Django 3.0 release notes | Django documentation (2024)

December 2, 2019

Welcome to Django 3.0!

These release notes cover the new features, as well assome backwards incompatible changes you’llwant to be aware of when upgrading from Django 2.2 or earlier. We’vedropped some features that have reached the end oftheir deprecation cycle, and we’ve begun the deprecation process forsome features.

See the How to upgrade Django to a newer version guide if you’re updating an existingproject.

Python compatibility

Django 3.0 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 (as of 3.0.11). We highlyrecommend and only officially support the latest release of each series.

The Django 2.2.x series is the last to support Python 3.5.

Third-party library support for older version of Django

Following the release of Django 3.0, we suggest that third-party app authorsdrop support for all versions of Django prior to 2.2. At that time, you shouldbe able to run your package’s tests using python -Wd so that deprecationwarnings appear. After making the deprecation warning fixes, your app should becompatible with Django 3.0.

What’s new in Django 3.0

MariaDB support

Django now officially supports MariaDB 10.1 andhigher. See MariaDB notes for more details.

ASGI support

Django 3.0 begins our journey to making Django fully async-capable by providingsupport for running as an ASGI application.

This is in addition to our existing WSGI support. Django intends to supportboth for the foreseeable future. Async features will only be available toapplications that run under ASGI, however.

At this stage async support only applies to the outer ASGI application.Internally everything remains synchronous. Asynchronous middleware, views, etc.are not yet supported. You can, however, use ASGI middleware around Django’sapplication, allowing you to combine Django with other ASGI frameworks.

There is no need to switch your applications over unless you want to startexperimenting with asynchronous code, but we havedocumentation on deploying with ASGI ifyou want to learn more.

Note that as a side-effect of this change, Django is now aware of asynchronousevent loops and will block you calling code marked as “async unsafe” - such asORM operations - from an asynchronous context. If you were using Django fromasync code before, this may trigger if you were doing it incorrectly. If yousee a SynchronousOnlyOperation error, then closely examine your code andmove any database operations to be in a synchronous child thread.

Exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL

The new ExclusionConstraint classenable adding exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL. Constraints are added tomodels using theMeta.constraints option.

Filter expressions

Expressions that output BooleanField may now beused directly in QuerySet filters, without having to first annotate andthen filter against the annotation.

Enumerations for model field choices

Custom enumeration types TextChoices, IntegerChoices, and Choicesare now available as a way to define Field.choices. TextChoicesand IntegerChoices types are provided for text and integer fields. TheChoices class allows defining a compatible enumeration for other concretedata types. These custom enumeration types support human-readable labels thatcan be translated and accessed via a property on the enumeration or itsmembers. See Enumeration types for moredetails and examples.

Minor features


  • Added support for the admin_order_field attribute on properties inModelAdmin.list_display.
  • The new ModelAdmin.get_inlines() method allows specifying theinlines based on the request or model instance.
  • Select2 library is upgraded from version 4.0.3 to 4.0.7.
  • jQuery is upgraded from version 3.3.1 to 3.4.1.


  • The new reset_url_token attribute inPasswordResetConfirmView allowsspecifying a token parameter displayed as a component of password resetURLs.
  • Added BaseBackend class to easecustomization of authentication backends.
  • Added get_user_permissions() methodto mirror the existingget_group_permissions() method.
  • Added HTML autocomplete attribute to widgets of username, email, andpassword fields in django.contrib.auth.forms for better interactionwith browser password managers.
  • createsuperuser now falls back to environment variables forpassword and required fields, when a corresponding command line argumentisn’t provided in non-interactive mode.
  • REQUIRED_FIELDS now supportsManyToManyFields.
  • The new UserManager.with_perm() method returns users that have thespecified permission.
  • The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from150,000 to 180,000.


  • Allowed MySQL spatial lookup functions to operate on real geometries.Previous support was limited to bounding boxes.
  • Added the GeometryDistancefunction, supported on PostGIS.
  • Added support for the furlong unit inDistance.
  • The GEOIP_PATH setting now supports pathlib.Path.
  • The GeoIP2 class now acceptspathlib.Path path.


  • The new RangeOperators helps toavoid typos in SQL operators that can be used together withRangeField.
  • The new RangeBoundary expressionrepresents the range boundaries.
  • The new AddIndexConcurrentlyand RemoveIndexConcurrentlyclasses allow creating and dropping indexes CONCURRENTLY on PostgreSQL.


  • The newget_session_cookie_age()method allows dynamically specifying the session cookie age.


  • Added the language class attribute to thedjango.contrib.syndication.views.Feed to customize a feed language.The default value is get_language() insteadof LANGUAGE_CODE.


  • add_never_cache_headers() andnever_cache() now add the privatedirective to Cache-Control headers.

File Storage

  • The new Storage.get_alternative_name() method allows customizing thealgorithm for generating filenames if a file with the uploaded name alreadyexists.


  • Formsets may control the widget used when ordering forms viacan_order by setting theordering_widget attribute oroverriding get_ordering_widget().


  • Added the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_HTTPONLY,LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SAMESITE, and LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SECUREsettings to set the HttpOnly, SameSite, and Secure flags onlanguage cookies. The default values of these settings preserve the previousbehavior.
  • Added support and translations for the Uzbek language.


  • The new reporter_class parameter ofAdminEmailHandler allows providing andjango.views.debug.ExceptionReporter subclass to customize the tracebacktext sent to site ADMINS when DEBUG is False.

Management Commands

  • The new compilemessages --ignore option allows ignoring specificdirectories when searching for .po files to compile.
  • showmigrations --list now shows the applied datetimes when--verbosity is 2 and above.
  • On PostgreSQL, dbshell now supports client-side TLS certificates.
  • inspectdb now introspects OneToOneFieldwhen a foreign key has a unique or primary key constraint.
  • The new --skip-checks option skips running system checks prior torunning the command.
  • The startapp --template and startproject --templateoptions now support templates stored in XZ archives (.tar.xz, .txz)and LZMA archives (.tar.lzma, .tlz).


  • Added hash database functions MD5,SHA1,SHA224,SHA256,SHA384, andSHA512.

  • Added the Sign database function.

  • The new is_dst parameter of theTrunc database functions determines thetreatment of nonexistent and ambiguous datetimes.

  • connection.queries now shows COPY TO statements on PostgreSQL.

  • FilePathField now accepts a callable for path.

  • Allowed symmetrical intermediate table for self-referentialManyToManyField.

  • The name attributes of CheckConstraint,UniqueConstraint, andIndex now support app label and classinterpolation using the '%(app_label)s' and '%(class)s' placeholders.

  • The new Field.descriptor_class attribute allows model fields tocustomize the get and set behavior by overriding theirdescriptors.

  • Avg and Sum now supportthe distinct argument.

  • Added SmallAutoField which acts much like anAutoField except that it only allows values undera certain (database-dependent) limit. Values from 1 to 32767 are safein all databases supported by Django.

  • AutoField,BigAutoField, andSmallAutoField now inherit fromIntegerField, BigIntegerField and SmallIntegerField respectively.System checks and validators are now also properly inherited.

  • FileField.upload_to now supports pathlib.Path.

  • CheckConstraint is now supported on MySQL 8.0.16+.

  • The new allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model() method ofdjango.db.backends.base.BaseDatabaseFeatures allows optimization ofGROUP BY clauses to require only the selected models’ primary keys. Bydefault, it’s supported only for managed models on PostgreSQL.

    To enable the GROUP BY primary key-only optimization for unmanagedmodels, you have to subclass the PostgreSQL database engine, overriding thefeatures class allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model() method as yourequire. See Subclassing the built-in database backends for an example.

Requests and Responses

  • Allowed HttpResponse to be initialized withmemoryview content.
  • For use in, for example, Django templates, HttpRequest.headers nowallows lookups using underscores (e.g. user_agent) in place of hyphens.


  • X_FRAME_OPTIONS now defaults to 'DENY'. In older versions, theX_FRAME_OPTIONS setting defaults to 'SAMEORIGIN'. If your siteuses frames of itself, you will need to explicitly set X_FRAME_OPTIONS ='SAMEORIGIN' for them to continue working.
  • SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF now defaults to True. With thisenabled, SecurityMiddleware sets theX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header on all responses that do not alreadyhave it.
  • SecurityMiddleware can now send theReferrer-Policy header.


  • The new test Client argumentraise_request_exception allows controlling whether or not exceptionsraised during the request should also be raised in the test. The valuedefaults to True for backwards compatibility. If it is False and anexception occurs, the test client will return a 500 response with theattribute exc_info, a tuple providinginformation of the exception that occurred.
  • Tests and test cases to run can be selected by test name pattern using thenew test -k option.
  • HTML comparison, as used byassertHTMLEqual(), now treats text, characterreferences, and entity references that refer to the same character asequivalent.
  • Django test runner now supports headless mode for selenium tests on supportedbrowsers. Add the --headless option to enable this mode.
  • Django test runner now supports --start-at and --start-after optionsto run tests starting from a specific top-level module.
  • Django test runner now supports a --pdb option to spawn a debugger ateach error or failure.

Backwards incompatible changes in 3.0 when providing a default for the primary key no longer attempts to find a row when saving a newModel instance and a default value for the primary key is provided, andalways performs a single INSERT query. In older Django versions, performed either an INSERT or an UPDATE based onwhether or not the row exists.

This makes calling while providing a default primary key valueequivalent to passing force_insert=True tomodel’s save(). Attempts to use a new Model instance to update anexisting row will result in an IntegrityError.

In order to update an existing model for a specific primary key value, use theupdate_or_create() method orQuerySet.filter(pk=…).update(…) instead. For example:

>>> MyModel.objects.update_or_create(pk=existing_pk, defaults={"name": "new name"})>>> MyModel.objects.filter(pk=existing_pk).update(name="new name")

Database backend API

This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party databasebackends.

  • The second argument of DatabaseIntrospection.get_geometry_type() is nowthe row description instead of the column name.
  • DatabaseIntrospection.get_field_type() may no longer return tuples.
  • If the database can create foreign keys in the same SQL statement that adds afield, add SchemaEditor.sql_create_column_inline_fk with the appropriateSQL; otherwise, set DatabaseFeatures.can_create_inline_fk = False.
  • DatabaseFeatures.can_return_id_from_insert andcan_return_ids_from_bulk_insert are renamed tocan_return_columns_from_insert and can_return_rows_from_bulk_insert.
  • Database functions now handle datetime.timezone formats when createdusing datetime.timedelta instances (e.g.timezone(timedelta(hours=5)), which would output 'UTC+05:00').Third-party backends should handle this format when preparingDateTimeField in datetime_cast_date_sql(),datetime_extract_sql(), etc.
  • Entries for AutoField, BigAutoField, and SmallAutoField are addedto DatabaseOperations.integer_field_ranges to support the integer rangevalidators on these field types. Third-party backends may need to customizethe default entries.
  • DatabaseOperations.fetch_returned_insert_id() is replaced byfetch_returned_insert_columns() which returns a list of values returnedby the INSERT RETURNING statement, instead of a single value.
  • DatabaseOperations.return_insert_id() is replaced byreturn_insert_columns() that accepts a fieldsargument, which is an iterable of fields to be returned after insert. Usuallythis is only the auto-generated primary key.


  • Admin’s model history change messages now prefers more readable field labelsinstead of field names.


  • Support for PostGIS 2.1 is removed.
  • Support for SpatiaLite 4.1 and 4.2 is removed.
  • Support for GDAL 1.11 and GEOS 3.4 is removed.

Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.4

Upstream support for PostgreSQL 9.4 ends in December 2019. Django 3.0 supportsPostgreSQL 9.5 and higher.

Dropped support for Oracle 12.1

Upstream support for Oracle 12.1 ends in July 2021. Django 2.2 will besupported until April 2022. Django 3.0 officially supports Oracle 12.2 and 18c.

Removed private Python 2 compatibility APIs

While Python 2 support was removed in Django 2.0, some private APIs weren’tremoved from Django so that third party apps could continue using them untilthe Python 2 end-of-life.

Since we expect apps to drop Python 2 compatibility when adding support forDjango 3.0, we’re removing these APIs at this time.

New default value for the FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS setting

In older versions, the FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS setting defaults toNone. With the default FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS, this results inuploaded files having different permissions depending on their size and whichupload handler is used.

FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS now defaults to 0o644 to avoid thisinconsistency.

New default values for security settings

To make Django projects more secure by default, some security settings now havemore secure default values:

  • X_FRAME_OPTIONS now defaults to 'DENY'.
  • SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF now defaults to True.

See the What’s New Security section above formore details on these changes.


  • ContentType.__str__() now includes the model’s app_label todisambiguate models with the same name in different apps.
  • Because accessing the language in the session rather than in the cookie isdeprecated, LocaleMiddleware no longer looks for the user’s language inthe session and django.contrib.auth.logout() no longer preserves thesession’s language after logout.
  • django.utils.html.escape() now uses html.escape() to escape HTML.This converts ' to ' instead of the previous equivalent decimalcode '.
  • The django-admin test -k option now works as the unittest-k option rather than as a shortcut for --keepdb.
  • Support for pywatchman < 1.2.0 is removed.
  • urlencode() now encodes iterable values as they arewhen doseq=False, rather than iterating them, bringing it into line withthe standard library urllib.parse.urlencode() function.
  • intword template filter now translates 1.0 as a singular phrase andall other numeric values as plural. This may be incorrect for some languages.
  • Assigning a value to a model’s ForeignKey orOneToOneField '_id' attribute now unsets thecorresponding field. Accessing the field afterward will result in a query.
  • patch_vary_headers() now handles an asterisk'*' according to RFC 7231#section-7.1.4, i.e. if a list of headerfield names contains an asterisk, then the Vary header will consist of asingle asterisk '*'.
  • On MySQL 8.0.16+, PositiveIntegerField and PositiveSmallIntegerFieldnow include a check constraint to prevent negative values in the database.
  • alias=None is added to the signature ofExpression.get_group_by_cols().
  • RegexPattern, used by re_path(), no longer returnskeyword arguments with None values to be passed to the view for theoptional named groups that are missing.

Features deprecated in 3.0

django.utils.encoding.force_text() and smart_text()

The smart_text() and force_text() aliases (since Django 2.0) ofsmart_str() and force_str() are deprecated. Ignore this deprecation ifyour code supports Python 2 as the behavior of smart_str() andforce_str() is different there.


  • django.utils.http.urlquote(), urlquote_plus(), urlunquote(), andurlunquote_plus() are deprecated in favor of the functions that they’realiases for: urllib.parse.quote(), quote_plus(),unquote(), and unquote_plus().
  • django.utils.translation.ugettext(), ugettext_lazy(),ugettext_noop(), ungettext(), and ungettext_lazy() are deprecatedin favor of the functions that they’re aliases for:django.utils.translation.gettext(),gettext_lazy(),gettext_noop(),ngettext(), andngettext_lazy().
  • To limit creation of sessions and hence favor some caching strategies,django.views.i18n.set_language() will stop setting the user’s languagein the session in Django 4.0. Since Django 2.1, the language is always storedin the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME cookie.
  • django.utils.text.unescape_entities() is deprecated in favor ofhtml.unescape(). Note that unlike unescape_entities(),html.unescape() evaluates lazy strings immediately.
  • To avoid possible confusion as to effective scope, the private internalutility is_safe_url() is renamed tourl_has_allowed_host_and_scheme(). That a URL has an allowed host andscheme doesn’t in general imply that it’s “safe”. It may still be quotedincorrectly, for example. Ensure to also useiri_to_uri() on the path component of untrustedURLs.

Features removed in 3.0

These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removedin Django 3.0.

See Features deprecated in 2.0 for details on these changes, including howto remove usage of these features.

  • The django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 module is removed.
  • django.shortcuts.render_to_response() is removed.
  • The DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE setting is removed.
  • HttpRequest.xreadlines() is removed.
  • Support for the context argument of Field.from_db_value() andExpression.convert_value() is removed.
  • The field_name keyword argument of QuerySet.earliest() andlatest() is removed.

See Features deprecated in 2.1 for details on these changes, including howto remove usage of these features.

  • The ForceRHR GIS function is removed.
  • django.utils.http.cookie_date() is removed.
  • The staticfiles and admin_static template tag libraries are removed.
  • django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles.static() is removed.
Django 3.0 release notes | Django documentation (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.