Does My Ex Miss Me? (Hint: Yes, But It's Not Like It Matters) (2024)

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Most of my readers who want to rekindle their relationship want to know if their ex misses them post-breakup. And so, they keep emailing me questions like, “Does my ex miss me right now? How about later — will they miss me then?” “Will they miss me if I walk away completely?” and “Will they miss me if I stop talking to them for some time.”

With the recent influx of readers, getting back to every email became rather tedious. So here’s an article on the topic. In it, I’ll answer nearly every question people have about whether or not their ex misses them.

Ideally, people will stop sending me so many emails about this now. Let’s roll.

1. Does My Ex Miss Me At All?

The answer is yes; your ex certainly does miss you, at least a bit. And if they don’t, they’ll likely start sooner or later. It’s human nature. We’re wired to eventually miss what we value or have valued at some point.

But here’s the kicker: your ex missing you doesn’t really matter. I’d even go as far as to say the whole thing is woefully overrated.

Yes, you’ve read that right. While your ex missing you is what generally kickstarts their desire to get back together with you, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee it.

After all, sometimes a person misses their ex yet wants nothing to do with them. Maybe they’ve realized the relationship wasn’t healthy, or perhaps they’ve grown as individuals and no longer deem their ex compatible.

Understanding these things is crucial for your healing. Because God knows how easy it is to get caught up in the idea that if an ex misses you, it means you’ll eventually get back together.

One more time: your ex missing you doesn’t necessarily translate to wanting you back in. Etch this idea in your brain.

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2. On What Factors Does My Ex Missing Me Depend?

Here are some of the most common ones, listed in no particular order.

Nature of the breakup.If your breakup was expected, clear, mutual, and/or respectful, your ex will probably miss you more than if it ended bitterly, abruptly, or without a clear resolution.

Time since the breakup.If your breakup happened a week ago, your ex will probably miss you more than if it happened years ago.

Attachment style.If your ex has an anxious attachment style, meaning they have an excessive need for closeness and validation, they will probably miss you more than if they had an avoidant attachment style, characterized by an excessive need for space and independence.

Compatibility.If you and your ex have your goals, beliefs, and personal values adequately aligned, they will probably miss you more than if you were going your separate ways while having polar opposite beliefs about how the world works.

New relationships.If your ex is still single and not dating anyone, they will probably miss you more than if they were in a new relationship or found massive dating success.

Communication habits.If you and your ex don’t interact, they will probably miss you more than if you stayed in touch and kept those memories fresh.

Major life changes.Moving to a new city, changing careers, or experiencing massive personal growth — these can all impact your ex’s tendency to miss you, either for better or worse.

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3. How Long Does It Take My Ex To Miss Me?

Your ex can start showing signs of missing you already a week or two post-breakup. They might shoot you a text, give you a ring, or even haunt your social media with likes. More on these signs later.

But don’t get it twisted — these crumbs don’t mean they’re ready to jump back into your arms. In fact, if you try to talk to them about reconciling within that first or second-week post-breakup, they will likely become unreceptive to the idea. Not to mention cold and stand-offish. There’s always the odd exception, of course, but don’t bank on being one.

Now, for some actual data.

I’ve dug deep into reconciliation recently, and it turns out that, on average, it takes two exes 2.56 months of missing each other before they start thinking about getting back together. So expect them to start missing you roughly two months post-breakup.

For those interested in how I got this data, it’s from a survey I conducted this year. You can check out an in-depth analysis of the results here:How Long Does It Take An Ex To Come Back (The Exact Answer).

4. For How Long After The Breakup Does My Ex Miss Me?

According to the same survey referenced above, expect your ex to miss you for up to about five months following the breakup. After that 5-month mark, the odds of reigniting that old flame drop significantly. After all, most people start moving on by then, missing their ex less and less.

Still, this estimate has a lot of caveats.

If your ex is a classic codependent or someone with an anxious attachment style — or simply lots of codependent and/or anxious tendencies — they are more likely to miss you even past our 5-month mark.

The same goes if your relationship lasted for years, you already lived together and/or you passed all the more significant milestones like having kids, buying a house/flat, or getting married.

Same story if this was your ex’s first serious relationship, they’re below 30 and/or have only a handful of sexual experiences.

These are all instances where your ex is likely (although not guaranteed) to miss you way past our typical five-month marker. Which goes to show the complexity of relationships and how getting a precise prediction about how anyone will feel after a breakup is fundamentally impossible.

5. When Will My Ex Start Missing Me Enough To Do Something About It?

When people ask this question, what they’re really asking is, “When will my ex miss me enough to come back?” So the concern isn’t about an ex doing anything; the concern is about an ex doing a very specific action: asking for another shot.

If that’s you — if you’re someone waiting for your ex to give you another shot — then I have some bad news. Even if that happens, you likely won’t get back together. And even if you do, you probably won’t stay together long.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you already know this. That said, for those uninitiated, the odds of your ex coming back and actually staying with you are just 15% on average. There are competitor statistics that back this up, and, of course, my own.

Despite the disheartening statistics, however, there is a sunny side to the sorrow. A side I keep bringing up over and over again…

… You can always find someone just as attractive, intelligent, health-conscious, or whatever you look for in a partner. Not only that, you can also find someone who is, unlike your ex, 100% able, ready, and willing to get into a relationship with you.

6. What Are The Signs My Ex Misses Me?

The signs your ex misses you are almost identical to those indicating anex will eventually return. Keep note of this.

See Also

But anyhow, here are some of the biggest ones, listed in no particular order. The more of them you notice, the more likely it is that your ex misses you. Simple as that.

1. They reach out.Assuming you’re inno contact, if your ex reaches out for any reason unrelated to logistics (children, pets, living arrangements, work, shared possessions, etc.), there’s a good chance they miss you.

2. They’re excited to hear from you.There’s a lot you can pick up from someone’s tone. If your ex is eager to talk to you, it’s a sign that they miss you. But if they’recold and detached and you can see that you’re irritating them, it’s a sign they don’t.

3. They keep up with your friends and family.Meaning, your ex asks them how you’re doing, what you’re doing, and perhaps even if you’re seeing anyone else.

4. They keep bumping into you.This means your ex goes to venues where they could “accidentally” bump into you. So if you keep seeing them wherever you go, know that it may not be a coincidence.

5. They propose being friends with benefits.Whether your ex suggests this directly (“let’s be friends with benefits”) or indirectly (“let’s continue seeing each other, but no strings attached”), they likely still miss you.

6. They’re forcing a friendship. An obvious sign your ex misses you. Just note that if they propose it only once, they’re probably just letting you down gently. Also note, don’t accept friendship if you want your ex back.

7. They try to make you jealous.If your ex seems to be going out of their way to show off how great their new partner is or how fun life is without you, especially through social media or mutual friends, they might be trying to get a reaction out of you because they miss you. Otherwise, why try and provoke you? If they didn’t feel anything for you, they’d ignore you.

7. What Are The Signs My Ex Does Not Miss Me?

Analogously to what I wrote above, in the previous section, the signs your ex doesn’t miss you are almost identical to those indicating an ex won’t return. And equally important!

But anyhow, here are some of the most glaring ones, listed in no particular order. The more of them you notice, the more likely it is that your ex does not miss you. Yet again, simple as that.

1. They don’t reach out.If you’re inno contactand your ex makes no effort to reach out for any reason, it likely means they have moved on.

2. They already told you to move on.Sometimes your ex will tell you this directly. Other times they’ll be more covert about it and say, “Maybe it’s time you should focus on yourself.” Regardless, it’s a big sign they’re done with you.

3. They’re constantly giving you the cold shoulder.Your ex’s tone and demeanor can reveal a lot about their feelings. So if they seem uninterested, distant, or cold during interactions, it’s a sign that they don’t miss you.

4. They show no interest in meeting up.Self-explanatory. A lack of desire to spend time with you suggests they don’t really miss you.

5. They don’t engage with your social media.Meaning they give no likes, leave no comments, never view your stories, etc.

6. Your friends have all told you to move on.In which case, they’re probably right and should listen to them. Believe me, they probably have a better idea of where you stand with your ex than you. After all, their heads aren’t clouded with emotions.

7. They return your stuff.Be it your belongings or the gifts you gave them. The theory goes that the fewer things your ex has, the fewer reasons they have to reconnect, indicating they don’t want to reconnect in the first place.

8. How Can I Get My Ex To Miss Me More?

If you’re interested in getting your ex to miss you more, it’s all about self-improvement. For a more detailed exploration of the topic, you can read through various articles linkedhere,here, here, and here.

But for brevity’s sake, focus on the following:

  • Cutting communicating with your ex (unless you need to go over logistical stuff like kids, pets, a shared work project, living arrangements, and so on).
  • Getting quality sleep, lots of healthy foods, plenty of exercise, and maintaining good personal hygiene.
  • Having meaningful work and a stable financial life.
  • Socialising with friends and family (more often than usual).
  • Taking time off for travel, hobbies, and other fun activities, especially if you’re overworked.
  • Experimenting with meditation, journaling, gratitude practices, yoga, qi-gong, therapy, and so on.
  • Showing indifference, not spite or immaturity (i.e., showing off how great you’re doing just to make your ex jealous).

As you can see, getting your ex to miss you more has much more to do with yourself than them. It’s simple, really. The idea is to invest in yourself so much that your ex can’t help but notice you. So go and do that. Try it out and see what happens.

Does My Ex Miss Me If They’re Dating Someone New?

Probably. Whether your ex’s new date is a fling, f*ckbuddy, a rebound, or a serious partner, there’s a good chance they still miss you. Especially if it wasn’t long since your breakup. Yet, I must remind you of the underlying point of this article again: your ex missing you doesn’t mean they want you back. And if they found someone else, it’s a surefire sign that they don’t want to rekindle things with you.

Does My Ex Miss Me More When I’m In No Contact?

Compared to you repeatedly reaching out like a little bitch? Yes. 100%. No contact is the best way to get your ex to miss you. For those uninitiated, it’s the equivalent of walking away and never looking back — at least the version of no contact I teach. The reason it’s so effective at getting your ex to miss you is because it turns your entire relational dynamic in your favor and buys you time in which you can learn from your breakup, better yourself, and become more attractive.

What If My Ex Says They Don’t Feel Anything Towards Me?

Believe them. If your ex did miss you, they wouldn’t tell you the opposite. Why? Nine out of ten times, because you’re not giving them enough space. So they can’t feel any separation anxiety and taste the freedom they crave. Instead, they get frustrated and pissed off due to your inability to stay the f*ck away from them.

Can My Ex Miss Me But Not Contact Me?

Yes. It means that they simply don’t miss you enough to make time for you. If you continue to maintain no contact, you’ll raise your chances in getting them to reach out. So stick to it. The less attached you get to getting back with your ex, the more likely it is that it will happen.

Can I Find Out “Exactly” When My Ex Will Start To Miss Me?

Probably not. Your ex will start to miss you when they start to miss you. Sometimes it’ll be as soon as you go no contact. Other times it’ll take them months or even years. Relax and focus on yourself.

Is It Possible to Make My Ex Miss Me Without Interacting?

Yes, it is possible to influence your ex’s feelings from a distance, primarily through indirect actions. If you focus on personal growth, post positive updates about your life, or become more involved in new and interesting activities, you might stir feelings of nostalgia and curiosity in your ex. Just note that the key here is to engage in activities that improve your own life, not just as a strategy to get your ex back, but as a strategy to get yourself back.

Can Social Media Make My Ex Miss Me?

Social media can be a powerful tool in shaping perceptions. If you use social media wisely, by sharing positive aspects of your life, achievements, and personal growth, it can make your ex aware of what they are missing. However, it’s important to use social media authentically. Overdoing it or obviously trying to make your ex jealous virtually always backfires, making you appear desperate and insincere.

Should I Tell My Ex I Miss Them?

Telling your ex that you miss them can be tempting, especially if you’re hoping to rekindle things. However, expressing this directly can sometimes weaken your position, particularly if they aren’t feeling the same way. It’s usually better to focus on yourself, build up your own life, and let them come to the realization of your value on their own.

I Miss My Ex Badly, What Can I Do?

I’d encourage you to read this guide. But if none of the breakup content under the sun is moving the needle in your recovery, I suggest you get professional help — anything akin to a therapist.source

If My Ex Misses Me, Does It Also Mean They Want To Get Back Together?

No, there is no guarantee that making your ex miss you will lead them to want to restart the relationship. Missing someone is often just a fleeting emotion, influenced by loneliness or nostalgia, and nothing more.

Free Cheat Sheet: Discover If Your Ex Misses You and Maximize Reunion Odds Through Honesty

This cheat sheet will help you identify signals of longing and provide tips and advice to increase the chances of rekindling your relationship — all through integrity and respect.

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Does My Ex Miss Me? (Hint: Yes, But It's Not Like It Matters) (2024)


Does My Ex Miss Me? (Hint: Yes, But It's Not Like It Matters)? ›

The answer is yes; your ex certainly does miss you, at least a bit. And if they don't, they'll likely start sooner or later. It's human nature. We're wired to eventually miss what we value or have valued at some point.

How do you know if your ex secretly misses you? ›

There are a few practical signs that your ex misses you, like if they tend to keep popping up in your life or you notice them liking your social media posts. Those are the biggest indicators, but it's best to be straightforward and ask someone if you want to know how they're feeling.

Can your ex miss you but not reach out? ›

Yes, it is possible for an ex to miss you but no contact you. In fact I would say that the statistics that I've been able to compile over the years bear this out as being the most likely scenario post breakup. But it's not all bad news, I promise.

How do you know if your ex still has feelings for you? ›

Pay attention to how often your ex contacts you or likes your posts on social media. If your ex keeps calling and texting you or starts showing up at your favorite places, they may still like you. When you see your ex, take note of any open body language like touching your arm while talking.

How do you know if your ex is not interested in you anymore? ›

How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
  • 1 They found someone else.
  • 2 They're enjoying their life.
  • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
  • 4 They don't want to be friends.
  • 5 They block you.
  • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
  • 7 They physically avoid you.
  • 8 They act cold toward you.

How do you know if your ex is thinking about you? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

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How to Tell If Your Ex Is Manifesting You: 15 Powerful Signs
  • 1 You can't stop thinking about them.
  • 2 They keep popping up in your dreams.
  • 3 You run into them unexpectedly.
  • 4 You're seeing angel numbers.
  • 5 You feel their presence when they're not around.
  • 6 You start thinking of them as your soulmate.

How do you tell if your ex secretly wants you back? ›

How to Tell If Your Ex Is Waiting for You & What to Do about It
  • 1 Your ex reaches out and contact you.
  • 2 They share details about their life.
  • 3 They want to be friends again.
  • 4 Your ex follows you on social media.
  • 5 Your ex asks you for advice.
  • 6 They make plans to meet up with you.
  • 7 They remember important dates.

How do you know if an ex is coming back? ›

Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back
  • 1 They leave your number unblocked.
  • 2 They're sad weeks after the breakup.
  • 3 They're active on your social media.
  • 4 They haven't returned your things.
  • 5 They keep in touch with your friends and family.
  • 6 They initiate contact regularly.
  • 7 They reminisce about the past.

How do you know if your ex still loves you but won't admit it? ›

Indications that your ex still loves you but won't admit it include continued contact, nostalgic conversations, and emotional responses when discussing the breakup. They might display jealousy, subtle physical touches, or initiate deep discussions.

How do you test if your ex still loves you? ›

  • They still reach out to you from time to time.
  • They still get jealous when they see you with someone else.
  • They still remember important dates and occasions.
  • They still get defensive when you bring up the past.
  • They still engage in friendly conversations with you.
  • They still try to make you laugh or smile.
Feb 12, 2023

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An ex who wants to get back together will often try to be close to you when they do see you. They might hug you, kiss your check or display other types of physical affection to show that they care. If they are still very emotional about the breakup, they might also look down, avoid eye contact or even cry.

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Talking negatively and often about an ex may indicate someone's still attached to them. Online stalking of a former partner reinforces an emotional attachment to them. Intense emotional arousal when the topic of an ex comes up signals a lack of closure.

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You're not pining for them and are not bitter over your breakup. You're at peace with your past and have accepted that it's over. There's nothing left to rekindle or reminisce about because you know it's already a closed book, and you're preoccupied with your new life.

How do you tell if your ex is secretly missing you? ›

List of Signs Your Ex Misses You
  • Your Ex Can't Stop Communication With You. ...
  • They Keep Pictures of You Two Together On Social Media. ...
  • Your Ex Reminisces With Friends About Experiences You Two Shared. ...
  • If Your Ex Asks People If You Mention Him or Her. ...
  • Your Ex Makes Excuses To See You.
Dec 16, 2020

Do exes come back after losing interest? ›

Exes may return in some cases. Since couples break up for various reasons, the circ*mstances of a breakup may impact the potential for reconnection. A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them.

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How to Tell If Your Ex Is Waiting for You & What to Do about It
  • 1 Your ex reaches out and contact you.
  • 2 They share details about their life.
  • 3 They want to be friends again.
  • 4 Your ex follows you on social media.
  • 5 Your ex asks you for advice.
  • 6 They make plans to meet up with you.
  • 7 They remember important dates.

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Notice how often they call or text.

Everyone has different styles around communication, but frequent phone calls and messages are a good sign of investment in a relationship. If the person is kind of popping in and out of your life to check on you, they're probably missing you and wondering how you feel.

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One of the signs a guy misses you is that he may take his attention to the online version of you. At this point, he could begin to like all your posts, comment on the places where he's sure you'd see them, and even check out everything you post on your Instagram stories.

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Either that distraction is jumping into a rebound relationship with someone else, or going back to you, or immersing themselves into some sort of job and swearing off relationships altogether for a little while. So typically, your ex won't start missing you until around two to three whole months after the breakup.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.