Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Budget (2024)

Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Budget

"The President's budget request for the Department of Defense is once again rooted in our 2022 National Defense Strategy, which continues to enable us to match our national resources to our national objectives. This request will bolster our ability to defend our country, paced to the challenge posed by an increasingly aggressive People's Republic of China. It will better posture us to deter aggression against the United States, or our allies and partners, while also preparing us to prevail in conflict if necessary. It will continue to forge a more resilient joint force and a modern defense ecosystem, built for the security challenges of the 21st century. And it will strengthen the unmatched global network of alliances and partnerships that magnifies our power and deepens our security.

This budget request is consistent with the funding levels approved by Congress under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. Under these caps, we made difficult but responsible decisions focusing on maintaining our military's readiness and taking care of our personnel. So our budget request reflects targeted reductions to programs delivering key capabilities in later years to support the joint force's ability to fight and win in the near term.

We must continue to invest in cutting-edge defense capabilities and to advance new operational concepts across domains, from advanced cyber systems and enhanced space capabilities to a modernized nuclear triad. This budget request also reflects a deep commitment to our people, who will always be the Department's greatest strategic asset; we hope to raise basic pay, boost quality-of-life initiatives, and promote safety and accountability.

Moreover, this request will enable the Department to deepen cooperation with our interagency colleagues, industry, academia, allies, and partners. Through cooperative defense initiatives, multilateral joint exercises, and shared technology development, we will enhance our capabilities and help make America and the world more secure.

Since my first day as Secretary of Defense, I have focused on three priorities: defending the Nation, taking care of our people, and succeeding through teamwork. President Biden's Fiscal Year 2025 budget request advances each of these priorities.

As Congress writes authorizing and appropriations legislation in the months ahead, I am grateful for Members' support for the budget and the mission of the Department of Defense."

The President's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Department of Defense

On March 11, 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress a proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget request of $849.8 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD), consistent with the caps approved by Congress under the Financial Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2023. The FY 2025 defense budget request provides the capabilities and investments to advance the Secretary's three key priorities: defending the United States, taking care of our people, and succeeding through teamwork.

To achieve these priorities, this budget request links our strategic goals to our resources to continue executing our 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS), which aligns with the President's National Security Strategy. These guiding documents determine the direction of the Department of Defense in what the President has called the "decisive decade." The NDS outlines the Department's defense and security priorities:

  • Defending the homeland, paced to the growing, multi-domain challenge posed by the People's Republic of China (PRC);
  • Deterring strategic attacks against the United States, our allies, and our partners;
  • Meeting the acute threat of a newly aggressive Russia;
  • Tackling the dangers from Iran, North Korea, global terrorist groups, and more;
  • Building a resilient joint force and defense ecosystem.

The NDS positions the U.S. military to meet our defense challenges through integrated deterrence, campaigning, and actions to build enduring advantages. The FY 2025 DoD budget request of $849.8 billion enables the Department to advance these goals by providing the resources to position our warfighters, allies, and partners for success. This budget continues to make the investments necessary to execute the NDS, but the FRA topline limitations required the Department to make tough but responsible choices. We made targeted reductions to programs that will not deliver capability to the force until the 2030s to preserve and enhance the Total Force's ability to fight and win in the near term.

Integrated Deterrence

The FY 2025 budget request allows the DoD to invest in capabilities to maintain a ready, lethal, and combat-credible joint force, with a laser focus on the pacing challenge from the PRC, as well as the acute threat posed by Putin's Russia. The budget makes critical investments to revitalize the defense industrial base, drive innovation, and take care of the Department's personnel. The FY 2025 budget request includes $143.2 billion in research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), and would also fund $167.5 billion for procurement. Combined, these investments will establish even stronger, nimbler, and more modern combat-credible forces across all domains.

Investments in platforms and systems across the air, sea, and land domains will increase the lethality of our Joint Force and enhance our ability to deter threats well into the future. So this budget request includes:

  • $61.2 billion for airpower to continue developing, modernizing, and procuring lethal air forces;
  • $48.1 billion for sea power, including new construction of six battle force fleet ships; and
  • $13.0 billion for land power, supporting the modernization of Army and Marine Corps combat equipment.

A safe, secure, effective, and credible nuclear deterrent remains the ultimate check on strategic attacks on our country and our allies. To sustain this level of deterrence, the FY 2025 budget requests $49.2 billion to modernize and recapitalize all three legs of the nuclear triad and operate our legacy systems even as we pursue arms control measures that enhance U.S. and allied security. For example, the budget requests:

  • $9.9 billion for the Columbia-class ballistic-missile submarine;
  • $5.3 billion to continue development and procurement of the B-21 strategic bomber program; and
  • $3.7 billion to continue funding for the ground-based Sentinel program.

Our highest defense priority remains to deter attack against the United States. The PRC and Russia are fielding conventional long-range and hypersonic weapons that can threaten our allies, partners, and U.S. forces. Therefore, the FY 2025 budget requests $28.4 billion to enhance U.S. missile-defense capabilities to defend the homeland, U.S. deployed forces, and our allies and partners against this growing missile threat.

Other critical investment highlights include:

  • $9.8 billion in long-range fires to hold adversary targets at risk from operationally relevant ranges and reduce risks to U.S. forces and assets;
  • $33.7 billion for vital space capabilities, resilient architectures, and enhanced space command and control to keep space safe for military, civilian, and commercial operations; and
  • $14.5 billion for cyberspace activities focused on three main portfolios covering cybersecurity, cyberspace operations, and cyber research and development.


The second way we advance the NDS is through campaigning, or well-planned and carefully sequenced exercises and initiatives to advance our defense priorities. Campaigning starts with our strategic readiness and our ability to build, maintain, and balance warfighting forces, capabilities, and competitive advantages to achieve our strategic objectives. The Department's FY 2025 budget request therefore prioritizes the readiness of our joint force, investing $147.5 billion to build and maintain our warfighting forces and capabilities. The budget request is designed to maintain our current levels of readiness while modernizing to meet future challenges. The Department's strategic-readiness framework keeps our eyes on the horizon, carefully balancing today's urgent and competing demands with preparing to prevail in long-term strategic competition.

The FY 2025 budget request includes critical investments to strengthen deterrence in the Indo-Pacific, including ballistic missile-defense activities in support of Guam; expanded security cooperation with our valued allies and partners; increased investments in exercises, training, and experimentation activities; cyber operations technology support; the fielding of uncrewed and autonomous systems that can operate in all domains; and other innovative technologies.

The outcome of Putin's cruel and unprovoked war of choice against Ukraine will define global security for decades to come, and we remain determined to meet the moment. The FY 2025 budget request also funds our bedrock commitment to NATO, the indispensable defensive alliance that remains the foundation of transatlantic security, and includes $4.2 billion to support investments, activities, and operations within Europe to deter Russian aggression against our allies and partners, including:

  • $9.9 billion for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative;
  • $2.9 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative;
  • $625.6 million in NATO Military Contribution;
  • $434 million for the NATO Security Investment Program; and
  • $300 million to fund the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

Building Enduring Advantages

The Department's people – the Total Force – are its most valuable asset and we have made significant investments to take care of our people. In particular. DoD supports its outstanding all-volunteer force and their families by continuously working to strengthen economic security and improve quality of life. Critical investments in our people include:

  • A 4.5 percent pay increase for Service members and annual rate increases for both housing and subsistence allowances;
  • $245.3 million for a proposed substantial increase to the Income Eligibility Threshold for Basic Needs Allowance, an allowance designed to provide extra support to Service members and families who qualify;
  • More than $120 million in additional funding for commissaries to provide our Service members with food savings of over 25 percent compared to the local marketplace;
  • $2.0 billion to support family housing to provide safe, high-quality residences for Service members and their families;
  • $1.1 billion in unaccompanied housing or barracks construction;
  • $547 million to prevent suicide in the military, including $261 million to implement the approved recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee; and
  • $1.2 billion to prevent sexual assault and other harmful behaviors, including $651 million for the continued implementation of the recommendations by the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military and funding for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Education and Training Center of Excellence.

Another Department priority is investing in our technological advantage to maintain global readiness for decades to come. The Department's approach, which was codified in the National Defense Science and Technology Strategy, prioritizes three strategic lines of effort: focus on the Joint Mission; create and field capabilities at speed and scale; and strengthen the foundations of research and development. The FY 2025 budget request of $143.2 billion in Research, Development, Test &Evaluation (RDT&E), enables us to maintain our commitment to innovation and modernization with investments including:

  • $17.2 billion in science and technology;
  • $1.8 billion in artificial intelligence;
  • $1.4 billion in Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control to deliver information advantage at the speed of relevance across all domains and partners;
  • $450 million for the Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve to help more swiftly field new capabilities;
  • $144 million to support the Office of Strategic Capital, including $132.6 million in RDT&E funding, which Secretary Austin established to enable the Department to attract and scale private capital in our most critical component-level supply chain technologies; and
  • Resources for the Department-wide Replicator Initiative to accelerate the delivery of innovative capabilities to warfighters at speed and scale.

In addition, the Department is focused on manufacturing and production challenges, with continued investment in capabilities supporting a modern, technology-enabled industrial base. We also seek to make supply chains more resilient.

The recently released National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) outlines four priorities for achieving a 21st-century defense industrial base: resilient supply chains, workforce readiness, flexible acquisition, and economic deterrence. Aligning our ongoing industrial-base efforts with the NDIS priorities will enable better coordination among programs and help us more swiftly identify opportunities for investments or policy modifications. The Department will continue to leverageauthorities provided by Congress to deliver critical munitions affordably, while bolstering our inventories and providing a more predictable demand signal to industry. The FY 2025 budget request includes:

  • $29.8 billion for munitions, including both conventional ammunition and Precision Guided Munitions;
  • $4.0 billion in investments in the submarine industrial base, a historic investment in supplier and workforce development as well as infrastructure expansion and technological advances; and
  • $2.5 billion for microelectronics to reduce gaps in the advanced packaging ecosystem.

The FY 2025 budget continues to build on prior investments by including $19.8 billion to sustain, restore, and modernize our facilities, as well as $17.5 billion in construction and family housing programs. These efforts support our people, enhance our deterrence, and improve our critical infrastructure. Those investments include:

  • $8.7 billion in facilities supporting readiness improvements;
  • $2.5 billion in projects advancing the European Deterrence Initiative, the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, and the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent program;
  • $2.0 billion in critical naval-infrastructure improvements;
  • $2.3 billion to support the construction of other new quality-of-life facilities including barracks, dormitories, child development centers and youth centers, medical clinics, and schools.

As always, the Department is committed to being a responsible steward of hard-earned taxpayer funds — and committed to better performance across the defense enterprise. The FY 2025 Defense Budget includes $1.3 billion in support of the DoD audit. This includes funding for audit services, support, remediation and financial systems. The Department has taken significant steps to improve our systems, modernize our enterprise, and attract and retain the best possible talent. We must continue to align our resources with our evolving defense needs. That will ensure that we can secure the right capabilities to build enduring advantages over our global competitors — and work toward a safer America in a more stable, open, and prosperous world.

The FY 2025 Defense Budget positions the Department to support its people and its allies and partners during this decisive decade — and to meet the defense challenges that our republic faces today and will face far into the future.

The entire budget proposal and additional materials are available at:

Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Budget (2024)


Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Budget? ›

The FY 2025 budget request includes $143.2 billion in research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), and would also fund $167.5 billion for procurement. Combined, these investments will establish even stronger, nimbler, and more modern combat-credible forces across all domains.

What is the raise for DoD in FY 2025? ›

The FY2025 President's budget requested a proposed pay increase for all military servicemembers of 4.5%, consistent with the statutory formula. highest officer, warrant officer, and enlisted grades.

What is the budget for FY 2025? ›

HHS proposes $130.7 billion in discretionary and $1.7 trillion in mandatory proposed budget authority for FY 2025.

What is the budget request for the Department of the Air Force fiscal year 2025? ›

The total DAF budget request for FY25 is $217.5B, an increase of 1.1% from the FY24 President's Budget request. The USAF budget for FY25 is $188.1B, a 1.7% increase from the FY24 request. The Space Force budget decreases modestly in FY25, from $30.0B to $29.4B.

What is the budget for the DAF 2025? ›

The Department of the Air Force (DAF) Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget request is approximately $217.5B, a $2.4B or 1.1% increase over the FY 2024 budget request.

What is the dod defense budget 2025? ›

Washington, D.C. – The Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Appropriations Act provides $852.2 billion in total funding—a $27.2 billion, or 3.3% increase over fiscal year 2024.

Will military retirees get a raise in 2025? ›

Anything less than that, then FERS, CSRS, and Social Security all get the same adjustment to their retirement income. The latest estimates from the Senior Citizens League predict a 2.4% COLA for social security and CSRS in 2025, and this would mean a 2.0% adjustment for FERS.

What is the fiscal year for 2025? ›

For example, Fiscal Year 2025 runs from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

What is the budget for 2025? ›

The Finance Minister informed that for the year 2024-25, the total receipts other than borrowings and the total expenditure are estimated at ₹32.07 lakh crore and ₹48.21 lakh crore respectively. The net tax receipts are estimated at ₹25.83 lakh crore and the fiscal deficit is estimated at 4.9 per cent of GDP.

What is the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025? ›

4638, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (NDAA). The Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA authorizes a topline of $911.8 billion for military and national security programs at the Department of Defense and Department of Energy.

What does fy 25 mean? ›

For example, financial year 2025 is the 12-month period ending on 30 June 2025 and can be referred to as FY2024/25. It is used for official purposes, by individual taxpayers and by the overwhelming majority of business enterprises.

What is the fy25 defense budget justification? ›

Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Appropriations Bill

The bill strategically refocuses the Pentagon on its core mission: delivering combat-ready military forces to deter war and ensure national security. It eliminates funding for divisive social agendas and initiatives that do not align with the Department's primary purpose.

What is the current fiscal year? ›

The 2023 fiscal year began on October 1, 2022, and ended September 30, 2023.

What is the budget for the Navy in 2025? ›

The United States Navy remains the finest in the world. But our maritime forces must adapt quickly to this changing threat environment. To that end, President Biden's defense budget request for fiscal year 2025 includes $257.6 billion in funding for the Department of the Navy.

What is the budget request for the Space Force 2025? ›

For the Space Force, the Fiscal Year 2025 budget request is $29.4 billion, which is effectively flat funding compared to last year.

What is the Department of Defense budget? ›

Each year federal agencies receive funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources . In FY 2024, the Department of Defense (DOD) had $2.10 Trillion distributed among its 6 sub-components. Agencies spend available budgetary resources by making financial promises called obligations .

What is the military pay increase for 2025? ›

Reed's committee in June approved language promising a 4.5% pay raise for all service members in 2025, with an extra 1% boost for troops ranked E-3 and below.

Is the dod pay increase in 2024? ›

The 2024 pay increase (which took effect Jan. 1) was 5.2% — the largest bump since 2002 and the second-biggest boost in 40 years.

What is the federal raise for fy25? ›

This includes a 5.2 percent 2024 federal pay raise and 2.0 percent 2025 federal pay raise consistent with the President's pay proposal.

What is the armed services fiscal year 2025? ›

The Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA authorizes a topline of $911.8 billion for military and national security programs at the Department of Defense and Department of Energy.

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