Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (2024)

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (1)Barry Elad

Updated · Feb 15, 2023

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (2)

Page Contents

  • Introduction
  • (Editor’s Choice)
  • What is Crowdfunding?
  • Crowdfunding Benefits
  • Types of Crowdfunding
  • Top 6 Crowdfunding Platforms For 2023
  • General Crowdfunding Statistics
  • Crowdfunding statistics as of 19th January 2023 (Worldwide)
  • By Success Rate
  • Global Crowdfunding Statistics
  • By Transaction Value (with last 5-year analysis)
  • By Average Funding Per Campaign (With Last 5 Year Analysis)
  • By Country
  • By Region
  • By Funding Amount
  • By Industry
  • Conclusion


Crowdfunding Statistics: Crowdfunding is one of the most used methods to raise money in cases of projects and well as various causes. In recent years, this method has become more popular as online banking was associated with technology. People can now fund projects from anywhere around the world. Even individuals on small projects, NGOs, and organizations working for the social cause can take part in raising capital for the business. Therefore, to understand better, these Crowdfunding Statistics will help you in all ways to give you an insight into worldwide data written in different aspects.

(Editor’s Choice)

  • By the year 2028, the expected global crowdfunding market size will be $28.9 billion.
  • As of 2023, the average funding per campaign is around $7.26K.
  • The Crowdfunding segment will reach a transaction value of $4.49 million in the year 2023.
  • Crowdfunding campaigns with regular updates earn 126% more than those with no updates.
  • The transaction value is projected to grow at a CAGR OF 2.46% resulting in $1.21 billion by the year 2027.
  • On average, the Crowdfunding statistics say that nonprofit campaigns raise $9.237.55
  • 36% of Americans have no idea about crowdfunding.
  • If a campaign raises 30% of its goal within the first week, it is more like to gain funding as expected.
  • 17% of the share belongs to the funding made through mobile phones.
  • 78% of successful campaigns earn more than goals.

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a process of funding businesses or projects by raising money by means of the internet from around the globe. Crowdfunding is based on the project ideas, the persons who support the idea, and investors who invest in the projects. Crowdfunding can be used in industries such as travel, medical expenses, social entrepreneurship projects, and many other types of startups.

Crowdfunding Benefits

  • If successful, a Crowdfunding activity can help you earn 100% of the goal.
  • The process can also be called the promotion of the business which attracts various types of investors.
  • It is the modern concept of funding the business.
  • It is possible to know prospective loyal customers.
  • It supports brainstorming by allowing crowdsourcing.
  • Part of the marketing tool.
  • Gives proper market validation.
  • Reduces the risk of imbalanced finance for startups.
  • Possible capital gains.

Types of Crowdfunding

  • Donation Crowdfunding: In donation crowdfunding, the amount is raised specifically for communities, and social and charitable projects.
  • Equity Crowdfunding: In this type, the Crowdfunder usually invests money in return for shares or a small stake in the business.
  • Reward Crowdfunding: Reward Crowdfunding allows an investor to get non-financial benefits in return. Such as free gifts, record cover, tickets to any events, etc…
  • Debt Crowdfunding: On the other hand, debt crowdfunding allows the investor to invest in the business in return for financial benefits.

Top 6 Crowdfunding Platforms For 2023

  • Patreon is one of the best Crowdfunding platforms for 2023 in terms of the creative industry.
  • StartEngine is a better choice for investing.
  • One of the best crowdfunding platforms for nonprofit organizations is Mightycause.
  • SeedInvest Technology is a better choice in the case of startups.
  • GoFundme is one of the best crowdfunding platforms for individuals.
  • And considering the overall industry, Indiegogo is the best of all crowdfunding platforms.

General Crowdfunding Statistics

  • By the year 2028, the expected global crowdfunding market size will be $28.9 billion.
  • 57% of the startups don’t face any challenges in attracting investors.
  • 51% of the platforms don’t have any niche focus.
  • Social media is the key driver for promotion in the Crowdfunding market.
  • Crowdfunding statistics say that 42% of the funds are raised on the campaign's first and last three days.
  • 36% of Americans have no idea about crowdfunding.
  • 17% of the share belongs to the funding made through mobile phones.
  • The projected number of Crowdfunding campaigns in the year is 12,063,870.
  • On average, the Crowdfunding statistics say that nonprofit campaigns raise $9.237.55
  • On average, a crowdfunding campaign can last for nine weeks.
  • As of 2022, around 21 million people have crowdfunded the projects. Out of these, 7,196,196 have funded at least 2 projects.
  • Around the globe, a total of 81,351,044 times the amount for various projects was raised resulting in $6.7 billion.
  • As of 2021, an individual has funded 434 times on GoFundMe.
  • If women launch projects for crowdfunding, they are more likely to succeed than men.
  • As per the Crowdfunding statistics, in the United States of America, around 29% of the people are willing to invest in funding projects.
  • As of 2022, in the United States of America, there were 1,468 crowdfunding companies.
  • As of 2021, Kickstarter reported a 39.37% success rate.
  • On average, a crowdfunding company is in the business for more than 6 and a half years.
  • As of 2021, the most popular industry on Crowdfunding project was games featured on Kickstarter resulting in $1.8 billion raised funds.
  • The average donation amount to crowdfunding is $66.
  • 41% of the amount has been raised for individual projects.

Crowdfunding statistics as of 19th January 2023 (Worldwide)

Total successfully funded projects: 2,32,934

Projects according to funding raised :

  • Less than $1,000 = 29,851
  • $1,000 to $9,999 = 123,682
  • $10,000 to $19,999 = 33,761
  • $20,000 to $99,999 = 35,333
  • $100K to $999,999 = 9,612
  • $1 million = 695

Total unsuccessfully funded projects: 344,960

  • 0% raised = 56,138
  • 1% to 20% raised = 225,408
  • 21% to 40% raised = 35,721
  • 41% to 60% raised = 15,569
  • 61% to 80% raised = 6,668
  • 81% to 99% raised 5,454

By Success Rate

  • On average, 39% of the projects in Crowdfunding are successful while 61% go unsuccessful.
  • The average success rate of any Crowdfunding campaign is 22.4%.
  • If a crowdfunding campaign includes a video, it is more likely to earn 105% of funding than those without a video.
  • If a campaign raises 30% of its goal within the first week, it is more like to gain funding as expected.
  • Crowdfunding campaigns with regular updates earn 126% more than those with no updates.
  • 78% of successful campaigns earn more than goals.

Global Crowdfunding Statistics

  • The global Crowdfunding statistics for 2023 say that the highest transaction value will be received in the United States of America resulting in $451.30 million.
  • As of 2023, the average funding per campaign is around $7.26K.
  • The transaction value is projected to grow at a CAGR OF 2.46% resulting in $1.21 billion by the year 2027.
  • In the year 2023, the Crowdfunding segment is expected to reach $1.10 billion.

By Transaction Value (with last 5-year analysis)

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (3)(Reference: Statista)

  • According to Crowdfunding statistics, in the year 2017, the transaction value received was $1.20 million.
  • In the respective following years of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 the transaction value of global crowdfunding was $1.23 million, $1.22 million,$1.15 million, $1.21 million, and $1.08 million.
  • As of 2023, the transaction value is expected to reach $1.10 million. In the coming years, it will be increased to $1.13 million, $1.16 million, $1.19 million, and $1.21 million by the years 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027 respectively.

By Average Funding Per Campaign (With Last 5 Year Analysis)

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (4)(Reference: Statista)

  • Considering the 5 years analysis of Crowdfunding statistics on average funding per campaign, from the year 2017 to 2021, the average amount was pretty much balanced until the year 2020.
  • In the year 2017, the average funding per campaign received was $7.93 thousand. In the next respective years, the recorded amount was $8.24 thousand, $8.28 thousand, $7.54 thousand, and $7.56 thousand.
  • As of 2022, the average funding per campaign around the globe was $7.02 thousand.
  • In the coming years, it is projected that the amount will take a leap toward an upward ratio resulting in $7.26 thousand, $7.68 thousand, $8.07 thousand, $8.41 thousand, and $8.73 thousand in the years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027.

By Country

  • On average, the United States of America makes up 42% of the Crowdfunding industry, while the United Kingdom and Canada make up around 11% and 5% in the same category.


  • Mate X is the largest Indiegogo campaign around the world to raise the highest amount in the year 2022.
  • As of 2022, Surprise! Four Secret Novels Brandon Sanderson is the most successful Kickstarter project by the amount of raised funds.
  • As of 2022, 5,74,262 projected on Kickstarter were launched in the United States of America.


  • In the year 2023, the Crowdfunding segment is expected to reach $4.49 million.
  • As per the Indian Crowdfunding statistics, the average funding per campaign is around $2.94K as of 2023.
  • The Crowdfunding segment will reach a transaction value of $4.49 million in the year 2023

South Korea

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (5)(Reference: Statista)

  • As of September 2022, in South Korea, the highest number of investors is represented by people from the age group of 30 years to 39 years.
  • There 22% of the people from below the age of 30 years.
  • 26% of the investors in Crowdfunding in South Korea belong to people from the age group of 40 years to 49 years.
  • 10% of investors were from 50 years to 59 years of age group.
  • And only 2% belonged to 60 years and above.
Country# of Crowdfunding Funds Raised (in Billions)
United States$73.6
United Kingdom$12.6
South Korea$1.3

(Reference: ZIPPIA)

  • In the year 2021, Crowdfunding statistics say that the United States of America raised around $73 billion in funds from Crowdfunding.
  • The United Kingdom raised $12.6 billion while Brazil generated $5.3 billion.
  • Other countries in a similar period ranked for raising overall funds from Crowdfunding respectively are as follows: Italy ($1.8 billion), India ($1.7 billion), France ($1.6 billion), Germany ($1.5 billion), Indonesia ($1.4 billion), South Korea ($1.3 billion) and China ($1.1 billion).

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (6)(Reference: FinancesOnline)

  • According to Crowdfunding statistics and their transaction value, as of 2021, the United States of America ranked top for $504 million transaction value.
  • The United Kingdom generated a transaction value of $62 million.
  • While, France, Germany, and Australia were also listed respectively in the top countries in Crowdfunding based on the transaction value list of 2021 resulting in $52 million, $42 million, and $31 million.

By Region

ContinentCrowdfunding Revenue(in Millions USD)
North America$17,200.0
South America$85.7

(Reference: ZIPPIA)

  • As of 2021, North America recorded the highest Crowdfunding revenue resulting in $17,200 million.
  • In a similar period, Asia ranked second for earning a Crowdfunding revenue of $10,540 million.
  • Third place was bagged by Europe amounting to $6,480 million.
  • On a similar note, South Asia, Oceania, and Africa generated total crowdfunding revenue of $85. 7 million $68.8 million and $24.2 million respectively.

By Funding Amount

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (7)(Reference: ZIPPIA)

  • According to Crowdfunding statistics for 2021, the highest amount raised was $1,000 to $9.9K resulting in 115.7K.
  • There were 27.8k projects which generated less than $1,000 in funding.
  • Similarly, as of 2021 around 31.4K projects received Crowdfunding amounting to $10.K to $19.9K.
  • $20K to $99K were raised for around 32.6K projects.
  • Around 8.7K projects received $100K to $999K of funding while only 0.6K raised more than $1 million.

By Industry

Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (8)(Reference: FinancesOnline)

  • As of April 2021, the industry in which the highest number of projects was Film, with 926 projects.
  • Similarly, as of 2021, Technology had 392 projects registered for crowdfunding.
  • Other categories as of Crowdfunding statistics were art (358 projects), Music (342 projects), Publishing (326 projects), Comics and Graphic novels (288 projects), design (287 projects), Gaming (272 projects), Fashion (265 projects) and Writing (245 projects).
CategorySuccess rate
Comics & Illustration64%
Film & Video38%

(Reference: LenderKit)

  • According to the Crowdfunding statistics, the above chart explains the average success rate according to the type of industry.
  • The comics and Illustration industry has a success rate of 64% while the art industry has 47%.
  • Games, Design, Film, and video have a success rate of 45%, 41%, and 38% respectively.
  • The publishing business, Crafts, Food and tech startups have a success rate of 36%, 26%, 25%, and 22% respectively.


Considering the above Crowdfunding statistics, every almost start-up is able to gain some amount through Crowdfunding. Well, to reach the goal of raising the amount, it is necessary to properly plan the Crowdfunding campaign and use the proper platform as well as attract more investors. Even today, not all projects have successfully received Crowdfunding. Looking at the overall Crowdfunding statistics, almost every major country is able to earn a billion-dollar revenue by benefitting the project on a large scale. It is not always necessary that only big companies are eligible for funding, even if you are an individual with the talent to run a business, you can generate some amount using the appropriate platforms.


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  • Statistics
  • FAQ.

    What platforms can I use for Crowdfunding?

    You can use social media networks such as Facebook, and Instagram for raising money. Moreover, WhatsApp is also helpful to some extent. But more Crowdfunding focused platforms are Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and GoFundMe.

    How much can I earn in Crowdfunding for my project?

    It depends on the strategies, the idea of the business, and the platforms to decide how much will your projects earn. If you fail to impress investors, then Crowdfunding may go unsuccessful.

    Can I use social media networks for Crowdfunding?

    Yes, you can use social media networks for crowdfunding. But it will have a lesser response than those of authentic crowdfunding websites.

    Which is the best platform for Crowdfunding?

    GoFundme is the best platform for crowdfunding as it has 0% platform fees, moreover, the company has a policy of 100% refund of the amount to the donors in rare cases.

    Crowdfunding Statistics - By Country, Success Rate, Region, Funding Amount, Industry (9)

    Barry Elad

    Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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    Author: Domingo Moore

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    Name: Domingo Moore

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