Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (2024)


  • Choosing between the Mages and Templars in Dragon Age: Inquisition impacts the entire story and relationships with companions.
  • Siding with the Mages leads to a more interesting quest line and unique rewards for Mage characters.
  • Deciding to side with the Templars offers benefits for Warrior builds and approval from more party members.

Deciding between the Mages and the Templars is the first big decision players will make in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and it's one that can change the entire story. The Mages and the Templars have always been embroiled in bitter conflict throughout the Dragon Age franchise. In Inquisition, the game makes the player face the problem directly by choosing a side. The decision between the Mages and Templars in Dragon Age: Inquisition follows the player character through the whole story, and affects every party member in it.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third title in the Dragon Age series. The game follows a character designed and named by the player, but generally called the Inquisitor, as they take on numerous magical threats, and become entangled in the conflict between the Mages and Templars. Although there are many choices for players to make in Inquisition, deciding between the Mages or the Templars seems to be the most important to the story.


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Before choosing Mages or Templars, the player has an opportunity to witness each side in action during a peace conference ultimately doomed to fail. In Val Royeaux, the Templars are on edge and refuse to talk to the Inquisition. In the Hinterlands at Redcliffe, the Mages call off an invitation they originally sent to the Inquisition. There seems to be something else going on behind the scenes, but how that unfolds depends on which side players should choose on their path toward beating Dragon Age: Inquisition. There are both positives and negatives to joining either the Mages or the Templars.

What Happens If Players Side With The Mages In Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Siding With DAI's Mages Causes Red Lyrium Addiction

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (2)

If the Inquisitor decides to side with the Mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player must first deal with Alexus, a suspicious mage who has supposedly taken over the Mage Rebellion. Alexus torments the player psychologically, in a mission where he sends their character and a companion named Dorian to the future. There, the Inquisitor's party members have been held in a red lyrium dungeon for countless years. Once all party members have been freed, the Inquisitor must fight Alexus and return to the present time using a magic amulet.

Dorian can still be recruited later if the player character sides with the Templars, just not until much later in the game.

The Mage mission, "In Hushed Whispers", is more party member-based. The player will have the opportunity to learn more about their companions, how they feel about the world around them, and their hopes during this mission. It shows a vision of the future, and what would have happened if the main antagonist Corypheus won over Thedas. This is one of the most interesting quests available in the game, and can only be accessed by siding with the Mages.


Although news on upcoming Dragon Age and Mass Effect games has been scarce, comments from a former BioWare writer might spell trouble for both series.

Siding with the Mages makes the Templars the Inquisitor's enemy for the remainder of the game. This creates an interesting quest line: Mages are oppressed by Templars throughout Thedas, everywhere except at their stronghold in Tevinter. In this case, the player character sides with the underdog, making for an excellent story of rebellion and redemption. Eventually, the Inquisition must deal with Samson, who leads the Templars to a crazed red lyrium addiction later in the story.

And while it's not strictly necessary to side with the Mages when using a magically-inclined character, it only makes sense. A player could theoretically make a Mage character and have them side with the Templars, but they'd miss out on some of the best possible items and abilities for their characters. Some Mage character builds in Dragon Age: Inquisition can deal lots of damage in combat, which could be an excellent addition to the Inquisition. Plus, if they did side with the Templars, they'd have to justify turning against others in a similar predicament with their roleplaying choices. Siding with the Mages makes playing that class more sensible, but can work with any character build.

What Happens If Players Side With The Templars In Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Siding With DAI's Templars Means Facing an Envy Demon

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (4)

If the player chooses the "Champions of the Just" mission and sides with the Templars, the Inquisition must instead deal with a setup situation, fighting an Envy Demon who has become obsessed with the Inquisitor. The envy demon sends the player character through a foggy nightmare of burning people. The envy demon is posing as the Templars' leader and preparing them for "The Elder One," after which point it wants to take the Inquisitor's place just like it took the Templar leader's. The nightmare world is woven into the Inquisitor's mind as the envy demon puts them through negative thoughts and failed scenarios.

It may be worth it though, as some of the best Warrior builds in Dragon Age: Inquisition are only available within the Templars faction. Towards the end of the Templar mission, the player must fight the demon and save the uncorrupted Templars. However, when siding with the Templars, the player will make the oppressed Mages their enemy, seeking to prevent them from becoming demon-possessed Abominations and wreaking havoc.

Siding with the Templars and making it to the end of the "Champions of the Just" mission is more of a personal quest, mostly centered on the Inquisitor as they fight off evil thoughts within their head. Taking this path will also allow the player to recruit Cole sooner, who, while not as good a party member as Dorian, can still hold his own. Later down the road, the player will have to face Calpernia, a Mage leader, with the possibility of a twisted outcome.

Player Decisions In Dragon Age: Inquisition Affect Party Members

How DAI's Companions Respond To The Mages Vs. Templars Choice

Each decision made will affect the relationship of fellow party members in Dragon Age: Inquisition. However, it's more complicated than simply gaining favor from Mage supporters when choosing their side, or gaining favor with Templar supporters when choosing theirs. Players can also choose whether to ally with each side (allowing them to remain independent forces pursuing their own causes), or disband and conscript them into the Inquisition (forcing them to abandon their own fights and help the Inquisitor).

Choosing to ally with the Mages' side will gain approval from those who are Mages in the party: Solas, Dorian, Cole, and possibly Varric, the latter depending on the outcome of Dragon Age 2. All of the above will disapprove if the Mages are conscripted. Those who are warriors or believe in the Templars - Cassandra, Iron Bull, Vivienne, and again, possibly Varric - will approve of choosing the Templars' side. They will disapprove if the Templars are disbanded.

According to how the player wants relationships to go during the playthrough, keeping up with companion approval in Dragon Age: Inquisition is essential. Some decisions in missions have a small amount of approval, while other tasks have a higher amount of approval - and the same goes for disapproval, too.


Complete Romance Guide to Dragon Age: Inquisition

BioWare is well known for their in-game romances. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, players can romance a companion, but these romances can be complex.

Players Should Side With The Mages In Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Mages Have The Best Storyline & Rewards

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (6)

Choosing the Mages makes the most sense for a good-aligned Dragon Quest: Inquisition playthrough, since, although both sides have their flaws, the Mages ultimately have the more morally sound ideology. Their storyline is much more interesting and satisfying than the Templars', focusing on multiple companions with unique backgrounds and outlooks. Dorian makes a great companion throughout the game. And with some of the best rewards for Mage builds, the associated quest line can be extremely rewarding for certain kinds of players.

That said, some evil-aligned DAI players might instead choose to go with the Templars. Even from a purely practical standpoint, with good rewards for Warrior characters, joining the Templars has its benefits for certain builds, too. It gives the player the most opportunity to flesh out their own character. And since joining their side does gain approval from more party members, the Templars can help the Inquisitor romance their favorite companion more easily.

But there's no wrong choice. No matter which side the player decides to join, there are plenty of options for both good and evil roleplaying. Both recruits, Dorian and Cole, can still join the player's party at some point in the game. Both the Mages and the Templars have great missions, and choosing either side offers a different story every time. It's another example of Dragon Age: Inquisition's excellent replayability, as fans can play it multiple times to see how each story changes and unfolds.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (7)
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third entry in the Dragon Age franchise released by RPG developer BioWare. Released in 2014, Inquisition puts players in the role of the Inquisitor, a custom player-created character who is set on a journey to close the "Breach," a dangerous tear that appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the sky that continues to pour demons out across the continent of Thedas. Depending on the player's actions, various characters can be recruited or even romanced, leading to a unique experience in each playthrough. Additionally, players will build the character how they want by learning various skills depending on the class and species of character they choose.

Action RPG

Dragon Age
PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC

November 18, 2014


Electronic Arts

M for Mature: Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language

How Long To Beat
50 Hours

File Size Xbox Series
45 GB (November 2023)

89 (PS4); 85 (Xbox One & PC)
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? (2024)


Dragon Age: Inquisition - Should You Side With The Mages Or Templars? ›

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon. The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game.

Should I join the Templars or mages Dragon Age Inquisition? ›

The Mages Have The Best Storyline & Rewards

Choosing the Mages makes the most sense for a good-aligned Dragon Quest: Inquisition playthrough, since, although both sides have their flaws, the Mages ultimately have the more morally sound ideology.

What happens to Calpernia if you side with the mages? ›

If the Inquisitor chooses to side with the Rebel Mages instead of the Templars, Calpernia is never encountered. A note in the Western Approach indicates that she catalogues artifacts for Corypheus and thus is still serving as a Venatori.

Who should I ally with Dragon Age Inquisition? ›

For a first run, I have to recommend the Mages. Siding with the Mages leads you on a quest that involves meeting Dorian, one of the companion units, and a plot that uses magic with Time Travel. It's one of the best segments of the game… and you can completely miss it by choosing to side with the Templars.

Do you get Dorian if you side with Templars? ›

You can recruit Dorian to your party in two ways, depending on what decisions you make. If side with the Templars in Champions of the Just, Dorian will arrive at Haven where you can recruit him. If you side with the Mages during In Hushed Whispers, he will instead be found in Redcliffe Village's Chantry.

Is it better to side with mages or templars? ›

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon. The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game.

What happens if you choose the templars? ›

If you side with the Templars, you will have a mission where you visit a Caer (A fort) that the Templars have based themselves in. Your appearance disrupts a plan by an Envy demon disguised as Templar leader, Lord Seeker Lucius, to infect the Templars with Red Lyrium.

What happens to Samson if you side with the Templars? ›

If Samson rejoins the Templar Order, he can now be found at the Templar Hall and will remark that he's happy to have, "all the lyrium that [he] can quaff" and will fight alongside Hawke against Meredith.

Who can betray you in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Dragon Age players have been betrayed by characters like Morrigan, Anders, Blackwall, and Solas, and can conditionally be betrayed by many others.

Can you get Fenris to side with the mages? ›

Fenris needs to be with you whoever you choose in the end. If you have friendship at 100%, you can choose mages and still get him to side with you (you will have the option to convince him if you have 100% friendship). If you have rivalry at 100%, you need to choose the Templars or you won't be able to complete it.

Who can the Inquisitor marry? ›

Sera And Cullen

Both, of course, have to be romanced, and the player gets a choice whether the characters marry or keep their relationship as is without marriage. In Sera's romance, she proposes to the Inquisitor in Trespasser and the two can get married quickly right then and there, with Sera in a white dress.

What happens if you romance multiple people in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

As the player, you can attempt to role-play a polyamorous character to an extent, but none of the NPCs will reciprocate. You can flirt with as many characters as you wish (subject to their preferences), but as you complete storyline milestones, multiple suitors may confront you and ask you to make a choice.

What is the most popular romance option in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

A poll of Dragon Age fans has found that Solas is the most popular romance option in Inquisition.

Can you romance Dorian as a female Inquisitor? ›

Though he will happily flirt with any Inquisitor, Dorian can only be romanced by male characters. Successfully committing to a romantic relationship with any character will earn you the "Beloved and Precious" achievement/trophy.

Can you recruit Dorian and Cole Dragon Age Inquisition? ›

So does that meanyou don't get Cole? No, you recruit him during the mission to side with the Templars. You will be able to gain both Cole and Dorian regardless of which side you pick.

Can you become a Templar Dai? ›

How to Become a Templar. To receive this Specialization you must complete the quest Way of the Templar. It initiates by speaking with Ser in the Skyhold courtyard after completing the Specializations for the Inquisitor War Table Operation.

Which class is better in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For solo combat, players should pick a Dragon Age: Inquisition Warrior build. Warriors are the best tanks due to their ability to build Guard, which shields their health bars from damage.

Should I join the mages guild? ›

It is a good idea to join the Mages Guild early in the game, especially if you plan on using Magicka. You'll obtain spells, items, and equipment that make being a spellcaster go from nearly impossible to easy as pie. Once in to the Mages Guild, don't screw up.

Is Mage a good class in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Best Weapons In Dragon Age: Inquisition (& How To Get Them) Mages are some of the most powerful damage dealers in Dragon Age: Inquisition, though they are significantly less durable than the other classes, and their high damage output can attract the attention of enemies.

Who is the strongest mage in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

These characters are by far the most powerful mages in Dragon Age and some of them have permanently changed the franchise's universe, usually for the worse.
  • 8 Avernus. ...
  • 7 Danarius. ...
  • 6 The Inquisitor. ...
  • 5 Morrigan. ...
  • 4 Magisters Sidereal. ...
  • 3 Corypheus. ...
  • 2 Solas. ...
  • 1 Flemeth.
Feb 7, 2023

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