Difference Between React and Bootstrap (2024)

Table of Contents
What is Bootstrap? Advantages of using Bootstrap 1. Bootstrap is adaptable and extremely simple to use 2. Saving Time and Less Exertion 3. Bootstrap Gets Ordinary Updates 4. Responsiveness 5. Platform Compatible 6. Adaptable 7. Responsive Design: 8. Consistency and Uniformity: 9. Rapid Prototyping: 10. Accessibility Compliance: Disadvantages of Bootstrap: 1. It is extraordinarily heavy 2. Expectation To Learn and Adapt 3. Without Style Customization Your Sites Will Look the Same 4. Guests Won’t Treat You in a Serious Way 5. Over-Reliance on Default Styles: 6. Bloat and Performance Overhead: 7. Learning Curve and Dependency: 8. Lack of Flexibility and Customization: 9. Dependency on JavaScript: What is React? Advantages of using React 1. Profoundly productive 2. SEO Friendly 3. Component-based architecture 4. Flourishing Community 5. Virtual DOM: 6. Efficient State Management: 7. Rich Ecosystem and Community Support: 8. Cross-Platform Compatibility: 9. Easy Integration with Existing Projects: 10. Performance Optimization: Disadvantages of React 1. Deficiency 2. Poor documentation 3. Consistent Flux 4. Speed of the development 5. Steep Learning Curve: 6. JSX Complexity: 7. Boilerplate Code: 8. Performance Overhead: 9. Lack of Official Routing and State Management Solutions: 10. Toolchain Fatigue: 11. Lack of Opinionated Structure: What is the difference between Bootstrap And React in 2023? Complementary Use Cases: Can React replace Bootstrap in 2024? Performance of React compare to Bootstrap in 2024 Conclusion: Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Reading Time: 16 minutes

Choosing a correct front-end framework is a difficult task for front-end developers after the client prerequisites are characterized. The advantages of the innovation and upgrade range of abilities to make business development and progressively benefit. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the nuances of React and Bootstrap, exploring their features, use cases, and how they complement each other in web development projects.

Let us, a profound plunge, into the whirlpool of Frontend systems and comprehend which structure most precisely accommodates your undertaking.

Bootstrap vs React has been a moving theme for quite a while among developers. The incredible UI UX design has become especially important for organizations as it supports client commitment and memorability.

Front-end site and application improvement frameworks, for example, Bootstrap vs React, allow developers to construct sites with a solid design and progressed highlights, bringing about extraordinary business arrangements and an unmatched client experience.

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end system that contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based plan parts and communications that assist us with planning responsive applications.

It is the most generally involved stage for creating portable and work area applications. The first name is Twitter Blueprint since Bootstrap was made as an interior structure by the Twitter group. It has an extremely responsive plan format, system, networks, and multi-site similarity.

On account of its numerous resources, it has turned into the second most well-known UI design. The essential point of that structure was to upgrade the occupation of developers and to advance consistency through interior tools.

Advantages of using Bootstrap

Difference Between React and Bootstrap (1)

1. Bootstrap is adaptable and extremely simple to use

Bootstrap gives the originators the flexibility to make. It’s a CSS structure with predefined classes for design utilizing its cross-section system, different CSS fragments, and JavaScript capacities.

These are included and the planner has the versatility and the chance of utilizing only those classes that are expected in the markup.

2. Saving Time and Less Exertion

It’s entertaining when you begin making your first web applications without any preparation. At the absolute starting point, you make one-page web applications and a max of 6 pages.

Assuming that you want to make a multi-page web application. This sort of tool stash permits the designer to accelerate the improvement cycle of web applications.

3. Bootstrap Gets Ordinary Updates

Bootstrap delivers a greater number of updates than different structures. With Bootstrap refreshes delivered dependably and regularly, you can rest assured that you are working with the latest devices. The bootstrap improvement group when encountering any issue begins offering it to the framework.

4. Responsiveness

We as a whole know the significance of responsive website architecture to guarantee your site capacities accurately on different gadgets, whether that be a portable, tablet, or work area.

Making versatile first sites with Bootstrap is easy, with the Bootstrap responsive framework effectively adjusting your site format to show accurately on normal screen sizes.

As cell phones proceed to develop and grow, the requirement for a responsive site isn’t an extravagance but a need.

5. Platform Compatible

With the current headway in site improvement and the need to foster a site viable with any gadget on the lookout, bootstrap comes conveniently since it works with CSS and JavaScript, which function admirably with all gadgets, including versatile ones.

6. Adaptable

An extraordinary part of Bootstrap is that you can make it your own. You can plunk down and scavenge through the entire system and keep what you want and trench what you don’t.

The general purpose of Bootstrap is that it allows you to factor in your necessities and design your development project appropriately.

This is the fundamental explanation numerous designers feel a few instruments are developed futile on Bootstrap while others love something very similar.

7. Responsive Design:

In today’s multi-device landscape, responsiveness is non-negotiable. Bootstrap’s responsive grid system allows developers to create layouts that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring an optimal user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. By using predefined classes, developers can effortlessly create responsive designs without having to write extensive CSS media queries from scratch.

8. Consistency and Uniformity:

Bootstrap provides a comprehensive set of CSS components and JavaScript plugins that adhere to a unified design language. This consistency ensures that your website maintains a cohesive look and feel throughout, saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent on styling and customization. Moreover, Bootstrap’s built-in typography, forms, buttons, and navigation components facilitate the creation of visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces with minimal effort.

9. Rapid Prototyping:

Time-to-market is critical in the digital realm, and Bootstrap accelerates the prototyping process significantly. With a plethora of pre-designed UI components and templates, developers can quickly assemble mockups and prototypes, allowing stakeholders to visualize the final product early in the development cycle. This rapid prototyping capability not only expedites decision-making but also enables iterative improvements based on user feedback.

10. Accessibility Compliance:

Inclusivity is a fundamental aspect of modern web design, and Bootstrap prioritizes accessibility by adhering to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards. By employing proper HTML semantics, ARIA roles, and keyboard navigation support, Bootstrap ensures that your website is accessible to users with disabilities, thus promoting equal access to information and services.

Disadvantages of Bootstrap:

Difference Between React and Bootstrap (2)

1. It is extraordinarily heavy

Bootstrap will assist you with building an alluring, responsive site, however, a few portable clients could be dismissed by the sluggish stacking time and battery channel issues.

Bootstrap accompanies a lot of lines of CSS and JavaScript, which is something worth being thankful for, yet additionally something terrible due to the awful web association. What’s more, there’s likewise the issue with the server that will take all the hotness for utilizing such a weighty system.

2. Expectation To Learn and Adapt

Learning Bootstrap is simple, however, you need to learn it to utilize it. Out of the crate, you’ll have to get familiar with the accessible classes in the Bootstrap CSS along with the manners in which the Bootstrap parts access those classes.

The network framework invests in some opportunities to become familiar with. Bootstrap has pretty incredible documentation and models so assuming you want assistance getting everything rolling there are loads of assets.

3. Without Style Customization Your Sites Will Look the Same

Since Bootstrap is an assortment of parts it has a steady visual style so things look durable. Assuming that you use Bootstrap in a task and do next to no customization, your locales will frequently resemble the default Bootstrap styles.

4. Guests Won’t Treat You in a Serious Way

Whenever you foster a site, fostering an expert website is significant 100% of the time. Sites created involving Bootstrap and left in default style appear to drive guests off.

With the high instances of extortion, individuals will constantly imagine that such sort of sites are generally created by fraudsters because of the way that they are quick to create.

5. Over-Reliance on Default Styles:

Bootstrap comes bundled with its own set of CSS styles, components, and JavaScript plugins. While this can be convenient, it often leads to websites having a generic appearance. Many developers fall into the trap of using Bootstrap’s default styles extensively, resulting in a lack of uniqueness and brand identity. Over-reliance on these default styles can hinder creativity and limit customization options, ultimately diluting the visual appeal of a website.

6. Bloat and Performance Overhead:

One of the most significant drawbacks of Bootstrap is its file size. Including the entire Bootstrap library in a project can add considerable bloat to the codebase, leading to longer loading times and increased bandwidth consumption. This is especially problematic for websites where performance is critical, such as those targeting mobile users or those striving for high search engine rankings. While it’s possible to customize Bootstrap to include only the necessary components, many developers opt for the convenience of the full package, inadvertently sacrificing performance in the process.

7. Learning Curve and Dependency:

Although Bootstrap aims to simplify web development, mastering its intricacies can be daunting for newcomers. The framework comes with its own set of conventions, classes, and structure, which may require significant time and effort to fully grasp. This steep learning curve can be a barrier for beginners looking to dive into web development. Moreover, the reliance on Bootstrap’s components and grid system may create a dependency among developers, limiting their ability to hand-code responsive layouts and CSS from scratch.

8. Lack of Flexibility and Customization:

While Bootstrap provides a plethora of pre-designed components and layouts, it can be restrictive in terms of flexibility and customization. Customizing Bootstrap’s default styles or overriding its predefined classes often involves cumbersome workarounds and overrides, which can lead to messy and convoluted code. Furthermore, deviating too far from Bootstrap’s conventions may result in compatibility issues and breakages during updates. This lack of flexibility can be frustrating for developers seeking to implement unique design elements or adhere to specific brand guidelines.

9. Dependency on JavaScript:

Bootstrap relies heavily on JavaScript for its interactive components and plugins, such as dropdowns, modals, and carousels. While this makes it easy to add advanced functionality to a website, it also introduces a dependency on JavaScript libraries and increases the risk of conflicts with other scripts. Additionally, the inclusion of unnecessary JavaScript components can further contribute to performance overhead and loading times, especially on resource-constrained devices or slower internet connections.

What is React?

React is a component-based JavaScript library made by Facebook. Respond makes it more straightforward to make intelligent UI utilizing parts and productively dealing with the conditions of those parts.

Different parts can be created together to make complex applications without losing their state in the document object model.

Advantages of using React

Difference Between React and Bootstrap (3)

1. Profoundly productive

Web applications created through reacting are profoundly productive. This is one reason why react is rapidly moving up in driving web structures.

In react web application advancement, each time you make a change, the whole virtual DOM is refreshed. Additionally, there are two forms of virtual DOM in the React memory.

2. SEO Friendly

The React library is SEO well-disposed, and it centers on delivering speed. All gratitude to the virtual DOM and server-side delivery, this is as of now not an issue since Google or some other web crawler doesn’t need to utilize JavaScript straightforwardly for content delivery.

JavaScript-based sites can cause problems on account of DOM re-delivering. Long stacking time may likewise be simply the reason for issues with the actual site.

3. Component-based architecture

It is entirely expected for vanilla Javascript-based applications to get into a phase while dealing with the condition of information a client’s program turns into a migraine for engineers. With the information and intricacy of an application developer, it becomes challenging to keep up with utilizing vanilla Javascript.

4. Flourishing Community

Respond certainly has solid local area support, which can be credited to its open-source nature. Whether you deal with an issue, a bug, or whatever else, you should rest assured the local area will continuously be there to furnish you with any assistance they can work with.

5. Virtual DOM:

One of React’s standout features is its Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). Instead of manipulating the actual DOM directly, React utilizes a virtual representation of the DOM. This enables React to efficiently update and render UI components by selectively rendering only the necessary DOM elements that have changed. As a result, React offers significant performance improvements compared to traditional DOM manipulation, leading to faster rendering and a smoother user experience.

6. Efficient State Management:

Managing state is a fundamental aspect of front-end development, and React provides robust mechanisms for handling component state and data flow. With features like stateful components, context API, and third-party libraries such as Redux, developers have ample flexibility in managing application state effectively. This enables better organization of data, improved performance, and enhanced debugging capabilities.

7. Rich Ecosystem and Community Support:

React boasts a vibrant ecosystem with a plethora of tools, libraries, and resources to streamline development workflows. From popular libraries like React Router for routing to Material-UI for pre-designed UI components, React’s ecosystem offers solutions for various development needs. Additionally, React benefits from strong community support, with a vast community of developers contributing to its growth through documentation, tutorials, and open-source projects.

8. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

With the rise of mobile and web applications, cross-platform compatibility has become increasingly important for developers. React’s versatility extends beyond web development, as it can be used to build native mobile applications using frameworks like React Native. By leveraging a single codebase, developers can efficiently target multiple platforms, saving time and effort while ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices.

9. Easy Integration with Existing Projects:

Integrating React into existing projects is seamless, thanks to its flexible architecture and compatibility with other libraries and frameworks. Whether you’re working with a legacy codebase or incorporating React into a new project, its modular nature allows for gradual adoption without the need for a complete overhaul. This flexibility enables teams to leverage React’s capabilities incrementally, enhancing productivity and minimizing disruption.

10. Performance Optimization:

React offers various optimization techniques to improve application performance and responsiveness. From code splitting and lazy loading to memoization and server-side rendering (SSR), React provides developers with tools to optimize bundle sizes, reduce time to interactive (TTI), and enhance overall user experience. By optimizing performance, developers can ensure that their React applications are fast, efficient, and scalable.

Disadvantages of React

Difference Between React and Bootstrap (4)

1. Deficiency

Respond gives just the View of some portion of the MVC model. Hence, you should depend on different innovations, as well. In any case, a few designers see it as a benefit since it considers full freedom. Therefore, every undertaking could appear to be unique.

2. Poor documentation

Respond is a general innovation, and it continues to develop with the assistance of designers that add to it and enlarge its prospects. Yet, documentation for ReactJS and its connected libraries is frequently deficient.

Developers will generally deliver updates to libraries without refreshing the documentation. This makes it difficult for others to get to know new elements and incorporate libraries.

3. Consistent Flux

While this might be taken as a positive as well, consistent new deliveries and up-degree of the apparatus truly do cause disturbances and dial-back improvement. An overhauled web application programming is generally a help yet the speed at which React gets altered and new elements added becomes annoying.

4. Speed of the development

There is a more established saying ‘Assuming you live by the sword, you pass on by the sword. The speed of improvement of React has split the advancement domain into equal parts.

On one hand, engineers notice that consistent development has made their occupation simpler. It’s undeniably true that the React web structure is continually advancing and evolving. Yet, the speed at which React is changing should be visible as its impediment also.

5. Steep Learning Curve:

While React’s concepts might be intuitive for seasoned developers, newcomers often find its learning curve quite steep. Understanding concepts like JSX, virtual DOM, state management, and component lifecycle methods can be daunting for beginners. Moreover, the rapid pace of change in the React ecosystem means developers must continuously update their knowledge to stay relevant.

6. JSX Complexity:

React’s use of JSX, a syntax extension that allows mixing HTML with JavaScript, can be polarizing. While JSX offers a more concise and readable way to describe UI components, it also introduces a layer of complexity. Developers accustomed to traditional HTML may find JSX syntax confusing at first, leading to a steeper learning curve.

7. Boilerplate Code:

Creating a new React project often involves setting up a significant amount of boilerplate code, especially when configuring tools like webpack or Babel. While tools like Create React App aim to streamline this process, managing project dependencies and configurations can still be time-consuming.

8. Performance Overhead:

Although React’s virtual DOM offers significant performance benefits by minimizing DOM manipulations, it’s not without overhead. Complex applications with deeply nested components or frequent re-renders may experience performance bottlenecks. Additionally, managing state and prop updates efficiently requires careful optimization to avoid rendering bottlenecks.

9. Lack of Official Routing and State Management Solutions:

Unlike some other frameworks like Angular, React does not include built-in solutions for routing or state management. While this offers flexibility to developers to choose their preferred libraries (e.g., React Router, Redux), it also means additional overhead in integrating and managing these libraries within the project.

10. Toolchain Fatigue:

The React ecosystem is vibrant and continuously evolving, with new libraries and tools emerging regularly. While this fosters innovation, it also leads to toolchain fatigue, where developers must evaluate and adopt new tools to stay competitive. Managing dependencies and ensuring compatibility between different libraries can become cumbersome over time.

11. Lack of Opinionated Structure:

React’s unopinionated nature allows developers the freedom to structure their projects as they see fit. While this flexibility is beneficial for experienced developers, it can be overwhelming for beginners or teams without a well-defined architecture. Without clear guidelines, projects may become inconsistent or difficult to maintain over time.

What is the difference between Bootstrap And React in 2023?

PurposeFront-end framework for building responsive websitesJavaScript library for building user interfaces
LanguageHTML, CSS, JavaScriptJavaScript
ComponentsPre-designed UI componentsComponent-based architecture with reusable components
Learning CurveLowModerate to high, especially for beginners
CustomizationLimitedHighly customizable through JSX and CSS
State ManagementNot applicable (Primarily for styling and layout)Supports state management with features like Redux
DependencyIndependentRequires Node.js and npm/yarn for development
PerformanceLightweightHigh performance due to virtual DOM and efficient updates
CommunityLarge and active communityLarge and active community with extensive resources
IntegrationCan be integrated with React applicationsCan be integrated with other libraries and frameworks
PopularityWidely used for quick prototyping and simple projectsExtremely popular for building complex web applications
Mobile SupportResponsive design for mobile devicesSupports building mobile applications with React Native
LicensingFree and open-sourceFree and open-source

React established in 2013, is an open-source Javascript library that essentially kept up with my Facebook and an enormous local area of designers. Rigorously talking, it’s anything but a front-end advancement stage in the specialized sense yet most engineers depend on it for front-end improvement.

It was established on Twitter and sent off in 2011, Bootstrap is additionally open-source however dissimilar to ReactJS, it contains HTML and CSS-based plan layouts. The client-driven ease of making sites and creating applications makes Bootstrap special.

However, one needs to watch it intently concerning execution. Some of the time engineers don’t appear to like this system because of its huge library and unutilized assets which prompts more slow execution.

The presentation of React applications is quicker and better in contrast with Bootstrap, a lightweight exhibition of client experience with individual parts working in a fine utilitarian way.

React’s part-based design empowers growing more strong single-page applications, reusability eliminates the code mess and diminished document object model control speeds up the page stacking. You can use Bootstrap with React. You can’t analyze between them. Bootstrap is just for the UI UX designing part, just that.

You can’t play with API in Bootstrap. Along these lines, get this cleared. Both are unique. React will assist you with accomplishing the business necessities on the Front-End Side and you can involve bootstrap. Bootstrap can embellish your website pages.

Complementary Use Cases:

Despite their differences, React and Bootstrap can complement each other in web development projects:

  1. Integration: Developers can integrate React and Bootstrap by using React components alongside Bootstrap’s CSS for styling and layout, combining the benefits of component-based development and pre-styled UI elements.
  2. Prototyping: Bootstrap can be useful for rapid prototyping and UI design, allowing developers to create responsive layouts quickly. Once the UI structure is defined, React components can be implemented for dynamic functionality.
  3. UI Consistency: Bootstrap’s consistent styling and responsive design principles can align well with React’s component reusability, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly UI across the application.
  4. Hybrid Apps: In hybrid app development, where web technologies are used within native mobile apps (e.g., using React Native), Bootstrap can provide a responsive web view while React handles the application’s logic and interactions.

In conclusion, React and Bootstrap serve distinct yet complementary roles in modern web development. Understanding their strengths, differences, and potential synergies empowers developers to create efficient, visually appealing, and user-centric web applications.

Whether leveraging React’s component-based architecture for dynamic interfaces or harnessing Bootstrap’s responsive design features for layout consistency, both technologies contribute to building compelling web experiences in today’s digital landscape.

Can React replace Bootstrap in 2024?

React and Bootstrap are not mutually exclusive choices. Many developers opt to use React in conjunction with Bootstrap, leveraging React’s component-based architecture to encapsulate Bootstrap components and enhance their functionality. This approach allows developers to combine the best of both worlds, leveraging Bootstrap’s pre-styled components for rapid prototyping while harnessing React’s power for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

As we look ahead to the future of frontend development, it’s clear that both React and Bootstrap will continue to play significant roles in shaping the digital landscape. While React offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability for building modern web applications, Bootstrap remains a reliable choice for developers seeking rapid prototyping and consistency across projects. However, with the emergence of frameworks like Tailwind CSS, the competition in the frontend space is fiercer than ever, prompting developers to evaluate their tooling choices carefully.

Performance of React compare to Bootstrap in 2024

When comparing the performance of React and Bootstrap in 2024, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements and constraints of the project at hand. While React excels in building highly interactive and performance-optimized user interfaces, Bootstrap shines in streamlining the development of responsive and visually appealing designs.

For projects prioritizing dynamic user experiences and complex state management, React’s virtual DOM rendering and extensive ecosystem of performance optimization tools make it a compelling choice. On the other hand, for projects focused on rapid prototyping and responsive design, Bootstrap’s pre-styled components and grid system provide a solid foundation for building modern web interfaces.


It isn’t as simple to offer a conclusive response, as to propose the suggestion of making solidarity between the two to utilize every one of the advantages of every application. As React doesn’t have inherent choices to assist with making responsive, smooth, and instinctive plans, Bootstrap can make up for this shortcoming. Alternately, Bootstrap content can be confounding and tedious, so matching Reacts Grid, Row, and Column parts to assist with sorting out the pages rather than HTML would be generally useful for its end clients.

This is the place where the eventual fate of the two applications lies, by wedding up and keeping the client’s truly developing hunger for web designers fulfilled. Currently, a few engineers do join the capacities of both, however, this is a laborious undertaking and can without much of a stretch fizzle if one doesn’t hold the higher ranges of abilities.

By coordinating both, responding engineers can utilize Bootstrap’s renowned framework and its other great parts close to the adaptability and simplicity of website designers’ unique base.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do Bootstrap and React differ?
A: Bootstrap and React serve different purposes in web development. Bootstrap is a CSS framework that provides pre-designed UI components and styles, making it easier to create visually appealing websites. React, on the other hand, is a JavaScript library that helps in building interactive and dynamic user interfaces, focusing on component-based development and state management.

Q: Can Bootstrap and React be used together?
A: Yes, Bootstrap and React can be used together. Bootstrap can be integrated into a React project to provide pre-built UI components and styles. However, it is important to note that using Bootstrap with React might require some additional considerations to ensure compatibility and prevent conflicts between the two libraries.

Q: Which one should I choose: Bootstrap or React?
A: The choice between Bootstrap and React depends on your specific requirements and the nature of your project. If you need a quick and easy way to create visually appealing websites or web applications, Bootstrap can be a good choice. On the other hand, if you’re building a complex and interactive application that requires efficient UI management, component reusability, and state management, React might be a better fit.

Q: Can I use Bootstrap without React?
A: Yes, Bootstrap can be used without React. It is a standalone front-end framework and can be used in any web development project, regardless of the underlying JavaScript library or framework being used.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Bootstrap and React?
A: Yes, there are several alternatives to both Bootstrap and React. For CSS frameworks similar to Bootstrap, you can consider Foundation, Bulma, or Material-UI. As for React alternatives, you may explore Vue.js, Angular, or Ember.js, which are other popular JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces.

Q: Can I use React and Bootstrap with other libraries or frameworks?
A: Yes, both React and Bootstrap can be used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks. React, being a versatile JavaScript library, can be combined with various tools and libraries for specific functionality. Bootstrap can also be used alongside other CSS or JavaScript frameworks, although some care might be needed to avoid conflicts or styling issues.

Q: Are Bootstrap and React suitable for mobile app development?
A: While Bootstrap can help in creating responsive websites that adapt well to mobile devices, it is not primarily designed for mobile app development. React, on the other hand, can be used for developing mobile apps using frameworks like React Native. For mobile app development, it is advisable to explore dedicated mobile development frameworks or tools.

Q: Which one has a steeper learning curve: Bootstrap or React?
A: The learning curve for Bootstrap is generally considered to be relatively easier compared to React. Bootstrap provides a set of ready-to-use components and straightforward CSS classes, making it quicker to get started. React, on the other hand, has a more complex learning curve due to its component-based architecture and concepts like state management. However, with practice and learning resources, both can be mastered effectively.

Difference Between React and Bootstrap (2024)


Difference Between React and Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap and React frameworks are high in demand and close competitors when designing and customizing the best UI for web applications. React is a component-based framework, whereas Bootstrap is a template-based front-end framework that provides ready-made templates for building applications.

Can I use Bootstrap without React? ›

Usage with JavaScript frameworks

While the Bootstrap CSS can be used with any framework, the Bootstrap JavaScript is not fully compatible with JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular which assume full knowledge of the DOM.

Is Bootstrap part of React? ›

React Bootstrap is a dynamic front-end framework that combines the power of React, a popular JavaScript library, with Bootstrap, a versatile CSS framework. This combination enables developers to create responsive and interactive web applications effortlessly.

Do I need both Bootstrap and React Bootstrap? ›

React-Bootstrap is a complete re-implementation of the Bootstrap components using React. It has no dependency on either bootstrap. js or jQuery. If you have React setup and React-Bootstrap installed, you have everything you need.

Is Bootstrap required to learn React? ›

A: Yes, Bootstrap can be used without React. It is a standalone front-end framework and can be used in any web development project, regardless of the underlying JavaScript library or framework being used. Q: Are there any alternatives to Bootstrap and React?

Should I use React or Bootstrap? ›

Sometimes developers prefer to avoid this framework due to its vast library and unutilized resources, which leads to slower performance. The performance of React apps is faster and better than Bootstrap, a lightweight performance in user experience with individual components working in an exemplary functional manner.

Can Bootstrap replace React? ›

Can Bootstrap Replace React? No, Bootstrap cannot replace React. Bootstrap and React serve different purposes in web development, and they are often used together rather than one replacing the other. Bootstrap is a front-end CSS framework.

Is Bootstrap responsive or not? ›

Bootstrap has a Grid System for this purpose. It has a large number of preset classes to create layout designs. These classes create a mobile-first responsive page layout that contains a set of Rows and Columns to host your content. The in-built classes for rows and columns are .

What is Bootstrap used for? ›

What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is a free, open source front-end development framework for the creation of websites and web apps. Designed to enable responsive development of mobile-first websites, Bootstrap provides a collection of syntax for template designs.

Is React a frontend or backend framework? ›

ReactJS is mainly a front-end open source and a JavaScript front-end library used for building the user interfaces of our web applications or websites.

Can I combine React and Bootstrap? ›

In conclusion, Bootstrap is a powerful and popular CSS framework that can be easily integrated into a React application to enhance its design and functionality. With the help of pre-built Bootstrap components and a responsive grid system, developers can save more time and effort in the development process.

Is it mandatory to use Bootstrap? ›

Lots of places use it as a UI toolkit because it's very easy to work with, but it isn't essential (and it's very easy to use if you know CSS/HTML). It's just a set of CSS classes, basically. You structure your HTML like it describes in the docs, add the classes provided by Bootstrap, and you get your UI styling.

Can I use React without Bootstrap? ›

The short answer to your question is yes, it's absolutely possible to use this component without Bootstrap CSS.

Is Bootstrap worth learning in 2024? ›

Is Bootstrap still relevant in 2024? Yes. Bootstrap is still the most used CSS framework. For its ease of use and widespread support, it's a great choice to complete a project quickly, even in 2024.

What's better than Bootstrap? ›

Here is the list of the top 10 best alternatives to Bootstrap so you can tackle your web design challenges.
  • Skeleton. ...
  • Materialize. ...
  • Bulma. ...
  • Foundation. ...
  • Tailwind CSS. ...
  • UIKit. ...
  • Pure CSS. ...
  • Semantic UI.
May 27, 2024

Can I use Bootstrap CSS without js? ›

Yes, of course, you can use only the CSS part if you want. Actually, Bootstrap encourages you to use the parts you need even for its styles with its modular Sass structure if you are planning on using the source code in your project. You can remove and don't import the components you don't need.

Do we need to install Bootstrap in React? ›

Note: It's important to import Bootstrap at the top of your app's entry file before other CSS files. This ensures that the styles from your CSS files will take precedence over Bootstrap's styles, making it easier to alter the look of your application from Bootstrap's default theme if necessary.

Is it OK to not use Bootstrap? ›

So based from the comments below, It is fine if a developer does not want to use bootstrap; in fact, companies actually encourage devs to not use it unless it is needed. But that being said, Bootstrap comes really handy if someone has to build a website in a short period of time.

Can I use Bootstrap without knowing JavaScript? ›

It's not necessary that you learn JavaScript if your end goal is to write a simply website because bootstrap provides you with code that you can simply copy and paste. But if you want to do anything that's not included in the Bootstrap JS lib, then you have to learn JavaScript or you won't be able to program it.

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.