Crossbreed Priscilla (2024)

"Why could thou not let us be? Didst thou not see why Ariamis created this world?"
— Priscilla, the Crossbreed
"なぜ、そっとしておいてくれないのです… そのための、このエレーミアス世界なのでしょう?
Why didn't you leave me alone...? This was the purpose of Eremias' world, wasn't it?"
— Half-Dragon Priscilla (Japanese)

Crossbreed Priscilla (Japanese: 半竜プリシラ, Hepburn: Hanryū Purishira, lit. 'Half-dragon Priscilla') is an optional boss found in the Painted World of Ariamis and a character in Dark Souls. She is initially non-hostile and will ask the player to leave the world without fighting.

Her soul can be used to ascend a +10 Halberd or Whip into the Lifehunt Scythe. As with other dragon bosses, the player can also obtain a special weapon by cutting her tail off during combat, Priscilla's Dagger.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Lore
    • 2.1 Dark Souls
    • 2.2 Dark Souls III
    • 2.3 Theories
    • 2.4 Artifacts
  • 3 Strategies
  • 4 Boss information
    • 4.1 Attacks
      • 4.1.1 Single Slash
      • 4.1.2 Double Slash
      • 4.1.3 Fairy Dust
      • 4.1.4 Invisibility
    • 4.2 Defenses
    • 4.3 Drops
  • 5 Dialogue
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Music
  • 10 Achievements/Trophies
  • 11 References
  • 12 Footnotes


Priscilla is a humanoid half-dragon roughly five meters tall. Her skin is extremely pale, her hair is stark white and she has a patch of fur beneath her hairline resembling an exaggerated widow's peak. This fur is framed by a row of small white spikes just above her brows.

She has a fluffy white articulate tail with draconic proportions that emerges between two layers of her gown, which is of the same furry texture. She is capable of turning invisible and walks barefoot despite the snowy terrain.

She speaks very softly, and attempts diplomacy with those who invade her world but prominently carries a large scythe capable of absorbing the life of her opponents for self-defense.


Dark Souls[]

Priscilla is a crossbreed of the dragon Seath and a human woman,[1][2][3] likely a result of Seath's many experiments in his search for immortality[4][5][6].

She was feared by the gods of Anor Londo and treated as an abomination[7] due to the fact that her own body was naturally infused with the occult power capable of killing them.[8][9]. She possessed also life-hunting powers and her lineage identified her as completely antithetical to the order and life of the gods[10].

Eventually Priscilla was sealed away from the world because she was considered "taboo"[11] into the cold and lonely Painted World of Ariamis, created by Ariamis with the purpose of leaving her alone[12]. The Painted World came to be protected by a specific order of Painting Guardians, such was the perceived threat she posed to the reigning Gods.[13] The Gods continued to use the Painted World as a prison, a place to seal away dangerous artifacts, abominations, sinners and Hollows. Eventually, Velka spread her influence inside the painted world, as she was the Goddess of Sin. Dozens of her cultist followers found refuge there, and potentially endeavored to protect Priscilla from the other Gods.[14][15][16]

When the Chosen Undead encounters Priscilla, she has come to see herself as a guardian of the Painted World, which she characterizes as "peaceful," and its "kind" inhabitants. She pities those trapped within the painting, as the outside world has treated them with hate and locked them away, like herself.[17] She is not hostile to visitors from the outside world, unless provoked, and will only ask them to leave in peace because they don't belong in there, and she will also deny anyone interested in her[18].

Dark Souls III[]

At some point Priscilla would become the "mistress" of the Painted World[19] and its inhabitants by extension, continuing to welcome the forlorn souls led into the cold world by the tales of heretical storytellers[20], her Lifehunt Scythe becoming the symbol of a long-lost home[21]. The humanoid corvians who continued to find refuge in the painting would then form a small village, complete with a library[22] and knights, developing a high understanding of the First Flame and the Dark Soul[23], using the Flame to "restore" the Painted World when it was corrupted from time, to avoid the fate of the stagnating outside world[24][25]. For this purpose, a "Father" was chosen among the corvians who would have to tend to the Flame present in the Painted World to burn it when the time was right[26] and prepare the next one by restoring the painting[27].

Priscilla would also have a daughter[28] who would inherit her draconic traits[29], along with her high levels of knowledge about the First Flame and the Dark Soul[30], becoming a "painter" with the abilities to harness the two forces[31] and paint Painted Worlds[32].


  • It is possible to theorize that Gwyn had a relationship with Priscilla and from their union Gwyndolin was born, the last son of the king of the gods, for several reasons:
    • Gwyndolin is the last child of Gwyn[33] but Yorshka, an half-dragon, is his younger sister[34], confirming that they share a mother. Since the two siblings both possess draconic traits their common mother should have possessed draconic traits herself for them to inherit them partially[35][36][37].
    • Gwyndolin inherited the unique magic of the moonlight of Seath[38], as his grandfather, and would have become a strong moon sorcerer[39], something peculiar for the lineage of Gwyn connected to the power of the Sun.
    • Gwyndolin's final thoughts of a "white girl", as he was devoured by Aldritch, allow the creation of a miracle that replicates the Lifehunt Scythe of Priscilla[40], and, as miracles are tales of the gods, it would mean that Gwyndolin had a special relationship with Priscilla and remembered her before his death.
    • Gwyndolin's legitimacy as a deity came only from the fact that he was the son of King Gwyn[41], thus implying that his mother alone would not have granted him the right to be part of the deities, as she was not one.
    • The fact that Gwyndolin was Priscilla's son, as she was hated and feared by the gods[42], would explain why Gwyn would dress, educate and raise him to be a female[43], as the king of the gods would never have wanted him to be able to ascend the throne with his dangerous lineage.
  • Although it is considered a popular theory, Priscilla cannot be the daughter of Seath and Velka for several reasons:
    • Priscilla's body is biologically infused with occult power[44] capable of killing gods[45]. Velka, although capable of manipulating this power to infuse the weapons of her priests[46], cannot possess it naturally, as it is impossible for a member of the race of gods to be infused with a power capable of killing them.
    • Priscilla possesses the power of lifehunt[47], similar to that of the lifedrain power of the Dark Hand of ancient humans[48], a power that was not in possession of the gods and that they feared.
    • Priscilla was considered an abomination, a taboo and "antithesis of every lifeform"[49]. This indicates that his mother cannot be a deity, the embodiment of the order of life of the world governed by Gwyn's clan, making the crossbreed the antithesis of "life" as she is descended from dragons and humans and therefore completely opposed to the race of the gods.
    • Priscilla is considered an abomination and feared by the gods[50], but Shira, legitimate daughter of the Duke and a deity[51] had been normally legitimized and had become knight of Gwyn's last daughter, confirming that if the crossbreed had been the daughter of a deity, even if out of Seath's marriage, the reaction of the gods would have been more moderate.
    • Seath's obsession was to become Immortal by finding an alternative to his lack of Dragon Scales[52], as demonstrated by his experiments on humans like the Man Serpents and the Pisacas. Consequently, having a daughter outside of marriage with a goddess, who although strong remains mortal unlike "humans", would have no advantage in achieving his goal.



  • It is wise to move into position prior to starting, since she is initially neutral. If Priscilla's Dagger is desired, it is recommended to go for her tail first, as there will be an opportunity to get a few free hits in before she attacks.
  • She will become invisible as soon as she is attacked. When she is invisible, the most reliable way to determine her location is to watch for the large footprints that she leaves behind in the snow. Care should be taken, since approximately half of the staging area is not covered in snow.
  • She will turn visible again when her Poise is broken. If Priscilla is hit with any Pyromancies or fire dealing weapons, she will re-appear more quickly. Also, if the player successfully hits her with an arrow or a Throwing Knife, they will stick to her body for a while, revealing her position.
  • Priscilla's attacks can inflict Bleed at an alarming rate. It is advisable to equip items that reduce bleeding status and have plenty of Bloodred Moss Clumps ready.
    • The Bloodbite Ring is especially effective for reducing any Bleed buildup inflicted upon damage.
  • Players should re-position themselves when Crossbreed Priscilla strafes the player in an attempt to flank them. Players or summons that have aggroed Crossbreed Priscilla and turn their back on her while trying to gain some distance can get easily stun-locked by her combo attacks and will certainly die if the Bleed meter is filled.
  • Once you initiate the fight, if you lock on while she's turning invisible, your targeting reticle will briefly follow her when she jumps away from the spot she turns invisible. This can grant you an opportunity to turn her visible quickly, provided you can stagger her in one shot (such as with a powerful Great Combustion).
  • A common problem players have while looking to cut off Priscilla's tail is that they may already be too strong, her before they can break her poise.
    • A simple workaround consists in attacking her with arrows. After about three or four successful hits, Priscilla will turn visible again. Additionally, those arrows that have connected will stick to her body, giving away her position and making it easier to connect more hits.
    • An alternate method consists in using the Dragonslayer Greatbow, which guarantees staggering Priscilla and turn her visible with just one hit, even if the player doesn't have the required stats to wield the weapon properly.

Boss information[]


Single Slash[]

Crossbreed Priscilla (1)Crossbreed Priscilla (2)Crossbreed Priscilla (3)Crossbreed Priscilla (4)Attack TypeStatusParryableTrackingSpeed
360000SlashBleed: 80%NoBothMedium

This is a single attack that has good forward range and tracks quite well to both sides. While it is fairly damaging, it can be blocked but not parried. This attack also causes Bleed upon hitting or being blocked.

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Crossbreed Priscilla (5)

Double Slash[]

[note 1]

Crossbreed Priscilla (6)Crossbreed Priscilla (7)Crossbreed Priscilla (8)Crossbreed Priscilla (9)Attack TypeStatusParryableTrackingSpeed
490000SlashBleed: 80%NoNeitherMedium

Virtually the same as the Single Slash, but with two slashes instead, once from right to left and then left to right. There is a large gap between attacks, and can also track the player.

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Crossbreed Priscilla (10)

Fairy Dust[]

Crossbreed Priscilla (11)Crossbreed Priscilla (12)Crossbreed Priscilla (13)Crossbreed Priscilla (14)Attack TypeStatusParryableTrackingSpeed

After a short delay, Priscilla blows a concentrated cloud of blue particles directly in front of her or in a sweeping motion. The resulting cloud lingers for a few seconds afterward. This attack deals a large amount of damage and is difficult to block.

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Crossbreed Priscilla (15)

Crossbreed Priscilla (16)


Priscilla turns invisible, whilst still being able to attack the player. Leaves large footprints in the snow.

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Crossbreed Priscilla (17)


Physical DefensesElemental DefensesResistances
Crossbreed Priscilla (18)Crossbreed Priscilla (19)Crossbreed Priscilla (20)Crossbreed Priscilla (21)Crossbreed Priscilla (22)Crossbreed Priscilla (23)Crossbreed Priscilla (24)Crossbreed Priscilla (25)Crossbreed Priscilla (26)Crossbreed Priscilla (27)

These stats are sourced from FuturePress's Official Dark Souls Strategy Guide.


ItemCrossbreed Priscilla (28)
Soul of Priscilla
Crossbreed Priscilla (29)
Priscilla's Dagger
Drop RateGuaranteedSever Tail


Click to see dialogue (contains spoilers)
GreetingWho art thou? One of us, thou art not. If thou hast misstepped into this world, plunge down from the plank, and hurry home. If thou seekest I, thine desires shall be requited not.

あなたは、誰? 私たちの仲間では、ないのでしょう? もしあやまって、迷い込んだのなら その先を飛び降りて、戻ってください そしてもし、私を求めてきたのなら それは許されることでは、ないのです… あなたは、あなたの世界に戻ってください

Who are you? You're not one of us, are you? If you got lost here by mistake... Jump down past that point and go back. If it's me you want... I can't let you.

TalkThou must returneth whence thou came. This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, but thou dost not belong. I beg of thee, plunge down from the plank, and hurry home.

あなたは、あなたの世界に戻ってください ここは静かで、皆優しげですが あなたの世界ではないでしょう? どうか、その先を飛び降りて、戻ってください

Please go back to your world. I know it's quiet here and everyone's kind, but it's not your world, is it? Please jump down past that point and go back.

Attacking herI expected as much from thee. Why dost thee hurry toward thine death?

あなたも、やはりそうなのですか どうして皆、死に急ぐのでしょうか…

You are like that too... I expected it. Why is everyone in such a hurry to die...?

Killing the playerWhy could thou not let us be? Didst thou not see why Ariamis created this world?

なぜ、そっとしておいてくれないのです… そのための、このエレーミアス世界なのでしょう?

Why didn't you leave me alone...? This was the purpose of Eremias' world, wasn't it?

Killing herAhh... But, why... What seeketh thee?

ああ… あなたは、なぜ…何を望むのですか…

Aah... Why do you... What is it you want...?


  • If she is hostile to the player, attempting to leave by jumping off the ledge will result in death instead of exiting the Painted World. The only two ways to leave the world if she is hostile is to kill her, as it is impossible to warp out of the Painted World with the Lordvessel or to not have used the bonfire in the Painted World, so that the player can warp out with the use of the Homeward Miracle or a Homeward Bone. However, Homeward and Homeward Bones can only be used to exit the Painted World if it was entered by warping with the Lordvessel, as using either after entering through the painting sends the player to the bridge at the start of the area.
  • Priscilla cannot be attacked while in her vanishing animation. This should be taken in consideration by players looking to cut off her tail.
  • Having sins absolved by Oswald of Carim will return her to neutral, enabling the player to cut her tail, but keeping the Painted World as a place for invasions if desired.
  • The visual effect of Poison or Toxic can be used to track Priscilla when she's invisible. Striking her with Lightning weapons will also produce a visual effect indicating her location.
  • A Dark Souls III character named Yorshka resembles Priscilla in her general appearance, her draconic features, and her voice. She also shares Priscilla's associations with snow, incarceration, Anor Londo, and the Darkmoon covenant. Yorshka is friendly to the player and incapable of combat.


  • According to a developer interview, Crossbreed Priscilla was initially meant to become the main heroine, similar to the Maiden in Black and Emerald Herald, and she was originally meant to be present in Firelink Shrine. However, this role was scrapped and replaced by the characters known as Firekeepers.[53]
    • Priscilla has unique and unused sitting and standing animations,[54] probably left over from her previous iteration as a friendly character.
  • She is voiced by Clare Corbett, who also voiced the Undead Female Merchant and Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight.


Crossbreed Priscilla (30)


Crossbreed Priscilla (31)


Crossbreed Priscilla (32)

Size comparison between the Chosen Undead and Priscilla

Crossbreed Priscilla (33)

Concept art

Crossbreed Priscilla (34)


Dark Souls — Crossbreed Priscilla by Motoi Sakuraba



  1. Soul of Priscilla Japanese translation: "Soul of Priscilla, the white half-dragon, trapped inside the Painted World of Ariamis. Use the soul of this half-dragon, children of an adultery and antithesis of every lifeform to acquire a huge amount of souls, or to create a unique weapon." which confirms how her father was Seath, (as he is the only dragon which is ever called "white" or "pale" in Dark Souls) and that Priscilla was the result of a relationship outside of the Duke's marriae with one of the gods as she was not a legitimate child.
  2. Priscilla's Dagger deals Occult damage meaning that Priscilla's body naturally contains the occult power that could kill the gods and Soul of Priscilla describes her as antithesis of every lifeform, as she was born from a human and dragon, and thus entirely opposite to the order of the gods
  3. Unlike Shira, Knight of Filianore, who is the daughter of Seath and a god and was accepted by Anor Londo, Priscilla was treated as an abomination and feared by the gods, implying her mother could have not been a god.
  4. Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly description
  5. Pisaca drops and appearance and Archive Tower Giant Cell Key description
  6. Man Serpent apperance and locations.
  7. Lifehunt Scythe and Peculiar Doll descriptions.
  8. Priscilla's Dagger deals Occult damage meaning that Priscilla's body naturally contains Darkness
  9. Dark Ember description.
  10. Soul of Priscilla and Lifehunt Scythe descriptions.
  11. Priscilla's Dagger description.
  12. Crossbreed Priscilla dialogue.
  13. Painting Guardian Set description
  14. Painted World of Ariamis#Items
  15. Vow of Silence, Ring of Sacrifice and Velka's Rapier drop inside the Painted World.
  17. Crossbreed Priscilla dialogue and Crow Demon
  18. Crossbreed Priscilla dialogue.
  19. Great Corvian Scythe description.
  20. Storyteller's Staff description.
  21. Friede's Great Scythe description.
  22. Contraption Key description.
  23. Forlorn Corvian Settler (character) dialogue.
  24. Rose of Ariandel description.
  25. Forlorn Corvian Settler dialogue "I can hear the crackling from here. The sound of my home, the painting of Ariandel, burning away...""When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world. It's the one thing we do right, unlike those fools on the outside.".
  26. Forlorn Corvian Settler (character) dialogue "But that witch fooled the good Father, and buried the flame. After we had all made up our minds, too.".
  27. Rose of Ariandel description.
  28. As Priscilla was the mistress of the inhabitants of the Painted World (see Great Corvian Scythe and Friede's Great Scythe) the Painter must be her daughter to be addressed as "Lady" by them (see Forlorn Corvian Settler (character) dialogue:"My Lady must see flame".
  29. The Painter appearance.
  30. Slave Knight Gael and Forlorn Corvian Settler (character) and The Painter dialogue.
  31. Slave Knight Gael dialogue and Blood of the Dark Soul desription.
  32. The Painter dialogue.
  33. Darkmoon Seance Ring description.
  34. Yorshka's Chime description and Company Captain Yorshka dialogue.
  35. Dark Sun Gwyndolin appearance shows snakes coiled around his body, an expression of his draconic lineage but incompletely expressed in the form of serpents, the symbol of incomplete dragons (SeeCovetous Gold Serpent Ring).
  36. File:Gwyndolin_Ingame.jpg
  37. File:Yorshka_(2).jpg
  38. Moonlight Greatsword (Dark Souls) description.
  39. Moonlight Set and Tin Darkmoon Catalyst description.
  40. Lifehunt Scythe (Dark Souls III) description and Lifehunt Scythe appearance.
  41. Tin Darkmoon Catalyst description.
  42. Peculiar Doll and Soul of Priscilla and Lifehunt Scythe description.
  43. Moonlight Set and Reversal Ring description.
  44. Priscilla's Dagger description.
  45. Dark Ember description.
  46. [[velka's description.
  47. Lifehunt Scythe description.
  48. Dark Hand description.
  49. Soul of Priscilla description.
  50. Soul of Priscilla and Lifehunt Scythe description.
  51. Shira, Knight of Filianore dialogue and Shira's Set description.
  52. Darkmoon Knightess and Big Hat Logan dialogue.
  53. Interview with Dark Souls producer. (lines 267 and 268)
  54. Priscilla unused animations. Video by Crest.


  1. Damage is listed per hit.
Asylum DemonBed of ChaosBell GargoylesBlack Dragon KalameetCapra DemonCeaseless DischargeCentipede DemonChaos Witch QuelaagCrossbreed PriscillaDark Sun GwyndolinDemon FiresageDragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner SmoughFour KingsGaping DragonGravelord NitoGreat Grey Wolf SifGwyn, Lord of CinderIron GolemKnight ArtoriasManus, Father of the AbyssMoonlight ButterflyPinwheelSanctuary GuardianSeath the ScalelessStray DemonTaurus Demon
Crossbreed Priscilla (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.