Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Understanding the Five Percent Rule

2. The Importance of Diversification in Investing

3. The Risks of Concentrated Portfolios

4. The Benefits of Spreading Your Investments

5. Asset Allocation Strategies for Diversification

6. Implementing the Five Percent Rule in Your Portfolio

7. Monitoring and Rebalancing Your Portfolio

8. Real-Life Examples of the Five Percent Rule in Action

9. Achieving Stability Through Diversification

1. Understanding the Five Percent Rule

Understanding Zero Percent

Understanding the K Percent Rule

Diversification is an important principle in investing that helps to minimize risk and maximize returns. However, diversification is not just about investing in a variety of assets; it is also about allocating your investments in a way that balances risk and reward. The Five Percent Rule is a simple but powerful tool that can help you achieve this balance.

Here are some insights about the Five Percent Rule from different perspectives:

1. Risk reduction: The Five Percent Rule can help reduce the risk of your portfolio by limiting your exposure to any one asset. By investing no more than 5% of your portfolio in any one stock, you can avoid the risk of losing a large portion of your portfolio if that stock performs poorly.

2. Diversification: The Five Percent Rule can also help diversify your portfolio by spreading your investments across multiple asset classes. For example, you might invest 5% of your portfolio in large-cap stocks, 5% in small-cap stocks, 5% in bonds, and so on. By diversifying your portfolio in this way, you can reduce your exposure to any one asset class and increase the overall stability of your portfolio.

3. Flexibility: The Five Percent Rule is a flexible tool that can be adapted to suit your individual investment goals and risk tolerance. For example, if you are more risk-averse, you might choose to invest no more than 2% of your portfolio in any one stock. Alternatively, if you are willing to take on more risk, you might choose to invest up to 10% of your portfolio in any one stock.

4. Performance: While the Five Percent Rule is primarily a risk management tool, it can also help improve the performance of your portfolio. By investing in a variety of assets and limiting your exposure to any one stock, you can potentially achieve higher returns over the long term.

In summary, the Five Percent Rule is a simple but effective tool that can help you achieve a more balanced and diversified portfolio. By investing no more than 5% of your portfolio in any one stock or asset class, you can reduce your risk, increase your flexibility, and potentially improve your overall investment performance.

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Understanding the Five Percent Rule - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

2. The Importance of Diversification in Investing

Importance of Diversification in Investing

Diversification is a crucial strategy when it comes to investing. It helps to spread the risk of your investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions. By diversifying your portfolio, you can reduce the impact of any one investment underperforming or even failing altogether. A diversified portfolio can help enhance stability, reduce volatility, and potentially increase returns over the long term. However, diversification is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to implementing this strategy.

Here are some important factors to consider when diversifying your investment portfolio:

1. Asset allocation: It's important to allocate your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, cash, and real estate. Each asset class has its own risk and return characteristics, so spreading out your investments can help balance your portfolio.

2. Geographic diversification: Investing in different regions and countries can help protect your portfolio from economic and political risks specific to one country. For example, if the economy in one country is struggling, investments in another country may offset those losses.

3. Industry diversification: Investing in different industries can help spread your risk across different segments of the economy. For example, if you have a large investment in the technology sector and that sector experiences a downturn, having investments in other sectors can help offset those losses.

4. Rebalancing: Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio can help ensure that you maintain the diversification you desire. Over time, certain assets may grow at a faster rate than others, which can cause your portfolio to become unbalanced.

5. The five percent rule: This rule suggests that no single investment should make up more than 5% of your portfolio. By limiting exposure to any one investment, you reduce the risk of that investment impacting your entire portfolio.

diversification is a key strategy for any investor looking to enhance stability and reduce risk. By spreading your investments across different asset classes, geographic regions, and industries, you can minimize the impact of any single investment underperforming. Remember to regularly review and rebalance your portfolio, and adhere to the five percent rule to maintain a well-diversified portfolio.

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The Importance of Diversification in Investing - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

3. The Risks of Concentrated Portfolios

Investors who concentrate their portfolios are exposing themselves to significant risks. Investing in a single asset or a few assets can lead to market volatility affecting the value of the portfolio. Concentration can occur when investors are too attached to particular stocks or sectors or when they do not have enough knowledge about diversification. In some cases, investors may believe that they have inside information about a particular stock or sector, leading them to allocate most of their money to it. However, this is a risky strategy, as it can result in losses if the stock or sector underperforms. Concentration risk can be especially severe for those who are close to retirement because they may not have enough time to recover from losses.

1. Limited Diversification: Having a concentrated portfolio limits diversification. The investor will not benefit from the potential returns of other assets or sectors. Diversification helps to mitigate risk and improve returns. It is essential to have a well-diversified portfolio to ensure that the investor is not exposed to significant risks.

2. Market Volatility: Concentrated portfolios are more susceptible to market volatility than diversified portfolios. For example, if an investor has all their money invested in the stock market, and the market crashes, they will lose a significant portion of their money. However, if the investor had diversified their portfolio, they would have investments in other assets that could reduce the impact of the market decline.

3. Sector Risk: Investing in a particular sector can be risky if the sector underperforms. For example, if an investor had all their money invested in the tech sector during the dot-com bubble, they would have experienced significant losses when the bubble burst. sector risk can be reduced by investing in multiple sectors.

4. Company Risk: Investing in a single company is also risky because the company may underperform or go bankrupt. For example, if an investor had all their money invested in Enron, they would have lost everything when the company went bankrupt. Company risk can be reduced by investing in multiple companies.

Concentration can be a risky strategy for investors. It is essential to diversify a portfolio to mitigate risks and enhance returns. By following the five percent rule, investors can limit their exposure to concentration risk and improve their chances of achieving their investment objectives.

Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule - FasterCapital (3)

The Risks of Concentrated Portfolios - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

4. The Benefits of Spreading Your Investments

Diversification is a necessary step in any investment strategy. By spreading your investments across different types of assets and sectors, you can reduce your overall risk and potentially increase your returns. One way to achieve this is by following the five percent rule, which recommends that you limit your exposure to any single investment to no more than five percent of your portfolio. But why is diversification so important, and what are the benefits of spreading your investments?

1. Reduce Risk: One of the primary benefits of diversification is that it can help reduce your overall risk. By investing in a range of different assets, you can spread your risk across multiple sectors and industries. This means that if one sector or asset class experiences a downturn, your entire portfolio won't be impacted as severely. For example, if you have all your money invested in tech stocks, and the tech sector experiences a significant decline, your portfolio will suffer. But if you have a mix of tech stocks, bonds, and real estate investments, the impact of a tech downturn will be less severe.

2. Increase Returns: Another benefit of diversification is that it can potentially increase your returns. By investing in a range of assets, you're not putting all your eggs in one basket. This means that if one asset class performs poorly, you have other investments that can help offset those losses. For example, if you have some money invested in stocks and some in bonds, and the stock market experiences a decline, your bond investments may perform well and help offset your losses.

3. Control Emotions: Diversification can also help you control your emotions when it comes to investing. If you have all your money invested in one stock, for example, you may be tempted to panic and sell if the stock experiences a decline. But if you have a diversified portfolio, you're less likely to make impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.

4. Take Advantage of Opportunities: Finally, diversification can help you take advantage of different investment opportunities. By investing in a range of assets, you're able to capitalize on different market trends and potentially profit from a variety of sectors and industries. For example, if you have some money invested in renewable energy stocks and some in real estate, you may be able to benefit from both the growing demand for renewable energy and the ongoing demand for housing.

Diversification is essential for any investor looking to build a stable and profitable portfolio. By spreading your investments across different sectors and asset classes, you can reduce your overall risk, potentially increase your returns, control your emotions, and take advantage of different investment opportunities.

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The Benefits of Spreading Your Investments - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

5. Asset Allocation Strategies for Diversification

Asset allocation strategies

Strategies Diversification

When it comes to diversification, asset allocation is a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. It is the process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset categories, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and cash. The idea behind asset allocation is to create a balanced portfolio that maximizes returns while minimizing risks. In other words, it helps to spread the risk across different types of investments, so that if one asset class performs poorly, the other classes may perform better, reducing the overall risk of the portfolio.

There are different asset allocation strategies that investors can use to diversify their portfolios. Here are some of the most popular ones:

1. strategic asset allocation: This is a long-term approach that involves setting target allocations for different asset classes and sticking to them, regardless of the market conditions. For example, an investor may allocate 60% of their portfolio to stocks, 30% to bonds, and 10% to cash. The idea is to maintain a consistent mix of assets that aligns with the investor's risk tolerance and financial goals.

2. tactical asset allocation: This approach involves making adjustments to the portfolio based on short-term market conditions. For example, if the stock market is expected to perform well in the near future, an investor may increase their allocation to stocks. The goal is to take advantage of market trends and generate higher returns.

3. Constant-weighting asset allocation: This is a hybrid strategy that combines elements of strategic and tactical asset allocation. It involves setting target allocations for different asset classes, but allowing them to deviate within a certain range. For example, an investor may set a target allocation of 60% for stocks, but allow it to fluctuate between 55% and 65% based on market conditions.

4. dynamic asset allocation: This approach involves using a quantitative model to adjust the portfolio based on market conditions. For example, a model may use technical analysis to determine when to buy or sell certain assets. The goal is to generate higher returns by taking advantage of short-term market trends.

Regardless of the asset allocation strategy used, it is important to remember that diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against losses. It is simply a way to reduce the risk of investing in a single asset class. As such, investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and financial goals before deciding on an asset allocation strategy.

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Asset Allocation Strategies for Diversification - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

6. Implementing the Five Percent Rule in Your Portfolio

Diversification is one of the most crucial aspects of investing. A well-diversified portfolio can help reduce risk and enhance stability, especially during times of market volatility. However, diversification is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every investor has their own unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences. This is where the Five Percent Rule comes in handy. The Five Percent Rule is a simple and effective way to diversify your portfolio across various asset classes. It suggests that you should not invest more than 5% of your overall portfolio in any single stock or asset class.

Implementing the Five Percent Rule in your portfolio can offer several benefits, including:

1. Reducing Risk: Investing in just one stock or asset class can be risky. A downturn in that particular sector can significantly impact your portfolio's performance. By diversifying your portfolio across multiple asset classes, you can help reduce the overall risk of your investments.

2. Enhancing Returns: Diversification can also help enhance your portfolio's returns. By investing in different asset classes that perform differently under different market conditions, you can increase your chances of achieving positive returns over the long term.

3. Helping You Stay Disciplined: The Five Percent Rule can help you stay disciplined with your investment strategy. It prevents you from getting too attached to any one particular stock or asset class, which can be challenging to sell even when it's not performing well.

4. Providing Flexibility: The Five Percent Rule provides flexibility in your portfolio. It allows you to invest in a wide range of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and more. You can also adjust your portfolio's allocation as your financial goals and risk tolerance change over time.

5. Offering Peace of Mind: A well-diversified portfolio can offer peace of mind. Knowing that your portfolio is diversified across multiple asset classes can help you feel more confident and less anxious about your investments.

To implement the Five Percent Rule in your portfolio, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine your overall investment strategy and financial goals. This will help you identify the asset classes and stocks that align with your investment objectives.

2. Allocate your portfolio across various asset classes based on your risk tolerance and investment preferences. Ensure that no single stock or asset class represents more than 5% of your overall portfolio.

3. Monitor your portfolio's performance regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Rebalancing your portfolio periodically can help ensure that your investments remain diversified across various asset classes.

For example, suppose you have a $100,000 investment portfolio, and you want to invest in the stock market. In that case, you can allocate your portfolio as follows:

- $20,000 in Large-Cap Stocks

- $20,000 in mid-Cap stocks

- $20,000 in Small-Cap Stocks

- $20,000 in International Stocks

- $20,000 in Bonds

This allocation ensures that no single stock or asset class represents more than 5% of your overall portfolio. By diversifying your investments across various asset classes, you can help reduce risk and enhance stability in your portfolio.

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Implementing the Five Percent Rule in Your Portfolio - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

7. Monitoring and Rebalancing Your Portfolio

Monitoring and Rebalancing of Your Portfolio

Diversification is a key aspect of investing. It involves spreading your investments across different assets to reduce risk. While diversification is important, it is not enough to ensure a stable and profitable portfolio. Monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio are equally important to ensure that your investments remain aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market conditions.

Monitoring your portfolio involves regularly checking your investments to ensure that they are performing as expected. This will help you identify and address any issues before they become major problems. Rebalancing, on the other hand, involves adjusting your portfolio to restore its original asset allocation. This is necessary because over time, some assets may grow faster than others, leading to an unbalanced portfolio.

To effectively monitor and rebalance your portfolio, consider the following:

1. Set clear investment objectives: Before investing, define your investment objectives and risk tolerance. This will help you determine the asset allocation that is right for you.

2. Monitor regularly: Regularly check your portfolio to ensure that it is performing as expected. This will help you identify any issues early on.

3. Rebalance periodically: Rebalance your portfolio periodically to restore its original asset allocation. This will help you maintain a balanced portfolio that is aligned with your investment objectives.

4. Consider tax implications: When rebalancing your portfolio, consider the tax implications of selling assets. For example, selling assets that have appreciated in value may result in capital gains taxes.

5. Don't overreact to market movements: Avoid making investment decisions based solely on short-term market movements. Instead, focus on your long-term investment objectives.

For example, let's say that you have a portfolio consisting of 60% stocks and 40% bonds. Over time, the stocks in your portfolio have grown faster than the bonds, leading to a portfolio that is now 70% stocks and 30% bonds. To rebalance your portfolio, you would need to sell some of your stocks and buy bonds to restore the original 60/40 allocation.

Diversification is important for a stable and profitable investment portfolio. However, monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio are equally important to ensure that your investments remain aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market conditions. By following the tips above, you can effectively monitor and rebalance your portfolio to achieve your long-term investment goals.

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Monitoring and Rebalancing Your Portfolio - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

8. Real-Life Examples of the Five Percent Rule in Action

Rule in Action

Examples of K Percent Rule in Action

When it comes to investing, diversity is key. The Five Percent Rule is an effective way to add variety to your portfolio and reduce risk. But what does it look like in practice? Let's explore some real-life examples of how investors have applied the Five Percent Rule to their portfolios.

1. Industry Diversification: One way to apply the Five Percent Rule is by diversifying across various industries. For example, instead of investing heavily in just one sector like technology, you could spread your investments across multiple industries like healthcare, energy, and finance. This way, if one industry experiences a downturn, your entire portfolio won't suffer.

2. Asset Class Diversification: Another way to apply the Five Percent Rule is by diversifying across different asset classes. Instead of investing solely in stocks, you could also invest in bonds, real estate, or commodities. This way, your portfolio isn't solely reliant on the stock market, which can be volatile.

3. Geographical Diversification: Investing in just one country or region can be risky, as economic and political factors can greatly impact your investments. By diversifying globally, you can reduce this risk. For example, you could invest in companies in Europe, Asia, and North America to spread your investments across different geographies.

4. Individual Stock Diversification: Even within an industry or asset class, it's important to diversify your investments. Instead of putting all your money into one stock, you could invest in multiple stocks within that industry or asset class. This way, if one company experiences a downturn, your entire investment won't be affected.

5. Mutual Fund Diversification: Mutual funds are a great way to diversify without having to pick individual stocks. By investing in a mutual fund, you are investing in a variety of stocks or bonds that are selected by professional money managers. This way, you can achieve diversification across industries, asset classes, and geographies with just one investment.

The Five Percent Rule can be applied in many different ways to achieve diversification in your portfolio. By diversifying across industries, asset classes, geographies, and individual stocks or mutual funds, you can reduce your risk and enhance stability.

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Real Life Examples of the Five Percent Rule in Action - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

9. Achieving Stability Through Diversification

Achieving Stability

As we have discussed in the previous sections, diversification is a crucial aspect of any investor's strategy to achieve stability and minimize risk in their portfolio. The five percent rule is a helpful guideline for diversification, but its important to remember that each investors situation is unique. Some investors may be more comfortable taking on higher risk in certain areas of their portfolio, while others may prefer a more conservative approach. With that in mind, let's dive into how diversification can help achieve stability, and the different ways it can be implemented.

1. Asset Allocation: One of the most common ways of diversifying is through asset allocation. This involves dividing your investments into different categories, such as stocks, bonds, cash, and real estate. By spreading your investments across different asset classes, you can reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. For example, if the stock market takes a downturn, your bond or real estate investments may help balance out the losses.

2. Geographic Diversification: Another way to diversify is by investing in different geographic regions. This can help protect your portfolio from risks that are specific to a particular country or region. For instance, if the economy in one country experiences a recession or political instability, your portfolio may be protected if you have investments in other countries that are performing well.

3. Industry Diversification: Investing in different industries can also be an effective way of diversifying your portfolio. By investing in companies from different sectors, you can spread your risk across different areas of the economy. For example, if you have investments in both technology and healthcare stocks, a downturn in the tech industry may not have as big an impact on your portfolio if your healthcare investments are performing well.

4. Proper Risk Management: While diversification can help reduce risk, it's still important to manage risk effectively. This includes setting realistic investment goals, monitoring your portfolio regularly, and being prepared to adjust your strategy if necessary. By doing so, you can help ensure that your portfolio remains stable over the long term.

Diversification is a powerful tool that can help investors achieve stability and reduce risk in their portfolio. By implementing the five percent rule and spreading investments across different asset classes, geographic regions, and industries, investors can help protect their investments from market volatility and other risks. Ultimately, by staying informed and managing risk effectively, investors can build a stable and successful investment portfolio.

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Achieving Stability Through Diversification - Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule

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Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule - FasterCapital (2024)


Diversification: Enhancing Stability with the Five Percent Rule - FasterCapital? ›

The Five Percent Rule is a simple and effective way to diversify your portfolio across various asset classes. It suggests that you should not invest more than 5% of your overall portfolio in any single stock or asset class.

What is the 5 percent rule of investment allocation? ›

The 5% rule says as an investor, you should not invest more than 5% of your total portfolio in any one option alone. This simple technique will ensure you have a balanced portfolio.

How does the 5 percent rule work? ›

The first iteration was imperfect and difficult to calculate, so in 1976, lawmakers created the “five percent rule” that exists to this day. The 5% figure was agreed upon to ensure that private foundations would, in theory, be able to exist in perpetuity whilst also ensuring that communities and society benefit.

What does Dave Ramsey say about diversification? ›

Ramsey often recommends allocating investments into four types of mutual funds: growth, growth and income, aggressive growth, and international funds. This diversification strategy helps protect against market volatility and ensures a balanced approach to retirement savings.

What is the 5 percent strategy? ›

This sort of five percent rule is a yardstick to help investors with diversification and risk management. Using this strategy, no more than 1/20th of an investor's portfolio would be tied to any single security.

How much of my portfolio should be in the S&P 500? ›

The greater a portfolio's exposure to the S&P 500 index, the more the ups and downs of that index will affect its balance. That is why experts generally recommend a 60/40 split between stocks and bonds. That may be extended to 70/30 or even 80/20 if an investor's time horizon allows for more risk.

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Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification.

How long will $400,000 last in retirement? ›

This money will need to last around 40 years to comfortably ensure that you won't outlive your savings. This means you can probably boost your total withdrawals (principal and yield) to around $20,000 per year. This will give you a pre-tax income of almost $36,000 per year.

How long will $500,000 last in retirement? ›

It may be possible to retire at 45 years of age, but it depends on a variety of factors. If you have $500,000 in savings, then according to the 4% rule, you will have access to roughly $20,000 per year for 30 years. Retiring early will affect the amount of your Social Security benefit.

How long will money last using the 5% rule? ›

The historical analysis shows that, over a 25-year retirement period, a 5.0% withdrawal rate has worked 90% of the time. On the other hand, if you are retiring at age 60 or have a family history of longevity, you may want to plan for a 35-year retirement.

Does Warren Buffett believe in diversification? ›

"We think diversification is — as practiced generally — makes very little sense for anyone that knows what they're doing. Diversification is a protection against ignorance..." "There is less risk in owning three easy-to-identify, wonderful businesses than there is in owning 50 well-known, big businesses."

What is the 5% rule for diversification? ›

The Five Percent Rule is a simple and effective way to diversify your portfolio across various asset classes. It suggests that you should not invest more than 5% of your overall portfolio in any single stock or asset class. Implementing the Five Percent Rule in your portfolio can offer several benefits, including: 1.

What is the best mutual fund to invest in in 2024? ›

Summary: Best Mutual Funds
Fund (ticker)10-Year Avg. Ann. Return
Fidelity International Index Fund (FSPSX)5.10%
Fidelity U.S. Sustainability Index Fund (FITLX)14.77% since inception (May 2017)
Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund (SWPPX)12.70%
Shelton Nasdaq-100 Index Investor Fund (NASDX)17.09%
6 more rows
Sep 4, 2024

How to do the 5 percent rule? ›

That said, the easiest way to put the 5% rule in practice is multiplying the value of a property by 5%, then dividing by 12. Then, you get a breakeven point for what you'd pay each month, helping you decide whether it's better to buy or rent.

What is the 5 percent rule in investing? ›

The rule suggests that you should not invest more than 5% of your portfolio in a single stock. The idea behind the rule is to minimize the risk of losing a significant portion of your portfolio in case the stock performs poorly.

What is the 5 percent principle? ›

As a general rule, whenever there is a large group producing something, 20% of that group produce 80% of the results. Likewise, the “Five Percent Principle” states that five percent of the people produce 50% of the outcome.

What is the 5% rule in real estate investing? ›

That said, the easiest way to put the 5% rule in practice is multiplying the value of a property by 5%, then dividing by 12. Then, you get a breakeven point for what you'd pay each month, helping you decide whether it's better to buy or rent.

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Section 12(d)(1) of the 1940 Act limits the amount an acquiring fund can invest in an acquired fund to 3% of the outstanding voting stock of the acquired fund, 5% of the value of the acquiring fund's total assets in any one other acquired fund, and 10% of the value of the acquiring fund's total assets in all other ...

What is the 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

The 10,5,3 rule gives a simple guideline for investors. It suggests expecting around 10% returns from long-term equity investments, 5% from debt instruments, and 3% from savings bank accounts. This rule helps investors set realistic expectations and allocate their investments accordingly.

What is the 12 20 80 asset allocation rule? ›

Set aside 12 months of your expenses in liquid fund to take care of emergencies. Invest 20% of your investable surplus into gold, that generally has an inverse correlation with equity. Allocate the balance 80% of your investable surplus in a diversified equity portfolio.

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