Curried Chickpea Salad Recipe (2024)

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curry leaves can also be used instead of cilantro or parsley for a traditional indian version of this dish. they need to be introduced with turmeric, cumin etc.

Indian dude

Parsley rarely works well with Indian food, especially here. also, the quantity of turmeric recommended in the recipe is high, and will add some bitterness. I suggest taking it down to 1/4 tsp.


Next time I will double the onion.


Needs more lemon juice (or lime might be good, too) - and yes, definitely more onions.


Very tasty, but so hot with the optional cayenne that the other flavors are covered up. I'll reduce the cayenne next time. The onions cook way down, so add more. Definitely a keeper.


Delicious -- doubled the onion and cayenne and served in a bowl with 6 oz of greek yogurt.

Karen L Davis

We liked it, but weren't wowed. I cut the cayenne in half and, now, wish I hadn't. Also upped each of the other spices by 1/4 t. Next time I'll try fresh cilantro because parsley didn't add anything to the flavor.


To make this more summery, I added quartered cherry tomatoes to the warm chickpeas once all was mixed together and stirred. The tomatoes got a bit warmed and wilted, deliciously, and the tomato juices spread a bit into the mixture.


Delicious! Made it exactly as per the recipe with cilantro.


I once mistakenly used powdered chipotle instead cayenne in something - now it's my go-to substitution, and liked it here as well.
I also cut the onions larger, more cubes than dice, so they come out closer to chickpea-sized after cooking.
Next time I might try adding some raw minced red onion at the end to brighten the flavor/texture a bit, or some sliced scallion greens along with the cilantro; nix on parsley, though.
(Really liked this warm with rice too; it may morph into a soup next!)

A. Fein

Yum... made this as written and it was delicious!


Made exactly per instructions and it was delicious! Very, very easy. I would perhaps increase the amount of cayenne pepper.


I’m always curious with these recipes - what kind of onion is best? Yellow, white, red?


Cooked per instructions (used chipotle instead of cayenne, per another note). Will double spices, and the onion next time - it cooked way down and is closer to burned than darkened. I used chickpeas cooked from dry, so they were missing some of the moisture that canned/rinsed ones would have had. I added a splash of water to ‘deglaze’ the pan, along with some additional lemon juice. Tasty enough and a good base for improvisation

was a little too spicy

Consider cutting back or serving with eggs/starch


I added chunks of Zucchini which I sautéed after the onions were soft and also used a little less cayenne, served it with brown rice and it was a great dinner.


I double the lemon juice and no onions. (onion allergy). We eat warm with naan. An inexpensive pot luck to share.


Wow LOVED, added a bit of mayo to make it creamy. Love how simple this is.


Good flavors. I’d do a large cup of diced onion. Be sure to heat pan well before adding oil and do teaspoons of spice instead of halves. Cayenne lingers after eat bite so not optional. Yum.


Following other’s suggestions, I doubled the onions, cumin and coriander, and halved the turmeric and cayenne. I threw in a handful of a mixture of parsley and mint because that’s what was growing in my garden. I also used lime juice instead of lemon. This was very fast and delicious—a perfect quick summer meal.


Mine was delicious. Pure preference, I doubled the onion and all of the spices. It had an amazing flavor. I also loaded it with cilantro. Mint would be good too.


Added a small amount of minced ginger. Delish!


Delicious! I served it over a bed of spinach and roasted winter squash (seasoned with the same curry seasoning) for a hearty lunch. Can’t wait to have it again!


Threw this together today for lunch with some leftover chickpeas I cooked from dry earlier this week. I used Kashmiri chili powder in place of the cayenne. Served it warm as a side for some other leftovers and there's a little bit left over for tomorrow (or a late night snack!). Saving this recipe as a healthy option for that last few cups of chickpeas I always seem to have from cooking a pound.

Sam Simpson

Yum! Really great, even without the fresh stuff, which I didn’t don’t have. I halved the cayanne and would use even less next time.


I cheated and went with 1/1/2 tsp curry powder instead of the called for spices. Also added a small heirloom tomato ( it's August ! ) Very good.

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Curried Chickpea Salad Recipe (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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