Debit Cards Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Answers to frequently asked questions about debit cards.

What is a debit card?

A debit card looks like a credit card but works like an electronic check. Why? Because the payment is deducted directly from a checking or savings account. If you use a debit card at a retail store, you or the cashier can run your card through a scanner that enables your financial institution to verify electronically that the funds are available and approve the transaction. Most debit cards also can be used to withdraw cash at ATMs (automated teller machines).

Why do people use debit cards?

For many people, it is more convenient to carry a small, plastic card instead of a bulky checkbook or a large amount of cash. Using a debit card is also easier and faster than writing a check. It's a good way to pay for purchases without having to pay interest, as you would if using a credit card with an outstanding balance. You can even use your debit card to get cash when you make purchases at a store.

What kinds of costs are associated with debit cards?

There may be fees for using your debit card. Examples: Some banks charge a fee if you enter a PIN (Personal Identification Number) to conduct a transaction instead of signing your name. You may trigger a fee if you overdraw your account using your debit card, just as you would if you "bounced" a check. Or, there could be a charge if you use your debit card as an ATM card at a machine that is not operated by your financial institution. As with other bank products, your financial institution must provide disclosures explaining the possible fees associated with a debit card. Be sure to read the disclosures to avoid an unexpected fee.

Some debit cards come with "rewards" or other incentives for using them. How can I know which one is a good deal?

As with similar financial products, rewards-linked debit cards are designed to encourage people to use a certain bank and its services. Before opening a new account or changing banks just to get a different perk, study the fine print. Start by reading the disclosures that explain the account terms and fees to understand the potential benefits as well as the costs.

How can I overdraw my account if my bank or bank network must approve a debit card transaction?

First, because the payments are electronic, they are deducted from accounts more quickly than when using a paper check. Often, a debit card purchase is posted within 24 hours instead of days, as may be the case with a paper check. That means there would be little time to make a deposit to cover a purchase, if necessary. In addition, even though a transaction was approved, you may overdraw your account because the bank won't know what other withdrawals you have made that day until it settles all transactions later that day.

Or, suppose you don't realize you have only $100 in your bank account and you want to use your debit card to buy a $200 item. Depending on the terms of your account or the rules of the card network, the bank might approve the $200 purchase as a convenience, but it also might assess an overdraft fee for that transaction and subsequent ones until you make a sufficient deposit.

If I use a debit card to make a purchase can the merchant put a temporary "block" or "hold" on other funds in my account?

Yes, in certain circ*mstances, merchants can take these steps as protection against fraud, errors or other losses. One common situation involves a hotel putting a hold on a certain amount when you use a debit card (or credit card) to reserve a room. Another example is when you use your debit card at the gas pump. Typically, the gas station will create two transactions — the first to get approval from your bank for an estimated purchase amount (let's say $50) when you swipe your card before pumping gas, the second for the actual charges when you're done. Until the first ($50) transaction is cancelled by the bank, usually within 48 hours, you wouldn't have access to that amount in your account.

Because a debit card transaction is processed so fast, is it possible to order a "stop payment" or obtain a refund if I later discover a problem with the merchandise?

It depends. Because funds are deducted from your account very quickly, don't expect to have the option to stop payment or obtain a refund. If the transaction cannot be cancelled, you may be able to work out other arrangements with the store. For example, if you return an item to a merchant and you're not able to get a refund, you instead may qualify for store credit or a gift card.

"If you're concerned that the merchant might not deliver what is promised, you might consider using a credit card instead of a debit card," says Janet Kincaid, FDIC Senior Consumer Affairs Officer. "That's because the consumer protections are stronger for credit cards when it comes to returning damaged merchandise." She noted, for example, that the Fair Credit Billing Act, which applies to credit cards but not debit cards, gives you the ability, under certain circ*mstances, to withhold payment on defective goods until the problem has been corrected.

Sometimes you're asked to enter a PIN to approve a debit card transaction, other times you can sign your name. Does it matter?

Yes, it could. Examples: If you use a PIN at a merchant's sales counter, you also may be able to get cash back, and that can save you a trip to the ATM. However, be aware that some financial institutions charge consumers a fee for a PIN-based transaction. There also may be differences in how quickly the transaction is posted to your account, depending on how your bank processes PIN vs. signature debits.

Also, here's how to select each option. If you want to sign for a debit card transaction, you generally swipe your card through the reader and choose "credit" — even though you are authorizing a debit (withdrawal) from your account, not a credit card transaction. To use your PIN instead of signing, select "debit."

What more do I need to know to prevent debit card fraud?

Protect your debit card as well as the account number, expiration date, security code on the back, and the PIN. "Even if you never lose possession of your card, someone who learns your account number, security code and PIN may be able to use that information to access your account and create counterfeit cards," said Aurelia Cardamone, an FDIC Senior Technology Specialist.

While in many cases you are not responsible for unauthorized transactions (see federal protections described later), it can be a hassle resolving the situation. Here's how to avoid becoming a victim:

  • Never write your PIN on or near your card. Memorize it instead.
  • Don't give out bank account information over the phone or the Internet unless you have initiated the contact or you know the person is who he or she claims to be. For example, beware of deceptive calls or e-mails from crooks claiming to be from your bank asking you to "verify" (divulge) your account information. "Don't fall for it," said Cardamone. "A true representative of your bank will never need to ask for your PIN because your bank already has your account information.
  • Don't share your debit card PIN, security code and other account information with friends or relatives who aren't co-owners of your account. Likewise, never reveal this information to new "friends" you meet over the Internet. "Common scams start with a job offer or an Internet friendship or romance that leads to pleas for money transfers and secrecy," said David Nelson, an FDIC fraud specialist.
  • Take precautions at the checkout counter, ATM and gas pump. Always stand so that no one can see the keypad where you enter your PIN. At retail establishments, it's best to use do-it-yourself scanners. If you give your card to a clerk, be on guard against a dishonest employee who runs your card through two scanners instead of one. The second scanner could be capturing your account information to make a counterfeit card. In general, be alert for suspicious-looking devices that may be used to "skim" information from your card.
  • If you use your debit card to shop online, consider extra precautions with your personal computer. Experts advise installing and periodically updating virus and spyware protection and a "personal firewall" to stop thieves from secretly installing malicious software on your personal computer remotely that can be used to spy on your computer use and obtain account information.
  • Look at your bank statements as soon as they arrive. Or, better yet, review your account each week by phone or the Internet. Promptly report any discrepancy, such as a missing payment or an unauthorized transaction, to your bank. Your quick attention to the problem may help limit your liability and give law enforcement authorities a head start on stopping the thief.

What federal protections cover consumers who use debit cards?

The federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects you from errors, loss or theft of your debit card. However, unlike the Truth in Lending Act protections for credit cards, which cap a consumer's liability for unauthorized transactions at $50, the law limits liability to $50 if the debit cardholder notifies the bank within two business days after discovering the theft. If you don't notify your bank within those two days, you could lose up to $500, or perhaps more. In the worst-case scenario — if you receive a bank statement that includes an unauthorized debit-card withdrawal and you wait more than 60 days to alert your bank — you could be liable for any amounts from transactions made after that 60-day period.

The good news is that many banks don't hold a consumer responsible for unauthorized transactions if he or she notifies the institution in a timely fashion. But remember that with a debit card, the money tapped by the thief has already been taken out of your account.

Under the EFTA, a bank has 10 business days to investigate the matter (20 business days if your account is new) and report back to you with its results. If the bank needs additional time, it may, under certain circ*mstances, temporarily give you some or all of the disputed amount until it finishes its investigation. Generally, a bank is allowed up to 45 days of additional investigation time (90 days for certain transactions). "But until the dispute is resolved," said Creamean, "you should be prepared to pay your mortgage, car payment, credit card bill and any other obligations that may come due." Also, she said, if the bank's investigation finds there was no error, theft or loss, it can take back the money it put into your account, after notifying you.

Source: FDIC Consumer News

Debit Cards Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


What is the biggest con to using a debit card? ›

Cons of debit cards
  • They have limited fraud protection. ...
  • Your spending limit depends on your checking account balance. ...
  • They may cause overdraft fees. ...
  • They don't build your credit score.

What are some interesting facts about debit cards? ›

21 Interesting Debit Card Facts
  • Over 80% of Americans Have a Debit Card. ...
  • Most Debit Cards Have a Familiar Logo. ...
  • Debit Cards Followed Store Credit. ...
  • Magnetic Stripes Debuted in 1967. ...
  • Magnetic Stripes Are on the Decline. ...
  • Kids Can Get Debit Cards. ...
  • Metal Debit Cards Exist. ...
  • Some Debit Cards Are Going Green.
Mar 8, 2023

What is debit card one word answer? ›

A debit card is a payment card that deducts money directly from your checking account. Also called “check cards” or "bank cards," debit cards can be used to buy goods or services or to get cash from an ATM. Debit cards can help you reduce the need to carry cash, although using these cards can sometimes entail fees.

Why did Experian give me a debit card? ›

For example, the Experian Smart Money™ Digital Checking Account & Debit Card can help you build credit without debt by automatically linking to Experian Boost®ø, which gives you credit for eligible bill payments after three months of payments.

What is a con of using a debit card? ›

If you overspend, you could get hit with costly overdraft fees: If charges to your debit card cause your checking account balance to go negative, you could suffer overdraft fees and other steep charges that far exceed the potential costs of using a credit card.

What are the dangers of debit cards? ›

With a debit card, the money is already gone from your checking account, and you're trying to get your own money back. Debit cards are more vulnerable to fraud than credit cards, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center in California, a nonprofit consumer education organization.

Why do you need a PIN when using a debit card? ›

When you use your debit card, you need to enter your PIN on a keypad. This is one way the bank tries to stop dishonest people from using your debit card to get your money. Never share your PIN with anyone.

Why do people still use debit cards? ›

Access: Debit card is much easier to get than credit card. A lot of people do not qualify for a credit card as they do not have any credit history or have a poor history. Debt free: Don't want to take any form of debt.

How many digits can a debit card have? ›

A debit card number is needed for various purposes such as online purchases, setting up automatic payments, and verifying card details. It is a unique 16-digit number that identifies the specific debit card and is necessary for any transactions made using the card.

How does a debit card work technically? ›

The Basics of Debit Card Processing

With a debit card, payment is linked to the cardholder's bank account and the amount is immediately deducted from their account balance, whereas credit cards extend a line of credit from the cardholder's card-issuer.

What is the CVV code of a debit card? ›

Card Verification Value, CVV is a 3-digit code printed on the back of the credit card or debit card. The CVV is an additional security layer of protection for online transactions and when the card is swiped in POS machines. The CVV verifies that the card is physically available when the individual is using it online.

Is a debit card real money? ›

With debit cards, the money you spend comes directly out of your bank or credit union account. Generally, you can't spend more money than you have — as cash — in your account. Some banks and credit unions let consumers “overdraft” their accounts, but you must opt-in for this service.

Why are people suing Experian? ›

Steelman v. Experian. Experian Information Solutions, Inc. has faulty procedures that result in mixing consumers' files and credit reports. Experian made these errors on Plaintiff's credit reports when it mixed Plaintiff with another consumer who has significant derogatory accounts, including a bankruptcy.

What is debit credit card abuse? ›

Credit/Debit Card abuse is the use of your credit card or debit card by another to obtain a benefit fraudulently. This is the most common type of identity theft and can occur whether or not the person physically has your actual card.

Why does Zelle want my debit card? ›

Users of the standalone app, who don't have access to Zelle through their financial institution, will also need to enter their debit card information for the card they'd like to make payments from.

Why is it bad to use a debit card online? ›

Because debit cards withdraw money from your checking account, a criminal who gets your account information or PIN could empty your account. For this reason, credit cards are considered safer to use online because funds aren't directly taken out of your accounts.

Why don t more people use debit cards? ›

You don't earn rewards

If you're not using a credit card, you're missing out on rewards. Some banks offer debit cards with cash back rewards, but typically these cards earn a low rewards rate. A great rewards credit card can earn at a higher rate, plus the card may have other valuable benefits.

What can someone do with your debit card number? ›

Debit card fraud occurs when someone gains access to your debit card number—and, in some cases, personal identification number (PIN)—to make unauthorized purchases or withdraw cash from your account.

Is there any downside to opening a debit card? ›

Your Credit Can Take a Hit

Not only is a debit card unhelpful in building your credit, it can actually bring your credit score down—if you overdraft and carry a negative balance at your bank, it will show up as another debt on your credit report. Don't think it's a big deal?

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