarding valuation, deal structure, integration strategy, and potential risks.
Investments (venture capital, private equity)Market analysis. Evaluation of market size, growth potential, competition, and target audience.
Product due diligence. Assessment of the uniqueness and scalability of the product.
Financial due diligence. Examination of financial projections, revenue streams, and potential return on investment.
Management team. Evaluation of the experience, capabilities, and track record of the management team.
Exit strategy. Recommendations for potential exit strategies and timing.
Joint venturesStrategic fit. Assessment of how the joint venture aligns with each party’s strategic objectives.
Financial viability. Analysis of the financial health and sustainability of the proposed venture.
Risk assessment. Identification of potential risks and mitigation strategies for both parties.
Legal and regulatory compliance. Review of legal agreements, regulatory requirements, and potential liabilities.

The type of information included in the report will also depend on the type of due diligence. For example, a financial due diligence report may focus on analyzing the company’s financial statements and tax returns while a vendor report may include information about suppliers or third-party partners that the target organization collaborates with.

Tip: A due diligence questionnaire is a great tool for streamlining the due diligence and report creation processes. It consists of a set of questions aimed at gathering detailed information from the target company or individual. It covers topics like finances, legal matters, operations, and compliance.

What to include in your due diligence report?

The due diligence report format may vary depending on the type of due diligence and its purpose. Here’s what’s commonly included:

  1. Executive summary
    Begin with a short and straightforward summary of the key due diligence findings. This section should provide a quick overview for stakeholders who may not have enough time to review the entire report thoroughly.
  2. Company overview
    Give a quick overview of the company, its history, mission, products, target market, and achievements.
  3. Purpose of due diligence
    Clearly state why the due diligence is conducted. Is it for an acquisition, merger, investment, or other reasons?
  4. Financial due diligence
    Provide information on the company’s financial performance. This includes income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and other relevant financial metrics. Additionally, assess any outstanding loans, debts, or financial obligations to understand the company’s financial health.
  5. Legal due diligence
    Give an overview of any existing legal issues, including ongoing lawsuits, disputes, or regulatory challenges. Review contracts, permits, and licenses to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Identify any potential liabilities or risks associated with legal matters that could impact the organization’s financial performance or reputation.
  6. Operational due diligence
    Evaluate the efficiency of the company’s operations, covering production processes, supply chain management, and organizational structure. Also, assess management practices, IT infrastructure, customer relationships, and key agreements.
  7. Market due diligence
    Provide an overview of the company’s marketing and sales strategies, including competitive analysis, market trends, and growth opportunities. Evaluate customer segmentation, satisfaction, and retention rates to identify growth opportunities.
  8. Regulatory and environmental due diligence
    Review the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, analyzing policies regarding energy consumption, waste management, and diversity initiatives.
  9. Asset information
    Provide an overview of the organization’s assets, including physical assets such as property, machinery, and equipment, as well as intangible assets like intellectual property, patents, and trademarks. This helps assess the company’s overall worth and potential for future growth.
  10. Risk management
    Provide a summary of operational, financial, and strategic risks, along with risk management policies and insurance coverage details. This section should describe potential vulnerabilities and mitigation measures.
  11. Future growth prospects
    Assess the company’s potential for future growth and expansion, identifying growth opportunities, strategic partnerships, and acquisition targets. Provide recommendations for maximizing growth potential.
  12. Conclusion and recommendations
    Summarize key findings and recommendations, describing identified risks and opportunities. Offer actionable steps for addressing issues and achieving long-term success.
  13. Appendix
    Include relevant supporting documents, such as contracts, legal filings, financial models, and market research reports. The appendix should provide additional context for the findings presented in the report.

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How to write a due diligence report in six steps?

Creating a comprehensive due diligence report requires adherence to best practices at each step of the process. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Include only relevant information. Don’t include every piece of information gathered during the investigation. Focus on data that can potentially influence the decision-making. Eliminate irrelevant details.
  2. Know who you write for. Keep the target audience in mind when writing the report. Typically, it will be senior executives or stakeholders, as they are obliged to make strategic decisions. Bear their needs and preferences in mind and ensure the report is easy to understand.
  3. Use templates. Leverage a due diligence report template to streamline the writing process and ensure consistency. A template provides a structured framework for organizing information effectively. You can also customize the template to suit the specific requirements and objectives of the due diligence.
  4. Review and revise. After completing the initial draft, review and revise the report thoroughly. Ensure accuracy, coherence, and relevance of the content. Edit and eliminate irrelevant information. Consider seeking input from colleagues.
  5. Take enough time. Take the time to conduct thorough research and document findings comprehensively. Rushing through the task may compromise the quality and accuracy of the final output.
  6. Seek clarifications and legal assistance. Look for support or seek clarifications during the due diligence process and the report creation. If needed, engage legal experts to address legal or compliance issues and ensure thorough risk assessment.

How can due diligence software help with reports?

Due diligence software, also known as a virtual data room, is a secure online platform used for storing, sharing, and managing sensitive information during the due diligence process. It can also help streamline the process of creating due diligence reports by providing various tools and features.

One of the providers offering such tools and features is iDeals — a secure data room solution created back in 2008 and now serving over a million users globally.

Here’s the functionality it provides:

  • Data storage and organization
    Centralize and organize all relevant information in one secure platform. With all data readily accessible, creating a comprehensive report becomes much easier and less time-consuming.
  • Document management
    Easily upload, categorize, track, and manage the documentation involved in the due diligence, simplifying and streamlining the process.
  • Collaboration tools
    Due diligence often involves multiple team members or stakeholders contributing to the investigation. iDeals due diligence software facilitates collaboration by offering functionality like real-time document sharing, commenting, version control, Q&A section, and notifications.
  • Security
    iDeals offers advanced security functionality to ensure the secure creation of reports within its platform. This includes features like two-factor authentication, granular 8-level permissions, user access expiration, dynamic watermarks, redaction, and fence view.
  • Customer support services
    iDeals provides 24/7 customer support via chat, phone, and email, with respective response times of 30 seconds, 25 seconds, and 30 minutes. Its average case resolution time is just five minutes, ensuring users receive timely assistance throughout the due diligence report creation process.

iDeals virtual data room offers a free demo and a free trial. If you’re interested in exploring the solution, contact our team and test the platform yourself.

Key takeaways

  • A due diligence report is a comprehensive document summarizing the findings of due diligence, covering financial, legal, operational, and strategic aspects of a business or investment opportunity.
  • Due diligence reports help investors and businesses assess risks, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions about potential investments, mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships.
  • Due diligence reports typically include an executive summary, company overview, purpose of due diligence, financial analysis, legal review, operational assessment, market analysis, regulatory compliance, asset information, growth prospects, recommendations, and appendix.
  • Best practices for writing an effective report include focusing on the key details and adding only relevant information, using due diligence report examples, reviewing and revising the draft carefully, and seeking clarifications or legal assistance when needed.
  • Due diligence software, such as iDeals virtual data room, offers features for data storage, organization, document management, collaboration, and security, streamlining the report creation process.

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Due Diligence Report Basics & Best Practices on Writing One (2024)


Due Diligence Report Basics & Best Practices on Writing One? ›

It includes analyzing financials, operations, partnerships, and joint ventures. The due diligence report is crucial for decision-making, focusing on areas like viability, financial aspects, environment, personnel, liabilities, technology, and synergy. Types of due diligence include business, legal, and financial.

What is the basic due diligence report? ›

It includes analyzing financials, operations, partnerships, and joint ventures. The due diligence report is crucial for decision-making, focusing on areas like viability, financial aspects, environment, personnel, liabilities, technology, and synergy. Types of due diligence include business, legal, and financial.

What are the basics of due diligence? ›

Due diligence is the steps an organization takes to thoroughly investigate and verify an entity before initiating a business arrangement, whether that's with a vendor, a third party or a client. In the general business sense, due diligence means vetting issues that affect the business thoughtfully and carefully.

What are the 4 P's of due diligence? ›

What are the 4 P's of due diligence? The 4 P's of due diligence are People, Performance, Philosophy, and Process.

What are the 3 examples of due diligence? ›

The due diligence in business circ*mstances refers to organizations practicing prudence by carefully assessing associated costs and risks prior to completing transactions. Examples include purchasing new property or equipment, implementing new business information systems, or integrating with another firm.

What are the 4 due diligence requirements? ›

The Four Due Diligence Requirements
  • Complete and Submit Form 8867. (Treas. Reg. section 1.6695-2(b)(1)) ...
  • Compute the Credits. (Treas. Reg. section 1.6695-2(b)(2)) ...
  • Knowledge. (Treas. Reg. section 1.6695-2(b)(3)) ...
  • Keep Records for Three Years.
Jan 22, 2024

What are the 3 principles of due diligence? ›

Unpacking Due Diligence: Key Concepts & Components

It is characterised by three primary pillars: risk assessment, factual verification, and comprehensive research. Risk Assessment forms the backbone of due diligence. It involves evaluating potential risks linked with the transaction or partnership under consideration.

How do I make a due diligence checklist? ›

Areas to target for scrutiny in the due diligence checklist should include:
  1. Historical Financial Statements. ...
  2. Revenue and Expense Analysis. ...
  3. Assets and Liabilities Review. ...
  4. Taxation and Tax Compliance. ...
  5. Debt and Financing Agreements. ...
  6. Working Capital Analysis. ...
  7. Financial Projections and Assumptions. ...
  8. Cash Flow Analysis.

What do you write in due diligence? ›

Due diligence reports typically include an executive summary, company overview, purpose of due diligence, financial analysis, legal review, operational assessment, market analysis, regulatory compliance, asset information, growth prospects, recommendations, and appendix.

What is due diligence for dummies? ›

Due diligence is everything that happens in between going into contract and finishing the close. Due diligence broadly falls into the realms of the physical, financial, and legal. Don't skip any of the steps. Doing so could cost you.

What are simplified due diligence rules? ›

Simplified due diligence is the lowest level of due diligence that can be completed on a customer. This is considered appropriate where there is little opportunity or risk of your services or customer becoming involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.

How to do a due diligence report? ›

Listed below are general due diligence process steps.
  1. Evaluate Goals of the Project. Goal Setting: ...
  2. Analyze of Business Financials. Financial Audit: ...
  3. Thorough Inspection of Documents. Document Review and Interviews: ...
  4. Business Plan and Model Analysis. Business Model Assessment: ...
  5. Final Offering Formation. ...
  6. Risk Management.
May 15, 2024

What are the three 3 types of diligence? ›

While there are as many as 10 different types of due diligence in M&A, they generally fall into three broad categories:
  • legal due diligence.
  • financial due diligence.
  • commercial due diligence.

What are the 4 pillars of customer due diligence? ›

Key customer due diligence requirements include customer identification and verification, beneficial ownership identification, defining the purpose of business-customer relationships, and conducting ongoing monitoring.

How do you write an enhanced due diligence report? ›

How to conduct Enhanced Due Diligence
  1. Step 1: Employ a risk-based approach. ...
  2. Step 2: Obtain additional identifying information. ...
  3. Step 3: Analyze the source of funds and ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO) ...
  4. Step 4: Implement transaction monitoring. ...
  5. Step 5: Employ adverse media and negative checking.
Jul 11, 2024

What is a due diligence template? ›

A due diligence checklist template is essential for attorneys and legal departments involved in significant business transactions like mergers and acquisitions (M&A), vendor onboarding, or customer due diligence activities supporting anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) compliance.

What is the executive summary of a due diligence report? ›

The executive summary at the outset of a due diligence report distills the most critical findings from the full analysis into a concise and impactful overview. It highlights the key risks, value drivers, and the ultimate recommendation or conclusion regarding the prospective transaction.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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