Crypto Regulation in the UK 2024 (2024)

Taxation of Crypto Companies in the UK

Cryptocurrencies aren’t considered legal tender and are therefore taxed as traditional assets. One of the rare exceptions is VAT application which is when cryptocurrencies are treated as fiat money. Crypto companies are taxed depending on the purpose of their activities.

Crypto companies are liable for paying the following taxes:

  • Corporation Tax (CT) –19%
  • Digital Services Tax (DST) –2%
  • National Insurance Contributions (NIC) –rates vary depending on employee’s earnings
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) –20%
  • Stamp Duty (SD) –0,5%

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What regulatory protections currently apply to cryptoassets in the UK

In 2024, the regulatory landscape for cryptoassets in the UK has been evolving to adapt to the growing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies and related technologies. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) plays a pivotal role in establishing regulations for the crypto market within the country. Here’s a detailed look at the regulatory protections currently applied to cryptoassets in the UK:

Overview of the Regulatory Framework

The UK’s approach to cryptoassets regulation has been cautious yet progressive, aiming to balance the promotion of innovation with the protection of consumers and the integrity of the financial system. The regulatory stance categorizes cryptoassets based on their characteristics and uses, leading to varying degrees of oversight.

Categories of Cryptoassets

The FCA identifies three types of cryptoassets:

  • Exchange tokens: These are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and are not regulated by the FCA for their buying, selling, or trading activities. However, anti-money laundering (AML) regulations apply.
  • Utility tokens: These provide access to a specific product or service but are not specified investments. While most utility tokens are not regulated, those that meet the definitions of e-money would fall under the FCA’s purview.
  • Security tokens: These resemble shares, debt instruments, or units in a collective investment scheme. They are regulated by the FCA, offering consumer protections similar to those applied to traditional financial assets.

Regulatory Measures

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF)

The FCA requires cryptoasset businesses to comply with AML and CTF regulations. Since January 2020, all UK-based cryptoasset firms must register with the FCA and demonstrate compliance with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLRs). This includes conducting customer due diligence, monitoring transactions, and reporting suspicious activities.

Consumer Protections

Although the FCA does not regulate all types of cryptoassets, it has issued warnings about the high risks associated with investing in them. The authority has also banned the sale of crypto-based derivatives and exchange-traded notes to retail consumers to protect them from the volatility and complexities of these products.

ICOs and Tokens

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and token sales are assessed on a case-by-case basis. If an ICO involves the offering of a security token or other regulated product, it would require compliance with the relevant financial regulations and may necessitate FCA authorization.

Advertising and Promotions

The UK government has announced plans to bring certain cryptoasset advertising under the FCA’s oversight to ensure it is fair, clear, and not misleading. This move aims to protect consumers from misleading claims and promote higher standards in the cryptoasset market.

Future Regulatory Developments

The UK’s cryptoasset regulatory framework is expected to evolve further, with ongoing discussions about extending the regulatory perimeter to include more types of cryptoassets and activities. The Treasury has consulted on the broader regulatory approach to cryptoassets, indicating a future where there is a more comprehensive regulatory regime designed to foster innovation while protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability.


The regulatory protections for cryptoassets in the UK reflect a cautious approach aimed at safeguarding consumers and the financial system without stifling innovation. By categorizing cryptoassets and applying targeted regulations, the UK is navigating the complexities of the crypto market. As the market evolves, so too will the regulatory landscape, requiring ongoing vigilance from both regulators and participants in the crypto space.

UK crypto regulation 2024

As of my last update in April 2023, any specific regulatory changes planned for 2024 in the UK’s cryptoasset sector were based on proposals, consultations, and the direction of regulatory intent expressed by UK authorities up to that point. Given this, I can project potential directions and focuses for UK crypto regulation in 2024 based on these trends and discussions. However, for the most current details, I recommend consulting the latest publications from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), HM Treasury, and other relevant regulatory bodies.

The Evolving Landscape of UK Crypto Regulation in 2024

The UK’s approach towards cryptoasset regulation has been gradually evolving to ensure consumer protection, market integrity, and prevention of financial crimes. By 2024, it is anticipated that the regulatory framework could be more comprehensive, reflecting the rapid developments within the crypto market and broader financial technology sector. Here’s an exploration of what UK crypto regulation might look like in 2024:

Enhanced Regulatory Clarity

  • Clearer Definitions and Categorizations: The UK may introduce more precise definitions and categorizations of cryptoassets, differentiating between tokens based on their use cases (e.g., exchange tokens, utility tokens, and security tokens) to apply tailored regulatory measures.
  • Security Tokens and Investment Regulations: Security tokens, resembling traditional financial instruments, could see more detailed regulatory guidelines, aligning them with existing securities laws and regulations.

Expanded Scope of Regulation

  • Broader Regulatory Perimeter: The regulatory perimeter might expand to include activities and cryptoassets not previously covered, such as certain DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), depending on their use and impact on the broader financial market.
  • Stablecoins and e-Money: With the increasing prominence of stablecoins, specific regulations could be developed to address risks associated with their use as a means of payment or store of value, potentially treating them similarly to e-money.

Consumer Protection and Market Integrity

  • Enhanced Consumer Protections: Measures to protect consumers from the high risks associated with crypto investments could be strengthened. This might include stricter requirements for firms marketing cryptoassets, ensuring clear risk communication, and possibly introducing compensation schemes.
  • Advertising Standards: Regulations around the advertising of cryptoassets could become more stringent, requiring clear, fair, and non-misleading representations, especially when targeting retail investors.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF)

  • Strengthened AML/CTF Regulations: AML and CTF regulations for cryptoasset firms are likely to be tightened, with enhanced due diligence requirements, better transaction monitoring, and stricter compliance checks.

Cross-Border Cooperation and Compliance

  • International Standards and Cooperation: The UK might seek closer cooperation with international regulatory bodies like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and align its regulations with global standards to tackle the cross-border nature of cryptoassets and prevent regulatory arbitrage.

Innovation and Support for the Crypto Sector

  • Regulatory Sandboxes: Expansion of regulatory sandboxes and innovation hubs to support the development of crypto and blockchain technologies, providing a safe environment for testing innovative products and services under regulatory supervision.
  • Guidance and Support for Businesses: Continued efforts to provide guidance and support to crypto businesses to navigate the regulatory landscape, encouraging responsible innovation and growth in the sector.


By 2024, the UK’s regulatory framework for cryptoassets is expected to be more developed, reflecting the dynamic nature of the crypto market and its integration into the broader financial ecosystem. While aiming to ensure market stability, prevent financial crimes, and protect consumers, UK regulators are also likely to continue supporting innovation and the responsible growth of the crypto sector. The exact regulatory changes and their implications would depend on ongoing developments, stakeholder consultations, and the adaptability of regulatory bodies to the fast-evolving crypto market.

What regulation applies to UK-based crypto-asset businesses?

In recent years, cryptoassets have become an increasingly significant element of the global financial system, which requires the attention of regulators and legislative bodies. The UK, as one of the world’s financial centres, is actively working on creating a legal framework to regulate business related to cryptoassets. The main purpose of such regulation is to ensure financial stability, protect investors, prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as promote innovation and maintain confidence in the cryptoasset market.

1. Registration and Compliance with FCA Requirements

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) plays a leading role in regulating crypto-business in the UK. Any cryptoasset company must be registered with the FCA and comply with established requirements aimed at combating money laundering (AML) and terrorist financing (CFT). This includes establishing customer identification procedures, monitoring transactions and reporting suspicious transactions.

2. Observance of the Rules of Behaviour

Cryptoasset firms must also comply with the FCA’s rules of conduct, which aim to protect consumers and ensure the fairness, transparency and integrity of financial markets. This includes requirements for clear and understandable disclosure of information about products and services, including the risks associated with investing in cryptoassets.

3. Regulation by Asset Type

The UK seeks to categorise cryptoassets by type for more precise regulation. For example, tokens that are used as mediums of exchange and investment tokens fall under different regulatory frameworks. Investment tokens that provide equity participation, dividend rights or other financial benefits may be treated as securities and subject to appropriate regulation.

4. Protection of Personal Data

Crypto-business regulation in the UK also includes strict personal data protection requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Companies must ensure that customer personal data is stored and processed securely, and that the rights of data subjects are respected.

Conclusion: In the process of adapting to the rapidly changing world of cryptoassets, the UK continues to develop and refine its regulatory legislation. The main objective of regulation is not only to protect market participants, but also to create conditions for the healthy development of the innovative sector of the economy. An important aspect is the balance between ensuring safety and promoting innovation, which requires regulators to be flexible and predictable in regulatory matters.

What regulatory protections apply to crypto?

In a world where digital assets are gaining popularity and becoming part of the global financial infrastructure, the issues of cryptocurrency regulation and protection are becoming increasingly important. Regulatory measures aimed at ensuring investor protection, maintaining the stability of financial systems and preventing illegal activities play a key role in integrating cryptoassets into the legal economic space.

1. Regulatory Authorities and Regulations

Different countries approach cryptocurrency regulation in different ways, but the underlying trend is a desire to adapt existing legislative and regulatory frameworks or develop new ones to address the unique challenges presented by cryptoassets. Bodies such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) are actively working to create and implement regulatory rules and guidelines for the crypto industry.

2. Measures to Combat Money Laundering (AML) and Financing of Terrorism (CFT)

One of the key objectives of cryptocurrency regulation is to prevent its use for money laundering and terrorist financing. In this context, companies dealing with cryptoassets are required to fulfil Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, keep records of transactions and report suspicious activity to the competent authorities.

3. Investor Protection

Protecting the rights and interests of investors is another critical area of cryptocurrency regulation. This includes ensuring transparency of transactions with cryptoassets, protecting against fraud and market manipulation, and guaranteeing the availability of reliable information about cryptocurrency projects and their issuers.

4. Security and Data Protection Standards

In the cryptocurrency industry, special attention is paid to security standards and the protection of users’ personal data. Regulatory requirements for data storage and processing, as well as for protecting infrastructure from cyberattacks, are aimed at minimising the risks of loss of funds or leakage of confidential information.

Conclusion: Regulation of cryptoassets is in constant evolution as regulators around the world strive to find the optimal balance between supporting innovation and ensuring the protection of market participants. International cooperation and exchange of experience is an important aspect, as cryptocurrencies do not recognise borders and require coordinated efforts for effective regulation. The development of a clear, balanced and adaptive regulatory framework will further enhance trust and security in cryptoassets.

What regulatory protections currently apply to crypto-assets held with centralised crypto exchanges for customers in the UK?

In the context of the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market, protecting customer assets held on centralised cryptocurrency exchanges is a key priority for regulators in many jurisdictions, including the UK. Cryptoasset regulation in the UK aims to ensure the transparency, safety and integrity of crypto-market transactions and to protect investors from fraud, abuse and financial loss.

Registration and Control of Cryptocurrency Exchanges Activities

The UK, through the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has established registration requirements for all cryptoasset firms, including centralised cryptocurrency exchanges. This obliges exchanges to undergo anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) compliance checks, as well as confirm their transparency and reliability as intermediaries in the cryptocurrency market.

Protection of Client Funds

One of the key aspects of regulating cryptocurrency exchanges is ensuring the protection of customer funds. Cryptocurrency exchanges are required to segregate company and customer funds by keeping customer funds in separate accounts. This minimises the risk of losing customer funds in the event of financial difficulties or bankruptcy of the exchange.

Storage and Safety Requirements

Centralised cryptocurrency exchanges are also subject to strict asset storage and security requirements. This includes the use of cold wallets to store the majority of assets offline, reducing the risk of cyberattacks and unauthorised access. Exchanges are also required to implement comprehensive cybersecurity and customer data protection measures.

Transparency and Reporting

To enhance market confidence, the FCA requires cryptocurrency exchanges to provide a high level of transparency regarding their operations, terms of use, and the risks associated with trading cryptoassets. Exchanges must provide regular reports on their activities, as well as information on the status of client funds and assets.

Protection against Fraud and Abuse

The UK is actively working to put in place mechanisms to protect investors from fraud and abuse in cryptoassets. This includes measures to identify and prevent suspicious trading activity, as well as providing recourse to judicial and regulatory authorities in the event of disputes or claims.

Conclusion: The regulation of centralised cryptocurrency exchanges in the UK aims to create a sustainable, safe and transparent environment for trading cryptoassets. Through comprehensive measures to protect customer funds and data, ensure transparency of transactions and combat fraud and abuse, the FCA aims to protect the interests of investors and support the healthy development of the crypto market in the UK.

What regulation applies to UK-based crypto-asset businesses?

In the context of the rapidly developing world of digital currencies, the regulation of cryptoasset business in the UK is of particular importance. The main goal of legislative and regulatory work in this area is to create conditions for the stable development of the cryptoasset market, ensure consumer protection, and prevent the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes, including money laundering and terrorist financing.

Regulatory Environment in the UK

Financial regulation in the UK, including cryptoassets, is carried out by several bodies, the most significant of which is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA is responsible for controlling and supervising the activities of cryptoasset companies to ensure that they comply with the established rules and standards.

Registration and Compliance

A key requirement for doing business in cryptoassets in the UK is mandatory registration with the FCA. This requirement applies to all firms and professional market participants providing cryptocurrency exchange services, as well as those involved in storing or transferring cryptocurrencies. During the registration process, firms must prove their ability to comply with legal requirements, including anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) measures.

Requirements for the Conduct of the Activity

The UK is focused on ensuring a high level of protection for investors and users of cryptoassets. Cryptoasset companies are required to provide clear and complete information about the products and services offered, the risks associated with their use, and the protection of customer data and funds. They are also charged with the responsibility to comply with accounting and financial reporting rules.

Measures to Combat Money Laundering

The FCA introduces strict requirements for crypto businesses in terms of customer identification and verification, transaction monitoring and suspicious transaction reporting. Companies must have effective internal controls and compliance systems in place to minimise the risks of cryptoassets being used for money laundering and terrorist financing.

Conclusion: Regulation of cryptoassets in the UK is aimed at creating a safe and transparent environment for all market participants. Strict adherence to regulatory requirements and standards is key to maintaining confidence in the cryptocurrency sector, its stable development and integration into a wide range of financial services. At the same time, regulators continue to adapt their approaches to supervising the dynamically developing cryptoasset market to meet changing conditions and challenges.

Crypto Regulation in the UK 2024 (2024)


Will crypto be regulated in the UK? ›

While this market continues to move at pace, UK regulation is progressing under a more gradual, phased approach to include various forms of cryptoassets. The intention is to implement a more expansive, comprehensive regulatory regime, underpinned by the Government's legislative plans.

What is the crypto law in 2024? ›

Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N. Y.) told the audience at a "Crypto4Harris" virtual event that he hoped to shepherd crypto legislation through Congress and have President Joe Biden sign the bill into law by the end of 2024.

Is crypto a good investment in 2024? ›

High potential returns: Cryptocurrency has the potential to provide returns greater than what you could see from the stock market. For example, while the S&P 500 had a return of about 18% in the period ending August 8, 2024, Bitcoin had a return of about 101% for the same period.

What will crypto market value be in 2024? ›

The cryptocurrency market is forecasted to reach $6.6 billion in 2024, with an estimated annual growth rate of -2.44%, leading to a projected total of $6.4 billion by 2025.

Are UK banks blocking cryptocurrency? ›

Almost half the UK's banks do not support cryptocurrency in any form, with most regulated banks blocking some transactions and exchanges.

Why can't i trade crypto in UK? ›

If you can't trade cryptocurrencies, it could be due to the FCA ban for IG UK retail traders. If you're not a UK retail trader but still can't trade cryptocurrencies, it could be because the market has been set to 'unlongable'.

What is the next crypto to explode 2024? ›

List of the Next cryptocurrencies to explode in 2024 : EarthMeta – Own and manage entire virtual cities within the Metaverse. BlockDAG – Uses Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for scalable blockchain transactions. Poodlana – Meme-based DeFi project with staking and NFT integration.

What is the crypto regulation 2025? ›

Regulation will include the following aspects:

Defining the status of cryptocurrencies: By 2025, governments may provide a clearer status for cryptocurrencies, categorizing them as assets, commodities, digital currencies, or something else, which will determine taxation and rules for their use.

Will crypto ever be legal? ›

You want to make sure you're not exposing yourself to scammers and hackers, but you also don't want to run afoul of state and federal regulations. As decentralized currencies, crypto is not and will likely never become banned in the U.S. Currently, the sale and purchase of cryptocurrency is legal in all 50 states.

Which crypto has 1000x potential? ›

The PEPU token is poised to cater to a massive audience thanks to its viral appeal, and the developers plan to engage the community through social media-driven campaigns. While still in its infancy, PEPU's low entry price makes it a strong contender for those hoping to capture 1000x gains.

Which coin will reach $1 in 2025? ›

More commonly known as Ripple, the XRP (CRYPTO: XRP) cryptocurrency seems to be in dire straits nowadays.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 62,518.99
2026$ 65,644.94
2027$ 68,927.18
2030$ 79,791.83
1 more row

What is the crypto report 2024? ›

From 2022 to 2024, crypto adoption remained steady across the United States (21%) and United Kingdom (18%). The percentage of crypto owners in France rose from 16% to 18%, while Singapore ownership dropped slightly, from 30% to 26%.

Will 2025 be a good year for crypto? ›

According to Matthew Webb, co-founder of, 2025 will be a year of “mostly prosperity for Bitcoin.” “However, I believe there will be some heavy turbulence. If a recession occurs, I could well see Bitcoin going as low as $30,000,” he said.

What is the Coinbase grant for 2024? ›

The CDP AI Builder Grants Program is five, $3000 USD grants ($15K USD total). To be eligible for one of these grants, projects must: Build AI bots that utilize Coinbase's MPC Wallets. Apply for a grant before the deadline on September 5th, 2024.

Is Coinbase regulated in the UK? ›

Coinbase is a regulated institution, deeply committed to compliance. We welcome regulation and are dedicated to working proactively and closely with the most sophisticated financial regulators in the world, including the FCA, to ensure we offer the most compliant, trusted, and secure platform for our customers.

Is crypto regulated in UK FCA? ›

Largely unregulated

It's true that crypto businesses operating in the UK do have to register with us and abide by our anti-money laundering rules, as well as our new marketing rules. The marketing of crypto is regulated, and you can help protect yourself by recognising regulated crypto marketing.

Is crypto com UK regulated? ›

Quick Take. has received authorization from the UK's financial regulator as an Electronic Money Institution.

Do you have to declare cryptocurrency in the UK? ›

Customers with cryptoassets will need to complete a Self Assessment tax return in pound sterling where: their total taxable gain is above the annual tax-free allowance. they receive cryptoassets from employment and Income Tax and National Insurance contributions have not been paid through PAYE.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.