Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (2024)

How does one even begin choosing what fantasy race they want to be in a fantasy roleplaying game? We live in a world where we do not get to make that decision before living. But even if we did, we wouldn't get choices such as "Elf, Dwarf, or Qunari."


A lot of love goes into the world of Thedas, and even more so towards its characters and races. Entire books can be filled with in-game codex pages that explain the cultures, lore, and history of every race. So it would come as no surprise that what race you choose can influence the entire game.

It is a very sociological world that is full of consequences based on who your character is. As much as you can make decisions throughout the game, picking a race will create some consequences beyond your control. Here are some aspects to think about when choosing what race you play.

Updated on April 16, 2021, by Juliet Childers:Though still awaiting more news on the next Dragon Age game, many fans have revisited the older games. Perhaps some wanted to experience the narratives as a race they hadn't played before or a different gender. There's no denying that, as in our own world, the world of Dragon Age treats different people in various ways. From race-specific armor sets to unique dialogue options, here's how much race affects gameplay in Dragon Age.

15 Romance Choices

Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (1)

Most notably in Dragon Age Inquisition, your race defines certain romantic paths. Sorry guys, but not everyone will be interested in you if you play a Dwarf or Qunari. The characters who are race-specific are Cullen and Solas. Cullen will only romance humans and Elves while Solas will only romance Elves.

Of course, choosing between male a female takes a bigger role than race in terms of who you can romance. However, some characters have very particular tastes. Solas is the most gated romance in the entire series, as he only will romance female Elves.

14 Character Origin Story

Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (2)

In the first titleDragon Age Origins, you get to play a different origin story based on your race and class. Some fans just play every origin story and then pick their favorite and go with that one. But what race you choose actually unlocks a different backstory that you get to play through. If you pick a human, then you are from a noble family and even start out with a dog rather than get one later.

If you pick an Elf, you can either be from the city or a Dalish Elf. Mages eachhave their own unique backstories that range from an arranged marriage to finding a magic mirror that ruins your life. If you choose a Dwarf, you can be low or high caste and live underground. All of these backstories are touched upon later as you progress through the game.

13 Racism Across Species

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Since Dragon Age is a very sociological series, the races are rife with inequality. There are various fantasy racial slurs such as "knife ear" for Elves and "ox-men" for Qunari. Speaking of those slurs,Elves and Qunari are probably the races who experience racism the most. In Inquisition, Elves and Qunari actually start a certain quest with a penalty due to people's prejudices at a royal party in Orlais (on land taken from Elves by humans).


This also can influence how your companions think. For example, Solas has a scene where he makes some pretty racist remarks about Qunari if you play as a Qunari. As an Elf, you may have some issues with Serasince, though she is an Elf, she is definitely racist against the culture of the Dalish. This is your backstory if you play an Elf in Inquisition.

12 The Fashions Of Thedas And Beyond

Fashion can be such a small thing for some gamers while it can mean everything to others. Some clothes or styles can be limited by gender, race, or even character. Vivienne's iconic hat, for example, is unique to her. Perhaps the most particular fashion factor that is put into a race is with the Qunari and hats.

Due to how the characters have horns, the Bioware developers made it so that they cannot wear hats. Instead, they wear face paint which is actually pretty difficult to find in the game. It also is not that pretty or varied, butthe hats are often not pretty or diverse either. Luckily, there is a setting that turns off both hats and face paint while still giving armor bonuses.

11 Choices In Other Games

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Some players like to play a different race in each game while others like to always play an Elf or Dwarf. Unfortunately, you only get one choice in Dragon Age 2 and that is to be human. That factor made a lot of fans annoyed while other fans (and the devs themselves) have come to appreciate the game that was produced, tested, and shipped in less than a year.

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Still, many fans remain soured toward playing as humans. Some choose humans, however, for better continuity across titles. While players get limited to no interaction with previous protagonists, some players like the idea that their Inquisitor and their Warden are similar in terms of race and background.

10 Character Class

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The biggest factor about race and class is that Dwarfs cannot be mages. This actually may be part of what makes Dwarfs one of the most unpopular races to play in the series since mage is one of the most popular classes. However, that is the only locked class in terms of race.

You can be anything as anyone else from an Elf warrior to a Qunari archeror a human rogue. In Origins, class is very important to your origin storyas it can make the difference between you being a Dalish Elf or a mage in the Circle Tower.

9 Future Games

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As far as we know, anything can happen in Dragon Age 4. Who is to say if the race you choose in previous games will influence future ones? For example, maybe certain characters will feel warmer towardsQunari if you were a Qunari hero in Inquisition. This also ties into the gated romances. What if Solas in Dragon Age 4 can only be really reasonable if you romanced him as a female Elf?

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If your Warden is the Queen of Ferelden (which is only possible if you are human), what if she gets assassinated due to a power struggle? So much is possible when everything is still unknown. It is interesting to think about.

8 Culture Across Races

For some players, it is all about the culture of the races. If you like the idea of living in the woods and worshipping a pantheon, then being a Dalish Elf is probably the best choice for you. If you want to be part of a strict caste system and live underground, then a Dwarf is definitely the best idea. As for Qunari, it is actually more of a religion than a race but that is just very complicated.

It is easy to read for hours about these cultures. Some players do not even know what to really think until they have played a couple of games as to which culture is their favorite. Sometimes it is not even about a favorite; it could just be about what makes for the best story for a hero in your head. What background should they come from?

7 The History Of That Race

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This factor relates a lot to the culture but is different. For example, humans are actually the most recent additions to Thedas compared to the other races. We actually do not have a lot of details as to where they came from. Historically, it seemsQunari might be part dragon, but this popular fan theory has yet to be confirmed in lore.However, it is hinted at a lot -- especially when you talk to the Iron Bull after you kill your first dragon in Inquisition.

As for Elves, we learn a ton about their history in Inquisition --mostly the fact that it is remembered wrongand is also quite tragic. TheDwarves have a long, mysterious history with only some DLCthat delves into the fact that we probably are missing a huge piece of their history, too.

6 PlayerCharacter Build

Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (10)

Most gamers play the series more for a good story than to have the best character build. If you are into making the strongest combative character though, then race is a factor in that. What race you choose gets them just the slightest different bonus points.

For example, in Inquisition a human will get an additional ability point, a Dwarf will get better resistance to magic, Elf will get better resistance to ranged attacks, and Qunari get better physical resistance.

5 Potential Role-Playing - Good Vs. Evil

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Though they are loathe to admit it at times, some players (even in RPGs) cannot be the Bad Guy™. But Dragon Age really allows people to be SUPER bad. This goes beyond simply punching somebody or having the occasional snipe or jab as one might see in a Final Fantasy title.

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The Inquisitor can go so far as to punchSolas square in the face or even play into/reinforce Qunari stereotypes at the Winter Palace. Bioware fans know how much the Paragon/Renegade system worked forMass Effect, so perhaps RPG fans just need to go with the evil flow for a bit.

4 How Easy Do You Want Life To Be?

Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (12)

It's already established that racism is alive and well across Thedas. Whether it's against Dalish Elves, City Elves, Qunari, Dwarves, or simply Orlesians vs. Fereldans, choosing a character background can drastically affect how conversations and encounters go.

Some players may want to take an easier route by playing as a human warrior vs. an Elven mage in Origins. The same can be done in Dragon Age: Inquisition and, in the case of the human characters, the player can even be of somewhat noble birth. Imagine how much easier that makes things at places such as the Orlesian court in terms of approval.

3 Height And Physical Features

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This may seem like an unimportant facet, but choosing a race ties in directly with how players want to present themselves in-game. If someone wants to create a dreamboat, their idea might not include horns. In contrast, someone might want to see fat Elf representation.

While Bioware allows for some customization, the modding community took it upon themselves to improve everything from hair textures to a total overall of the character creator. VanillaInquisition can be further enhanced by using some of these well-crafted mods if players want more appearance options.

2 Unique Conversations Based On Race

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Again, race and class background can affect encounters and conversations. Though unlocking perks can allow for new dialogue topics, some characters just lock certain parts off to characters of a certain race or to mages.

This facet exists across all Dragon Age franchise games and players a key role in how players experience the story. Of course, some of us just want to experience everything a game has to offer. For that, players will have to turn, once more, to mods. Otherwise, play multiple times as different races to discover all of the unique conversations you can have.

1 Armor Types Based On Race

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Like height and physical appearance, harping on unique armor types might seem trivial. But "look good, play good" holds true no matter what game someone plays. Some armor sets, such as the Keeper armor above, are race locked.

In order to gain access to it, one must play that race. Of course, theDragon Age franchise contains games worth more than one playthrough.


I'm an avid enthusiast of fantasy roleplaying games, particularly the Dragon Age series, and my extensive knowledge on the topic stems from years of immersive gameplay and a deep exploration of the lore and mechanics within these games. Let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article and expand on the various aspects of choosing a fantasy race in the Dragon Age universe.

15 Romance Choices

In Dragon Age Inquisition, the choice of your character's race significantly influences romantic options. Certain characters, like Cullen and Solas, have race-specific preferences in their romantic paths. For example, Cullen is open to romancing humans and elves, while Solas exclusively romances elves. This dynamic adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, making romantic choices an integral part of the gameplay experience.

14 Character Origin Story

Dragon Age Origins introduces different origin stories based on your character's race and class. The selection of a race unlocks a unique backstory that shapes your early experiences in the game. Whether you're a human from a noble family, an elf from the city or Dalish clan, or a dwarf of low or high caste, these distinct backgrounds influence your character's development and interactions throughout the game.

13 Racism Across Species

The Dragon Age series explores sociological themes, and racism is a prevalent aspect. The various races face inequality, and in-game societies harbor racial prejudices, evident in slurs like "knife ear" for elves and "ox-men" for Qunari. The game mechanics reflect these dynamics, affecting quests, dialogue options, and even interactions with companions based on your chosen race.

12 The Fashions Of Thedas And Beyond

Character customization goes beyond aesthetics, as certain races like the Qunari have unique considerations due to their physical features, such as horns. The game's attention to detail is evident in race-specific fashion choices and limitations, adding an extra layer to the immersive experience.

10 Character Class

Race and class are intertwined, with dwarfs being unable to be mages. This restriction, while making dwarfs less popular among players, adds diversity to character choices. The interplay between race and class is especially significant in Dragon Age Origins, where your class determines your origin story, shaping your character's background.

8 Culture Across Races

The cultural aspects of each race contribute to the richness of the Dragon Age universe. Players may choose a race based on their affinity for a particular culture, whether it's the nomadic lifestyle of the Dalish elves, the strict caste system of dwarfs, or the complex religious identity of the Qunari.

7 The History Of That Race

Understanding the history of each race provides context to their current situations. The lore of Thedas reveals that humans are relatively recent additions, elves have a tragic and misunderstood history, and dwarves have a mysterious past with glimpses explored in DLC content.

6 Player Character Build

For players focused on creating a powerful character build, race plays a role in providing specific bonus points. Each race in Dragon Age Inquisition receives unique bonus points, affecting attributes like ability points, resistance to magic, and resistance to ranged attacks.

2 Unique Conversations Based On Race

Race and class background influence encounters and conversations throughout the Dragon Age series. Certain characters may react differently or offer unique dialogue options based on your chosen race, adding replay value for those who want to explore all possible narrative paths.

1 Armor Types Based On Race

Unique armor sets are race-locked in the Dragon Age franchise, further emphasizing the impact of your race on gameplay. This incentivizes players to explore different races to access exclusive armor sets, contributing to the overall replayability of the games.

In conclusion, the Dragon Age series goes beyond standard character creation, intertwining race with gameplay mechanics, narrative consequences, and immersive world-building, creating a rich and dynamic fantasy roleplaying experience.

Dragon Age Inquisition: 15 Things To Consider When Choosing A Race (2024)


What is the best race to choose in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For some players, it is all about the culture of the races. If you like the idea of living in the woods and worshipping a pantheon, then being a Dalish Elf is probably the best choice for you. If you want to be part of a strict caste system and live underground, then a Dwarf is definitely the best idea.

What is the best class for a human in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

There are plenty of tough boss fights in Dragon Age: Inquisition, but Warriors can soak up damage and control the field. Warriors are an all-around versatile class with high endurance levels, regardless of specialization.

What order should I do zones in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

[No Spoilers] Recommendations for order of areas to play through...
  1. Haven: Level 1+ (level range 1-4)
  2. Hinterlands: 2+ (4-7, 8-12)
  3. Val Royeaux: 4+ (4-6)
  4. Storm Coast: 5+ (7-11, 13-15)
  5. Fallow Mire: 8+ (8-10, 12-15)
  6. Forbidden Oasis: 8+ (8-12, 5-15, 18-20)
  7. Skyhold: 10+
  8. Crestwood: 10+ (10-13)
Jan 14, 2017

What race is best for Archer Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Human, Archer-Assassin will likely give you the easiest path through the game. Mage into Knight Enchanter is easier in the second half, better in terms of survivability, but you have to actually get to that point.

What is the strongest class in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Rogues are by far the best class in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There are two types: dual-wield rogues, who work with daggers, and archer rogues, who work with bows and arrows. The former are better for close-range attacks and the latter are better for range attacks, but both deal rapid, repeat damage.

What not to do in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Playing Too Fast. Side quests are not everyone's favorite thing when it comes to RPGs. Many players prefer to play the main story and go through the story to finish the game, but that's not always the best idea. Speeding through Inquisition is something that should be avoided.

Can a Qunari be a mage? ›

The Qunari fear and loathe magic. But it is of course still possible for a follower of the Qun to be born with the power to use it. A Qunari mage is known as a saarebas, meaning "dangerous thing." The Qunari treat them with brutality and caution.

Who is the best romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Players may gravitate towards characters they connect with the most, like Iron Bull, whose engaging personality makes him a top romance choice. Romancing characters like Dorian or Solas adds depth and complexity to the game, offering unique experiences based on personal preferences.

What level should I be for each area in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Area NameEnemy LevelsMetals/Stone
Exalted Plains11 - 16Everite Obsidian Lazurite Veridium
The Emerald Graves15 - 20Bloodstone Dawnstone Everite Iron Obsidian Pyrophite Stormheart
Emprise du Lion19 - 23Bloodstone Dawnstone Silverite
Hissing Wastes19 - 20Amrita Lazurite Nevarrite Serpentstone Volcanic Aurum
9 more rows
Nov 18, 2014

What level should I be to fight dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

It is not advisable to try to fight the Fereldan Frostback until a player has reached Level 12. In fact, it is not advisable to try and fight any dragon until at least Level 12, or they may make quick work of a player's party.

What is the max level in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the maximum level for player-controlled characters is 27, which is reached at 791,384 experience points.

What is the best racial bonus in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The most useful racial bonus is, arguably, the 1 extra ability point humans get. But even that is not enough of an advantage to be a determining factor. Inquisition is fairly easily, especially on the lower difficulties. Just pick whatever race you want.

What is the best race for rogue in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Answers. Normal difficulty is probably about equal for the races. On Nightmare, Elf is probably more useful at the beginning of the game when ranged archers can one-shot, the elf gets a bonus to ranged defense to prevent a one-shot at full health.

What is the best specialization for an archer in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Artificer is by far the best specialization for Rogue Archers in Dragon Age: Inquisition. This subclass focuses on making traps that can snare, damage, or apply other status effects that can incapacitate enemies.

Who is best to side with in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For a first run, I have to recommend the Mages. Siding with the Mages leads you on a quest that involves meeting Dorian, one of the companion units, and a plot that uses magic with Time Travel. It's one of the best segments of the game… and you can completely miss it by choosing to side with the Templars.

Should you choose the mages or templars in Dragon Age? ›

Many fans have agreed that the Mage quest is far more interesting than the Templar one in terms of lore implications. In the Mage quest, players actually get to time travel to a future where Corypheus wins. They see allies at their lowest and the stakes suddenly become incredibly high.

What is the human race in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the races of Thedas. Only four times have they ever united beneath a single banner, the last being centuries ago. The monotheistic faith of the Chant of Light plays a major role in human society.

Who are the choices for divine Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

There are three candidates: Leliana, Cassandra and Vivienne (if recruited).

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