Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US - Market Research Report (2013-2028) (2024)

Industry Overview

Market size and recent performance (2013-2028)

Industry revenue has grown at a CAGR of 9.3 % over the past five years, to reach an estimated $1.7bn in 2023.

Trends and Insights

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a surge in revenue

  • As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, consumers and commercial clients began buying disinfectants and other cleaning agents at unbridled rates in an attempt to keep themselves, their families and their workplaces healthy.
  • Additional trends and insights available with purchase

Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US

Revenue (2013-2028)

Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US - Market Research Report (2013-2028) (1) Source: IBISWorld

Industry outlook (2024-2029)

Market size is projected to grow over the next five years.

Trends and Insights

A boost in disposable income will support the industry's growth

  • Stabilizing disposable income will boost disinfection consumption levels among households and lead to increased usage of other downstream markets, like hotels and restaurants. This growing usage will support revenue for disinfectant manufacturers through the next period.

Biggest companies in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US

Company Market Share (%)


Revenue ($m)


Profit ($m)


Profit Margin (%)


The Clorox Company




Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc




To view the market share and analysis for all 2 top companies in this industry, view purchase options.

Products & Services Segmentation

Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US

Products & Services

Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US - Market Research Report (2013-2028) (2) Source: IBISWorld

Industry revenue is measured across several distinct product and services lines, including Household disinfectants, Industrial (food service) disinfectants and All other industrial disinfectants. Household disinfectants is the largest segment of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US.

Trends and Insights

Demand for household disinfectants skyrocketed amid COVID-19 pandemic

  • Household disinfectant products commonly include bleach, ammonia, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide. These chemicals effectively kill bacteria, viruses and fungi on household surfaces.
  • More insights available in the full report

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  • Soap & Cleaning Compound Manufacturing in the US

International industries

  • Soap & Cleaning Compound Manufacturing in Canada
  • Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing in Australia
  • Soap & Detergent Manufacturing in the UK
  • Soap, Washing Powder and Synthetic Detergent Manufacturing in China

View all industries in United States

Table of Contents

About this industry

Industry definition

This industry manufactures disinfectant products for household and industrial uses. Disinfectants are substances that kill or inhibit growth of harmful microorganisms. Antibacterial soaps, household bleaches and products used for the disinfection of human hygiene, veterinary hygiene and drinking water are excluded from this industry.

What's included in this industry?

Developing, manufacturing and packaging disinfectant cleansersDeveloping, manufacturing and packaging disinfectant spraysDeveloping, manufacturing and packaging disinfectant wipesDeveloping, manufacturing and packaging other disinfectant products


The Clorox CompanyReckitt Benckiser Group Plc

Purchase this report to view all 2 major companies in this industry.

Related Terms


Industry Code

NAICS 2017

NAICS 32561 - Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US


Get an indication of the industry's health through historical, current and forward-looking trends in the performance indicators that make or break businesses.

Analyst insights

The global demand for disinfectants has led to a surge in international trade, boosting revenue for disinfectant manufacturers. Meanwhile, heightened health awareness has pus...

In this chapter (4)

  • Current Performance
  • Outlook
  • Volatility
  • Life Cycle

Key metrics

  • Annual Revenue, Recent Growth, Forecast, Revenue Volatility
  • Number of Employees, Recent Growth, Forecast, Employees per Business, Revenue per Employee
  • Number of Businesses, Recent Growth, Forecast, Employees per Business, Revenue per Business
  • Total Profit, Profit Margin, Profit per Business


  • Revenue, including historical (2013-2022) and forecast (2023-2028)
  • Employees, including historical (2013-2022) and forecast (2023-2028)
  • Businesses, including historical (2013-2022) and forecast (2023-2028)
  • Profit, including historical (2013-2023)
  • Industry Volatility vs. Revenue Growth
  • Industry Life Cycle

Detailed analysis

  • Trends in supply, demand and current events that are driving current industry performance
  • Expected trends, economic factors and ongoing events that drive the industry's outlook
  • Key success factors for businesses to overcome volatility
  • How contribution to GDP, industry saturation, innovation, consolidation, and technology and systems influence the industry's life cycle phase.

Products and Markets

Learn about an industry's products and services, markets and trends in international trade.

Analyst insight

Household disinfectants are still the main product offered by manufacturers. Demand for household disinfectants skyrocketed in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, outp...

In this chapter

  • Products & Services
  • Major Markets
  • International Trade

Key metrics

  • Largest market segment and value in 2023
  • Product innovation level
  • Total imports, level and trend
  • Total exports, level and trend
  • Trade Balance


  • Products & services segmentation in 2023
  • Major market segmentation in 2023
  • International trade, including imports by country and exports by country

Detailed analysis

  • Trends impacting the recent performance of the industry's various segments
  • Innovations in the industry's product or service offering, specialization or delivery method
  • Key factors that successful businesses consider in their offerings
  • Buying segments and key trends influencing demand for industry products and services
  • Recent trends in import and export volumes, country of origin or destination, and expected future trends

Geographic Breakdown

Discover where business activity is most concentrated in an industry and the factors driving these trends to find opportunities and conduct regional benchmarking.

Analyst insights

Manufacturers congregate in areas close to upstream and downstream markets to cut down on transportation costs. The Southeast, Great Lakes and Western regions are extremely p...

In this chapter (1)

  • Business Locations


  • Share of revenue, establishment, wages and employment in each state
  • Share of population compared to establishments in each region in 2023


  • Number and share of establishments in each state in 2023
  • Number and share of revenue each state accounts for in 2023
  • Number and share of wages each state accounts for in 2023
  • Number and share of employees in each state in 2023

Detailed analysis

  • Geographic spread of the industry across North America, and trends associated with changes in the business landscape
  • Key success factors for businesses to use location to their advantage

Competitive Forces

Get data and insights on what's driving competition in an industry and the challenges industry operators and new entrants may face, with analysis built around Porter's Five Forces framework.

Analyst insights

Larger manufacturers compete on a national level to meet rising demand from downstream markets. The COVID-19 pandemic intensified this competition, driving price pressure eve...

In this chapter (4)

  • Concentration
  • Barriers to Entry
  • Substitutes
  • Buyer & Supplier Analysis

Key metrics

  • Industry concentration level
  • Industry competition level and trend
  • Barriers to entry level and trend
  • Substitutes level and trend
  • Buyer power level and trend
  • Supplier power level and trend


  • Market share concentration among the top 4 suppliers from 2018-2023
  • Supply chain including upstream supplying industries and downstream buying industries, flow chart

Detailed analysis

  • Factors impacting the industry’s level of concentration, such as business distribution, new entrants, or merger and acquisition activity.
  • Key success factors for businesses to manage the competitive environment of the industry.
  • Challenges that potential industry entrants face such as legal, start-up costs, differentiation, labor/capital intensity and capital expenses.
  • Key success factors for potential entrants to overcome barriers to entry.
  • Competitive threats from potential substitutes for the industry’s own products and services.
  • Key success factors for how successful businesses can compete with substitutes.
  • Advantages that buyers have to keep favorable purchasing conditions.
  • Advantages that suppliers have to maintain favorable selling conditions.
  • Key success factors for how businesses can navigate buyer and supplier power.


Learn about the performance of the top companies in the industry.

Analyst insights

The largest companies in the industry are vertically integrated to cut down on costs. Clorox and Lysol are the two largest companies in the industry and control the manufactu...

In this chapter

  • Market Share Concentration
  • Companies
  • Company Spotlights


  • Industry market share by company in 2019 through 2023
  • Major companies in the industry, including market share, revenue, profit and profit margin in 2023
  • Overview of The Clorox Company's performance by revenue, market share and profit margin from 2017 through 2023
  • Overview of Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc's performance by revenue, market share and profit margin from 2017 through 2023

Detailed analysis

  • Description and key data for The Clorox Company, and factors influencing its performance in the industry
  • Description and key data for Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc, and factors influencing its performance in the industry

External Environment

Understand the demographic, economic and regulatory factors that shape how businesses in an industry perform.

Analyst insights

The FDA and EPA have laid out extensive regulations and policies regarding the production, distribution and use of disinfectants. Manufacturers must ensure a standard of qual...

In this chapter

  • External Drivers
  • Regulation & Policy
  • Assistance

Key metrics

  • Regulation & policy level and trend
  • Assistance level and trend


  • Regulation & Policy historical data and forecast (2013-2028)
  • Assistance historical data and forecast (2013-2028)

Detailed analysis

  • Demographic and macroeconomic factors influencing the industry, including Regulation & Policy and Assistance
  • Major types of regulations, regulatory bodies, industry standards or specific regulations impacting requirements for industry operators
  • Key governmental and non-governmental groups or policies that may provide some relief for industry operators.

Financial Benchmarks

View average costs for industry operators and compare financial data against an industry's financial benchmarks over time.

Analyst insights

Material costs for disinfectant production have fallen slightly. This is in line with the increased saturation of upstream markets and cheaper production costs.

In this chapter

  • Cost Structure
  • Financial Ratios
  • Key Ratios

Key metrics

  • Profit margin, and how it compares to the sector-wide margin
  • Average wages, and how it compares to the sector-wide average wage
  • Largest cost component as a percentage of revenue
  • Industry average ratios for days' receivables, industry coverage and debt-to-net-worth ratio


  • Average industry operating costs as a share of revenue, including purchases, wages, depreciation, utilities, rent, other costs and profit in 2023
  • Average sector operating costs as a share of revenue, including purchases, wages, depreciation, utilities, rent, other costs and profit in 2023
  • Investment vs. share of economy

Data tables

  • Industry Multiples(2016-2021)
  • Industry Tax Structure(2016-2021)
  • Income Statement(2016-2021)
  • Balance Sheet(2016-2021)
  • Liquidity Ratios(2016-2021)
  • Coverage Ratios(2016-2021)
  • Leverage Ratios(2016-2021)
  • Operating Ratios(2016-2021)
  • Cash Flow & Debt Service Ratios (2013-2028)
  • Revenue per Employee (2013-2028)
  • Revenue per Enterprise (2013-2028)
  • Employees per Establishment (2013-2028)
  • Employees per Enterprise (2013-2028)
  • Average Wage (2013-2028)
  • Wages/Revenue (2013-2028)
  • Establishments per Enterprise (2013-2028)
  • IVA/Revenue (2013-2028)
  • Imports/Demand (2013-2028)
  • Exports/Revenue (2013-2028)

Detailed analysis

  • Trends in the cost component for industry operators and their impact on industry costs and profitability

Key Statistics

Industry Data

Data Tables

Including values and annual change:

  • Revenue (2013-2028)
  • IVA (2013-2028)
  • Establishments (2013-2028)
  • Enterprises (2013-2028)
  • Employment (2013-2028)
  • Exports (2013-2028)
  • Imports (2013-2028)
  • Wages (2013-2028)


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Our analysts start with official, verified and publicly available sources of data to build the most accurate picture of each industry. Analysts then leverage their expertise and knowledge of the local markets to synthesize trends into digestible content for IBISWorld readers. Finally, each report is reviewed by one of IBISWorld’s editors, who provide quality assurance to ensure accuracy and readability.

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What data sources do IBISWorld analysts use?

Each industry report incorporates data and research from government databases, industry-specific sources, industry contacts, and our own proprietary database of statistics and analysis to provide balanced, independent and accurate insights.

Key data sources in the US include:

  • US Census Bureau
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • US International Trade Commission

Analysts also use industry specific sources to complement catch-all sources, although their perspective may focus on a particular organization or representative body, rather than a clear overview of all industry operations. However, when balanced against other perspectives, industry-specific sources provide insights into industry trends.

These sources include:

  • Industry and trade associations
  • Industry federations or regulators
  • Major industry players annual or quarterly filings

Finally, IBISWorld’s global data scientists maintain a proprietary database of macroeconomic and demand drivers, which our analysts use to help inform industry data and trends. They also maintain a database of statistics and analysis on thousands of industries, which has been built over our more than 50-year history and offers comprehensive insights into long-term trends.

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IBISWorld’s analysts and data scientists use the sources above to create forecasts for our proprietary datasets and industry statistics. Depending on the dataset, they may use regression analysis, multivariate analysis, time-series analysis or exponential smoothing techniques to project future data for the industry or driver. Additionally, analysts will leverage their local knowledge of industry operating and regulatory conditions to impart their best judgment on the forecast model.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Unlock comprehensive answers and precise data upon purchase. View purchase options.

What is the market size of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States in 2024?

The market size of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States is $1.7bn in 2024.

How many businesses are there in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in 2023?

There are 81 businesses in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States, which has grown at a CAGR of 7.3 % between 2018 and 2023.

Has the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States grown or declined over the past 5 years?

The market size of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States has been growing at a CAGR of 9.3 % between 2018 and 2023.

What is the forecast growth of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States over the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States is expected to grow.

What are the biggest companies in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US market in United States?

The biggest companies operating in the Disinfectant Manufacturing market in United States are The Clorox Company and Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc

What does the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US in United States include?

Developing, manufacturing and packaging disinfectant cleansers and Developing, manufacturing and packaging disinfectant sprays are part of the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry.

Which companies have the highest market share in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US in United States?

The company holding the most market share in United States is The Clorox Company.

How competitive is the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States?

The level of competition is high and increasing in the Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US industry in United States.

Disinfectant Manufacturing in the US - Market Research Report (2013-2028) (2024)
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