Crypto Around the World: Which Countries Use the Most Cryptocurrency? (2024)

Ever since its inception, cryptocurrency has been a global technology. Projects like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have provided everyone across the globe equal access to non-sovereign digital currencies and DeFi (decentralized finance) services. As long as there’s a functional internet connection, it’s easy to store and use crypto assets.

While crypto is theoretically open to everyone, some nations are more enthusiastic about digital assets than others. Learning which countries use the most cryptocurrency may help understand how crypto adoption is spreading.

How does technology usually spread?

Cutting-edge technologies generally emerge in the wealthier world and then disseminate to less wealthy countries. A prime example of this is internet connectivity or smartphones, where in many less wealthy countries are at sub 50% adoption, whereas almost everybody is connected in a country like Singapore. This happens for a pleathora of reasons, including which countries historically lead in innovation and the fact that companies which spread the innovation generally seek markets which can make them the most amount of money.

Financial technology is no exception. Things like loans, credit cards, tap to pay, and more started in wealthier places before over time reaching the rest of the world.

So does crypto follow this trend? Unlike other technologies, crypto requires only an internet connection and doesn’t offer advantages to users based on their geography. It also may have more utility if an individual’s purchasing power is lower or their economy is weaker or more authoritarian. This and many factors cause crypto adoption, unlike most new technology, to spread more evenly around the world

Which countries use the most cryptocurrency?

Tracking crypto in every country is challenging, but blockchain analytics firms like Chanalysis have developed ways to gauge Web3 adoption in diverse regions. In its annual Global Crypto Adoption Index, Chainalysis uses the following five metrics to track crypto in hundreds of countries:

  1. Total cryptocurrency value on centralized crypto exchanges (CEXs): First, Chainalysis analyzes the number of money holders in cryptocurrency legal countries used in crypto CEXs like Coinbase and Binance.
  2. Retail trading on CEXs: This second metric focuses on the trading activity of non-institutional CEX users who transfer less than $10,000.
  3. Peer-to-peer crypto transaction volume: Next, Chainalysis monitors how often citizens in different countries use crypto in day-to-day transactions.
  4. Crypto value used in DeFi protocols: Analysts concentrate on the total amount of crypto that goes into the DeFi space by region.
  5. Retail activity in DeFi: Lastly, Chainalysis focus on how much crypto going into dApps (decentralized applications) came from retail traders in different nations.

It's essential to note that Chainalysis weighs all its findings using the "purchasing power parity" (PPP) standard, which takes into account the average purchasing power of citizens in each country. The lower a PPP score is for a nation, the less disposable income average residents have.

Chainalysis emphasized countries with lower PPP scores to better assess who’s placing most of their income into crypto. Although these residents may not put as much into crypto in pure dollar terms, they put a higher amount of their net worth into cryptocurrency.

Chainalysis found the following 10 countries to have the most substantial rates of crypto adoption in 2022 (in descending order):

  1. Vietnam
  2. Philippines
  3. Ukraine
  4. India
  5. United States
  6. Pakistan
  7. Brazil
  8. Thailand
  9. Russia
  10. China

This isn't the first time Vietnam has emerged as the most dominant nation in terms of crypto adoption. In fact, Vietnam also captured the top spot in Chainalysis’ 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index. Study authors suggested the significant reasons behind Vietnam's interest in crypto may be related to play-to-earn (P2E) gaming and NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

Vietnam is home to the company Sky Mavis, which is behind the NFT-based P2E game "Axie Infinity." The game’s success seems to have inspired more crypto start-ups in Vietnam. Also, recent data suggests roughly 2.1 million Vietnamese citizens hold an NFT, resulting in the country securing a position in the top five countries for NFT ownership.

The Philippines is another Southeast Asian country that has seen a surge in demand for crypto, again thanks to P2E games and NFTs. Many estimates suggest that 35-40% of the traffic on Axie Infinity comes from the Philippines. The game is so widespread in the Philippines that the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue introduced new crypto tax laws for Axie players in 2021.

In the case of Ukraine, the Russian invasion of 2022 forced many residents and policymakers to embrace cryptocurrency payments. Shortly after the war broke out, Ukrainian personnel created official crypto wallets to accept donations. At the start of 2022, Ukraine had already received $100 million in crypto donations. The Eastern European nation has also experimented with using NFTs to raise donations.

Which countries have the most crypto owners?

Without adjusting the PPP, the U.S. has the most crypto owners at roughly 13% of the population (or 46 million). Many 2021 surveys suggest at least 16% of Americans traded crypto. Plus, the U.S. was the only industrialized country in the top 10 of Chainalysis' 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index.

However, when analyzing the most crypto users by country per capita, Thailand appears to have the highest number of crypto holders. A 2021 report from Finbold found that 20% of Thai residents now hold some form of crypto. Nigeria, the Philippines, and South Africa were all tied for second place, with 19.4% crypto owners.

A few other nations with more than 10% of the population owning crypto as of 2021 include:

  1. Turkey
  2. Vietnam
  3. Indonesia
  4. Argentina
  5. Brazil
  6. Singapore

What are the most traded cryptocurrencies around the world?

Bitcoin remains the largest cryptocurrency by market cap and is the only digital asset that's accepted as legal tender in two nations (El Salvador and the Central African Republic). Given Bitcoin's size and history, it still tends to be the most popular choice for investors, businesses, and traders worldwide. Innovations like the Bitcoin Lightning Network and Bitcoin ATMs make BTC more accessible to citizens in various regions.

Although Bitcoin remains the world's top-performing cryptocurrency, stablecoin adoption has been on the rise in many countries. Chainalysis found that countries that use crypto for P2P transactions tend to rely on either Bitcoin or stablecoins. In 2021, the global market cap for USD-pegged stablecoins like USDC surpassed $100 billion, a growth rate of more than 500% from the previous year.

Despite the rise of competing smart contract blockchains, Ethereum's ether remains the top-performing altcoin (or non-Bitcoin cryptos). Currently, about half of the total cryptocurrency in DeFi is on the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum also has many of the most active metaverses, P2E games, and NFT markets in Web3. Following the Ethereum Merge and further integration with layer-2 solutions like Polygon, many crypto analysts believe ETH will remain a prevalent part of the Web3 ecosystem.

Is crypto more common in emerging markets?

According to reports like Chainalysis' Global Crypto Adoption Index, crypto is more common in emerging markets. The only two top 20 GDP per capita nations in Chainalysis' top 20 were the U.S. and the U.K. These results suggest crypto is most influential in less wealthy nations.

The United Nations also noted that the largest share of the global population that holds crypto is in emerging markets. Two reasons the UN gave for crypto adoption in less wealthy countries include remittance payments and a hedge against fiat inflation.

Why use crypto?

The reasons citizens choose to purchase cryptocurrency are often influenced by their home country's economic situation. While residents in developed nations may trade crypto for price speculation, those in developing regions could use crypto as a payment method.

Here are five common reasons cryptocurrency users buy digital assets:

  1. Inflation resistance: Bitcoin's halving schedule ensures a gradually decreasing inflation rate until the digital currency reaches a circulating supply of 21 million coins. People who believe BTC will grow to become a globally recognized currency often buy Bitcoin as a long-term inflation hedge. In many developing countries, citizens also turn to USD-pegged stablecoins to preserve their purchasing power relative to their nation's fiat currency.
  2. Remittance payments: Data from the Stellar Development Foundation and the news site PYMNTS suggest that 25% of remittance payments from the U.S. to other countries are in crypto. Another survey from the crypto project Stellar suggested more than 50% of respondents view crypto as a valid form of remittance payment.
  3. DeFi: Although DeFi activity fell in the 2022 bear market, there are billions locked in many decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges (DEXs) and crypto lending platforms. Ethereum still holds about 50% of the total crypto in DeFi, but other chains like the BNB Smart Chain, Solana, and Avalanche have begun introducing more DeFi dApps for Web3 users.
  4. Entertainment: Some people gravitate toward crypto for new entertainment opportunities, including P2E games, NFT collecting, and metaverse events. Research from suggests P2E games already have a $55 billion market cap, and banks like Citi value the metaverse at $10 trillion by 2030. As for NFTs, the market grew more than 20,000% from 2020 to 2021 to reach a peak of $17 billion.
  5. Price speculation and portfolio diversification: Many crypto traders view digital assets as volatile "risk-on" assets similar to a new tech company. Often, crypto investors in developed nations will buy crypto to take advantage of its volatility for short-term trading or as an alternative investment.

Wrapping up

Whether in a country that is wealthy or emerging, at WorldCoin, we aim to put a share of our crypto in the hands of everyone. We want to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the crypto economy. Subscribe to our blog to learn more about the cryptocurrency market.

I'm an enthusiast and expert in the field of cryptocurrency with a deep understanding of its technological underpinnings, market dynamics, and global adoption trends. My knowledge extends to various aspects of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article you provided.

The article discusses the global adoption of cryptocurrency and highlights the countries that lead in crypto adoption. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts mentioned:

  1. Global Nature of Cryptocurrency:

    • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) provide equal access to non-sovereign digital currencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) services globally.
    • As long as there's a functional internet connection, it's easy to store and use crypto assets.
  2. Spread of Technology:

    • The article compares the spread of cryptocurrency adoption to the spread of other technologies, noting that crypto adoption is more evenly distributed globally.
    • Unlike traditional technologies, crypto doesn't offer advantages based on geography and can be accessed with just an internet connection.
  3. Metrics for Tracking Crypto Adoption:

    • Chainalysis uses five metrics in its Global Crypto Adoption Index to track crypto adoption:
      • Total cryptocurrency value on centralized crypto exchanges (CEXs)
      • Retail trading on CEXs
      • Peer-to-peer crypto transaction volume
      • Crypto value used in DeFi protocols
      • Retail activity in DeFi
  4. Top 10 Countries in Crypto Adoption (2022):

    • Vietnam
    • Philippines
    • Ukraine
    • India
    • United States
    • Pakistan
    • Brazil
    • Thailand
    • Russia
    • China
  5. Factors Influencing Crypto Adoption in Specific Countries:

    • Vietnam's interest is attributed to play-to-earn (P2E) gaming and NFTs.
    • The Philippines experiences demand due to P2E games and NFTs.
    • Ukraine embraces crypto payments after the Russian invasion, using NFTs for donations.
  6. Crypto Ownership Statistics:

    • The U.S. has the most crypto owners (13% of the population or 46 million).
    • Thailand leads in crypto holders per capita, followed by Nigeria, the Philippines, and South Africa.
  7. Most Traded Cryptocurrencies:

    • Bitcoin remains the largest cryptocurrency.
    • Stablecoin adoption is rising, especially in countries using crypto for P2P transactions.
    • Ethereum's ether is the top-performing altcoin, with a significant presence in DeFi, metaverses, and NFT markets.
  8. Crypto Adoption in Emerging Markets:

    • Reports suggest that crypto is more common in emerging markets.
    • Reasons include remittance payments and a hedge against fiat inflation.
  9. Reasons for Using Crypto:

    • Inflation resistance
    • Remittance payments
    • DeFi activities
    • Entertainment (P2E games, NFTs, metaverse events)
    • Price speculation and portfolio diversification

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of global cryptocurrency adoption, emphasizing the diverse reasons and factors influencing adoption in different countries. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

Crypto Around the World: Which Countries Use the Most Cryptocurrency? (2024)


Crypto Around the World: Which Countries Use the Most Cryptocurrency? ›

🇺🇸 U.S. Note that if we were to rank countries based on their actual number of crypto owners, India would rank first at 93 million people, China would rank second at 59 million people, and the U.S. would rank third at 52 million people.

What countries use cryptocurrency the most? ›

🇺🇸 U.S. Note that if we were to rank countries based on their actual number of crypto owners, India would rank first at 93 million people, China would rank second at 59 million people, and the U.S. would rank third at 52 million people.

Which crypto has the most use? ›

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and is still the most well-known. It was created in 2009 and is currently the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Often seen as a way to store value, Bitcoin is seen by many as “digital gold.” It's considered a good investment with a long history of steady growth.

Who uses cryptocurrency in the world? ›

Cryptocurrency by Region

Data from 2023 suggests that 47% of Nigerians and Turks own or use cryptocurrency. In 2024, 30% of Argentinians own crypto. By contrast, only 16% of Americans own or use crypto. In terms of the distribution of crypto, more than half can be found in Asia (327 million).

What is the best country for crypto traders? ›

Which Countries are Considered the Most Crypto-friendly? Countries like Singapore, Switzerland, Malta, Estonia, and Portugal are often cited as crypto-friendly due to their favorable regulations, vibrant crypto communities, and supportive government policies.

Which country has the highest volume of cryptocurrency? ›

The 2023 Global Crypto Adoption Index Top 20
CountryRegionOverall index ranking
IndiaCentral & Southern Asia and Oceania1
NigeriaSub-Saharan Africa2
VietnamCentral & Southern Asia and Oceania3
United StatesNorth America4
16 more rows
Sep 12, 2023

Which continent uses cryptocurrency the most? ›

North America is the world's top crypto continent.

What is the number one crypto in the world? ›

Though thousands of cryptocurrencies are available today, bitcoin and ethereum still dominate the crypto world. Their market capitalizations comprise about 71% of the $2.37 trillion global crypto market.

What is the most trusted cryptocurrency? ›

1. Bitcoin (BTC) Created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, bitcoin (BTC) is the original cryptocurrency. As with most cryptocurrencies, BTC runs on a blockchain, or a ledger logging transactions distributed across a network of thousands of computers.

Which cryptocurrency has the most active users? ›

Coins with many active addresses
CoinRankChange % 24h
48 more rows

Which government owns the most Bitcoin? ›

Known Bitcoin reserves held by governments account for 2.7% of the total 21 million supply of bitcoins, with the largest being the US Government with over 210,000 bitcoins worth more than $13bn at the time of writing.

Who holds the most crypto? ›

Who owns the most Bitcoin in the world? The top Bitcoin holder is still believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, who reportedly holds around 1.1 million BTC across many wallets.

Who is really behind cryptocurrency? ›

Bitcoin was created by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto published a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," outlining the concept of a decentralized digital currency. 1 The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown to this day.

Which country is most interested in crypto? ›

According to Triple-A, Here are the top 10 countries with the highest rates of crypto ownership in 2023.
  1. United Arab Emirates (UAE) With 30.4% of its population owning cryptocurrencies, the UAE leads the pack in crypto adoption. ...
  2. Vietnam. ...
  3. United States (U.S.)
  4. Iran.
  5. Philippines.
  6. Brazil.
  7. Saudi Arabia.
  8. Singapore.
May 24, 2024

Which country doesn't tax crypto? ›

Switzerland. Switzerland is a famous tax haven, and crypto is no exception. Any crypto income or capital gains earned for individual investors are considered completely tax-free.

What percentage of the US population owns cryptocurrency? ›

Cryptocurrency awareness and ownership rates have increased to record levels: 40% of American adults now own crypto, up from 30% in 2023. This could be as many as 93 million people. Among current crypto owners, around 63% hope to obtain more cryptocurrency over the next year.

How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

Summary: As of 2024, there are about 420 million cryptocurrency users globally. Of these, approximately 1.5 million individuals possess more than 1 Bitcoin, which is just 0.36% of all cryptocurrency users.

Who is the richest Bitcoin trader? ›

Changpeng Zhao - @cz_binance (net worth of $33 - $56.3 billion) The CEO of Binance is one of the richest crypto investors. Zhao has been interested in technology and computer science since an early age.

Who owns most Bitcoin? ›

The anonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, reportedly possesses approximately 1 million Bitcoin, which are stored in multiple wallets. At the current price, the amount would be worth around $60 billion. Bitcoin has a maximum cap of 21 million, which makes Nakamoto one of the top Bitcoin owners.

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