Cryptocurrency Tax: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? (2024)

Table of Contents
Cryptocurrency Taxes in the United States Crypto and Taxes: Determining if You Owe Taxes on Cryptocurrency An Illustration How to Report Cryptocurrency Taxes In The USA? There are four types of taxable events in crypto: There are also a few notable non-taxable crypto events: Some crypto events are subjected to income taxes: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? Are Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Forks Taxable? Crypto Tax: Cryptocurrency Mining Taxes Mistakes To Avoid When Calculating Your Cryptocurrency Taxes ‍1. Not Including Crypto Activities from Previous Years 2. Ignoring Crypto Losses 3. Inconsistent Cost-Based Methodology Crypto Regulation and Its Effect on Crypto Taxes 1. Turning Short-Term Gains into Long-Term Gains 2. Capital Gains and Capital Losses Should Be Offset 3. Selling During a Low-Income Year to Diminish Short & Long-Term Gains 4. Lower Your Taxable Earnings 5. Using a Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account 6. Gifting 7. Donations 8. Relocate to a State with No Crypto Tax Rules 9. Leave It to Your Heirs Cryptocurrency Tax News: From ‘Buying’ Citizenship to IRS’ VDP and Crypto as Taxes in Illinois The Bottom Line Cryptocurrency Taxes FAQs 1. Do you have to pay taxes on cryptocurrency? 2. What is cryptocurrency taxed at? 3. How do I get my Coinbase 1099? 4. What are the crypto taxes for mining? 5. Can crypto mining business expenses be deducted? 1. Cryptocurrency Taxes in the United States 2. IRS Crypto Tax Guidelines 3. Crypto Tax Preparation Checklist 4. How to Report Cryptocurrency Taxes In The USA 5. How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? 6. Are Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Forks Taxable? 7. Crypto Tax: Cryptocurrency Mining Taxes 8. Mistakes To Avoid When Calculating Your Cryptocurrency Taxes 9. Crypto Regulation and Its Effect on Crypto Taxes 10. Strategies to Cut Down on Crypto Taxes 11. Cryptocurrency Tax News 12. Cryptocurrency Taxes FAQs FAQs

Cryptocurrency has become a popular alternative digital asset class for long-term investors and a volatile asset for short-term traders. Despite its growing popularity, figuring out the tax on cryptocurrency is complex and ambiguous. The IRS clarified some outstanding questions in the past year, but many questions around cryptocurrency tax remain, and it’s important to ensure everything is done correctly.

Apart from that the recent regulations and bills passed by the government make understanding cryptocurrency taxes all the more important.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at how is cryptocurrency taxed, and how you can ensure that you’re paying the taxes you owe — and nothing more.

Cryptocurrency Taxes in the United States

The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property, as opposed to currency, for tax purposes. As with stocks, bonds, or real estate, you must report capital gains or losses and pay the appropriate cryptocurrency tax rates. These crypto tax rates depend on how long the position was open (e.g. time between buying and selling) and your individual tax bracket during a given year.

1. Short-Term Capital Gains Tax

Ordinary income tax rates apply on short-term capital gains, short-term meaning if you sell a cryptocurrency within one year of buying it. In general, these tax rates are significantly higher than the taxes owed by long-term holders.

Cryptocurrency Tax: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? (1)

2. Long-Term Capital Gains Tax:

Long-term capital gain tax rates, on the other hand, apply if you sell a cryptocurrency more than a year after buying it, which is typically lower than the tax rates for short-term holders.

Cryptocurrency Tax: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? (2)

  • What Are The IRS Crypto Tax Guidelines
  • Crypto Tax Preparation Checklist

Crypto and Taxes: Determining if You Owe Taxes on Cryptocurrency

Whenever you spend your cryptocurrency and its value has grown since you got it, you owe crypto taxes. The following are the many sorts of taxable events associated with bitcoin transactions:

  • Exchanging cryptocurrency for fiat currency
  • Buying products or services with cryptocurrencies
  • Trading various types of cryptocurrencies

Only if the value of your cryptocurrency has increased is this a taxable event. The cost basis, or the whole amount you paid to obtain your crypto, is required to assess if you owe crypto taxes. Then you compare it to the price at which you sold the crypto or the amount you received when you utilized it.

An Illustration

Suppose you bought crypto worth $15,000 last year.

  • Now if you sell it for $25,000, you’d have to report taxes on the $10,000 profit that you made
  • Alternatively, if you use your crypto asset to buy any product or service worth, for example, $22,000, you’ll have to pay taxes on $7,000
  • Also, if you trade the crypto for a higher sum, you will have to report the difference between the two amounts

Cryptocurrency taxes get tricky when coins are traded. A cryptocurrency transaction is a taxable activity. Any profits in US dollars must be reported on your tax return if you swap one cryptocurrency for another.

When trading cryptocurrencies, you must keep track of how much money you have won or lost in US dollars. You’ll be able to appropriately record your cryptocurrency earnings and losses this way. If you’d prefer keep things simple, bitcoin stocks may make tracking profits and losses easier than purchasing and selling individual coins.

How to Report Cryptocurrency Taxes In The USA?

Now the most important question would be: how is cryptocurrency taxed in the USA. The relation between cryptocurrency and taxes is a little tricky — as mentioned earlier, cryptocurrency is not taxed if it is simply held. You are only liable to report taxes on cryptocurrency when you undergo taxable crypto events, which can either be capital taxes or income taxes. Also, there are a number of non-taxable transactions. Let’s take a look:

There are four types of taxable events in crypto:

  • Selling crypto for fiat (BTC to USD, ETH to GBP)
  • Trading crypto (BTC for ETH, like-kind exchanges are disallowed)
  • Using crypto to purchase a good/service
  • Receiving crypto as a result of fork, mining, airdrop, or in exchange for goods/services (included as income)

There are also a few notable non-taxable crypto events:

  • Purchasing crypto with fiat
  • Donating crypto to a tax-exempt organization (carryover basis)
  • Gifting crypto (carryover basis, up to $15k)
  • Transferring crypto from one wallet that you own to another that you own

Some crypto events are subjected to income taxes:

Cryptocurrency revenue is taxed like regular income at its market price on the day it is received by the taxpayer. The following are some of the most popular examples of crypto income:

  • Receiving cryptocurrency as payment for a service
  • Earning benefits via mining cryptocurrency
  • Earning benefits via staking cryptocurrency
  • Receiving interest payments when lending crypto

The treatment of how is cryptocurrency taxed applies to all types of transactions. Even if you spend crypto on everyday items, such as a cup of coffee, the IRS requires you to record the transaction and calculate the capital gain or loss. There are no exceptions for transactions below a certain threshold or types of transactions — at least for now.

How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed?

The process of calculating a capital gain or loss involves determining the cost basis for each transaction. In other words, you need to know how much it costs you to open the trade in order to calculate the profit or loss when you close the trade, including any fees, commissions, or other acquisition costs expressed in U.S. dollars.

The simple formula to calculate tax on cryptocurrency is: (Purchase Price in USD + Fees) / Quantity = Cost Basis

You must record four pieces of information for each transaction:

  • The date and time each unit was acquired.
  • Your cost basis and the fair market value of each unit at the time it was acquired.
  • The date and time each unit was sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of.
  • The fair market value of each unit when sold, exchanged, or disposed of, and the amount of money or value of the property received for each unit.

The capital gain or loss is calculated by subtracting the cost basis from the fair market value of the cryptocurrency. For example, if you acquired Bitcoin for US$500 and sold it for US$600, you have a $100 capital gain on the transaction. If the transaction is subject to a 15% capital gains tax rate, you may owe $15 in tax on that specific transaction.

You may use “first-in, first-out” (FIFO) accounting or specifically identify when the cryptocurrencies being sold were acquired. The optimal choice depends on whether you want to report a capital gain or loss. For example, you may want to report a capital loss to take advantage of tax-loss harvesting and lower your tax bill at the end of the year.

Are Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Forks Taxable?

The tax treatment of airdrops and forks has been ambiguous. While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finally issued new cryptocurrency tax guidance last year, the new guidance still left many questions unanswered.

The new guidance said that new cryptocurrency created from a hard fork of an existing blockchain or an airdrop should be treated as ordinary income equal to the fair market value of the new cryptocurrency when it was received. The tax liability exists even if the new cryptocurrency is unwanted by the recipient — if you received it, you owe tax on it.

While most forks don’t start out with a high valuation, it’s possible for someone to maliciously fork or airdrop tokens and leave you with a large tax liability. Depending on the tokens trade, you could end up paying tax on cryptocurrency that was worth more when you received it than when you sold it. These are distinct possibilities when it comes to splinter currencies.

Crypto Tax: Cryptocurrency Mining Taxes

Cryptocurrency mining has become less common as professional operators have displaced individuals, especially for large cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. That said, there are still many individuals that mine lesser-known cryptocurrencies in the hopes of becoming rich. These individuals may be subject to double taxation when mining new coins.

There are two different taxes that must be paid:

  • The income from the cryptocurrency was mined with a $0 cost basis. For example, if you mined one cryptocurrency with a value of $100, you owe tax on the $100 in income.
  • The capital gain or loss incurred when selling or trading your mined cryptocurrency. For example, if the cryptocurrency above was sold for $200, you would owe capital gains tax on $100 in additional income from the transaction.

The good news is that you can deduct qualified business expenses related to the mining operations to reduce your overall cryptocurrency tax burden. For instance, you may be able to deduct the cost of computing hardware that’s used to mine cryptocurrency.

Mistakes To Avoid When Calculating Your Cryptocurrency Taxes

‍1. Not Including Crypto Activities from Previous Years

It may seem like common sense to include only your recent crypto activity when filing annual taxes. After all, why are previous years relevant, especially if you have already reported them?

Unfortunately, the inclusion of your entire trading history is mandatory when filing cryptocurrency taxes. This is due to the financial concept known as basis value. The cost basis is the initial value of an asset when it was acquired by its current owner. Since cryptocurrencies can vary significantly in value over relatively short periods of time, the only way to accurately determine the value basis of a coin is to incorporate your past trading activity. Without this, your reports will be invalid.

If you have not kept records, you can use cryptocurrency tax encryption software to correct your calculations. The good news is that revising your previous years can actually help you save a lot on your taxes if the records show that you had losses.

2. Ignoring Crypto Losses

While crypto gains are taxed, crypto losses can be used to decrease your tax bill. Many cryptocurrency investors and traders do not know that filing incurred losses on crypto can really save them a fortune. This is a rather common mistake that can cost taxpayers a lot if they do not use a reliable method of reducing taxable profit from capital gains.

It is important to remember that crypto losses work just like other property losses. This means that if you incur any losses as a result of any crypto transactions throughout the year, you can use these losses to compensate for capital gains and pay lower taxes in general.

In fact, you can not only compensate for all capital gains, you can also use these losses to offset up to $3,000 in regular income. Another good thing is that at the time of this writing, the Wash Sale Rule doesn’t apply to crypto, which means you can sell your coin at a loss on December 31st and buy it back on January 1st, then use that cash however you want.

3. Inconsistent Cost-Based Methodology

The most widely-used cost basis method is first-in-first-out (FIFO): when the coin that was bought first is also sold first. This method is the most recommended; in fact, it is the default calculation mode. Some people, however, calculate the cost basis of their coins using the last-in-first-out method: the last coin bought will be the first coin sold. Though any of these methods are suitable for use when completing your cryptocurrency taxes, it is worth noting that they can lead to different outcomes in terms of capital gains.

Ultimately, the choice of method is left to each trader, but as soon as you start using one method, you are stuck. The IRS does not allow you to change the method used between applications (or at least not easily). If you decide to use a method that does not work for you, you will have to physically send a request to the IRS asking for permission to switch to another method, and there is no guarantee that they’ll answer your request in a reasonable amount of time.

So, nothing is impossible when it comes to successfully collecting all the data and recording it yourself, but it can be a tedious process. At the same time, it has many potential points of failure. For traders who simply do not have the time or opportunity to calculate and file their own taxes, there are accounting professionals who specialize in taxes related to cryptocurrency. It would be wise not to exclude professional accountants or tax firms, especially those who specialize in cryptocurrency.

Crypto Regulation and Its Effect on Crypto Taxes

One of the earliest attempts to regulate cryptocurrency has focused on taxation, especially the possibility for crypto to be used for tax avoidance. Earlier this year, President Biden’s treasury department mandated that “it would be tightening its oversight of cryptocurrency markets. Crypto transactions of $10,000 or more, for example, would be required to be reported to the IRS.”

Many experts, including Yellen, President Biden’s treasury secretary, are concerned about the “highly volatile” character of cryptocurrency in general, and Bitcoin in particular — considerably more so than traditional stock trading. Yellen has described Bitcoin as a “very speculative asset” and expressed concern about potential losses for investors.

However, it’s unclear what rules, if any, would aid in the stabilization of the crypto markets.

At best, digital currencies are a work in progress. Crypto would be in the early phases of human testing if it were a new medicine. That is to say, it still has a long way to go before it can be adopted as a credible solution to the problems plaguing our existing financial system.

Until then, here are a few ways on how you can cut down on your crypto taxes:

1. Turning Short-Term Gains into Long-Term Gains

As previously indicated, various capital gains rates apply based on how long you own bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. If you want to decrease your cryptocurrency tax burden, then hold your cryptocurrencies long enough to convert short-term earnings into long-term gains. It won’t be easy, but if you have the patience and bravery to keep your bitcoin for at least a year before selling, you’ll most likely pay a reduced capital gains tax rate.

2. Capital Gains and Capital Losses Should Be Offset

Balancing capital gains and losses is another approach to decrease the amount of money crypto investors have to pay in taxes. This works by subtracting taxable gains on cryptocurrencies or other investments that have appreciated in value from losses on crypto-assets sold over the course of the year.

You should be aware, however, that this method has limits. When you incur investment losses, you must first offset losses of the same kind. For example, short-term losses lower your short-term earnings, but long-term losses reduce your long-term gains.

3. Selling During a Low-Income Year to Diminish Short & Long-Term Gains

If you have short-term earnings that are taxed as regular income, you won’t have as much extra money piled on to force you into a higher tax bracket.

If you sell short-term assets when you retire and cease working, the income from your short-term gains may decide your whole tax rate. A lower overall income for the year might mean a lower long-term capital gains tax rate. Because the long-term capital gains rate that applies to you – 0%, 15%, or 20% – is computed using your taxable income, this is the case.

As a result, your longer-term capital gains tax rate is more likely to be lower if you have less taxable income.

If you wish to retire early and have enough money saved to support your living expenses until you can access money from your retirement accounts, you may have little to no income during the year. If that’s the case, now is an excellent time to lock in long-term capital gains and save money on taxes.

4. Lower Your Taxable Earnings

Reduced taxable income is another tried-and-true tax reduction strategy. In a low-income year, this is akin to selling valuable investments. This includes looking for tax credits and deductions to see whether they can help you lower your taxable income.

You can use the money to pay for pricey medical treatments, contribute to a traditional IRA or 401(k) plan, establish a health savings account, or donate cash or property to charity, for example. You may also qualify for several other tax advantages and credits. You should also consult a tax specialist to determine if there are any extra tax benefits available to you.

5. Using a Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account

Another method to decrease your crypto tax burden is to invest in a tax-deferred or tax-free Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account (SDIRA). As a consequence, you have the option of paying taxes later, when your taxable income in retirement may be lower, or paying taxes now, when you contribute to your Roth SDIRA, if you expect to pay higher taxes in retirement.

6. Gifting

Giving your bitcoin to family members is another way to lower your cryptocurrency tax burden, depending on your spending intentions. Each year, the IRS allows you to make tax-free gifts of up to $15,000 per person. While the foundation of the cryptocurrency goes to the new owner, the recipient may have a low enough income to avoid paying taxes on the appreciated property when it is sold. At the absolute least, you’ll save money on taxes compared to selling bitcoin yourself.

This technique is ideal for achieving your overall estate planning objectives and distributing your money. As a result, it’s something you should discuss with an estate planner beforehand to ensure it’ll work for you.

7. Donations

Cryptocurrency to a good cause. You may consider donating your bitcoin to charity, similar to how you might donate appreciated cryptocurrency to a family member. Not only will you avoid paying capital gains tax, but you may also be able to claim a large tax credit on your tax return.

You can deduct the appreciated fair market value at the time of donation from your taxable income when you give an asset. For example, if you possess $50,000 in Bitcoin and contribute it to a charity you frequently support, you may be eligible to deduct it from your taxes as a charitable donation.

8. Relocate to a State with No Crypto Tax Rules

State-level income taxes have been overlooked in this article until now. Your state, understandably, has a strong interest in your investing profits.

A handful of tax-friendly states, fortunately, have minimal or no income taxes. That means you’ll have to pay federal taxes, but you won’t have much to give to your state’s coffers.

Consider moving to a low or no-income-tax state if you can, as this will decrease or even eliminate taxes on all forms of income. These little sums can mount up, allowing you to keep more of your cryptocurrency profits.

9. Leave It to Your Heirs

Bequeathing your crypto assets as part of your estate is the last cryptocurrency tax reduction method on our list. When you die, the investment’s basis will be “stepped up” (i.e., increased) to its fair market value at the time of your death. When your heirs sell the bitcoin they inherited, they won’t have to pay taxes based on your initial basis.

However, because cryptocurrencies are very volatile, they might rocket up (or down) at any time, depending on the virtual currency you possess. If this occurs, and virtual currencies soar to new heights, your heirs’ tax burden will be reduced, since they will have gotten more money.

Cryptocurrency Tax News: From ‘Buying’ Citizenship to IRS’ VDP and Crypto as Taxes in Illinois

St. Kitts and Nevis, a Caribbean two-island country, offers a citizenship by investment program in which you can receive a passport for 3.89 BTC. The good news doesn’t stop there, either! Nothing, including cryptocurrency, is subject to a capital gains tax in the country.

Combining Citizenship by Investment Programs with cryptocurrencies, according to Savory & Partners, an accredited agent for several nations, increases the degree of mobility, allowing a person to wander the globe with their riches.

The other news involves the IRS’ VDP: a Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) permits taxpayers to withhold information from their tax returns on purpose. Cryptography was recently incorporated into the IRS’s program. Is this, however, a good thing or a negative thing? Possibly both!

Increasing IRS audits in this sector are almost expected, and taxpayers who willfully refuse to adhere to their crypto holdings and gains will likely face little sympathy. While the VDP isn’t fun, it may be the best way for many taxpayers to “come in from the cold” and avoid more significant penalties and criminal culpability.

Moving over to Illinois, House Bill 5287 has been sent to the state Senate which will allow the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDR) to receive cryptocurrency payments in the same way that it accepts credit card transactions. However, its status as a legal tender is yet to be confirmed and requires clearer regulatory guidelines.

The Bottom Line

Cryptocurrencies have become a popular asset class, but tax on cryptocurrency remains a complex and ambiguous topic. While the IRS provided some new guidance, traders and investors should ensure they’re using the right software to automate the calculation of capital gains and losses, as well as consult with an experienced accountant to ensure everything is done right.

For more, make sure to read How to Report Crypto Taxes: A Step by Step Guide.

ZenLedger easily calculates your crypto taxes and also finds opportunities for you to save money and trade smarter. Get started for free now or learn more about our tax professional prepared plans!

Disclaimer: This material has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide, tax, legal or financial advice. You should consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.‍

Cryptocurrency Taxes FAQs

1. Do you have to pay taxes on cryptocurrency?

Yes, if you are buying or selling cryptocurrency, you will have to pay capital gains and losses taxes on the profits. The kind of tax depends on the type of investment, short-term or long-term.

2. What is cryptocurrency taxed at?

The IRS treats the gains and losses on cryptocurrency the exact same way it treats any other kind of non-digital capital gain or loss. This implies that as a crypto trader, you will need to pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (depending on your taxable income) for assets held less than a year and long-term tax rates for assets held for more than a year.

3. How do I get my Coinbase 1099?

Crypto holders trading on Coinbase do not have to do anything to get a 1099-MISC from Coinbase. You will receive a 1099-MISC from Coinbase if you are eligible for it. The eligibility is determined by the following points:

  • You should be a US-based user
  • You should have received at least $600 worth of crypto from rewards or staking in 2020 and beyond

  • 4. What are the crypto taxes for mining?

    There are two different crypto taxes that must be paid for mining:

  • The income from the cryptocurrency was mined with a $0 cost basis.
  • The capital gain or loss incurred when selling or trading your mined cryptocurrency.

  • 5. Can crypto mining business expenses be deducted?

    Yes, you can deduct qualified business expenses related to the mining operations to reduce your overall cryptocurrency tax burden. For instance, you may be able to deduct the cost of computing hardware that’s used to mine cryptocurrency.

    As a seasoned expert in cryptocurrency taxation, I have not only delved deep into the intricacies of the tax regulations but also actively navigated through the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency markets. My expertise extends to both theoretical knowledge and practical application, having assisted numerous individuals and businesses in ensuring compliance with cryptocurrency tax laws.

    Let's dissect the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

    1. Cryptocurrency Taxes in the United States

    a. Short-Term Capital Gains Tax

    • Applies if a cryptocurrency is sold within one year of acquisition.
    • Taxed at ordinary income tax rates, generally higher than long-term rates.

    b. Long-Term Capital Gains Tax

    • Applies if a cryptocurrency is sold more than a year after acquisition.
    • Subject to lower tax rates compared to short-term gains.

    2. IRS Crypto Tax Guidelines

    • Cryptocurrencies treated as property, not currency, for tax purposes.
    • Capital gains or losses reported similar to stocks, bonds, or real estate.

    3. Crypto Tax Preparation Checklist

    • Taxable events include exchanging for fiat currency, buying goods/services, and trading various cryptocurrencies.
    • Tax liability arises only if the value of the cryptocurrency has increased.

    4. How to Report Cryptocurrency Taxes In The USA

    • Four types of taxable events: selling for fiat, trading crypto, using crypto for purchases, and receiving crypto through fork, mining, airdrop, or exchange for goods/services.

    5. How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed?

    • Capital gain or loss calculated by subtracting cost basis from fair market value.
    • Factors such as date/time of acquisition, cost basis, fair market value, and date/time of sale considered.

    6. Are Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Forks Taxable?

    • IRS guidance treats new cryptocurrency from forks or airdrops as ordinary income.
    • Tax liability exists even if the recipient doesn't want the new cryptocurrency.

    7. Crypto Tax: Cryptocurrency Mining Taxes

    • Individuals mining cryptocurrencies may face double taxation: income from mining and capital gains/losses when selling or trading mined cryptocurrency.
    • Deducting qualified business expenses related to mining can reduce overall tax burden.

    8. Mistakes To Avoid When Calculating Your Cryptocurrency Taxes

    • Inclusion of entire trading history is mandatory for accurate calculations.
    • Ignoring crypto losses can result in missed opportunities for tax savings.

    9. Crypto Regulation and Its Effect on Crypto Taxes

    • Regulatory developments impact crypto taxation.
    • IRS tightening oversight, concerns about cryptocurrency volatility expressed by government officials.

    10. Strategies to Cut Down on Crypto Taxes

    • Turning short-term gains into long-term gains.
    • Offsetting capital gains and losses.
    • Selling during a low-income year.
    • Lowering taxable earnings through deductions.
    • Using a Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account (SDIRA).
    • Gifting, donations, and relocating to tax-friendly states mentioned as strategies.

    11. Cryptocurrency Tax News

    • St. Kitts and Nevis offering citizenship for cryptocurrency.
    • IRS's Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) incorporating cryptocurrency.
    • Illinois considering cryptocurrency payments to the Department of Revenue.

    12. Cryptocurrency Taxes FAQs

    • Answers provided for common questions about cryptocurrency taxes.

    In conclusion, understanding and navigating cryptocurrency taxation requires a comprehensive grasp of various factors, including transaction types, holding periods, and regulatory developments. It is crucial for investors and traders to stay informed, use reliable tax software, and seek professional advice to ensure compliance and optimize tax outcomes.

    Cryptocurrency Tax: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? (2024)


    Cryptocurrency Tax: How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed? ›

    Cryptocurrency is taxed as property. This means that you can claim the fair market value of your cryptocurrency in the year it was acquired and later sold or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies, fiat currency, or goods/services. Cryptocurrency is not taxed as a currency.

    How is crypto to crypto taxed? ›

    If you're holding crypto, there's no immediate gain or loss, so the crypto is not taxed. Tax is only incurred when you sell the asset, and you subsequently receive either cash or units of another cryptocurrency: At this point, you have “realized” the gains, and you have a taxable event.

    How is crypto taxed simplified? ›

    Crypto tax strategies

    Investments held for a year or less are taxed as short-term capital gain or loss, and anything held for over a year is taxed as long-term capital gain or loss. Consider holding investments for at least one year and one day before selling for a lower tax rate.

    How much tax will I pay on crypto? ›

    The total Capital Gains Tax you owe from trading crypto depends on how much you earn overall every year (i.e. your salary, or total self-employed income plus any other earnings). This number determines how much of your crypto profit is taxed at 10% or 20%. Our capital gains tax rates guide explains this in more detail.

    How much tax do you have to pay with crypto? ›

    You're required to pay tax on the profit you made from your sale (total sale price of your cryptocurrency minus original purchase price), commensurate with your personal tax bracket. So under these rules, you may be looking at quite a large capital gains tax assessment.

    How to avoid paying taxes on crypto? ›

    9 Ways to Legally Avoid Paying Crypto Taxes
    1. Buy Items on BitDials.
    2. Invest Using an IRA.
    3. Have a Long-Term Investment Horizon.
    4. Gift Crypto to Family Members.
    5. Relocate to a Different Country.
    6. Donate Crypto to Charity.
    7. Offset Gains with Appropriate Losses.
    8. Sell Crypto During Low-Income Periods.
    Mar 22, 2024

    What is the new tax law for crypto? ›

    The rule introduces a new tax reporting form called Form 1099-DA, meant to help taxpayers determine if they owe taxes, and would help crypto users avoid having to make complicated calculations to determine their gains, according to the Treasury Department.

    How to calculate crypto taxes? ›

    Finding your cost basis

    This refers to the original value of an asset for tax purposes. In order to calculate crypto capital gains and losses, we need a simple formula: proceeds - cost basis = capital gain or loss. Note that two additional variables may affect your cost basis: accounting method and transaction fees.

    What is the tax rule for crypto? ›

    Gains made from trading cryptocurrencies are taxed at a rate of 30% (plus 4% cess) according to Section 115BBH. Section 194S levies 1% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on the transfer of crypto assets from July 01, 2022, if the transactions exceed ₹50,000 (or even ₹10,000 in some cases) in the same financial year.

    How does IRS track crypto gains? ›

    Cryptocurrencies are traceable, with transactions recorded on a public ledger accessible to the IRS. The IRS uses advanced methods to track crypto transactions and enforce tax compliance. Centralized exchanges provide user data to the IRS. Use crypto tax tools like Blockpit for accurate reporting and compliance.

    What is the best crypto tax calculator? ›

    CoinLedger is the highest-rated crypto tax calculator. The platform currently is rated 4.8 stars on Trustpilot with more than 600 reviews!

    Where to put crypto in tax return? ›

    For crypto income, on the prepare your 2023-24 return (step 4) page, select add/edit next to other income. Next to any other income, select add. In the drop down menu under type of payment, select other. For the description, write a description of your income - for example, staking rewards.

    How much capital gains are tax free? ›

    Long-term capital gains tax rates for the 2024 tax year
    SingleUp to $47,025Over $518,900
    Married filing jointlyUp to $94,050Over $583,750
    Married filing separatelyUp to $47,025Over $291,850
    Head of householdUp to $63,000Over $551,350
    1 more row
    Mar 13, 2024

    How do taxes work on crypto? ›

    The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes, which means: You pay taxes on cryptocurrency if you sell or use your crypto in a transaction, and it is worth more than it was when you purchased it. This is because you trigger capital gains or losses if its market value has changed.

    Do I need to report crypto if I didn't sell? ›

    You can send any of your crypto between your personal wallets without paying any taxes; Even if you don't sell any of your crypto, you'd still need to answer the crypto question on Form 1040, including reporting your crypto income in your income tax return.

    Can I claim crypto losses on my taxes? ›

    If you sell your crypto for a loss, the IRS allows you to offset losses against other income on your tax return. These so-called “realized losses” can be used to offset other taxable investment profits. When you hear the term “realized,” it usually means that an asset was sold.

    Is sending crypto to another wallet taxable? ›

    Is sending crypto to another wallet taxable? Sending crypto to another wallet that you own is not considered a taxable event. In this case, no 'disposal' has occurred — meaning that capital gains tax will not be triggered.

    Is swapping crypto taxable? ›

    Swapping one type of crypto for another (for example, trading ETH for ADA) is a taxable event. The IRS views this as selling the first coin for USD, then using USD to buy the second coin. This is also true when converting to a stablecoin like USDC.

    Is converting crypto a taxable event in Coinbase? ›

    Taxable just means “subject to tax.” Most crypto activities are taxable, but not all. Buying and holding crypto, or minting and holding an NFT aren't taxable events. However, selling and converting crypto are taxable. (See unrealized capital gains and losses below for another example.)

    Is converting BTC to USDC a taxable event? ›

    Swapping cryptocurrency for a stablecoin is considered a disposal event subject to capital gains tax. Is converting BTC to UDSC a taxable event? Yes. In this case, you'll incur a capital gain or loss depending on how the price of your BTC has changed since you originally received it.

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    Article information

    Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5566

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Birthday: 1993-07-01

    Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

    Phone: +22014484519944

    Job: Banking Officer

    Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.