Disability Living Allowance | Carers UK (2024)


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Disability Living Allowance

What is DLA?

If youare looking after a child withahealth conditionor disabilitywho is under16, theymay be entitled toa benefit called Disability Living Allowance(DLA).

If they are16 andover, theymight beeligible forPersonal Independence Payment (PIP) instead.

DLAis extra moneyyoumight be able to claim for your child if theyhave ahealth conditionorphysical or mentaldisabilityand are under 16.They must need care,attentionor supervision but they do not need to have an actual diagnosisfrom a doctor.

In Scotland, a new disability benefit called Child Disability Payment has been introduced and replaces Disability Living Allowance. It is administered by Social Security Scotland and you can find out more at: mygov.scot/child-disability-payment

Disability Living Allowance animation

Find out about the rules for claiming DLA to see if the child you’re looking after might qualify.

Frequently asked questions about DLA

What is DLA?

DLA is not means-tested
. This means that when a review takes place to see if you are eligible,your income or savings(orany savings yourchildhas)arenottaken into account.

DLA is a tax-free benefit so you will not have to pay tax on it if you qualify.

DLA won’t reduce any other benefits you’re receiving. In fact, it could even increase them. It may also help you qualify for certain benefits, such as Universal Credit or Carer’s Allowance, and it could increase any tax credit award you receive.

You and the person(s) you care for may be entitled to other extra support too.

How much is DLA worth?

There are two components: care and mobility. For 2024/25, the weekly rates for each are as follows:

Care component £28.70 £72.65£108.55
Mobility component £28.70 n/a£75.75

Who can claim DLA?

If you care for a child under 16, they would be eligible for DLA if all the following apply:

  • Theyneed care because of having a health conditionor mentalor physicaldisability.
  • They’ve needed thiscare,attentionor supervisionfor at least three months before claiming, and expectthis needto continue for at leastsixmonths after claiming.
  • They need substantially more care,attentionor supervision than children of the same age without a health condition or disability.

Your child would also need to meet certain conditions related to their residence and presence in the UK.

The  Advicelocalwebsite  has details of local services.

Ifyour child issubject toimmigration control, get specialist advice before making a claim as a claimmightaffect their right to stay in the UK.

If your child isterminally ill, thereare simpler rules that make it easier to apply. See our guidance.

Can I claim DLA?

It is a good idea to start by considering the two components of DLA:

  • Care componentfor help with personal care
  • Mobilitycomponentfor help with getting around

In order to qualify, your child will need to be under 16 and will have more extensive needs in these areas than a child of the same age without a disability or health condition.

How much you are paid depends on your child’s level of need. See ‘What’s the care component’ and ‘What’s the mobility component?’ below for more details. To be eligible, at least one of these components must apply to you.

If the child you are caring for is terminally ill, special rules apply which can make the process easier and quicker.

What happens when my child turns 16?

If a child is claiming DLA, they will need to claim PIP once they reach 16 (unless they’re claiming DLA under special rules for terminal illness).

The guardian of the child will be contacted by the DWP or Disability and Carers Service (if in Northern Ireland)to explainthisif their child is coming up to 16 years of age. They willcheck whether their child will continue to need an appointee to act on their behalf.

What's the care component?

There are three rates:

  • Lower rate: for children who need help with personal care for a signification proportion of the day(which generally means one hour – although this does not necessarily have to be all at once)
  • Middle rate: for children who havedaytime or night-timeneeds(special rules apply for children undergoing dialysis at least twice a week)
  • Higher rate: forchildren who haveboth daytime and night-time needs. They will automatically get the higher rate if they are terminally ill.

See ourDisability Living Payment factsheet (for more detail see pages 4-5).

What's the mobility component?

If your child needs help getting around, they may qualify for the mobility component which has two parts.

You need to show that your child is unable or virtually unable to walk and/or needs substantially more guidance and supervision than a child of the same age without a disability or health condition.

  • The lower rate mobility componentcan be paid to a child from the age of five years. It is for children who can walk but who need extra guidance or supervision on unfamiliar routes outdoors.
  • The higher rate mobility componentcan be paid to a child from the age of three years. It is for children who are unable, or virtually unable to walk, or where the exertion required to walk would constitute a danger to their life or would be likely to lead to a serious deterioration in their health. Children can also qualify if they have a severe visual impairment, are both deaf and blind, or are severely mentally impaired.

For more details, see our Disability Living Payment factsheet (pages 5-6).

How can I claim DLA?

Step one
: You can make an initial claim by calling the Disability Living Allowance Helpline on 0800 121 4600 (textphone: 0800 012 1574).

Visit the GOV.UK website to download a claim form. In Northern Ireland, call the Disability and Carers Service on 0800 587 0912 (textphone 0800 012 1574).

Visitnidirect.gov.uk/dlato download a claim form.

Step two:When you are ready to complete the form, see our 'Tips for completing the form'in the tab below to help.

Tips for completing the form

  1. It’s a long and detailed form so take your time to complete it – you don’t have to do it all in one go. If needed, ask for help from a local advice agency. You can find one on the Advicelocal website.
  2. Listall ofthe help your child needs before completing the form.
  3. Try keeping a diary for a week if you’re not sure how much help your childneedsor how long things take.
  4. Say how often your child needs help rather than how often they get help. Point out any adjustments you’ve also already made to help.
  5. Try to focus on the difficulties and extra support your child needs compared with other children of the same age.
  6. Explain if their condition or disability affects them in other ways – such as causing anxiety or lack of confidence.
  7. Try to use examples where possible – don’t just rely on the tick boxes.Assume the person looking at the form knows nothing about thedisability orcondition.
  8. There’s a section called ‘Statement from someone who knows the child’. Include the details of a relevant professional here (ie/ school teacher, GP, therapist etc) who could write knowledgeably about your child.
  9. If you include the details of one or more professional, make it clear which one knowsyour childbest.
  10. Also notify the professional if you are including their details as they may be contacted for further details.
  11. Keep a copy of your form and any evidence you send in. It will be useful during your assessment, or if you need to appeal.

The Citizens Advice website hasfurtheruseful advice on how to complete the form.

Note:If your child isterminally ill, you won’t have to complete the ‘How your disability affects you’ form. Readclaiming a disability benefit if terminally illfor more details.

See our benefit adviser's video tips for further guidance on how to complete the claim form.

What happens next?

Once you’ve sent off the form,
you should hear from the Department for Work and Pensions or the Disability and Carers Servicewithin two weeks to let you know that they’ve received the form. Contact the DLA helpline if you haven’t heard anything after two weeks. You will normally be notified of their decision withinthreemonths.

Next, you will receive a written decision about whether your child has been awarded DLA and what rates they are eligible for and from what date.

You may receive DLA for your child for a specific period or for an indefinite period. If it’s for a fixed period, you should receive another claim formwell before the end date.

If your child is terminally ill, the process is different – see our guidance for those who are terminally ill for more information.

What if I'm turned down?

If you’re turned down, or awarded the lower rate when you think you should get the enhanced rate, it is best to act quickly if you wish to challenge the decision.

See our page onchallenging a benefits decision.

Does it entitle me to any other benefits?

If your child has been awarded DLA, there are a number of other benefits you might be able to receive in addition or it could boost any existing ones you’re receiving:

  • DLA and Child Tax Credits. Child Tax credit is assessed more generously when a child receives DLA.
  • DLA and Income Support. If you’re already receiving Income Support, you may qualify for a disabled childpremium or an enhanced disability premium.
  • DLA and Universal Creditis assessed more generously when a child receives DLA.
  • DLA and Housing Benefit: If your rent isn’t covered in full through Housing Benefit, you may be awarded a higher rate.

If your child is now receiving DLA, you may become eligible for Housing Benefit if you weren’t previously.

  • If your child receives DLA, you will be exempt from the benefit cap.
  • You may be entitled to Carer’s Allowance if you weren’t before if your child receives DLA.
  • You may now be able to get travel-related benefits suchas parking discounts through the Blue Badge scheme, public transport concessions and help through the Motability scheme if you need to drive.

For further information about these benefits, see our Disability Living Allowance factsheet – pages 12-14.Also see ‘What other help is available?’ below.

What if my circ*mstances change?

You need to tell the DWP (or Disability and Carers Service in Northern Ireland) as soon as possible if your child’s condition or circ*mstances change, because this could affect your entitlement to DLA.

A change intheircondition could include:

  • theirillness or disability getting better or worse
  • changes tothe level of helptheyneed with daily living or mobility
  • they’re going into a care home* or residential school for more than 28 days. If they’re under 18 and going into hospital, their DLA won’t be affected. For more information, see our DLA factsheet.

*The rules that apply are different if the stay is funded by NHS Continuing Healthcare or if you fund the care home yourself.

If you’re paid the lower rate of DLA for either part and the help you need increases, you can contact the DWP (Disability and Carers Service in Northern Ireland) and ask for your case to be looked at again.

Be aware there is always a risk that your benefit could be decreased rather than increased, so it’s a good idea to get help from a local advice agency first. Visit theAdvicelocal websiteto find one.

What other help is available?

You can find out which benefits you’re entitled to and how much you should be getting by doing an online benefits check, or contact one of our advisers at [email protected] for help arranging one.

Exemption from the benefit cap

The benefit cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit your household can receive. GettingDLAmeans your household won’t be affected by the benefit cap.

Help with transport costs

If claiming DLA for your child, there are many ways you can get help to reduceyour transport costs.

Motability. If your child receivesthe enhanced rate mobility part ofDLA, you may be able to apply to the Motability scheme. This lets you use the mobility part to rent or buy a car,wheelchairor scooter. You may also qualify for a grant to pay for driving lessons or for adeposit for a car.Contact Motabilityto find out more.

Blue Badge scheme. The Blue Badge scheme helps you park closer to your destination if you have difficulty walking. For example, a Blue Badge lets you park free at parking meters and in pay and display areas.

If your child is awarded the higher rate mobility component of DLA, you may be eligible for a Blue Badge. Contact your local council or trust for further information.

Exemption from road tax. You may not have to pay road tax if you get the enhanced mobility rate ofDLA. If you get the standard mobility rate, you may get a 50% discount on your road tax. VisitGOV.UK for how to apply.

Money off train travel. You can buy a Disabled Person’s Railcard to cut train fares for you and a friend. Call 0345 605 0525 or visit theDisabled Persons Railcard website.This isn’t available in Northern Ireland.

Help with the cost of public transport.You may be eligible for public transport concessions if you receive PIP. Eligibility is different depending on where you live in the UK. Contact the following for more information.

Contactyour local council.

Visit theTransport for Wales website (https://portal.tfw.wales/en)or call them on 0300 303 4240

ContactTransport Scotland on 0141 272 7100 or your local authority. You may also be entitled to a Companion Card, allowing someone to travel with you for free.

Northern Ireland
Translink on 0845 600 0049 or your local trust.

Further help
OurDisability Living Allowance factsheet providesmoreinformation and,at the end, it contains a listingof organisations thatoffer further specialist help and support.

Finding this information in accessible formats

For a helpful overview, watch our Carers UK taster video.

There is also a detailed DLA video playlist available. This breaks down the information with the following topics:

  • An overview
  • How to claim
  • After you have claimed
  • When a child turns 16

Sign language versions

Watch our taster video.

The videos are also available as British Sign Language versions using two translators having a conversation in British Sign Language (BSL).

See: British Sign Language videos playlist

Easy read versions

Easy read versions of the content are available through GOV.UK.


Download our factsheet for more information on Disability Living Allowance

Disability Living Allowance April 2024 25 (1)

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Disability Living Allowance | Carers UK (2024)


How much is full disability allowance in UK? ›

If you need help looking after yourself
Care componentWeekly rate

How do I get a high rate disability living allowance? ›

The higher rate is for those with severe walking difficulties or who are deaf blind or severely visually impaired. As we'll explain on this page, some children with severe behaviour problems can also claim it. A child can get it from the age of three.

How to answer Question 42 on DLA form? ›

Question 42: Variability. If your child's needs vary depending on how poorly they can get, then you can say so here. However, the DLA award is based on how your child is 'most of the time', so it is important you complete the other questions based on this.

What illnesses qualify for disability living allowance in the UK? ›

DLA isn't just for children who are physically disabled. It can be given for a wide range of medical conditions including behavioural and mental health conditions as well as learning disabilities and developmental delay. You might be able to claim even if you wouldn't describe your child as 'disabled'.

What is the easiest condition to get disability? ›

What Is the Most Approved Disability? Arthritis and other musculoskeletal system disabilities make up the most commonly approved conditions for social security disability benefits.

What is the highest disability monthly payment? ›

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – The maximum payment is $3,822 a month (up from $3,627 in 2023). The maximum family benefit for SSDI is about 85% to 150% of the disabled worker's benefit. The maximum payment at full retirement age is $3,822 monthly. However, if you retire at age 62, your benefit is $2,710.

What can get you 100% disability? ›

In this case, you could qualify for a temporary VA disability rating of 100%. For example, a service member diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma due to military exposure to Agent Orange may be granted a disability rating of 100% while undergoing treatment.

How many hours can I work on disability living allowance in the UK? ›

There's no limit on the number of hours you can work when you're receiving DLA. But, if the activities involved in the work you do show that you don't meet the conditions for DLA, the Department for Work and Pensions can reassess you at any time.

Is disability living allowance the same as PIP? ›

PIP (Personal Independence Payment) is the benefit that's gradually replacing DLA (Disability Living Allowance) for people aged 16 or older. If you were born before 9 April 1948, you can't move to PIP - you can keep getting and renewing your DLA.

How can I make a successful DLA claim? ›

Make sure you explain the full picture. Focus on the care they need because of their disability rather than the care they need because of their age. The person who'll make a decision on your child's DLA won't be a medical expert, so they won't know a lot about disabilities and health conditions.

What is good evidence for DLA? ›

Include supporting evidence with the form if you have it. This can be medical reports, speech and language assessments, psychological reports, and a statement of special educational needs – anything that supports what you've said in the form.

What is the question 23 on the DLA form? ›

Question 23: Write down the name of the health professional your child has had the most contact with in the past 12 months (other than their GP). Use Question 84 (on page 38) to record all of the other professionals that your child has had contact with in the past 12 months.

How much savings can I have on disability living allowance UK? ›

If your savings are: under £6,000, your benefit claim is not affected by your savings. between £6,000 and £16,000, you lose some of your benefit payment. more than £16,000, you're not eligible.

How much is UK disability living allowance? ›

You can get between £28.70 and £184.30 a week in Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to help look after a child who has a disability or health condition. DLA isn't means tested, so how much you earn doesn't impact how much you can get. The money can be spent on anything.

How do you qualify for higher rate disability living allowance? ›

qualify for the highest rate of the DLA care component, be severely mentally impaired and show extremely disruptive and dangerous behaviour; have a severe visual impairment; be both blind and deaf and need the assistance of another person to walk out of doors; or.

How much is adult disability payment for England? ›

The daily living component of adult disability payment is paid at one of two rates: standard rate: £72.65 a week. enhanced rate: £108.55 a week.

How much is the disability grant in UK? ›

The maximum grant payable under a disabled facilities grant (DFG) is £30,000 in England, £25,000 in Northern Ireland and £36,000 in Wales. The grant will only be paid when the local authority is satisfied that the work has been completed to their satisfaction and in accordance with the grant approval.

What is total permanent disability UK? ›

Total permanent disability – unable before age 70 to do your own occupation ever again. Loss of the physical or mental ability through an illness or injury before age 70 to the extent that you are unable to do the material and substantial duties of your own occupation ever again.

How much is Social Security disability in the UK? ›

If you're awarded the daily living part you'll get either: £72.65 a week for a standard award. £108.55 a week for an enhanced award.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.