Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (2024)

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (1)

Many of the topics covered on this site are predictable.

If you had asked me in 2010 or 2015, “Do you think you’ll still be writing about private equity recruiting or investment banking interviews in 5, 10, or 15 years?” my answer would have been an easy “Yes.”

But sometimes, there are unexpected developments, such as cryptocurrency accounting.

Back when Bitcoin experienced its first bull market back in 2013, I thought it might remain a speculative asset that would interest only hardcore hodlers and autists.

That might still happen in the long term, but a few high-profile companies have now bought Bitcoin and put it on their Balance Sheets.

And that development opens up a can of worms:

  • What type of “asset” is Bitcoin? A financial instrument? An intangible asset? Inventory? Should it even qualify as an asset?
  • How do companies record Gains and Losses on it? What about Unrealized vs. Realized ones?
  • What’s the tax treatment? How do these Gains and Losses affect a company’s Cash Taxes and Book Taxes?

I’ll cover all these points, but I need to give a short disclaimer before going down the rabbit hole:

The Warning/Disclaimer

Before diving in, I want to note that this is not a bullish or bearish article about the prices of various cryptocurrencies.

I will not recommend buying, selling, or hodling anything, and I don’t have a particularly strong view myself.

I have bought and sold Bitcoin and Ethereum before and made money doing so, but I am neither a crypto bull nor a crypto bear.

My goal here is to address some of the accounting and valuation issues that come up when companies adopt crypto.

Cryptocurrency Accounting: The Video Tutorial, Excel File, and PDFs

You can get the full video tutorial version of this article below, which focuses on the Excel walk-through:

And you can get the Excel file and PDFs for Tesla, MicroStrategy, and Galaxy Digital below:

Note that the Excel file here is simplified and not robust.

It’s a simple illustration of a basic scenario: purchasing Bitcoin in Year 1, holding it in Year 2, and then selling it in Year 3.

Do not expect very complex changes or scenarios to work correctly.

MicroStrategy and Tesla: Cryptocurrency Accounting on the Financial Statements

As I write this in 2021, Tesla and MicroStrategy – the highest-profile corporate adopters of cryptocurrency so far – both consider Bitcoin an indefinite-lived intangible asset.

They list it on their Balance Sheets as a “Digital Asset,” and since it’s indefinite-lived, there is no amortization.

Under U.S. GAAP, companies record Impairment Losses on indefinite-lived intangible assets when their value falls, but they cannot revalue them up outside of M&A deals.

Under IFRS, upward revaluation is allowed, but I could not find solid examples of IFRS-based companies using crypto (???).

In practice, this means the following on the financial statements:

  • Unrealized Gains: These do not appear anywhere on the financial statements. If Tesla buys BTC for $50K, and the price rises to $100K, nothing changes.
  • Unrealized Losses: These appear as “Impairment Losses on Digital Assets.” If Tesla buys BTC for $50K, and the price falls to $25K, you’ll see a huge Impairment Loss on the Income Statement and a reversal for it on the Cash Flow Statement.
  • Realized Gains and Losses: These always appear on the Income Statement, get reversed on the Cash Flow Statement, and get “re-classified” under Cash Flow from Investing in the “Proceeds from Sale of Digital Assets” line.
Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (2)

Additionally, there will be a Deferred Tax impact from many of these events because Unrealized Losses are not immediately deductible for Cash-Tax purposes.

For example, if MicroStrategy records a $100 million Impairment Loss on Bitcoin, yes, the Tax figure on its Income Statement will decrease by $100 million * ~25% = $25 million.

However, the company cannot deduct this Impairment Loss until it sells the Bitcoin and takes a Realized Loss on the sale.

So, you will see negative adjustments in the Deferred Tax line on the CFS whenever this happens:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (3)

Excel Examples with Crypto as an “Intangible Asset”

If you want some interactive examples, refer to the Excel file linked to above.

In this simple scenario, we assume that the company purchases 1,500 Bitcoin for $60K in Year 1, holds it in Year 2 as the price drops to $45K, and then sells it in Year 3 when the price increases to $100K.

The Income Statement looks like this:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (4)

On the Balance Sheet, the “Digital Assets” line:

  • Increases to $90 million when the purchase takes place in Year 1.
  • Falls to $68 million due to the Impairment Loss in Year 2.
  • And finally decreases to $0 in Year 3 when the company sells all 1,500 BTC.
Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (5)

If we assume that BTC falls to $30K in Year 3, and the company sells all its holdings in that year:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (6)

Since the price falls by $15K per year, the Impairment Loss in Year 2 is identical to the Realized Loss in Year 3.

The Impairment Loss is not deductible in Year 2 because the company has not yet sold the corresponding asset.

But it becomes deductible in Year 3 once the company sells the 1,500 BTC, so the company gets the cash-tax benefit of both the Impairment Loss and the Realized Loss in that year.

And on the Balance Sheet, the Deferred Tax Asset initially increases in Year 2 because of the Impairment Loss and decreases in Year 3 when all the BTC are sold.

You could play around with this file and test many other combinations, such as what happens when the price falls and the company sells half its Bitcoin in Year 3:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (7)

Is This Accounting Treatment Appropriate?

If you’re wondering why Bitcoin is classified as an “intangible asset” rather than a financial instrument or security, BDO provides an answer:

“Intangible assets under U.S. GAAP are “assets (not including financial assets) that lack physical substance.” Further, financial assets are cash, evidence of an ownership interest in an entity, or a contract that conveys to one entity a right to receive cash or another financial instrument, or a right to exchange other financial instruments on potentially favorable terms.”

Since crypto is not cash, does not represent an ownership interest in an entity, and does not provide a right to receive cash or another financial instrument, it’s not a “financial asset.”

From an accounting perspective, this logic makes sense.

However, for valuation purposes, this classification may distort the numbers.

The problem is that intangible assets are normally “core business assets” when calculating Enterprise Value because they refer to items like patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property that the company uses to generate revenue.

So, labeling Bitcoin an “intangible asset” implies that it’s related to the core business operations of these companies.

But it’s a big stretch to call Tesla or MicroStrategy “crypto companies.”

Tesla is a car company that only makes money from selling regulatory credits accepts Bitcoin for some purchases, and MicroStrategy is an enterprise software company.

Therefore, it’s more appropriate to consider these Digital Assets non-core when calculating Enterprise Value, similar to the treatment for cash and financial investments.

This classification as an intangible asset also creates consistency issues because companies record Unrealized Losses but not Unrealized Gains.

That skews their results to the downside and makes Net Income an even more deceptive metric.

Either of these options would make more sense:

  • Option #1: Record ALL Gains and Losses, including both Unrealized and Realized.
  • Option #2: Record ONLY Realized Gains and Losses.

Cryptocurrency Accounting for a Financial Firm (Galaxy Digital)

Galaxy Digital is a financial services firm that offers “asset management for digital assets.”

It trades, invests, and mines for cryptocurrencies, and it offers traditional asset management and investment banking services as well.

Galaxy Digital considers crypto to be investments or financial assets, so it records Realized Gains and Losses and Unrealized Gains and Losses on its Income Statement:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (8)

The accounting rules differ for financial services firms such as banks and bank holding companies, but in context, this treatment is more consistent than what Tesla and MicroStrategy are doing.

The only quirk is that there’s no Deferred Tax impact because Galaxy Digital is a Limited Partnership.

Since there are no corporate-level taxes (all profits flow through to the individual Partners), there are no taxes to defer or pay in future periods.

So… What Does All This Mean? How Does Cryptocurrency Accounting Affect Valuation?

Net Income was never a great valuation metric because it’s easily distorted by a company’s capital structure, tax quirks, and non-recurring charges.

As a result, the P / E multiple, equal to Equity Value / Net Income, is also not that useful for comparing companies.

Yes, it’s quick and simple, but its advantages stop there (for more, see our comparison of EBIT vs. EBITDA vs. Net Income).

The adoption of cryptocurrencies by major companies means that Net Income and the corresponding P / E multiple will become even more useless.

Even if these companies start treating crypto as financial assets rather than intangible assets, Net Income will be skewed because of all the Unrealized Gains.

Warren Buffett even pointed out this issue when the accounting rules for Unrealized Gains and Losses on small investments in equity securities changed a few years ago:

Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (9)

Enterprise Value-based metrics such as EBITDA will become even more important because they exclude all Gains and Losses.

In the standard DCF model, little changes because Gains and Losses should never be a part of Unlevered Free Cash Flow.

But you need to be careful in the “bridge” to calculate Implied Equity Value at the end.

Unless the company’s primary business is crypto-related, Digital Assets should be considered non-core (i.e., added when moving from Enterprise Value to Equity Value).

The silver lining here is that crypto is still far from mainstream, and only a few high-profile companies seem to be using it.

So, these cryptocurrency accounting issues may not be relevant until a solid percentage of the S&P 500 is involved.

Of course, that probably won’t happen until DogeCoin and CumRocket both hit $100 trillion market caps, so we could be waiting a while…


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Cryptocurrency Accounting On The Financial Statements | M& I (2024)


How do you account for cryptocurrency in financial statements? ›

According to standard accounting practices (GAAP), cryptocurrencies are recorded as an intangible asset at cost, and the diminution in value must be recorded. This implies that the value of a company's balance sheet may erode over time.

How is cryptocurrency reported on balance sheet? ›

So, when you buy Bitcoin or Ether, you should add it to your balance sheet at its fair market value on the date you bought it. Here, you'll need to debit your assets account. Likewise, if you bought Bitcoin or Ether with a fiat currency, you'll need to credit your cash account for the purchase price.

What is the accounting method for cryptocurrency? ›

While American crypto investors can use accounting methods like FIFO, LIFO, and HIFO, many choose to use FIFO because it is considered the 'default' option. Is HIFO better than FIFO? The 'best' accounting method for cryptocurrency varies depending on the facts and circ*mstances of your situation.

How are cryptocurrencies classified in GAAP financials? ›

There is no specific US GAAP on crypto assets. Most crypto assets meet the definition of, and are therefore accounted for as, intangible assets. However, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and many stablecoins are not accounted for as crypto intangible assets.

How do you show crypto as an asset? ›

Generate a statement from your cryptocurrency account or wallet ideally showing the account holder name and amount of holdings. Please also provide a link to a website that shows the value of the cryptocurrency in USD or provide a screenshot.

How do you show crypto as income? ›

How do I report crypto on my tax return?
  1. Calculate your crypto gains and losses.
  2. Complete IRS Form 8949.
  3. Include your totals from 8949 on Form Schedule D.
  4. Include any crypto income.
  5. Complete the rest of your tax return.

Is cryptocurrency an asset or income? ›

For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency.

What type of asset is cryptocurrency? ›

What are Crypto Assets? Crypto assets are purely digital assets that use public ledgers over the internet to prove ownership. They use cryptography, peer-to-peer networks and a distributed ledger technology (DLT) – such as blockchain – to create, verify and secure transactions.

What asset class do cryptocurrencies fall under? ›

Avinash believes that crypto has all the attributes of an emerging asset class. The attributes include holding value across space and time for years and some legitimate use cases.

Does U.S. GAAP address the accounting for cryptocurrencies? ›

Unfortunately, there is currently no authoritative literature under U.S. GAAP which specifically addresses the accounting for digital assets, including digital currencies. As a result, entities have considered accounting for them as cash, intangible assets, investments, or inventory.

How do you record crypto transactions? ›

As a result, you'll need to document your crypto sales details, including how much you bought it for and when. These transactions are typically reported on Form 8949, Schedule D, and Form 1040.

Is crypto an asset or equity? ›

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset that is an intangible, digital currency that uses a highly sophisticated type of encryption called cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of currency.

Do you get statements for cryptocurrency? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

Is crypto classified as income? ›

The ATO does not see crypto as money, and they don't class it as a foreign currency. They instead list crypto as property, which is why it is considered an asset for capital gains tax purposes.

Is crypto a form of income? ›

Your crypto could be taxed as an asset or as income depending on your actions. Cryptocurrency is classified as property by the IRS. That means crypto income and capital gains are taxable and crypto losses may be tax deductible.

How do I report cryptocurrency on Schedule D? ›

There are 5 steps you must follow to report cryptocurrency on your taxes:
  1. Calculate your crypto gains and losses.
  2. Fill out crypto tax Form 8949.
  3. Report the totals from your crypto 8949 on Form Schedule D.
  4. Report any ordinary crypto taxable income on the 1040 Schedule 1, unless your earnings are from self employment.
Dec 21, 2022

What is the proper accounting treatment for investment in cryptocurrencies according to IFRS? ›

Financial asset The IFRS IC considered the definition of a financial asset in accordance with IAS 32 and concluded that a holding of cryptocurrency is not a financial asset. This is because a cryptocurrency is not cash (see below). Nor is it an equity instrument of another entity.

How do I report income from cryptocurrency? ›

Reporting your crypto activity requires using Form 1040 Schedule D as your crypto tax form to reconcile your capital gains and losses and Form 8949 if necessary. You report your total capital gains or losses on your Form 1040, line 7.

Does crypto count as an asset? ›

Definition of Digital Assets

Digital assets include (but are not limited to): Convertible virtual currency and cryptocurrency. Stablecoins. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Is cryptocurrency a capital asset? ›

Yes. If you exchange virtual currency held as a capital asset for other property, including for goods or for another virtual currency, you will recognize a capital gain or loss. For more information on capital gains and capital losses, see Publication 544, Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets.

Is crypto considered earned income? ›

The IRS treats cryptocurrency as property, meaning that when you buy, sell or exchange it, this counts as a taxable event and typically results in either a capital gain or loss. When you earn income from cryptocurrency activities, this is taxed as ordinary income.

Do I need to report crypto if I didn't profit? ›

If you buy crypto, there's nothing to report until you sell. If you earned crypto through staking, a hard fork, an airdrop or via any method other than buying it, you'll likely need to report it, even if you haven't sold it.

Is crypto counted as income? ›

Crypto income is taxed as ordinary income at its fair market value on the date the taxpayer receives it. Here are the most common examples of what is considered crypto income: Receiving crypto as payment for providing a service.

What asset type is cryptocurrency? ›

Crypto-assets (crypto) describe an asset class that includes cryptocurrency, digital tokens and coins. It does not exist physically as coins or notes, but as digital tokens stored in a digital “wallet”. These digital tokens rely on cryptography and technology such as blockchain for security and other features.

What type of asset is cryptocurrency considered? ›

Crypto assets are a digital representation of value that you can transfer, store, or trade electronically. This also includes non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Crypto assets are a subset of digital assets that use cryptography to protect digital data and distributed ledger technology to record transactions.

What type of capital gain is cryptocurrency? ›

The most common use of crypto is as an investment, in which case the crypto asset is a capital gains tax (CGT) asset. If you acquire a crypto asset as an investment, transactions such as disposal or exchange or swap are a CGT event and you may make a: capital gain.

Is crypto considered equity? ›

At a fundamental level, stocks and cryptocurrencies are wildly different financial instruments. Stocks are shares of ownership in publicly traded companies. Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that represent the value of decentralized digital networks. One is equity, the other is largely software.

How do you write off crypto losses? ›

You calculate your loss by subtracting your sales price from the original purchase price, known as "basis," and report the loss on Schedule D and Form 8949 on your tax return. If your crypto losses exceed other investment gains and $3,000 of regular income, you can use the rest in subsequent years, Greene-Lewis said.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.