Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (2024)

Finding the right antivirus can be an overwhelming endeavor. As you’re doing your research, combing through the dozens of available antivirus software services, it’s perfectly acceptable to wonder, “Is this really going to protect me from hackers?” How much protection can you really get when the average cost of antivirus software is $30 to $50 per year anyways?

Well, our cybersecurity experts set out to answer that question exactly. We use the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) malware test file to figure out how well common antivirus software works to stop hackers.1Our team looked at everything from built-in antivirus like Windows Defender to top-tier third-party antivirus software. After having tested over 40 different antivirus software, we’ve figured out how well antivirus works for stopping hackers. So, let’s dig in.

Does Antivirus Software Stop Hackers?

Antivirus software immunizes our computers against unauthorized software or coding, which means it can stop hackers that use malware, remote access trojans (RAT), and other malicious programs. You just need good antivirus software, and we give you three highly-rated options below.

Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (4)

No Antivirus Is 100 Percent Foolproof

Although antivirus is an essential part of digital security, it is not foolproof. Each day, more than 350,000 new malware programs are created,2 and it’s very possible for newly created malware to get around protections.That’s why our team uses our computer’s built-in protections like Windows Defender and macOS Security on top of third-party antivirus software.

Insider Tip: No singular digital security method is completely bulletproof. To have the best chance of protecting yourself, a combination of methods like VPNs, password managers, and identity theft protection is necessary.

What Is Antivirus Software?

Antivirus software is a type of software developed to protect computers and mobile devices from harmful programs. It preemptively detects, neutralizes, and disposes of malware. Antivirus software identifies malware and viruses through files in its database, and most also scan our devices for suspicious behavior, enabling them to spot threats that are not included in the database.

How Antivirus Works

Antivirus deploys a number of methods to stop hackers and fight against unauthorized code, or software that could threaten the operating system. For starters, it detects threats in real time; if we downloaded a file that the antivirus software flagged as dangerous, we would get a notification, and then we’d know not to open that file. Once the threat is identified, the antivirus software removes the malware, foiling the hacker’s attempt to compromise our information or system. It also conducts scans regularly and notifies us when harmful viruses or malware is detected.

Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (5)

Antivirus programs use methods like signature analysis and behavior-based detection to identify threats. Signature analysis compares potential threats to a database of identified malware. The downside is that if the threat isn’t in the database, it won’t be detected. That’s where behavior-based detection comes in. Behavior-based detection looks for suspicious activity and can successfully detect new malware that might not be included in the antivirus’ database.

Who Are Hackers?

Hackers, as we think of them, are criminals who gain unauthorized access to a network and devices with the intent to steal sensitive data like financial information or company intelligence. But in reality, not all hackers are criminals. Some take on a hacker role to help organizations find vulnerabilities. It all depends on what hat the hacker is wearing. Here’s an overview of the three different types of hackers:

  • White hat hackers: These “good hackers” try to help businesses by finding holes in security networks and then notifying the business so the weakness can be addressed. White hat hackers are often compensated because they help businesses patch holes in their security, preventing them from dealing with data breaches.
  • Black hat hackers: Black hat hackers are what we think of as a traditional hacker. They break into businesses’ or individuals’ systems and use stolen information either for extortion or for personal gain.
  • Gray hat hackers: Gray hat hackers have the skill sets to break into all kinds of systems, but they see it more as a hobby or challenge. They aren’t trying to bolster a company’s security or inflict harm; rather, they hack as a sport and break into systems just because they can.
Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (6)

Types of Hacking

Antivirus software protects us from hackers by scanning for different types of hacking techniques. And just like there are many different types of hackers, there are also many types of hacking,3 including:

  • Malware: Malware is kind of a catchall term for cyberthreats, like viruses and ransomware, that can take control of your machine and send confidential data to the attacker’s home base. Once hackers obtain the right information, they can use it for identity theft and other nefarious acts. Trojans are another type of malware. They masquerade as real software, and once a user mistakenly downloads them, they take control of devices.
  • Phishing: Phishing happens when an attacker sends an email that appears to be from someone we know and trust. Typically, it has some urgency to it and requests that you open an attachment or enter personal credentials. Doing so could install malicious software onto your system, or enable hackers to log into your accounts.
  • SQL injection: This type of attack specifically targets servers that store critical data in the form of the SQL programming language. Altering the underlying code of a website could cause a site to divulge sensitive or confidential information that it typically wouldn’t.
  • Cross-site scripting: Instead of targeting a website, like in SQL injections, in cross-site scripting, the hacker targets a user visiting a website.
  • Distributed Denial of service (DDoS): In DDoS attacks, hackers flood a website with more traffic than it can handle, bogging down servers and making the website inaccessible for visitors.

Did You Know? While we usually think of hackers as ultra-smart people with degrees in Computer Science, some types of hacks are surprisingly easy to execute. For example, to run a DDoS attack, a criminal can buy a botnet for as little as $200 and then direct that botnet to a website, server, or network.

  • Session hijacking: When we visit a website, we are given a unique session ID between us and the website. Attackers can hijack the session and pose as the computer or site, making a request for private information and consequently stealing our data.
  • Credential reuse: Though it’s a best practice to have a unique password for every account, hackers know that many users use the same credentials across multiple platforms. Once a hacker obtains a collection of usernames and passwords, they can easily use the same credentials to log in to other sites.

Do You Really Need Antivirus Software?

When it comes to digital security, more is more. Hackers tend to start by targeting free, built-in software that runs on millions of machines before moving on to third-party antivirus software. There are more than 677 million malware programs out there, with more being made each day.4 Additional protection is necessary to keep up with evolving threats as they are created.

What to Look for in Antivirus Protection

The most important thing to look for in antivirus protection is how well it can detect malware and viruses, but there are many other important factors to consider when evaluating a service, such as:

  • Scanning capabilities: On-access scanning runs in the background whenever the software is running, and on-demand scanning happens when we request it specifically. We prefer on-access scanning because it detects viruses and malware in real time, but we also like to have the option to scan when we want to. Ideally, a service should have both.
  • Firewall: Some antivirus software comes with firewalls built in that monitor network traffic based on a set of security rules and determine what activity to block.
  • Behavior-based detection: Traditional antivirus matches programs to a database, while behavior-based detection spots threats based on suspicious activity. Behavior-based detection is especially beneficial because new threats are developed constantly, and they aren’t always included in preexisting databases.
  • Privacy policy: We always check what types of information services are keeping track of. Data, like payment information, is acceptable, while browsing activity and geolocation are not.

Pro Tip: Do your eyes glaze over while reading the legalese in most privacy policies? Well we’ve got you covered. Our team developed a privacy policy analyzer that gives you the highlights of any privacy policy you’re reading in layman’s terms.

  • Devices connected: We want to make sure we can use the same subscription across all the devices in our household.
  • Customer service options: When we’re in a pinch, we like to have options, so we check for multiple ways to reach customer support, like a FAQ database, live chat, email, and the gold standard, a phone line.
  • Cost: Of course, the bottom line is always a consideration, especially for a long-term investment like antivirus. A ballpark estimate is around $40 per year, but there are services that are both cheaper and more expensive.

Money saver: Most antiviruses offer a free-trial or a money-back guarantee so you can test different services to find which suits you best.

Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (7)

Other Ways to Stop Hackers

There’s a wide range of tools you can deploy to stop hackers from getting your information. We recommend the following best practices:

  • Deploy firewalls or boost network protection to scan devices and networks for threats. Sometimes, these come bundled with antivirus software.
  • Get a VPN to encrypt your web traffic and hide your IP address.
  • Implement your system’s updates to patch digital security software.
  • Ignore spam or suspicious emails.
  • Utilize a password manager to store all your usernames and passwords in an encrypted vault. You can also evaluate your current passwords using our password strength tool (it’s free!).
  • Activate two-factor authentication to validate a login on multiple devices, through either sending a PIN to your phone or emailing a code.
  • Opt for multi-factor authentication (biometrics like fingerprint or facial recognition) to access accounts, when available.

In Summary

After testing over 40 different antivirus software, we can confidently say that no antivirus offers 100 percent protection. Cyberthreats develop too quickly for any antivirus software to keep up. But, our entire team still uses antivirus software since it gives us solid protection as the basis of our security. From there, we add on extra protections like VPNs, firewalls, and password managers.

There’s simply too many threats out there to rely on a single piece of software for complete protection but antivirus software is a great place to start.

Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (8)


Here are the most common questions we get asked about antivirus and hackers.

  • What software prevents hackers?

    Software such as Bitdefender, McAfee, Norton Antivirus, and VIPRE prevents hackers.

  • Can hackers be stopped?

    Yes, hackers can be stopped, but typically stopping them takes several methods working in tandem, like:

    • Additional antivirus software
    • Password managers
    • VPNs
    • Firewalls
    • Web traffic encryption

    There is no way to guarantee that hackers won’t penetrate your devices, but these methods significantly decrease the likelihood of a hacking.

  • Can antivirus kill viruses?

    Yes, antivirus software can kill viruses. Antivirus programs scan your computer and find malware in the system, regardless of how long it has been there. Once the file is located, the software can remove it.

  • Can your computer get hacked if it’s off?

    Generally, no, your computer can’t get hacked if it’s turned off. However, it could still be possible if the turned-off computer is connected to a shared network in an office environment, because, typically, there are features that allow for the system to be turned on remotely.

Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? (2024)


Does Antivirus Stop Hackers or Provide Hacking Protection? ›

Antivirus software immunizes our computers against unauthorized software or coding, which means it can stop hackers that use malware, remote access trojans (RAT), and other malicious programs.

Does antivirus stop hackers? ›

Antivirus software is a program designed to detect malicious threats, viruses, files, and other unauthorized software. When you download a file that can be identified as a threat, antivirus software can also help you remove it before a hacker is able to harm your system. In short, antiviruses defend us against hackers.

What prevents hackers from hacking? ›

How can you secure your computer from hackers?
  • Use a firewall to secure your computers from hackers. ...
  • Install antivirus software to thwart hackers. ...
  • Install an antispyware package to protect your business. ...
  • Use complex passwords to prevent network intrusions. ...
  • Keep your OS, apps and browser updated.

What protects your system from hackers? ›

Firewalls. A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that blocks hackers from entering and using your computer. Hackers search the internet the way some telemarketers automatically dial random phone numbers.

What is the best hacker blocker? ›

✔️ You want the best malware protection: Avast came out on top in all of my malware-blocking tests.

Can you protect yourself from hackers? ›

Use a password, lock code or encryption.

Make sure your passwords are at least eight characters long, with a mix of upper and lower case, and include numbers or other characters, and never use the browser auto-complete feature for passwords.

Can antivirus detect if phone is hacked? ›

Antivirus software is a useful prevention tool, as it detects malware that hackers use to access devices remotely, but even if you hadn't downloaded antivirus software prior to a hacking attempt, you can use antivirus software to kick a hacker out of your device.

What are three things you can do to avoid being hacked? ›

5 Ways to Avoid the Risk of Being Hacked
  • Use strong passwords. You're at a greater risk of being hacked if you use basic passwords for your important accounts. ...
  • Enable two-factor authentication. ...
  • Avoid linking accounts. ...
  • Train your team. ...
  • Never leave your laptop or mobile phone unattended. ...
  • Conclusion.

What is the golden rule of hacking? ›

If your hack encounters an alert before it reaches the defending system, you are likely to be Traced, and should immediately cancel the hack. THEREFORE: you should never initiate a hack from an adjacent node if there is any likelihood that a defensive program has been set up.

How do hackers avoid being tracked? ›

Hackers leverage encryption to conceal command and control communications and employ polymorphic and metamorphic malware that can alter its own code. These tactics are designed to be elusive and challenging to detect. Hackers are continually refining their techniques to stay one step ahead of detection tools.

What should you install to stop hackers? ›

Other Ways to Stop Hackers

Deploy firewalls or boost network protection to scan devices and networks for threats. Sometimes, these come bundled with antivirus software. Get a VPN to encrypt your web traffic and hide your IP address. Implement your system's updates to patch digital security software.

Is McAfee safe from hackers? ›

One of the best ways to surf the web in comfort while keeping hackers at bay is with the comprehensive solutions provided by McAfee Total Protection. Your protection includes proactive measures (meaning we'll guide you to the best choices for prevention), early detection, and expert identity theft support.

What is the most common way a system gets hacked? ›

Malware is the most common type of cyberattack, mostly because this term encompasses many subsets such as ransomware, trojans, spyware, viruses, worms, keyloggers, bots, cryptojacking, and any other type of malware attack that leverages software in a malicious way.

What device gets hacked the most? ›

Which 5 IoT Devices Are Attacked Most Often?
  1. Network-attached Storage (NAS) NAS devices are targeted hundreds of times (345, to be exact) more often than an average connected device. ...
  2. DVRs. ...
  3. IP Cameras. ...
  4. Baby Monitors. ...
  5. Audio-video Devices.
Mar 7, 2023

What apps stop hackers? ›

These 7 Apps Will Keep You From Getting Hacked
  • Privacy. Get a new virtual card for every transaction. ...
  • Cloak 3.0. Browse safely on public WiFi with this VPN for iOS. ...
  • Tether. ...
  • Password Chef. ...
  • 1Password for Teams. ...
  • Meldium. ...
  • Better. ...
  • 27 Must-Have Apps You (Probably) Don't Know About.

Does antivirus really protect? ›

How Antivirus Protects Your Devices. In a nutshell, antivirus software works by scanning your devices for viruses, malware, and other cyber threats. If it detects anything malicious, it will quarantine and remove the file.

Can you still get a virus with antivirus? ›

It's important to note that no antivirus software can guarantee 100% protection against all viruses, so it's important to have a multi-layered security approach, keeping the software and the operating system updated, and avoiding risky behavior such as downloading files from untrusted sources or clicking on suspicious ...

What does antivirus can not protect against? ›

So while antivirus alone can protect you from malware, it can't prevent other forms of online crime like identity theft, phishing attacks designed to steal personal information, or attacks on your accounts, to name a few of the many other types of threats out there.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.