Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discount - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discount - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 28 Mar, 2024


Cash Discounts and Trade Discounts are often used interchangeably. They are offered to attract customers and increase sales. The main purpose of both discounts is to increase product sales. A Cash Discount is offered by the seller to the buyer when the buyer is paying the bill, whereas, a Trade Discount is offered by the seller to the reseller during the time of purchase of a product.

What is Cash Discount?

A cash discount is a discount that the seller gives to the buyer for the period during which the invoice is valid if the invoice is paid within a certain time. Cash Discounts are also known as early payment discounts because they encourage customers to pay before maturity. By slightly reducing the buyer’s payment, it will encourage the buyer to pay on time.

Key features of Cash Discount:

  • Fee Reduction: Cash Discounts help businesses cut or eliminate transaction fees related to credit card processing, aiding in maintaining profit margins and avoiding unpredictable costs.
  • Consistent Margins: Implementing a Cash Discount program ensures steady profit margins across transactions, enabling accurate financial planning without the variability of processing fees.
  • Increased Cash Flow: Cash Discounts attract bargain hunters, encouraging cash payments and potentially boosting future purchases. Additionally, they improve cash flow for smoother operations.

What is a Trade Discount?

A Trade Discount refers to a discount that provides a certain discount on the retail price of the product if it is purchased in large quantities. Trade Discounts are offered to increase the sale of the product. Sellers might keep buyers in the long run by giving Trade Discounts because that offers buyers confidence. It also manages buyer-seller relationships.

Key features of Trade Discount:

  • Price Reduction: Trade Discounts lower the listed price of products or services, often as incentives for bulk purchases or favorable terms.
  • Customized Deals: Unlike public discounts, Trade Discounts are negotiated between suppliers and customers based on factors like quantity or timing.
  • Post-Purchase Adjustments: These Trade Discounts aren’t applied immediately but appear on invoices after purchase, allowing for tailored discounts.

Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discounts


Cash Discount

Trade Discount


A Cash Discount is offered by the seller to the buyer when the buyer is paying the bill.

Trade Discount is offered by the seller to the reseller during the time of purchase of a product.

Purpose of discount

Cash Discounts ensure timely payment for purchased items.

Trade Discount helps to increase the sales of the product.

Time when the discount is allowed

A Cash Discount is offered at the time when the buyer pays the bill amount.

A Trade Discount is offered at the time when the item is purchased.

Type of payment allowed

Cash Discounts are allowed on only transactions related to cash payments.

Trade Discount is allowed on transactions related to both cash and online payments.


Cash Discount is provided to motivate buyers to pay bills instantly.

Trade Discount is provided to retain customers and make them future buyers.

Record of discount

Cash Discounts are recorded because the amount that the customer pays is calculated after reducing the trade discount.

Trade Discounts are not recorded in the cash book.


Cash and Trade Discounts are major elements in business markets. Sellers can take advantage of these discounts to increase sales and retain customers. The two types of discounts work differently, but both help to increase business and keep customers happy.

Cash and Trade Discount – FAQs

What are the advantages of offering Cash Discounts?

The main advantages of offering Cash Discount is that it motivates the customer to make payments on time. Early payment incentives also increase the cash flow as they encourage customer to pay early.

What are the advantages of offering Trade Discounts?

The main advantage of offering Trade Discounts is that lower prices encourage customers to buy more products and can increase sales. Since more than one product can be purchased with the same amount, purchasing power also increases.

How to calculate Trade Discounts?

Trade Discount is calculated as a percentage of list price. It provide buyers goods and services at lower rate.

What is the list price?

List price is the basic price of a product before any discount is applied on it. List price is set by the manufacturer for their product or services.


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Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discount - GeeksforGeeks (2)

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Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discount - GeeksforGeeks (3)

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Difference between Cash Discount and Trade Discount - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is the difference between cash discount and trade discount? ›

In business, there are primarily two types of discounts: Trade Discount: Reduction in the listed price of a product that a supplier offers when selling to a reseller in bulk. Cash Discount: Reduction in selling price that the seller offers to the end-consumer for prompt, faster sales.

What is the difference in the accounting for trade discounts and cash discounts? ›

Based on Accounting: Cash discounts are recorded on the debit side of the cash book. Trade discounts are not recorded in the books as the net amount payable is calculated after reducing the discounted amount from the invoice.

What is the friendship between trade discount and cash discount? ›

The main difference lies in the purpose and accounting treatment. Trade discount is offered to increase bulk sales and is not recorded in accounting books. Cash discount is offered to ensure prompt payment and is properly recorded in the books of both buyer and seller.

What is the difference between trade discount and purchase discount? ›

A purchase discount decreases the amount you pay ... Top answer: Sales discount means that what you are selling is reduced in price on it. As explained by Finance Strategists, trade discount is a rebate or allowance from the listed price granted by the seller to the buyer at the time of selling goods.

What is the difference between CD and TD? ›

Term deposit is issued for a specific term in days, months or years or in combination. A certificate of deposit is issued for an amount that is mentioned on the face and not tenor. The CD and TD are same except for the presentation.

What is an example of a trade discount? ›

For example, a customer who buys 100 units of a product may receive a 20% trade discount, while a customer who buys 70 units of the same product may only receive a 10% trade discount. Trade discounts are offered to promote sales and increase turnover. They may also be offered to clear out old stock.

What is an example of a cash discount? ›

Cash Discount Example

An example of a typical cash discount is a seller who offers a 2% discount on an invoice due in 30 days if the buyer pays within the first 10 days of receiving the invoice. Giving the buyer a small cash discount would benefit the seller as it would allow her to access the cash sooner.

How do you record trade discount and cash discount? ›

Accounting of trade discount

Net price = List price – Trade discount. Therefore, trade discounts are not recorded in the books of accounts. However, on the other hand, cash discounts are recorded in the books of accounts. Cash discounts are usually allowed on the invoice price of the goods.

What is the difference between a trade discount and a settlement discount? ›

It's also worth noting the difference between trade discounts and settlement discounts. A trade discount is applied if your customers purchase additional items from you. A settlement discount is applied if your customers decide to pay off their debts within the specified timeframe.

Is a trade discount an expense? ›

Trade Discount Journal Entry

It is typically documented in the purchase or sales book, but it is not entered into the ledger accounts, and there is no separate journal entry to reflect this. But when the trade is allowed then it shall be recorded as an expense.

What is the difference between discount allowed and discount received? ›

A discount allowed is when the supplier of goods or services grants a payment discount to a customer. On the other hand, a discount received is the reverse situation, where the customer is granted a discount by the supplier.

What are the three types of discounts? ›

There are 3 Types of Discount;
  • Trade discount,
  • Quantity discount, and.
  • Cash discount.

What is the difference between cash discount and trade discount in accounting? ›

Trade Discount refers to the deduction given by the supplier to the customer in the catalogue price of the goods. Cash discount implies the allowance granted to the customers by the supplier on the invoice price, for immediate payment.

What is the accounting for cash discounts and trade discounts? ›

From this, it is clear that trade discounts are deducted in determining the cost of purchase and do not need to be accounted for separately, whereas cash discounts should be accounted for and adjusted with the cost of sales.

What is the difference between trade discount and discount series? ›

For single discounts, the discount method subtracts the discount amount from the list price, while the complement method multiplies the complement rate by the list price. For discount series, the discounts are applied sequentially to the remaining price after each discount.

What does cash discount mean? ›

Cash discounts refer to an incentive that a seller offers to a buyer in return for paying a bill before the scheduled due date. In a cash discount, the seller will usually reduce the amount that the buyer owes by either a small percentage or a set dollar amount.

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