Does a 4-Day Work Week Mean Less Pay? — Humans First by Rob Krecak | Fractional CFO Services (2024)

If you're interested in switching to the 4-day work week model, you might have concerns about how it could affect your pay. Since your salary is one of the most critical aspects of your job, it's essential to understand how a 4-day work week would affect your income.

A 4-day work week doesn't mean less pay. Most often, employees work around 32 hours weekly and receive regular salaries. You should consult your employer if you have concerns about your salary.

Understanding how a 4 day work week may affect your pay is essential. Luckily, this article will discuss this topic in greater detail, so keep reading to learn more!

Why Most Salaries Stay the Same in a 4-Day Work Week

It makes sense to think that your salary would decrease if you switched to a 4-day work week because you're essentially working fewer hours for the same amount of money.

But as I've already mentioned briefly, it's common for salaries to remain the same if companies switch to 4-day work weeks. The main reason is that employers want to keep their employees happy and working hard, so keeping their pay at the same rate is the best option.

Plus, many employees will have signed contracts with agreed-upon salaries, so it might be difficult for employers to decrease the pay.

Below, I'll discuss some main reasons salaries stay the same in a 4-day work week.

To Increase Employee Retention and Satisfaction

Nowadays, there are so many job opportunities available in different sectors. Therefore, employers want to be competitive and offer job seekers and current employees the best possible offer.

Switching to a 4-day work week while keeping the pay the same is one excellent way to retain valuable employees and keep them satisfied. If the income were to decrease, many employees wouldn't see the point in moving to a 4-day work week. They might even end up getting a better job somewhere else.

To Attract New Employees

Employers like to keep the pay the same when moving to a 4-day work week because it makes it easier to attract new, valuable employees. People will be more willing to apply for a position if they only have to work 4 days a week but can still earn a typical five-day salary.

To Motivate Employees

Decreasing pay when moving to a 4-day week could cause some employees to become annoyed. According to a study by Eurofound, not being paid enough can demotivate employees, meaning they don't work as hard and might fail to meet deadlines.

Also, many low earners already feel like their employers aren't compensating them fairly, so further decreasing the pay could cause workplace issues. This perception of fair compensation is one of the reasons why income often remains the same after transitioning from a 5-day week to a 4-day week.

To Adhere to Employee Contracts

As I briefly mentioned, most employees sign contracts when they start a job. Unless stated otherwise in the agreement, it's unlikely that your employer can decrease your pay because it would go against the contract.

However, when the contract runs out (or if there are no salary agreements), your employer could legally change your salary (although it's unlikely they will).

According to the Texas government website, employers must live up to the promises given to employees concerning pay rates. Laws can differ between states, so check your state's laws (and your employment contract).

Do You Keep Your Benefits in a 4-Day Week Job?

You can usually keep your benefits in a 4-day week job. The idea of a 4-day week job is to allow employees to keep their benefits and salary while giving them more free time to spend with family and friends (or to spend time on other things, such as hobbies).

So, if your job gives you benefits, you'll most likely get to keep them. Some examples of benefits you should be able to retain:

  • Health insurance

  • Retirement plan

  • Paid vacations

  • Free or paid training

But of course, whether or not you can keep your benefits will depend on your employer. So, it would be best to speak with them to learn more about how the change will affect your benefits.

Can Your Pay Decrease When Changing to a 4-Day Week?

Your pay can decrease when changing to a 4-day work week, but generally, it's not the case. This new initiative aims to keep the income the same to keep everyone happy. If the employer decided to decrease the wage, it wouldn't be worth it for many employees, and they might choose to get another job.

However, it's important to note that money is generally not the primary driver of happiness and satisfaction among employees (although it certainly helps). The company's culture is one of the most critical factors for many employees and is often more important than salary, particularly among higher earners.

It's unlikely for your employer to decrease your pay when switching to a 4-day work week because it would somewhat defeat the purpose in the first place.

Why Do Some Companies Offer 4-Day Work Weeks?

Now that you know most salaries remain the same after switching to a 4-day work week, you might want to understand why companies allow them. When you think about it, it seems like a way for companies to lose money while employees earn the same amount for doing less work.

However, a 4-day work week has many benefits. Below are the main reasons that some companies have begun offering them.

A 4-Day Work Week Offers a Better Work-Life Balance

People are becoming more concerned about having a healthy work-life balance in recent years, and a 4-day work week is one excellent way to achieve a nice balance. When people have an extra day off, they can spend that time recharging and doing things they enjoy.

And since most people who switch to a 4-day work week continue receiving the same salary, they don't have to worry about earning less money. So it's a great way to make employees happier by giving them more personal time without money loss.

A 4-day work week is convenient for workers with kids who want to spend more time with them but find it difficult due to a long work week.

When people are overworked, they're less inclined to:

  • Take care of their health (mental and physical).

  • Set boundaries between home and work.

  • Feel competent at their job.

So, giving people an extra day off is a way for them to take better care of their health, and it can also give them more confidence about their job performance since being overworked can make people feel incompetent.

Employees Are Happier

When people switch to a 4-day work week and continue to earn the same amount as they would if they were working 5 days, they tend to be happier and more fulfilled.

They're working less, earning the same amount of money, and have more time to do the things they enjoy the most. And when employees are happier, they're more motivated to work and do a good job. Hence, employers get better results from their employees.

According to an article by Forbes Magazine, a company with happy employees is highly productive. And even though a high salary or shorter work week isn't the main thing that makes employees happy, it certainly helps! But it's also important to remember that engagement and inclusion are significant for employee happiness and motivation.

Lower Electricity and Maintenance Costs

Another reason some companies offer 4-day work weeks is that it can help lower costs, such as electricity and maintenance costs. That's because when there is no one at work, there is no need to use any electricity in the building.

Things like lights, heaters, and computers are not active. The savings can quickly add up after moving to a 4-day week, so it's certainly an enticing idea for many employers.

Good Publicity

Since 4-day work weeks aren't the norm in the United States (yet), companies are likely to get good publicity for adopting such schedules.

A company willing to let its employees work one less day for the same salary will be looked at favorably by the general public. It shows that the company respects its employees enough to give them a better work-life balance.

But that's not the only reason the employer would get good publicity; switching to a 4-day work week will also help the environment by decreasing the need for transport and high amounts of electricity.

And as you may know, environmental concerns are becoming more prominent in recent years, so this is another aspect that would garner positive publicity and attention.

Does a 4-Day Week Mean Longer Hours? (PAA)

A 4-day week doesn't always mean more extended hours. It generally means a 32-hour work week, with 8-hour shifts making up the 32 hours. However, some employers might want to stick to a 40-hour work week, meaning the days would be longer.

For example, some employees may have to work 10-hour shifts, but this is generally not the case. In almost all instances, a 4-day work week still entails 8-hour shifts.

If your employer offers a 4-day work week but wants you to continue working 40 hours a week, you will receive the same pay (i.e., your salary shouldn't decrease).

Does a 4-Day Work Week Mean Less Vacation Time?

A 4-day work week generally doesn't mean less vacation time, so you shouldn't worry about losing out on paid days off.

However, you should check with your employer because they might change your benefits (although it's unlikely if your employer states them in your contract).

When you switch to a 4-day work week, you should still receive the same amount of vacation days unless your employer states otherwise.

Is a 4-Day Work Week Worth It?

A 4-day work week is worth it when the pay remains the same, and you don't have to work longer hours. You're getting the same salary for less work and more personal time, so there's no reason why a 4-day work week wouldn't be worth it (unless you have to do longer days).

Here are the main reasons why a 4-day week is worth it:

  • You get the same pay for doing less work in most cases.

  • You get to spend an extra day doing the things you love.

  • You have more time to rest and recharge.

  • You will be happier and more motivated when you are at work.

  • You likely won't mind working as much.

  • The weekend doesn't come and go as quickly.

  • A 4-day work week decreases transport costs.

Does a 4-Day Work Week Affect Daily Rates?

If you earn an annual salary, your pay is unlikely to change as you transition to a 4-day week. However, if you make a daily rate (for example, if you're a contractor), you may earn less due to the lost day each week.

But you might be able to negotiate a pay rise to make up for the lost day, so it's always good to speak with your employer if you're on a daily rate and unsure how it'll affect you.

According to Investopedia, daily rates are most common in jobs with specific projects (for example, the construction industry). They can also apply to people who work for companies as freelancers. If any of these positions apply to you, you may need to negotiate a higher daily rate when moving to a 4-day week.


A four-day work week generally doesn't mean less pay; it also usually doesn't mean more extended hours. In most cases, employees work fewer hours (32 a week) and earn what they typically earn when working 40 hours.

Some companies are introducing 4-day work weeks to improve employee motivation and well-being. A contented workforce is productive—it stands to reason the employer will reap financial rewards from the changeover.

Shorter work weeks give people more free time without sacrificing part of their income, and they can save employers money by reducing energy costs.


Does a 4-Day Work Week Mean Less Pay?  — Humans First by Rob Krecak | Fractional CFO Services (2024)


Does a 4-Day Work Week Mean Less Pay? — Humans First by Rob Krecak | Fractional CFO Services? ›

A 4-day work week

4-day work week
However, some companies have introduced a four-day week based on a compressed work schedule: in the so-called "4/10 work week," the widely used 40 weekly work hours are distributed across four days instead of five, resulting in 10-hour workdays (hence "four-ten"). › wiki › Four-day_workweek
doesn't mean less pay. Most often, employees work around 32 hours weekly and receive regular salaries. You should consult your employer if you have concerns about your salary. Understanding how a 4 day work week may affect your pay is essential.

Does a 4-day work week mean less pay? ›

What could a four-day work week mean for my paycheck? Here's the good news: If you're a salaried employee, a four-day work week would likely mean you get more time off while receiving the same pay. In other words, no change to your regular paycheck. If you're an hourly employee, here could be changes to overtime pay.

Does a 4-day work week save the company money? ›

Shifting to a four-day workweek reduces overhead expenses such as electricity and other office costs. Cutting such costs would save you a lot of money with time. In addition, office supplies will last longer, and equipment such as printers, scanners, and copiers will depreciate slower.

Is a 4-day work week still 40 hours? ›

Some four-day workweek models are compressed workweeks, where employees work four 10-hour days to fit the same amount of working hours into fewer days. Other four-day workweeks have reduced hours, where employees are expected to complete all their work in 32 hours — but still get paid a full salary.

What are the evidence supporting 4-day work week? ›

The research conducted before and after the trial revealed that 39% of employees experienced lower stress levels and 71% noticed less burnout while working shorter weeks. Anxiety, fatigue, and sleep issues all decreased while physical and mental health significantly improved.

What is the problem with a 4-day work week? ›

Stress could increase with a 4 day work week

The disadvantages of a 4-day work week vary depending on whether hours are compressed or reduced. The problem with 10-hour work days is that people can only focus and work effectively for so long before diminishing returns set in.

Who benefits from a 4-day work week? ›

Employee Preferences and Benefits

66% of employees see a shorter workweek as an attractive job perk. 77% of employees express greater loyalty to employers who offer a 4-day workweek. 93% of employees in trial programs prefer the 4-day workweek. 59% of employees find more time for personal development with a 4-day week.

Does a 4-day work week increase profits? ›

Our research has shown revenue increases up to 35% for a six-month pilot of the four-day work week, when compared to a similar financial period. Revenue continues to improve for longer trials of the four day work week, proving its not just a short-term phenomenon.

What are the pros and cons of a 4-day week? ›

Pros of a 4-day work week can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced productivity, and added stress.

Are people happier with the 4-day work week? ›

Employees' physical and mental health improves when organizations embrace a shorter workweek. Research shows people are less stressed, value their jobs more, and have better lives outside of work. Job satisfaction and employee engagement increase.

Does a 4-day work week mean 10 hour days? ›

What is a 4/10 Work Schedule? A 4/10 work schedule—otherwise known as a compressed schedule—is when employees work a full 40 hours a week but in 4 days instead of 5 days. This means they'll work 10 hours a day for 4 days instead of 8 hours a day for 5 days. These compressed schedules aren't just for 9-5 office spaces.

Will the US move to a four-day work week? ›

Is the U.S. on the cusp of a big shift to four-day workweeks? No. Of the 482 managers at firms that don't currently offer four-day workweeks, two-thirds said there is no chance their firms will offer them by the end of 2024. The other one-third say the chances are only 16 percent, on average.

Is a 4-day work week Monday or Friday off? ›

A four-day work week is a schedule that typically has its employees working from Monday to Thursday with Fridays off.

Can I negotiate a four-day work week? ›

Know your value to the company

Also critical are the skills, work habits, knowledge, and experience you possess that are in demand, as well as your productivity and results. Understanding your value will help employees argue why you should move to a 4-day work week and how it will benefit the company.

What would a four-day work week look like? ›

Simply put, four-day workweeks consist of four workdays instead of five. This means you work 10- or 11-hour shifts, instead of eight- or nine-hour shifts, depending on if you are required to take a lunch break. However, don't just assume you'll work Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or something similar.

What is the new law for a 32 hour work week? ›

Reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over four years by lowering the maximum hours threshold for overtime compensation for non-exempt employees. Require overtime pay at time and a half for workdays longer than eight hours, and overtime pay at double a worker's regular pay for workdays longer than 12 hours.

How does a 4-day work week work for salaried employees? ›

What Is a Typical 4-Day Work Week Schedule? Most employers follow the 100-80-100 model when first implementing a 4-day work week: Employees are paid 100 percent of their salary. Employees work 80 percent of the traditional 40-hour workweek (32 hours).

Is a four-day work week as good as it sounds? ›

According to Forbes, a U.K. study found after six months of four-day work weeks, 71 percent of workers felt less burnout, company income increased by 1.4 percent on average, and there was a dramatic decrease in employee quitting and a significant reduction in sick days.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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