Daily Toddler Schedule: Routines and Sample to Follow (2024)

Children — even young toddlers — thrive on routines. And this isn’t just some new parenting tip; it’s actually backed by science.

For example, in 2018, researchers who reviewed studies on bedtime routines in young children found that sticking to a schedule (snack, bath and brushing teeth, reading stories, cuddling) appeared to promote better nighttime sleep.

Perhaps even more interesting is that bedtime routines support children’s overall development and sense of well-being.

Experts share that schedules create a sense of safety and confidence because they make a child’s environment predictable. When kids know what’s coming up in their day, there’s order and familiarity. Instead of wondering what’s next, a child can focus on learning and mastering new skills.

Toddlers are especially capable and, at times, demanding because they want to do things (OK, all the things) on their own.

When tots have a framework for the day, they feel more comfortable expressing this budding independence and may even go through transitions (leaving the park, going down for a nap, etc.) with less protest.

That’s right. Schedules may help nip those pesky temper tantrums right in the bud!

You may be eager to follow a schedule — any schedule — so you can get some order to your days. However, you should use this sample schedule only as a guide and make modifications as they fit your lifestyle. Feel free to mix up the order of things, within reason and as they make sense with your daily obligations.

That said, the whole point of a schedule is to get a rhythm in your days, so you’ll want to keep things relatively stable from day to day, week to week.

If things aren’t clicking into place immediately, don’t fret. It can take some time to get into a good flow. Stick with it!

7:30 to 8 a.m.: Wake up

Your little one may have other ideas when it comes to a regular wake time. Following a schedule each day may actually help, though researchers say that wake times should be relatively consistent in individual children.

And if you’re laughing that your child wakes up much earlier than 7:30 a.m. — no worries. It’s typical for toddlers to wake anytime between 6:30 and 8 a.m., give or take a few. Adjust the start of your day accordingly.

8 to 9 a.m.: Eat breakfast and clean up

First and foremost, you’ll want to prepare and eat the most important meal of the day. Toddlers love helping out with meal preparation and age-appropriate chores. So, let your little one help pour milk into their cereal from a small cup or give them a rag to wipe down the table with when you’re done eating.

After breakfast is an excellent time to run around the house doing a few necessary chores, like tossing in a load of laundry, tidying up bedrooms, or vacuuming the playroom.

9 to 10 a.m.: Playtime

Toddlers love playtime, but did you know there are at least 6 different types of play?

Unstructured playtime is crucial for toddler development. It gives them freedom of expression and lets them experiment with language and imagination. Researchers say that children even engage more with their caregivers when play isn’t structured for them.

Examples of free play (unstructured play or open-ended play) to fill this time slot might include:

  • playing with dress-up clothes or play scarves
  • building with simple blocks
  • tinkering with sticks, rocks, or a cardboard box

10 to 11 a.m.: Outdoor time, exercise, etc.

Head out to a nearby park or playground to get some exercise. You don’t need a trail or fancy equipment to make outdoor time fun for toddlers — even your own backyard can provide an environment for exploration and activity.

Experts say that along with getting some much-needed fresh air, being in nature may help reduce stress and depression in toddlers and older children. It may even strengthen their immune systems.

If the weather is less than ideal, you can get moving indoors, too. Consider doing some family yoga or getting the giggles out by switching on your favorite music and having a dance party.

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Planned activity or errands

Each day in your week won’t be exactly the same. You may have a library story hour one day or a gymnastics class the next. Slot out an hour in your morning for planned activities. On other days, you can fill in this time with art projects, playdates, or other appointments and errands like grocery shopping.

12 to 1 p.m.: Lunch and wind down

Chow down on some lunch. Chances are, your younger toddler will still be taking naps. After lunch is a good time to set the stage for napping success by making the environment calm.

Close some curtains, play soft music, bring out a few good books, and let your child start to relax. You can also encourage your little one to help pick up toys in the playroom so it is neat, tidy, and ready for more play when they wake up.

1 to 3 p.m.: Nap or quiet time

According to sleep consultant Nicole Johnson, most toddlers consolidate their naps to just one daytime sleep by 15 to 18 months.

Aim to get in naptime at the same time each day (within reason, of course!).

Having this dedicated quiet time in your day is also good for parents, as you can plan to get other work or “me time” in. If you have younger or older children who aren’t napping at this time, it can also be an opportunity to get some one-on-one time with them.

Is your toddler not napping — or just plain resisting sleep? Give them some quiet activities to do solo in their room. Be sure the room is free from hazards and check in from time to time to ensure your child is safe.

3 to 3:30 p.m.: Afternoon snack

Your child likely won’t make it to dinner time without a small snack. Building it into your schedule makes it part of the day — no whining for pretzels needed.

Plus, eating a snack mid-afternoon isn’t likely to spoil dinner later on. Try offering fruit with plain yogurt, veggies and hummus, or other healthy snacks kids love.

3:30 to 4:30 p.m.: Free play

Playtime again? Yes. Much of your child’s day should be spent engaging with their environment.

To mix it up, you can try rotating your child’s toys from day to day, morning to afternoon, or even just week to week. Do whatever you want to keep it fresh for your tot.

Parents do have a role in their child’s play.

Think of supporting your child without taking over or leading their experience. Offer choices that allow your toddler to follow their interests and actively participate from time to time. By doing so, you can help them learn new things or make new connections, which is pretty awesome to watch.

4:30 to 5 p.m.: Dinner preparation

Toddlers can get involved with small tasks like chopping soft vegetables with kid-safe nylon knives, mixing together pasta salads or quick-breads with supervision, or even helping to set the table.

By now, you see how being in the kitchen can be a big part of the day for your child. You might even consider getting a learning tower, which is a safe stool of sorts that your tot can stand on to reach counter height with ease.

5 to 6 p.m.: Family dinner and cleanup

Experts explain that eating meals together as a family serves several important purposes.

First, eating together and talking about the day’s activities can help with your toddler’s communication skills. Eating together regularly also provides an emotional boost and feelings of safety and security. Families who eat together may even eat higher quality meals (more fruits, veggies, etc.) versus fried or fatty foods.

If schedule conflicts among family members are an issue, you don’t necessarily have to eat dinner together. Instead, aim to eat one of your meals together most days of the week. You’ll get all the same benefits while fitting into your family’s unique schedule.

When you’ve finished your meal, find ways for the whole family to participate in the cleanup. Modeling chores helps your child see their role in the household and how it takes the whole family to keep things rolling.

6 to 7 p.m.: Family time

Spend some time together as a family to wind down from the day. You’ll want to keep activities relatively calm, as bedtime is near.

Try taking a walk around your neighborhood, reading books or doing puzzles, or listening to soothing music. Researchers share that keeping the lights dim in the hours before bedtime may help with your child’s natural circadian rhythm, making them sleepy.

7 to 7:30 p.m.: Nighttime routine

You may need more or less time for your nighttime routine, so feel free to start earlier if you need to. A solid routine here might include a small snack or feeding, a bath and brushing teeth, reading stories, singing songs, cuddling or rocking your child, and — of course — the goodnight kiss.

7:30 p.m.: Bedtime

You’ve made it! If following this schedule feels difficult, feel free to modify it as needed. That said, it may take a few days or weeks for your family to fall into a good rhythm. Make it simple and stick with it.

A predictable schedule can help you stay level-headed and chipper on those especially long days at home with your toddler.

If you’re having trouble structuring your day, make a list of the activities you engage in on a weekly basis as well as what chores and responsibilities you need to fit in. From there, draft up a plan that works for you, try it out, and modify it as needed.

And whatever schedule you come up with, be sure to build in some time to read to your child every day. Not only is it a time when you can bond with them over a shared story, reading has also been proven to help with parts of your toddler’s development like language learning.

Sickness, teething, and other unexpected things may get you off track, but take comfort in the fact that you can always return to the rhythm in time.

Daily Toddler Schedule: Routines and Sample to Follow (2024)


Daily Toddler Schedule: Routines and Sample to Follow? ›

There's no one perfect toddler schedule that's right for everyone. Rather, it's about figuring out a rhythm that meets your family's needs as a whole while filling all the cups your toddler needs to feel her best — regular meals and snacks, adequate sleep and plenty of opportunities to play and spend time with you.

What is an ideal schedule for a toddler? ›

There's no one perfect toddler schedule that's right for everyone. Rather, it's about figuring out a rhythm that meets your family's needs as a whole while filling all the cups your toddler needs to feel her best — regular meals and snacks, adequate sleep and plenty of opportunities to play and spend time with you.

What routine should a 2 year old have? ›

2 Year Old Sleep Schedule Guidelines#
Daytime Feedings:3 meals, snacks as needed
Goal Daytime Sleep:2-3 hours
Sweet Spot Bedtime:7:00-8:00 pm
Number of Naps:1
Wake Windows:4-6 hours
Sep 11, 2024

What are 3 things toddlers learn from routines? ›

Routines build self-confidence, curiosity, social skills, self-control, communication skills and more. Routines create manageable expectations that allow children to build emotional resilience, such as saying goodbye to parents or carers each morning at drop-off.

How do I write daily routine for my child? ›

Your child's routine might include:
  1. Set wake and sleep times.
  2. Approximate mealtimes and/or family rituals around meals (e.g., washing hands before dinner, setting the table, or helping to clean up after dinner)
  3. General activities between meal and sleep times (e.g., play time, outside time and quiet time)
Jul 10, 2024

How do I structure my day with my toddler? ›

Sample schedule
  1. 8 to 9 a.m.: Eat breakfast and clean up. ...
  2. 9 to 10 a.m.: Playtime. ...
  3. 10 to 11 a.m.: Outdoor time, exercise, etc. ...
  4. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Planned activity or errands. ...
  5. 12 to 1 p.m.: Lunch and wind down. ...
  6. 1 to 3 p.m.: Nap or quiet time. ...
  7. 3 to 3:30 p.m.: Afternoon snack. ...
  8. 5 to 6 p.m.: Family dinner and cleanup.
Sep 24, 2021

Should toddlers have a daily routine? ›

Familiar activities can provide comfort for both adults and children during challenging and uncertain times. Just like adults, children feel more confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable and familiar. A consistent daily schedule and step-by-step routines give children a predictable day.

What should a 2 year old be doing every day? ›

By the age of 2, your toddler is talking, walking, climbing, jumping, running and bustling with energy. Your child now has a growing vocabulary and acquires new words on a regular basis. They can sort shapes and colours and may even show an interest in potty training.

What does a 2 year old need daily? ›

Toddler appetites vary from day to day. Suggested daily serves are 1 serve of fruit; 2½ serves of vegies; 1½ serves of dairy; 4 serves of grains; and 1 serve of lean meats, eggs, nut or seed pastes (like peanut butter, almond butter or tahini), or legumes.

How to make a visual schedule for a toddler? ›

Tips for Creating a Visual Schedule

Identify the skill/routine you want to focus on. Breakdown the activity into steps. Choose a suitable visual format. Photographs may be helpful for children to understand as they can easily associate the picture of an object to routine activity.

What is the difference between a schedule and a routine? ›

A schedule is a detailed list of activities that are planned out in a specific order with a calculated time allocation. A routine is not necessarily planned out or even written down. A routine is something that's done habitually every day, perhaps even at the same time of day, without planning.

What to include in a daily routine? ›

Best morning routine: 21 steps for a more productive day
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Avoid the snooze button.
  • Give yourself enough time to get to work.
  • Drink a full glass of water.
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Prepare a healthy breakfast.
  • Take advantage of self care.
  • Fit in a quick workout.
Jan 10, 2024

What is the ideal bedtime for toddlers? ›

A positive bedtime routine helps toddlers feel ready for sleep and settle more easily when they wake at night. Most toddlers are ready for bed between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm. This is a good time, because they sleep deepest between 8 pm and midnight.

Is a 2 2 3 schedule good? ›

It's not surprising that employee satisfaction is generally higher with a 2-2-3 shift schedule than with other schedules. This is primarily due to the amount of time off and a limited amount of consecutive shifts.

What age is the 2 3 4 schedule for? ›

The 2,3,4 schedule is often recommended for babies 6 months and up. Some experts recommend it if your baby is napping for a total of 3 hours/day.

What is quality time with a toddler? ›

Find something you both enjoy doing and do it together

Include your child in your activity and spend some quality time together. If you like to paint, do a fingerpainting session with your child; play with watercolor paint and bubbles; paint similar pictures together; finish each others' paintings, etc.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.