Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter: Table, Formula, Examples (2024)

Home » Math Vocabulary » Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter: Table, Formula, Examples, FAQs

  • What Is the Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion?
  • Decimal to Hexadecimal Table
  • How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
  • Solved Examples on Decimal to Hexadecimal
  • Practice Problems on Decimal to Hexadecimal
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion

What Is the Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion?

The decimal to hexadecimal conversion is used to convert a decimal number (base-10 number) into its hexadecimal (base-16) equivalent.

What Is the Hexadecimal Number System?

The base of the hexadecimal system as 16. The 16 symbols used in this system are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.

Here, the place values are defined in terms of the powers of 16.

What Is the Decimal Number System?

Decimal Number System is a base-10 number system that uses ten digits from 0 to 9. Here, the place values are defined in terms of powers of 10.

Decimal to hexadecimal conversion is carried out by successive division by 16. It is a simple and straightforward method. Let’s learn.

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Decimal to Hexadecimal Table

The table shows the hexadecimal numbers equivalent to the decimal numbers from 0 to 15. This decimal to hexadecimal chart is extremely useful for the decimal to hexadecimal conversion.

Decimal NumberHexadecimal Number

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How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal

Step 1: Divide the number by 16. Note down the quotient and remainder.

If the quotient is 0, the remainder is the equivalent hexadecimal number.

If the quotient is not 0, go to step 2.

Step 2: Divide the quotient in step 1 by 16. Again, note down the quotient and remainder.

If the quotient is 0, write the remainders in reverse order to find the hexadecimal number.

If the quotient is not 0, repeat the process until we get 0 as a quotient.

(Note that when the remainder is greater than 9, we refer to the decimal to hexadecimal table mentioned above to write its hexadecimal equivalent. Replace 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 by A, B, C, D, E, F respectively.)

Example 1: Find the hexadecimal equivalent of (152)10.

$152 \div 16$98
$9 \div 16$09

Write the remainders in reverse order.

(152)10 = (98)16

Example 2: Convert from decimal to hexadecimal: 45010

DivisionQuotientRemainder(decimal value)Remainder(Hexadecimal value)
$450 \div 16$2822
$28 \div 16$112C
$1 \div 16$011

Writing the remainders in the reverse order, we get

45010 = (1C2)16

Example 3: Convert to hexadecimal: 99910

You can also show the division using columns.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter: Table, Formula, Examples (21)

99910 = 3E716

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Involving the Decimal Point

If the decimal number has a fractional form, we convert the integer part and the fractional part to a hexadecimal system separately, and finally add them together.

To convert the fractional value into the hexadecimal system, we multiply the fractional part by 16 and note down the product as the sum of integer value and fractional part.

We repeat the process until the fractional part becomes 0. If the fractional part does not become 0, stop when you get the desired number of digits.

The integer part obtained in every step is written in the same order to get the answer.

The obtained result is the hexadecimal number of the given fractional number.

Example 1: Convert 0.2510 into hexadecimal.

Here, the whole number part is 0. Let’s convert the fractional part into hexadecimal.

0.25 × 16 = 4 + 0.00

Fractional part is 0 in the first step.

Thus, 0.2510 = 0.416

Example 2: Convert 16.22510 into the hexadecimal system.

i) Whole number part = 1610 = 1016

ii) Fractional part = 0.225

0.225 × 16 = 3 + 0.600

0.600 × 16 = 9 + 0.600

0.600 × 16 = 9 + 0.600

We stop here since the process will keep going forever.

0.225 = (0.399…)16

Thus, 16.22510 = (10.3999…)16

Example 3: 15.510

i) Whole number part = 1510 = F16 (from the table)

ii) Fractional part = 0.5

0.5 × 16 = 8 + 0.0

Thus, 0.510 = 0.816

Finally, 15.510 = F.816

Facts about Decimal to Hexadecimal System

  • The use of letters A to F in the hexadecimal number system helps in the short and concise symbolic representation of large numbers.
  • The prefix “0x” is often used to indicate that a number is written in hexadecimal form, for example, 0xF, 0x5C2.


In this article, we learned about decimal to hexadecimal conversion, how to use the conversion table, and the steps for the conversion. We also learned how to convert a decimal number with fractional or decimal part into a hexadecimal number. Let’s solve a few examples and practice problems based on the decimal to hexadecimal conversion.

Solved Examples on Decimal to Hexadecimal

1. Convert (243)10into a hexadecimal system.


Divide 243 by 16 until the quotient is 0.

DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)Remainder(hexadecimal value)
$243 \div 16$1533
$15 \div 16$015F

Writing remainders in reverse order, we get

So, (243)10 = (F3)16

2. Convert (679)10 into a hexadecimal system.


Divide 679 repeatedly by 16 until the quotient becomes 0.

DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)Remainder(hexadecimal value)
$679 \div 16$4277
$42 \div 16$210A
$2 \div 16$022

Write remainders in reverse order to find the answer.

So, (679)10 = (2A7)16.

3. Convert (136)10into a hexadecimal system.


DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)Remainder(hexadecimal value)
$136 \div 16$888
$8 \div 16$088

Write remainders in reverse order to find the answer.

So, (136)10 = (88)16.

4. What is the value of (2761)10into a hexadecimal system?


DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)Remainder(hexadecimal value)
$2761 \div 16$17289
$172 \div 16$1012C
$10\div 16$010A

Write remainders in reverse order to find the answer.

So, (2761)10 = (AC9)16.

5. Convert (548.5)10into the hexadecimal system.


First, convert 548 into the hexadecimal system.

DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)Remainder(hexadecimal value)
$548 \div 16$3444
$34 \div 16$222
$2 \div 16$022

So, (548)10 = (224)16.

Next, we convert (0.5)10 into the hexadecimal system.

0.5 × 16 = 8 + 0.0

Thus, (0.5)10 = (0.8)16

Adding the whole number part and the fractional part, we get

(548.5)10 = (224.8)16

6. Convert 50 from decimal to hexadecimal.


DivisionQuotientRemainder (decimal value)
$50 \div 16$32
$3 \div 16$03

Thus, (50)10 = (32)16

Practice Problems on Decimal to Hexadecimal


On converting $(897)_{10}$ in hexadecimal system, we get:






Correct answer is: $(381)_{16}$
When 897 is divided by 16, the quotient is 56 and remainder is 1.
When 56 is divided by 16, the quotient is 3 and remainder is 8.
When 3 is divided by 16, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 3.
Writing remainders in reverse order, we get
$(897)_{10} = (381)_{16}$


Convert $(10)_{10}$into a hexadecimal system.






Correct answer is: $(A)_{16}$
The hexadecimal number system uses the letters A to F for the numbers 10 to 15 respectively.
$(10)_{10} = (A)_{16}$


On converting $(652)_{10}$ in hexadecimal system, we get:






Correct answer is: $(28C)_{16}$
When 652 is divided by 16, the quotient is 40 and the remainder is 12 which is $C_{16}$.
When 40 is divided by 16, the quotient is 2 and the remainder is 8.
When 2 is divided by 16, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 2.
Writing remainders in reverse order, we get
$(652)_{10} = (28C)_{16}$


What will we get if we convert $(1147)_{10}$into a hexadecimal system?






Correct answer is: $(47B)_{16}$
When 1147 is divided by 16, the quotient is 71 and the remainder is 11, which is $B_{16}$.
When 71 is divided by 16, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 7.
When 4 is divided by 16, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 4.
Writing remainders in reverse order, we get
$(1147)_{10} = (47B)_{16}$


What is the value of $(3452)_{10}$into a hexadecimal system?






Correct answer is: $(D7C)_{16}$
When 3452 is divided by 16, the quotient is 215 and the remainder is $12 = C_{16}$.
When 215 is divided by 16, the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 7.
When 13 is divided by 16, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is $13 = D_{16}$.
Writing remainders in reverse order, we get
$(3452)_{10} = (D7C)_{16}$

Frequently Asked Questions about Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion

The base of a hexadecimal system is 16.

We use the base of a hexadecimal system as 16. Each digit is 16 times more significant than the previous digit. We use the base of a binary system as 8. Each digit is 8 times more significant than the previous digit.

Multiply each digit with the powers of 16 starting from the ones place of the number.

Example: C216 = 2 160+C161

C216 = 2 160+12161

C216 = 2 +1216

C216 = 2 +192C216 = 19410

Hexadecimal notation FFFF equals 65535 in decimal value.

FFFF = 15 163+15162 + 15 161+15160

FFFF = 61440 + 3840 + 240 + 15FFFF = 6553510

The decimal to hexadecimal conversion involves dividing the decimal number by 16 and noting the remainders, then assigning hexadecimal equivalents. Reversing the remainders gives the hexadecimal representation.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter: Table, Formula, Examples (2024)


How to convert decimal to hexadecimal example? ›

Step 1: Divide the given decimal number system value by 16 and note the remainder. Step 2: Divide the quotient by 16. Repeat this until you get a quotient equal to zero. Step 3: Use the characters A, B, C, D, E, F in place of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in the remainders respectively, wherever needed.

What is the formula for hexadecimal conversion? ›

The hexadecimal digit is expanded to multiply each digit with the power of 16. The power starts at 0 from the right moving forward towards the right with the increase in power. For the conversion to complete, the multiplied numbers are added. Decimal Number = dn-1 × 16r-1+....

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal calculator with steps? ›

Converting from decimal to hexadecimal involves dividing the decimal number by 16 and recording the remainder. This process is repeated with the quotient until the quotient is zero. The hex number is then read from the last remainder to the first.

What is an example of a hexadecimal conversion? ›

Converting hexadecimal to decimal is done in a similar manner as the previous two i.e. multiply each digit with the power of 16. Let us take an example. Example: Convert (DC24)16 ( D C 24 ) 16 to Decimal. Therefore, the decimal equivalent of (DC24)16 ( D C 24 ) 16 = (56356)10 ( 56356 ) 10 .

What is the trick to convert hex to decimal? ›

To convert this into a decimal number system, multiply each digit with the powers of 16 starting from units place of the number. From this, the rule can be defined for the conversion from hex numbers to decimal numbers. Thus, the resultant number will be taken as base 10 or decimal number system.

How do you convert hexadecimal to decimal without a calculator? ›

Conversion From Hex to Decimal

To convert hex to a decimal manually, you should first start multiplying the hex numbers by 16. Then, you raise it to a power of 0 and increase that power each time by 1 according to the hexadecimal equivalent system.

How do you calculate hexadecimal code? ›

The process of converting a decimal number to hexadecimal is simple, although there are more steps:
  1. Divide the decimal number by 16.
  2. Write the remainder in hexadecimal form.
  3. Divide the result by 16.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the result is 0.

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal in Excel? ›

The DEC2HEX function syntax has the following arguments: Number Required. The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, places is ignored and DEC2HEX returns a 10-character (40-bit) hexadecimal number in which the most significant bit is the sign bit.

How do you convert decimals to binary to hexadecimal? ›

The binary number can be converted to a decimal number by expressing each digit as a product of the given number 1 or 0 to the respective power of 2. And to convert from decimal to hexadecimal we divide the number 16 until the quotient is zero.

How do you convert decimals to hexadecimal on Windows calculator? ›

Converting a decimal number to hex

Click: Start | All Programs | Accessories | Calculator. Make sure the Dec radio button is on. Click 63. Click the Hex radio button.

Can we convert decimal to hexadecimal in scientific calculator? ›

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal in a scientific calculator? Most scientific calculators have a dedicated mode for hexadecimal conversion. Look for a Hex mode or a specific button labeled Hex. Enter the decimal value, switch to Hex mode, and the calculator will display the hexadecimal equivalent.

How do I convert decimal to hexadecimal? ›

Method for Decimal to Hexadecimal Number System Conversion:

Step-1: First, divide the given number by 16. Step-2: The remainder left here, will produce the hex value. Step-3: Take the quotient from above and repeat steps 1-3 till quotient becomes 0. Step-4: Write all the remainders in reverse order.

What are the rules for converting hexadecimal to decimal? ›

There's no specific formula for the conversion. To convert a hexadecimal number into decimal, multiply each digit with the corresponding power of 16 (starting from the rightmost digit multiplied by 160). Finally add up the products. What is the difference between a hexadecimal system and an octal system?

What is the hexadecimal method? ›

The hexadecimal number system is a type of number system, that has a base value equal to 16. It is also pronounced sometimes as 'hex'. Hexadecimal numbers are represented by only 16 symbols.

What is 89392 decimal to hexadecimal? ›

Answer: 89392 from decimal to hexadecimal is 15D30.

How much is ffff in hexadecimal? ›

Hexadecimal notation FFFF equals 65535 in decimal value. What is the decimal to hexadecimal formula? The decimal to hexadecimal conversion involves dividing the decimal number by 16 and noting the remainders, then assigning hexadecimal equivalents. Reversing the remainders gives the hexadecimal representation.

What is 960 decimal to hexadecimal? ›

Therefore, 960 in decimal is equivalent to 3C0 in hexadecimal.

What is 0.65625 as a decimal in hexadecimal? ›

Step-01: Multiply 0.65625 with 16. Result = 10.5. Write 10 (= A in hexadecimal) in real part and 0.5 in fractional part.

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