Crypto Tax Guide | TaxBit (2024)

The IRS released its first cryptocurrency guidance in 2014 and specified this asset class is taxed as property. Since that time, the crypto community has seen increased enforcement, audits, and pending regulations – and TaxBit has helped millions of taxpayers automate and file their cryptocurrency taxes.

The question of whether or not a taxpayer deals in crypto assets (also referred to as “virtual currency ” and officially now “digital assets”) is now placed front-and-center for millions of Americans to see. The U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040) for 2022 asks,

“At any time during 2022 did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award, or payment for property or services); or (b) sell, exchange, gift, or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?”

Understanding digital asset tax liabilities may be confusing, especially in regard to blockchain jargon such as “airdrops,” “staking,” etc. But as a taxpayer or an enterprise leader, it’s your responsibility to stay educated on potential tax liabilities for dealing with digital assets such as BTC, ETH, NFTs, etc. Regulators are taking notice – especially as an estimated $50 billion worth of crypto taxes have gone unreported.

How does the IRS classify crypto?

The IRS 1040 Form Instructions note the following description of crypto, referred to holistically as “digital assets”:

“Digital assets are any digital representations of value that are recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger or any similar technology. For example, digital assets include non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and virtual currencies, such as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. If a particular asset has the characteristics of a digital asset, it will be treated as a digital asset for federal income tax purposes.”

By prominently highlighting the question of whether a taxpayer has dealt with digital assets in the broadest sense on Form 1040, the IRS has indicated there’s no longer room for taxpayers to claim they were unaware that crypto transactions need to be reported. If a taxpayer checks Yes, then the IRS looks to see if Form 8949 (which tracks capital gains or losses) has been filed. If the taxpayer fails to report their taxable cryptocurrency transactions, the IRS may impose a penalty on any underreported taxes.

Are all crypto transactions taxable?

No, not every crypto transaction is taxable. The following activities are not considered taxable events:

  • Buying digital assets with cash

  • Transferring digital assets between wallets or accounts that you control

  • Gifting cryptocurrency (excluding large gifts that could trigger other tax obligations)

  • Donating cryptocurrency, which is actually tax deductible

What crypto transactions are taxable?

The following crypto activities are taxable events:

  • Selling digital assets for cash

  • Trading one type of digital asset for another

  • Using crypto as payment

  • Mining or staking crypto

  • Receiving airdropped tokens

  • Getting paid in crypto

  • Receiving interest or yield in crypto

When you sell, trade, or use crypto as a form of payment, you dispose of digital assets; that disposal could result in gain or loss depending on your cost basis in the units disposed of and the value of the digital assets at the time of disposal. Regardless of whether you had a gain or loss, these transactions need to be reported on your tax return on Form 8949.

When you receive cryptocurrency from mining, staking, airdrops, or a payment for goods or services, you have income that needs to be reported on your tax return. The amount of income you report establishes your cost basis.

What is cost basis?

Cost basis is the original purchase or acquisition price of an asset. If you purchase 1 BTC for $10,000, that is your cost basis which is then used to calculate any capital gain or loss from disposing of it thereafter. Tracking cost basis across the broader cryptoeconomy can be difficult, as assets are transferred across different wallets and exchanges.

At TaxBit, we have found that come tax season, customer support issues regarding “missing cost basis” dominates the industry at large. It is for this reason that TaxBit and other industry leaders are partnering to solve this widespread issue. TaxBit is building the industry-leading solution for tracking cost basis across a network of top exchanges, wallets, and platforms.

What is a Form 8949?

Form 8949 is used to track the Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets. In other words, Form 8949 is used to track capital gains and losses for assets such as cryptocurrency. On Form 8949, a taxpayer details the number of units acquired, their dates of acquisition and disposal, cost basis, and any capital gain or loss.

Capital gains and losses are taxed differently according to whether an asset was held for more than one year. Long-term capital gains for assets held longer than one year are taxed more favorably compared to short-term capital gains for assets held less than one year.

How to determine crypto gains or losses

Whether you have a gain or loss on the disposal of a digital asset depends on the value of the asset at the time of disposal measured against the cost basis of that asset.

In late 2019, the IRS issued guidance on acceptable cost-basis methods for calculating gains and losses on cryptocurrency. The IRS guidance specifically allows for only two cost-basis assignment methods:

  • First in First Out (FIFO)

  • Specific Identification

What is FIFO (first in, first out)?

First-in, First-out (FIFO) is a method of assigning the cost basis where the oldest unit of crypto you own is sold or disposed of first.

What are the potential benefits of FIFO?

FIFO currently allows the universal pooling of assets, which makes this an easier method to apply than Specific Identification.

The IRS FAQs don’t specifically address what method is required for FIFO, so a taxpayer can use either approach – pool all their accounts together or prepare separate FIFO calculations for each wallet or account.

You can weigh your options, but if the exchange issued a Form 1099 to you, then it probably used a by-exchange approach. The same approach is likely easiest when completing your personal tax forms and could also reduce the chance of an audit because your return will match the information that the exchange provided to the IRS.

What is Specific Identification?

Taxpayers can also elect to use Specific Identification. Specific Identification allows you to select which particular cryptocurrency unit is being disposed of in a transaction so as to minimize any gains or obtain losses.

In the following example, you purchase 1 BTC at a price of $5,000 on June 1, 2023. On August 1, 2023, you purchase an additional 1 BTC at a price of $7,000. Later, you sell 1 BTC for a price of $10,000. Using Specific Identification, the taxpayer can choose to dispose of the 1 BTC with the highest cost basis first as an approach called HIFO (highest, in first out) – so as to minimize capital gains.

So instead of tracking the proceeds of the $10,000 sale for 1 BTC against the unit purchased at $5,000 on June 1, 2023, the net capital gains are matched against the unit purchased at $7,000 on August 1, 2023. In this case, Specific Identification and HIFO enable a taxpayer to minimize their net capital gains liability by $2,000.

What are the requirements for Specific Identification?

The IRS, however, has imposed requirements upon taxpayers that want to use Specific Identification.

First, a taxpayer must, “show (1) the date and time each unit was acquired, (2) your basis and the fair market value of each unit at the time it was acquired, (3) the date and time each unit was sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of, and (4) the fair market value of each unit when sold, exchanged, or disposed of, and the amount of money or the value of property received for each unit.” In simpler terms, the IRS requires a complete set of transaction records when a taxpayer wants to use Specific Identification.

Second, the IRS guidance requires that Specific Identification be done on a per account and per wallet basis. TaxBit provides support for Specific Identification on a per account or wallet basis in order to legally minimize users' taxes and reconcile to any Forms 1099 issued by exchanges. TaxBit automates the process by specifically identifying, by exchange, the assets with the highest cost basis for disposition to reduce taxable gains.

Although HIFO by exchange is the most common approach for optimizing taxes under the Specific Identification method, HIFO isn’t the only option. Taxpayers could choose to assign their cost basis under a different method such as Last In, First Out (LIFO), but this approach typically makes little sense because they would likely end up with a larger tax bill.

Tax forms issued by cryptocurrency exchanges

A cryptocurrency exchange could issue Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-B, and/or Forms 1099-K to its users. Regardless of whether any of the below forms are issued, taxpayers are always responsible for reporting any and all digital asset income, gains, and losses on their annual income tax return.


The Form 1099-MISC is used to report ordinary income that will be taxed according to your personal income tax bracket. This form provides information for a wide range of income payments such as crypto earnings, referral bonuses, staking, yield generation, mining, airdrops, hard forks, and other income received through a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. If you’ve received $600 or more this year in crypto earnings or bonuses, a 1099-MISC will likely be made available by the platform that issued the payments (most top exchanges provide them).


A Form 1099-B is used to report the disposal of taxpayer capital assets to the IRS. Traditional financial brokerages provide 1099-B Forms to customers, but cryptocurrency exchanges have not been required to do the same in the past.

A law passed by Congress in 2021 will soon require digital asset brokers to report users’ capital gains and losses via Form 1099-B (or another form specific to digital assets called 1099-DA). When digital asset brokers begin providing 1099 Forms to customers, it will become much easier for taxpayers to know their tax liability and ultimately file Form 8949. Gains reported on Form 8949 are taxed pursuant to capital gains treatment instead of ordinary income.


Digital asset brokers, as outlined in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will be required to significantly expand tax information reporting. Digital asset brokers will be required to report customers’ transfers and original cost basis – for both broker to broker and broker to non-broker (or external wallet address) transfers – in a new form called the 1099-DA (digital assets) to both individuals and the IRS. The final format of the 1099-DA is not yet released but is expected to be clarified soon.

How are exchange and network transfer fees taxed?

Millions of Americans have participated in the cryptoeconomy – buying, selling, or transferring digital assets. These activities typically require fees to be paid as part of the transaction, either to a centralized exchange or as a network transaction fee to the validators confirming the transactions on a blockchain. For many, the question is how those fees are treated for tax purposes – can they be deducted, or do they provide any potential benefit?

Fees incurred in conjunction with the acquisition or disposition of a crypto asset provide some tax benefit. Whenever crypto is bought or sold (or converted to another asset) on a centralized or decentralized exchange, the U.S. tax code permits fees paid with respect to those transactions to be taken into account for tax purposes.

Fees incurred simply with the transfer of crypto assets among accounts or non-custodial wallets likely provide no tax relief because they are not directly connected to the acquisition or disposition of property.

What is the tax rate for crypto?

The United States distinguishes between two main types of income—ordinary income and capital gain income. Capital gain income can be long-term or short-term. If you’re receiving crypto as payment for goods or services or through an airdrop, the amount you received will be taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

If you’re disposing of your crypto, the net gain or loss amount will be taxed as capital gains.

What are short-term capital gains?

If you hold a particular cryptocurrency for one year or less your transaction will constitute short-term capital gains. Short-term capital gains are added to your income and taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

What are long-term capital gains?

If you held a particular cryptocurrency for more than one year, you’re eligible for tax-preferred, long-term capital gains, and the asset is taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20% depending on your taxable income and filing status.

The specific income levels change annually, but we’ve provided a general breakout below:

  • If you’re in the 10% or 12% tax brackets based on your filing status, you’ll generally pay a 0% capital gain rate.

  • If you’re in the 22%, 24%, or 32% tax brackets based on your filing status, you’ll generally pay a 15% capital gain rate.

  • If you’re in the 35% and 37% income tax brackets, you’ll generally pay a 20% capital gain rate.

What is a tax loss carryforward?

The difference between capital gains and losses is called net capital gain or loss. If you have a net capital loss, you can deduct that loss on your tax return—up to $3,000 per year. If your net capital losses exceed $3,000, the portion over $3,000 is a capital loss carryforward and can be included in your capital gain calculation for the following tax year.

For example, if you had a net capital loss of $5,000 for tax year 1, you would deduct $3,000 of that amount on your tax return for tax year 1. The remaining $2,000 would be carried forward and used to calculate your net capital gain or loss for tax year 2. If you also had a loss in tax year 2, then the $2,000 carryforward could be used in tax year 3 along with any carryforward from tax year 2.

How can investors offset capital gains with capital losses?

The IRS allows investors to claim deductions on cryptocurrency losses that can lessen their tax liability or potentially result in a tax refund. Crypto losses must be reported on Form 8949; you can use the losses to offset your capital gains—a strategy known as tax-loss harvesting—or deduct up to $3,000 a year from your ordinary income (referred to as the allowable capital loss deduction).

When offsetting your capital gains with losses, pay attention to the holding period of the assets in the red. You’re only allowed to offset long-term capital losses against long-term capital gains and short-term capital losses against short-term capital gains. Once you’ve offset losses of the same type, your short-term losses are used first against your allowable capital loss deduction of $3,000. If, after using your short-term losses, you have not reached the limit on the capital loss deduction, use your long-term losses until you reach the limit. Any remainder above $3,000 will be carried forward into the next year, retaining its long- or short-term character.

How are crypto taxes enforced?

The IRS doesn’t say how it decides which tax returns to examine, but the assumption is that it will review the information provided on a tax return; such as the answer to the virtual currency question on Form 1040 or the information on Form 8949.

The IRS appears to pay close attention to individuals that received a Form 1099 from an exchange and will use its computer system to check the Form 1099 information against what a taxpayer reports on their tax return.

Notably, if a taxpayer answers No to the virtual currency question, or doesn’t include a Form 8949, and is issued a Form 1099 from an exchange, that taxpayer is more likely to be audited; the IRS now has information that may result in penalties on top of whatever additional tax may be owed. Honest answers are always recommended.

Other crypto tax considerations

How is crypto staking or mining taxed?

ETH staking rewards may potentially be taxed as income equal to the value of the coins at the moment of receipt. But without the ability to unlock funds until an eagerly-awaited network upgrade is complete, and given ETH’s price volatility, staking tax liabilities can be confusing. Without formal IRS guidance, a taxpayer may be able to reasonably argue that taxable income should be deferred until funds are completely unlocked.

Rewards or yield earned by staking other cryptocurrencies will be taxed as ordinary income – and the same applies to any income earned by mining on networks such as Bitcoin.

How are crypto airdrops or hard forks taxed?

Any crypto units earned by airdrops or hard forks should be taxed as ordinary income. Hard forks are similar to airdrops in that you can receive new coins, but they are fundamentally different occurrences. An airdrop is when new coins are deposited into your wallet or crypto exchange account, but a hard fork is an event where a single blockchain splits into two separate, parallel chains. Holders of coins on the original chain could also receive coins on the new unique chain after the hard fork’s split.

How are crypto debit card payments taxed?

Whenever you spend cryptocurrency it qualifies as a taxable event - this includes using a crypto payment card. If the price of crypto is higher at the time of a purchase than when you acquired it, the disposal of that crypto would be recognized as a capital gain and taxed accordingly. If you make purchases with your crypto debit card when your assets are in a loss position, you can actually use this capital loss to offset capital gains with a strategy called tax-loss harvesting.

How are crypto bankruptcies taxed?

In 2022, market turbulence and bankruptcies swept the crypto industry. Many users were left with inaccessible funds and severe uncertainty as to their tax situation.

From a tax perspective, if customers are not made whole in the bankruptcy, a tax deduction may likely be claimed, but only after payout from the company is made or known:

  • The deduction can be claimed once the amount of any payout is determined with reasonable certainty

  • The amount of the deduction should be equal to an individual’s investment (cost basis) in the lost crypto less the amount of any payout received

  • The deduction will likely be treated as an ordinary loss rather than a capital loss

How are crypto gifts and donations taxed?

The IRS makes a distinction between a donation and a gift for tax purposes dependent on who receives the cryptocurrency. If you send cryptocurrency to a qualified charitable organization, this is considered a donation, also referred to as a charitable contribution. If you send cryptocurrency to family, friends, or a crowdsource campaign for someone with medical bills, it’s considered a gift.

Neither gifting cryptocurrency to a friend nor donating cryptocurrency to an eligible charity are taxable events, but donating the crypto may have an additional tax advantage - depending on your situation, you may be able to claim a charitable deduction on your tax return for donated crypto. Learn more about donating or gifting crypto and its potential tax implications here.

How are crypto-to-crypto transactions taxed?

Exchanging one crypto for another is a taxable event, regardless of whether it occurs on a centralized exchange or on a DeFi exchange. If you trade 1 BTC for 10 ETH, for example, that would qualify as a taxable disposable of 1 BTC priced at the fair market value of the 10 ETH acquired in the transaction.

How are NFTs taxed?

NFTs qualify under the IRS definition of “digital assets.” As such, they are considered property and are thus subject to capital gains or ordinary income taxes. In addition, certain NFTs may be considered “collectibles” by the IRS and therefore would be subject to higher taxes than other capital assets. NFT stakeholders are eagerly awaiting formal IRS guidance on the matter of whether they should be taxed as “collectibles.”

How TaxBit Can Help

At TaxBit, we are building industry-leading solutions for digital asset compliance. Our technology is trusted by some of the world’s largest regulatory agencies, accounting firms, and Fortune 500 companies with features such as:

  • Scalability to handle tens of millions of transactions

  • A controlled environment to support robust control frameworks such as ISO 27001 or SOC 1 & 2

  • Audit support that is built with your auditors in mind

  • Leading expertise from our team of IRS, AICPA, and Big Four alumni

Contact us to learn more, explore partnership opportunities, or schedule a demo of our enterprise solutions.

As a seasoned expert in cryptocurrency taxation, I bring to the forefront my extensive knowledge and experience in navigating the complex landscape of digital asset taxation. Having closely followed the evolution of IRS guidelines since the release of the first cryptocurrency guidance in 2014, I have witnessed the increasing enforcement, audits, and pending regulations within the crypto community.

The article in question delves into various aspects of cryptocurrency taxation, emphasizing the need for taxpayers to be well-informed about their potential tax liabilities when dealing with digital assets such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The IRS, through the U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040) for 2022, explicitly asks taxpayers about their involvement with digital assets, leaving no room for claiming ignorance.

Key Concepts Discussed in the Article:

  1. Classification of Crypto by IRS: The IRS classifies cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, collectively referred to as "digital assets," as any digital representation of value recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger or similar technology. This includes NFTs, virtual currencies, and stablecoins.

  2. Taxable and Non-Taxable Crypto Transactions:

    • Taxable Events: Selling, trading, using crypto as payment, mining, receiving airdrops, and earning interest in crypto are considered taxable events.
    • Non-Taxable Events: Buying with cash, transferring between wallets, gifting (within limits), and donating crypto are not taxable events.
  3. Reporting Crypto Transactions:

    • The IRS Form 1040 includes a specific question about dealing with digital assets.
    • Form 8949 is used to report capital gains and losses from crypto transactions.
  4. Cost Basis:

    • Cost basis is the original purchase price of an asset, crucial for calculating gains or losses.
    • Tracking cost basis can be challenging in the cryptoeconomy due to transfers across different wallets and exchanges.
  5. IRS-Approved Cost-Basis Methods:

    • First In, First Out (FIFO)
    • Specific Identification
  6. Tax Forms Issued by Exchanges:

    • Cryptocurrency exchanges may issue Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-B, and 1099-DA.
    • These forms provide information on ordinary income, capital gains, and digital asset transfers.
  7. Tax Rates for Crypto:

    • Ordinary income tax rates apply to crypto received for goods or services.
    • Capital gains tax rates apply to gains from disposing of crypto.
  8. Tax Loss Carryforward:

    • Net capital losses can be deducted up to $3,000 per year.
    • Excess losses can be carried forward to offset future gains.
  9. Enforcement of Crypto Taxes:

    • The IRS reviews tax returns, paying attention to virtual currency reporting and Form 1099 information.
    • Honest reporting is crucial to avoid audits and penalties.
  10. Specific Considerations:

    • Taxes on crypto staking, mining, airdrops, hard forks, debit card payments, bankruptcies, gifts, and donations are discussed.
    • Each transaction type has specific tax implications, emphasizing the importance of accurate reporting.
  11. TaxBit's Role:

    • TaxBit is mentioned as an industry leader providing solutions for tracking cost basis across exchanges, wallets, and platforms.
    • The article highlights TaxBit's partnership with other industry leaders to address the challenge of missing cost basis during tax season.

In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for taxpayers and enterprise leaders, underlining the critical importance of understanding and complying with cryptocurrency tax regulations.

Crypto Tax Guide | TaxBit (2024)


How much will I be taxed on crypto? ›

‍Short-term capital gains tax: If you've held your cryptocurrency for less than a year, your disposals will be subject to short-term capital gains tax. For tax purposes, this is treated the same as ordinary income and can range from 10% - 37% depending on your income level.

What is the 30 day rule in crypto? ›

The same-day rule in share pooling determines the cost basis based on the cost of crypto acquired on the same day, helping prevent 'bed-and-breakfasting' tax avoidance. The 30-day rule states that if a crypto asset is sold and repurchased within 30 days, the cost basis is the purchase cost of the newly acquired asset.

How to avoid paying taxes on crypto? ›

9 Ways to Legally Avoid Paying Crypto Taxes
  1. Buy Items on BitDials.
  2. Invest Using an IRA.
  3. Have a Long-Term Investment Horizon.
  4. Gift Crypto to Family Members.
  5. Relocate to a Different Country.
  6. Donate Crypto to Charity.
  7. Offset Gains with Appropriate Losses.
  8. Sell Crypto During Low-Income Periods.
Mar 22, 2024

How does IRS track crypto gains? ›

Cryptocurrencies are traceable, with transactions recorded on a public ledger accessible to the IRS. The IRS uses advanced methods to track crypto transactions and enforce tax compliance. Centralized exchanges provide user data to the IRS. Use crypto tax tools like Blockpit for accurate reporting and compliance.

Do I pay taxes on crypto if I lost money? ›

If you held the asset for less than a year, it is considered short-term, and you will pay ordinary income tax rates. If you sell your crypto for a loss, the IRS allows you to offset losses against other income on your tax return. These so-called “realized losses” can be used to offset other taxable investment profits.

What is the new tax law for crypto in 2024? ›

2024 is the most important tax year for crypto investors to be reporting. For 2024, you still need to collect crypto data and properly report activity, including your cost basis. Starting in 2025, the IRS will have a "firehose of information" to verify whether past reporting was accurate, Gordon said.

Do you have to report crypto on taxes if you don't sell? ›

You can send any of your crypto between your personal wallets without paying any taxes; Even if you don't sell any of your crypto, you'd still need to answer the crypto question on Form 1040, including reporting your crypto income in your income tax return.

Which US state is crypto-friendly? ›

However, there is no tax for simply owning cryptocurrency. What states have no crypto tax? Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming have no state income taxes (although New Hampshire and Tennessee tax interest and dividends while Washington taxes capital gains).

What is the golden rule of crypto? ›

Investing in crypto, still a new and volatile asset class, follows many of the same rules as investing in other markets. The most important rule is never to invest more than you can afford to lose.

What is the 90 90 90 rule in crypto? ›

Understanding the Rule of 90

The Rule of 90 is a grim statistic that serves as a sobering reminder of the difficulty of trading. According to this rule, 90% of novice traders will experience significant losses within their first 90 days of trading, ultimately wiping out 90% of their initial capital.

What is the new IRS law on cryptocurrency? ›

Highlights. In 2025, the IRS will begin increasing its oversight of cryptocurrency transactions by requiring brokers to report investor sales and exchanges tied to such transactions.

Do I have to pay taxes on crypto if I don't withdraw? ›

The IRS works with contractors like Chainalysis to analyze publicly available blockchain transactions and crack down on tax fraud. There's no need to pay taxes on cryptocurrency unless you've disposed of it (ex. sold or traded it away) or earned crypto income (ex. staking & mining rewards).

How long do you have to hold crypto to avoid capital gains? ›

Short-term capital gains for US taxpayers from crypto held for less than a year are subject to going income tax rates, which range from 10-37% based on tax bracket and income. Long-term capital gains on profits from crypto held for more than a year have a 0-20% rate.

Does crypto mess up your taxes? ›

The IRS treats virtual currency as property for federal income tax purposes, according to its website. That means crypto is subject to capital gains and losses, which are typically taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.

Do you have to report crypto under $600? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

What states are tax free for crypto? ›

States without a personal income tax are generally favorable to individual crypto investors and can be considered crypto friendly states. As of 2023, eight states do not levy a state income tax on individuals. They are: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

Do I pay tax on my crypto? ›

How does tax on cryptocurrency work? When you sell an asset such as cryptocurrency, you need to calculate whether you made a capital loss (meaning you lost money on the sale) or a capital gain (meaning you made a profit), and this will determine the amount of capital gains tax to be paid.

Does crypto need to be reported on taxes? ›

The IRS treats cryptocurrency as “property.” If you buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrency, you're likely on the hook for paying crypto taxes. Reporting your crypto activity requires using Form 1040 Schedule D as your crypto tax form to reconcile your capital gains and losses and Form 8949 if necessary.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.