David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (2024)

Last Updated: 11 Comments3 min. read

Financially reviewed by Patrick Flood, CFA.

The David Swensen Portfolio, as the name implies, is based on the late David Swensen's management of the Yale endowment fund. Here we’ll take a look at its components, performance, and the best ETF’s to use in its construction.

Interested in more Lazy Portfolios? See the full list here.

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What Is the David Swensen Portfolio?

The David Swensen Portfolio – also called the David Swensen Lazy Portfolio – comes from portfolio manager David Swensen, who was the CIO at Yale University from 1985 until his death in May, 2021. You can get his book Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment on Amazon here, which details how retail investors can use the portfolio outlined below to mirror the Yale Model, though note that the specific portfolio Swensen used for the Yale endowment is not exactly the same as the Swensen portfolio below because he was able to use somewhat “exotic” products only available to institutional investors like private equity, hedge funds, venture capital, etc.

The David Swensen Portfolio asset allocation looks like this:

  • 30% Total Stock Market
  • 15% International Stock Market
  • 5% Emerging Markets
  • 15% Intermediate Treasury Bonds
  • 15% TIPS
  • 20% REITs
David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (1)

Similar to the Ivy Portfolio, we see a heavy 20% allocation to REITs. Unlike that one though, the Swensen Portfolio doesn't include commodities, and I like that. I also like that this portfolio does not use gold.

Swensen had a particular affinity for TIPS, or Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, a relatively new type of treasury bond indexed to the CPI, the common measure of inflation. This is interesting, as most lazy portfolios ignore TIPS altogether or give them a smaller allocation. Rick Ferri is fond of TIPS as well, suggesting that retirees should probably have them as half of their fixed income allocation.

In this sense, the Swensen Portfolio is not unlike the famous All Weather Portfolio, attempting to sail through different economic environments unscathed, though Dalio uses gold and broad commodities as an attempt at inflation protection instead of TIPS. In fairness, TIPS weren't even around yet when Dalio first proposed the All Weather Portfolio's components.

I also agree with Swensen's use of treasury bonds and exclusion of corporate bonds. He maintained, like I do, that treasury bonds offer superior downside protection alongside stocks, and corporate bonds don't sufficiently compensate the investor for their extra risk. That said, 15% in intermediate treasuries is not really going to provide much protection. I think it would probably be more sensible to make them long bonds instead of intermediate.

Furthermore, TIPS and intermediate bonds are likely unsuitable, unnecessary, and almost certainly suboptimal for the young investor with a long time horizon and high tolerance for risk. In my opinion, this portfolio is better suited for retirees and those approaching retirement, but at that point I'd also want to increase the bonds.

The Swensen portfolio relies heavily on REITs, having them comprise 20% of the total portfolio. This seems a bit odd to me, as we now know REITs are not a distinct asset class, are not a reliable inflation hedge, and don't offer much of a diversification benefit. Moreover, their returns seem to be explained by exposure to the Size, Value, and Credit factor premia, thus they can be replicated with small cap value stocks and lower-credit bonds. I don't have a problem with 10% or so in REITs, but 20% seems like too much in my opinion when that valuable space could be given to stocks or bonds.

David Swensen Portfolio Performance

For the period 1997 through May, 2021, the David Swensen Portfolio and the S&P 500 have been pretty close from a pure returns perspective, with the former obviously having a higher risk-adjusted return (Sharpe) due to its lower volatility:

David Swensen Portfolio ETF Pie for M1 Finance

M1 Financeis a great choice of broker to implement the David Swensen Portfolio because it makes regular rebalancing seamless and easy, has zero transaction fees, and incorporates dynamic rebalancing for new deposits. I wrote a comprehensive review of M1 Finance here.

Utilizing mostly low-cost Vanguard funds, we can construct theDavid Swensen Portfolio piewith the following ETF’s:

  • VTI – 30%
  • VXUS – 15%
  • VWO – 5%
  • VGIT – 15%
  • SCHP – 15%
  • VNQ – 20%

You can add the David Swensen Portfolio pie to your portfolio on M1 Finance by clickingthis linkand then clicking “Add to Portfolio.”

Canadians can find the above ETFs on Questrade or Interactive Brokers. Investors outside North America can use eToro or possibly Interactive Brokers.

Are you nearing or in retirement? Use my link here to get a free holistic financial plan from fiduciary advisors at Retirable to manage your savings, spend smarter, and navigate key decisions.

Don't want to do all this investing stuff yourself or feel overwhelmed? Check out my flat-fee-only fiduciary friends over at Advisor.com.

Disclosures:I am long VWO in my own portfolio.

Interested in more Lazy Portfolios? See the full list here.

Disclaimer: While I love diving into investing-related data and playing around with backtests, this is not financial advice, investing advice, or tax advice. The information on this website is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Investment products discussed (ETFs, mutual funds, etc.) are for illustrative purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or otherwise transact in any of the products mentioned. I always attempt to ensure the accuracy of information presented but that accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Do your own due diligence. I mention M1 Finance a lot around here. M1 does not provide investment advice, and this is not an offer or solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell any security, and you are encouraged to consult your personal investment, legal, and tax advisors. All examples above are hypothetical, do not reflect any specific investments, are for informational purposes only, and should not be considered an offer to buy or sell any products. All investing involves risk, including the risk of losing the money you invest. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Opinions are my own and do not represent those of other parties mentioned. Read my lengthier disclaimer here.

Are you nearing or in retirement? Use my link here to get a free holistic financial plan from fiduciary advisors at Retirable to manage your savings, spend smarter, and navigate key decisions.

Don't want to do all this investing stuff yourself or feel overwhelmed? Check out my flat-fee-only fiduciary friends over at Advisor.com.

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David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (5)

About John Williamson, APMA®

Analytical data nerd, investing enthusiast, fintech consultant, Boglehead, and Oxford comma advocate. I'm not a big fan of social media, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Reddit.

Reader Interactions


  1. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (6)Jonathan says

    From reading the book, swensen says to use 15% for developed market equities and 5% with developing market equities. VXUS holds the total foreign market equities and should be replaced with VEA which holds foreign developed market equities.


  2. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (7)Raja says

    VXUS should already have emerging market, why add VWO again?


  3. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (8)Aakash says

    What are your thoughts about mixing in other REITs into the REIT allocation from https://www.optimizedportfolio.com/best-reit-etfs/ and perhaps NURE since the allocation to REITs is larger?



    • David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (9)John Williamson says

      Swensen’s already includes 20% to REITs.


  4. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (10)Ryota Muranaka says

    Would you consider David Swensen portfolio as low-risk, medium, or high-risk?


    • David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (11)John Williamson says

      I think I’d say medium risk.


  5. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (12)Lee says

    Dear Sir: I looked at your recommended funds, and iShares’ TIPS fund has an expense ratio of 0.19 percent. I thought that was a bit high, so I looked at Vanguard’s comparable fund, VTIP, and its expense ratio is only 0.05 percent, almost one-quarter of iShares’ fund. Why did you selecte a higher-cost fund (iShares TIPS)? Is it so much of better quality than Vanguard, the least expensive, and how is it better?


    • David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (13)John Williamson says

      Hey Lee. VTIP is short-term TIPS. Its effective avg. maturity is less than half that of TIP. You can see the historical effects of that difference here.


    • David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (14)Jerry says

      I’m slightly puzzled by your question. The lazy Swensen portfolio on this page uses a Schwab TIPS fund (ticker SCHP) and not any iShares TIPS funds. SCHP’s expense ratio is 0.04%, just like VTIP’s. There are, however, two TIPS funds from iShares :
      iShares 0-5 Year TIPS (ticker STIP, expense Ratio 0.03%), and
      iShares TIPS (ticker TIP with expense Ratio 0.19%)

      As far as maturities, it looks to me that SCHP and TIP are comparable (avg. maturity/duration for both are around 7.4/6.87 years) while VTIP and STIP are around half that … so around 2.6/2.5
      (as of May 2023)


  6. David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (15)Alfonzo says

    M1 has the holdings listed incorrectly. As of 5/18/20 it shows only 15% in VTI (total Stock market)- not 30 %. Instead of showing 15% for Intermediate Bonds it has it at 30%.


    • David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (16)John Williamson says

      Alfonzo, sorry about that and thanks for letting me know! I must have accidentally switched those 2 ETF’s. It should be correct now!


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David Swensen Portfolio (Yale Model) Review and ETFs To Use (2024)


What is David Swensen's portfolio? ›

The Swensen Portfolio by David Swensen packages the investing ideas used by the Yale Endowment in a format accessible to normal investors.

What is the Yale portfolio method? ›

He is known for inventing the Yale Model, a strategic investment strategy. The portfolio focuses on diversifying investments across asset classes, including alternative investments like private equity, real estate, and hedge funds. It emphasizes low-cost index funds, passive investment strategies, and risk management.

What is the Swenson method of investing? ›

The Swensen Portfolio's overall investment strategy is limiting risk by diversifying between asset classes that do well in opposing times. During a bull market, US and international stocks will do well. During a bear market, treasury bonds and TIPs will likely outperform (along with the bond market as a whole).

What is the Yale model? ›

The Yale Model is an investment strategy developed by the Yale University Endowment under the guidance of David Swensen. This model is characterized by its emphasis on diversification, active asset allocation, and alternative investments.

What is the investment return on Yale endowment? ›

Yale's endowment earned a 1.8% investment return, net of fees, for the year ending June 30, 2023, representing $759 million in investment gains.

What is the Yale spending rule? ›

Spending Policy

The payout under the spending rule is equal to 80% of the prior year's spending plus 20% of the long-term spending rate applied to the previous year's beginning endowment market value, with the sum adjusted for inflation.

What is the Swenson technique? ›

Swenson's procedure consists of three principles: (1) complete removal of the aganglionic segment, (2) an oblique anastomosis proximal to the dentate line to preserve anal sphincter functions, and (3) an extra-pelvic anastomosis.

Which method is best to analyze an investment? ›

Fundamental analysis is most often used when determining the quality of long-term investments in a wide array of securities and markets, while technical analysis is used more in the review of short-term investment decisions such as the active trading of stocks.

What is Graham's style of investing? ›

In simple terms, Graham's goal was to buy assets worth $1 for 50 cents. He did this very, very well. To Graham, business assets may have been valuable because of their stable earning power or simply because of their liquid cash value.

What is the Yale investment approach? ›

We work to establish an appropriate risk-adjusted asset allocation and seek out long-term partnerships across the globe with managers who provide deep analytical insights and improve the operations of public and private businesses.

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from the school, he coined his investment philosophy "The Yale Model". The Yale Model, sometimes known as the Endowment Model, was developed by Swensen and Takahashi and is described in Swensen's book Pioneering Portfolio Management.

What is Yale theory? ›

The Yale group developed a theoretical structure linking individual attributes and persuasion based on three major factors: the source of the communication, the nature of the communication and the nature of the audience. The approach has a similar structure to Aristotle's concept of persuasion in his Rhetoric.

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About David Sacks:

David has invested in over 20 unicorns, including Affirm, AirBnB, Bird, ClickUp, Eventbrite, Facebook, Houzz, Lyft, OpenDoor, Palantir, Postmates, Reddit, Slack, SpaceX, Twitter, Uber, and Wish.

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The Pinwheel Portfolio adopts each of those four assets in equal weights, and adds one complementary asset of each type to boost returns and minimize risk. Domestic Stocks > Small Cap Value. International Stocks > Emerging Markets. Intermediate Bonds > Cash. Real Estate > Gold.

What stocks are in consistent compounders portfolio? ›

Consistent Compounders Portfolio
S.No.NameROCE %
1.P I Industries23.81
2.Indraprastha Gas29.32
3.Indus Towers20.16
4.Zen Technologies46.34
23 more rows

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The Fund aims to achieve a combination of growth and income by investing in smaller capitalisation companies in Japan, which adhere to the abrdn Japanese Smaller Companies Sustainable Equity Investment Approach (the "Investment Approach").

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.