DeFi Yield Farming Strategies and Risks (2024)


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> DeFi Yield Farming Strategies and Risks

Wednesday, 03/05/2023 | 16:08 GMT by FM Contributors

  • A deep dive into DeFi Yield Farming

DeFi Yield Farming Strategies and Risks (2)

By developing anew set of financial tools and products that run on a decentralized blockchainnetwork, decentralized finance (DeFi) has completely changed how individualsinteract with financial services. Yield farming, which enables users to makepassive income by lending or staking their cryptocurrency, is one of the mostwell-liked features of DeFi. The various farming techniques that increaseyields and their risks will be covered in this article.

By taking partin decentralized financial protocols, users can generate income from theircryptocurrency holdings through a process called yield farming. In order toearn interest or prizes, yield farming often entails lending or stakingcryptocurrencies like Ethereum or stablecoins.

Users can use avariety of yield gardening techniques to generate passive revenue. Thesetactics consist of:


Lending is puttingbitcoin into a DeFi lending protocol, such Aave or Compound, and collectinginterest on the loan. The supply and demand of cryptocurrencies on the lendingplatform determine the interest rate.


Holding acryptocurrency in a wallet or using a certain DeFi protocol is known asstaking. By participating in the network's consensus process, you can earnrewards. To receive incentives, users can stake cryptocurrencies, like Polkadotor Ethereum.

Provisionfor Liquidity

Liquidityprovision is the process of depositing equal quantities of two distinctcryptocurrencies to a decentralized exchange, such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap,to provide liquidity. Users receive a portion of the exchange's transactioncosts.

YieldFarming Risks

While yieldfarming has the potential to be a lucrative passive income source, there are anumber of risks involved. Here are a few of the major dangers:


A danger ofliquidity provision is impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of the twocryptocurrencies placed in the pool changes. Liquidity providers may experiencea loss of funds as a result since the value of their deposited assets may notbe as high as if they had just kept them in their wallets.

Risks ofSmart Contracts

Smartcontracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreementbetween the buyer and seller being directly put into lines of code, are thefoundation upon which DeFi protocols are built. Security issues associated withsmart contracts, like bugs, hacks, and vulnerabilities, might cause users tolose money.


Cryptocurrenciesare extremely erratic and prone to large price swings. This may lower the valueof the cryptocurrency being lent out or staked, costing consumers money.


DeFi protocolsare still governed by a difficult and changing regulatory environment. Thevalue and liquidity of cryptocurrencies as well as the legitimacy of DeFiprotocols themselves are all subject to regulatory changes.

Yield FarmingTechniques and Hazards

The followingare some of the most well-liked agricultural techniques for yield and thedangers they pose:


As users earninterest on their cryptocurrency holdings without being exposed to theturbulence of the cryptocurrency markets, lending is a relatively low-riskyield farming strategy. However, there is still a chance that regulatorychanges and smart contract flaws will have an impact on the value of thecryptocurrency being lent.


Users who staketheir coins expose themselves to the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets,making it a higher-risk yield farming strategy. However, the payouts from stakingmay surpass those from lending. Staking exposes consumers toregulatory changes and vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Provisionfor Liquidity

A high-riskyield farming tactic is liquidity provision since users are exposing themselvesto transient loss and the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets. The twocryptocurrencies that are deposited into the pool may change in value, whichcould cause liquidity providers to lose money. Users who use liquidityprovisions are also vulnerable to regulatory changes and flaws in smartcontracts.


Farming entailstaking part in yield farming protocols, which pay users who bet or lend theircryptocurrency. Although farming rewards can be substantial, they are alsovulnerable to smart contract risks and high volatility. Furthermore, farmingprotocols are frequently subject to high fees, which may affect the strategy'soverall profitability.

Guidelinesfor Yield Farming Risk Management

Yield farmingcan be a profitable way to generate passive income, but it's crucial to controlthe hazards involved. The following advice can help you manage hazards in yieldfarming:


Prior toengaging in a yield farming protocol, it is crucial to do extensive research onthe protocol. Users ought to research the project's personnel, any potentialregulatory problems, and the security of the protocol.

Spread OutYour Holdings

In yieldfarming, diversification is essential for risk management. Users ought to thinkabout diversifying their holdings among various yield farming techniques,protocols, and cryptocurrencies.

Use Toolsfor Risk Management

Users canassist minimize their losses by using risk management tools like stop-lossorders in the event of a big price decline or other unforeseen incident. Usersought to think about utilizing risk management tools like dynamic fees orauto-compounding that are included in yield farming protocols.

Recognizethe Costs

Users should beaware of the expenses related to yield farming. Transaction fees are frequentlyimposed by yield farming methods, which can have an effect on the strategy'soverall profitability. The gas costs related to employing DeFi protocols shouldalso be taken into account by users because these costs can be considerablewhen there is a lot of network activity.

Alternative Strategies

Tield farmingcan be a high-risk investment strategy that requires significant research andcareful management. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to employblockchain technology and earn passive income with less risk.

Here are somealternatives to yield farming that employ blockchain technology but with lessrisk:

  • Staking as a Service (StaaS): StaaS is aservice that allows cryptocurrency investors to earn passive income fromstaking their digital assets without having to manage the staking processthemselves. The service provider handles the technical aspects of staking, suchas running a node, while investors earn a share of the rewards. StaaS is a lessrisky alternative to yield farming because it removes the need for investors toactively manage their staking positions.
  • Liquidity Provision: Providing liquidity todecentralized exchanges (DEXs) is a way to earn passive income fromcryptocurrency trading fees. By providing liquidity to a DEX, investors earn ashare of the trading fees that are generated when other users trade on theexchange. Liquidity provision can be less risky than yield farming becauseinvestors do not need to worry about the value of their staked assetsdecreasing.
  • Proof of Stake (PoS) Mining: PoS mining isa way to earn passive income from cryptocurrency mining without the high energycosts associated with traditional proof of work (PoW) mining. PoS mininginvolves holding a certain amount of cryptocurrency and staking it to validatetransactions on the network. In exchange for this validation, miners earn ashare of the rewards. PoS mining can be less risky than yield farming becauseinvestors do not need to worry about the value of their staked assetsdecreasing.
  • Crypto Savings Accounts: Crypto savingsaccounts allow investors to earn interest on their digital assets withouthaving to lend or stake them. Investors deposit their digital assets into anaccount and earn interest on a regular basis. Crypto savings accounts can beless risky than yield farming because investors do not need to actively managetheir investments, and the interest rate is typically fixed.
  • Passive Income Funds: Passive income fundsinvest in cryptocurrency projects that generate income streams, such as stakingrewards or trading fees. Investors earn a share of the income generated by thefund, providing a way to earn passive income without the need for activemanagement. Passive income funds can be less risky than yield farming becausethey are managed by professionals who have experience in the cryptocurrencymarket.


Thedecentralized finance ecosystem has many opportunities for passive incomegeneration, including yield farming. The hazards connected with yield farming,such as ephemeral loss, smart contract risks, volatility, and regulatory risks,must, however, be managed.

Users whodiversify their assets, conduct in-depth research, and use risk managementtools can reduce the risks involved with yield farming and possibly generatesizable returns. While yield farming can be a risky tactic, it can also be asuccessful way to generate passive income and take part in the decentralizedfinance ecosystem, which is expanding quickly.

By developing anew set of financial tools and products that run on a decentralized blockchainnetwork, decentralized finance (DeFi) has completely changed how individualsinteract with financial services. Yield farming, which enables users to makepassive income by lending or staking their cryptocurrency, is one of the mostwell-liked features of DeFi. The various farming techniques that increaseyields and their risks will be covered in this article.

By taking partin decentralized financial protocols, users can generate income from theircryptocurrency holdings through a process called yield farming. In order toearn interest or prizes, yield farming often entails lending or stakingcryptocurrencies like Ethereum or stablecoins.

Users can use avariety of yield gardening techniques to generate passive revenue. Thesetactics consist of:


Lending is puttingbitcoin into a DeFi lending protocol, such Aave or Compound, and collectinginterest on the loan. The supply and demand of cryptocurrencies on the lendingplatform determine the interest rate.


Holding acryptocurrency in a wallet or using a certain DeFi protocol is known asstaking. By participating in the network's consensus process, you can earnrewards. To receive incentives, users can stake cryptocurrencies, like Polkadotor Ethereum.

Provisionfor Liquidity

Liquidityprovision is the process of depositing equal quantities of two distinctcryptocurrencies to a decentralized exchange, such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap,to provide liquidity. Users receive a portion of the exchange's transactioncosts.

YieldFarming Risks

While yieldfarming has the potential to be a lucrative passive income source, there are anumber of risks involved. Here are a few of the major dangers:


A danger ofliquidity provision is impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of the twocryptocurrencies placed in the pool changes. Liquidity providers may experiencea loss of funds as a result since the value of their deposited assets may notbe as high as if they had just kept them in their wallets.

Risks ofSmart Contracts

Smartcontracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreementbetween the buyer and seller being directly put into lines of code, are thefoundation upon which DeFi protocols are built. Security issues associated withsmart contracts, like bugs, hacks, and vulnerabilities, might cause users tolose money.


Cryptocurrenciesare extremely erratic and prone to large price swings. This may lower the valueof the cryptocurrency being lent out or staked, costing consumers money.


DeFi protocolsare still governed by a difficult and changing regulatory environment. Thevalue and liquidity of cryptocurrencies as well as the legitimacy of DeFiprotocols themselves are all subject to regulatory changes.

Yield FarmingTechniques and Hazards

The followingare some of the most well-liked agricultural techniques for yield and thedangers they pose:


As users earninterest on their cryptocurrency holdings without being exposed to theturbulence of the cryptocurrency markets, lending is a relatively low-riskyield farming strategy. However, there is still a chance that regulatorychanges and smart contract flaws will have an impact on the value of thecryptocurrency being lent.


Users who staketheir coins expose themselves to the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets,making it a higher-risk yield farming strategy. However, the payouts from stakingmay surpass those from lending. Staking exposes consumers toregulatory changes and vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Provisionfor Liquidity

A high-riskyield farming tactic is liquidity provision since users are exposing themselvesto transient loss and the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets. The twocryptocurrencies that are deposited into the pool may change in value, whichcould cause liquidity providers to lose money. Users who use liquidityprovisions are also vulnerable to regulatory changes and flaws in smartcontracts.


Farming entailstaking part in yield farming protocols, which pay users who bet or lend theircryptocurrency. Although farming rewards can be substantial, they are alsovulnerable to smart contract risks and high volatility. Furthermore, farmingprotocols are frequently subject to high fees, which may affect the strategy'soverall profitability.

Guidelinesfor Yield Farming Risk Management

Yield farmingcan be a profitable way to generate passive income, but it's crucial to controlthe hazards involved. The following advice can help you manage hazards in yieldfarming:


Prior toengaging in a yield farming protocol, it is crucial to do extensive research onthe protocol. Users ought to research the project's personnel, any potentialregulatory problems, and the security of the protocol.

Spread OutYour Holdings

In yieldfarming, diversification is essential for risk management. Users ought to thinkabout diversifying their holdings among various yield farming techniques,protocols, and cryptocurrencies.

Use Toolsfor Risk Management

Users canassist minimize their losses by using risk management tools like stop-lossorders in the event of a big price decline or other unforeseen incident. Usersought to think about utilizing risk management tools like dynamic fees orauto-compounding that are included in yield farming protocols.

Recognizethe Costs

Users should beaware of the expenses related to yield farming. Transaction fees are frequentlyimposed by yield farming methods, which can have an effect on the strategy'soverall profitability. The gas costs related to employing DeFi protocols shouldalso be taken into account by users because these costs can be considerablewhen there is a lot of network activity.

Alternative Strategies

Tield farmingcan be a high-risk investment strategy that requires significant research andcareful management. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to employblockchain technology and earn passive income with less risk.

Here are somealternatives to yield farming that employ blockchain technology but with lessrisk:

  • Staking as a Service (StaaS): StaaS is aservice that allows cryptocurrency investors to earn passive income fromstaking their digital assets without having to manage the staking processthemselves. The service provider handles the technical aspects of staking, suchas running a node, while investors earn a share of the rewards. StaaS is a lessrisky alternative to yield farming because it removes the need for investors toactively manage their staking positions.
  • Liquidity Provision: Providing liquidity todecentralized exchanges (DEXs) is a way to earn passive income fromcryptocurrency trading fees. By providing liquidity to a DEX, investors earn ashare of the trading fees that are generated when other users trade on theexchange. Liquidity provision can be less risky than yield farming becauseinvestors do not need to worry about the value of their staked assetsdecreasing.
  • Proof of Stake (PoS) Mining: PoS mining isa way to earn passive income from cryptocurrency mining without the high energycosts associated with traditional proof of work (PoW) mining. PoS mininginvolves holding a certain amount of cryptocurrency and staking it to validatetransactions on the network. In exchange for this validation, miners earn ashare of the rewards. PoS mining can be less risky than yield farming becauseinvestors do not need to worry about the value of their staked assetsdecreasing.
  • Crypto Savings Accounts: Crypto savingsaccounts allow investors to earn interest on their digital assets withouthaving to lend or stake them. Investors deposit their digital assets into anaccount and earn interest on a regular basis. Crypto savings accounts can beless risky than yield farming because investors do not need to actively managetheir investments, and the interest rate is typically fixed.
  • Passive Income Funds: Passive income fundsinvest in cryptocurrency projects that generate income streams, such as stakingrewards or trading fees. Investors earn a share of the income generated by thefund, providing a way to earn passive income without the need for activemanagement. Passive income funds can be less risky than yield farming becausethey are managed by professionals who have experience in the cryptocurrencymarket.


Thedecentralized finance ecosystem has many opportunities for passive incomegeneration, including yield farming. The hazards connected with yield farming,such as ephemeral loss, smart contract risks, volatility, and regulatory risks,must, however, be managed.

Users whodiversify their assets, conduct in-depth research, and use risk managementtools can reduce the risks involved with yield farming and possibly generatesizable returns. While yield farming can be a risky tactic, it can also be asuccessful way to generate passive income and take part in the decentralizedfinance ecosystem, which is expanding quickly.


DeFi Yield Farming

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As the financial services industry experiences rapid and transformative changes, leading fintech experts and policymakers come together to discuss the present and future of retail trading and the evolving regulatory landscape. Join this insightful session for a forward-looking perspective on the trends, innovations, and trader needs that are shaping the future of offerings on a global scale.Speakers:Eric Blewitt, CEO, Investment TrendsRhys Bollen, Senior Executive Leader, Digital Assets, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)Michael Bogoevski, Head of Institutional Sales, CMC ConnectKarin Setchell, General Manager, Product & Investing Solutions, CommSec#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RetailTrading #FintechInnovation #FinancialRegulation #DigitalAssets #GlobalFinance📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

As the financial services industry experiences rapid and transformative changes, leading fintech experts and policymakers come together to discuss the present and future of retail trading and the evolving regulatory landscape. Join this insightful session for a forward-looking perspective on the trends, innovations, and trader needs that are shaping the future of offerings on a global scale.Speakers:Eric Blewitt, CEO, Investment TrendsRhys Bollen, Senior Executive Leader, Digital Assets, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)Michael Bogoevski, Head of Institutional Sales, CMC ConnectKarin Setchell, General Manager, Product & Investing Solutions, CommSec#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RetailTrading #FintechInnovation #FinancialRegulation #DigitalAssets #GlobalFinance📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

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    Executive Interviews with Joe Li & Simon Naish | ATFX | FMPS:24

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In this Finance Magnates Executive Interview, Joe Li, Chairman at ATFX and Simon Naish, Country Head of Australia at ATFX Connect, discuss ATFX’s strategic growth in the APAC region, particularly focusing on their institutional arm, ATFX Connect. They highlight the importance of Australia as a strategic hub, the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and regulated market, and their plans for regional expansion across APAC. The conversation touches on the integration of advanced technology and multi-asset offerings, the significance of optimal execution tools, and the importance of tailoring solutions to meet the sophisticated demands of institutional clients. They also emphasize their strong regulatory compliance and their commitment to enhancing client experience through innovative tools and infrastructure.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #ATFXConnect #APACFinance #InstitutionalTrading #FinancialTechnology #MarketExpansion📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

  • Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    Ready to Scale? Regtech in Australia, A Global View | FMPS:24

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    In the effort to elevate Australian fintech on the global stage, RegTech presents a unique and compelling case. Despite the increasing demand for robust compliance solutions, Australia's RegTech sector—ranked third-largest globally—remains underfunded. Join this insightful fireside chat to explore the future of Australia’s RegTech hub and its global potential.Key discussion points include uncovering the hidden opportunities in RegTech that VCs are overlooking, the necessary steps for increased governmental support, the readiness of the local ecosystem to collaborate across global regulatory regimes, and lessons learned from other leading fintech hubs around the world.Speakers:Dickie Currer, National Lead, Tech Australia AdvocatesDeborah Young, CEO, The RegTech Association#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #RegTech #Fintech #AustralianFintech #GlobalCompliance #TechInnovation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

  • Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Resilience in Trading: From Third Class To World Class | FMPS:24

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    Join Mario Singh, Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Markets, as he shares his life story, highlighting the traits that were required starting without financial knowledge to become a financial and trading expert recognised by world-renowned media like CNBC & Bloomberg.#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #trading #onlinetrading #tradingexpert #tradingjourney 📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

  • IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    IBs and Brokers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly | FMPS:24

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

    For most brokers, IBs and trading educators are invaluable partners, driving highly targeted traffic from key regions. However, without proper management, these relationships can quickly turn sour. In this session, gain an insider’s perspective on the types of licenses IBs need in APAC, the crucial details in IB agreements that both parties must scrutinize, common disputes between IBs and brokers and effective resolutions, and the pros and cons of transitioning from IB to broker.Speakers:Melody Gao, Senior Lawyer, Sophie GraceJames Perry-Keene, Head of Strategic Partnerships, PepperstoneChristopher Balanzategui, CEO, N3tworx#fmps #fmps24 #fmevents #IBAgreements #BrokerPartnerships #TradingIndustry #APACFinance #FinancialRegulation📣 Stay updated with the latest in finance and trading! Follow FMevents across our social media platforms for news, insights, and event updates. Connect with us today:🔗 LinkedIn: 👍 Facebook:📸 Instagram:🐦 Twitter:🎥 TikTok:▶️ YouTube:'t miss out on our latest videos, interviews, and event coverage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.