Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (2024)

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Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Daniella

Have you ever used Credit Karma?

Credit Karma is a completely free way to view and monitor your financial history. I’ve used it in the past to track my own credit score along with a few other key factors and actually kind of love it.

However, I haven’t used it in about 6 months. So I thought to check it to see how it’s been. By the looks of it, pretty good.

Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (1)

But I never thought about if it was actually safe to use or not. Which is kind of a big deal.

Today we have Chris from Money Stir to talk to discuss his review of Credit Karma.

Take it away, Chris!

Seeing your credit score and viewing your credit reports has become a necessity in this day and age. Everything is becoming digitized, and new websites are launching all the time. But it can be hard to know if sites and apps like Credit Karma are safe or if they are a scam.

Credit Karma provides a free and easy way of viewing your financial history. I discovered Credit Karma earlier this year, and it has drastically simplified my life.

However, it’s always wise to confirm the company you are using is legitimate and safe before jumping in.

The reality is that you should be paranoid about giving any person or company your social security number. If the wrong people get that info, that can easily lead to identity theft or having your financial accounts drained.

Or they might show up at your house asking for money. And nobody wants that.

Before we dive into talking about whether Credit Karma is safe, let’s first look at why you should want to view your credit report.

Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (2)

Table of Contents

Your Credit Score Matters A LOT. Here Is Why:

When you borrow money, companies need a way to figure out if you will pay back the money or not. The best way to do that is to dive into your financial past and see if you have any monsters lurking.

  • Do you make payments on time?
  • How much debt do you currently have?
  • Are you currently trying to spend money like a Kardashian?
  • Have you defaulted on any loans in the past?
  • Are there other reasons someone should be concerned about lending you money?

Your credit score and reports help fill this void. It provides a high-level summary of your financial situation and past.

But with that said, having a high credit score doesn’t necessarily mean you are great with money or have a strong financial foundation. The primary questions your credit score attempts to answer: “Is this person financially reliable, and are they currently overextended?”

If you want to get any kind of loan, whether that is for a home, car, credit card, etc. you want to have as high of a credit score as possible. Rates and credit limits are determined by your credit history and credit score. So it is in your best interest to make sure you stay on top of your financial picture.

If there is incorrect information in your credit report, this could have a negative impact on your credit score. But you can’t fix what you are unaware of. This idea is why it is crucial to view your credit score and credit reports periodically.

It would be a shame to apply for a home mortgage, only to find out you’ve been denied for the loan. You also may find yourself applying for a job, and the prospective company pulls up your credit report.

Don’t be taken off guard! Check your credit score and report.

At the very least, having a stellar credit score ensures that you’ll qualify for the lowest interest rates possible, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in interest payments.

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About Credit Karma

Credit Karma was created in 2007 to provide consumers with their credit score for free and on-demand.

A summary of what they provide is the following:

  • View credit scores from Equifax and TransUnion (using VantageScore 3.0)
  • Access Equifax and TransUnion credit reports
  • Easily view the accounts you have opened or have closed, with the balances reported on your credit reports
  • Provides a way to dispute errors on your credit report
  • Easily signup for new credit cards, loans, and insurance policies, which are recommended based on your credit score
  • Other features that aren’t as obvious include:
    • Viewing an estimated value for your vehicles
    • Seeing your “insurance score”, which can be used in calculating your chances in lowering your car insurance rate
    • Comparing home loan rates with what you are currently paying
    • Get estimated rates and approval estimates on personal loans
    • See which credit cards you have a high likelihood in qualifying for
    • Free tax filing service
    • View and post reviews of credit cards

And one of the best features of Credit Karma? Their service is 100% FREE. Click here to learn more.

Ever since I started using Credit Karma, I’ve made it a habit in logging in once a month. I love being able to quickly pull up my credit score and see how things have changed over time. This feature is an excellent reason to signup for the service ASAP, as you can see how your credit score changes over your financial history. Each time you pull up your score, it will keep that info in their database that you can access at any point.

As part of our strategy in playing financial catch-up, we plan on continuing to use Credit Karma and feel the service provides incredible value.

I recently closed a few credit card accounts, and I noticed my credit score started going down a few points. I expected this to happen, and I’m relieved that Credit Karma is, in fact, pulling in my real credit report.

Is My Info Safe In Credit Karma?

When you are entering your private information, one vital aspect is how safe your data is in their system.

The great news is that Credit Karma has taken the necessary steps in keeping your personal information safe. They currently have around 85+ million members and are growing at a rapid pace.

Being such a massive company, you know the government is keeping a close eye on how they are using data. They also cover the main things you would expect a major company to do in order to keep things secure:

  • They use a DigiCert EV SSL certificate, which is the highest grade authentication available
  • 128-bit encryption and they limit who and how your SSN is accessed
  • A detailed privacy policy that is certified by TRUSTe
  • Credit Karma will not sell your personal information to 3rd parties
  • They regularly go to 3rd parties to run security audits
  • A bug bounty program that pays people to find vulnerabilities and issues in their system

But even though Credit Karma has top notch security practices, doesn’t mean someone couldn’t get access to your account. That’s why you should ensure you are using a secure password and setting answers to your security questions that people can’t guess the answers to.

If you look at the Credit Karma IOS app, you’ll notice they have 130,000 reviews with an average of 5/5 stars. Apparently, I’m not the only one who loves Credit Karma!

Credit Karma’s mobile app is fantastic. They make you set a security pin, and on my iPhone, I can enable Face ID to make it fast and straightforward in logging into my account. Clearly, they prioritize security and the amount of effort in making every aspect of their system user-friendly shows when you start using their service.

Just like any other site or service, Credit Karma could come under attack and have their systems compromised, but it’s clear to me that they are very proactive in doing everything they can to avoid that.

But How Does Credit Karma Make Money?

It would be a huge red flag if a company were collecting your most personal information, and it was unclear how they made money.

This is not an issue with Credit Karma.

It is true their services and website are 100% free. The way they make money is from the products and services that are recommended once you log in. Any time someone signs up for a credit card, loan, or service through the Credit Karma website, they earn a hefty commission.

And given how many people use their platform, you know they are probably bringing in big bucks. According to this article, the company had over $500 million in revenue in 2016. The amount of money they bring in is excellent news because you know security has to be a top concern for Credit Karma. And this confirms they have plenty of money to make sure your data is safe and secure.

But with that said, there are no guarantees that a data breach can’t happen in the future. But from what I can tell, I don’t think the risk of this happening with Credit Karma is more significant than any other large company or bank. Most of the risk lies in someone guessing your password, so make sure you are using a secure password.

The Pain Of Viewing Your Credit Score And Credit Report Before Credit Karma

Before Credit Karma, I was accessing my credit reports for free through This site allows you to view your credit report from the top three companies once a year, for free.

The issue in using is that you don’t get access to your credit score, and you can only view your credit reports once per year.

I was also accessing my credit scores through my credit card websites that provided a credit score feature. This process worked okay, but each of them would use a different score, and it was time-consuming pulling each one up. In most cases, they only update your credit score once per month.

I’ve also used other companies in the past that allow you to pull up your credit score and reports, but they often came with significant monthly charges. Before I found Credit Karma, I was seriously contemplating signing up for one of these services.

Credit Karma’s philosophy is that they want to give everyone access to their credit score and reports for free. The more information you have about your financial picture, the more you can make informed decisions about your future. You can use this information in helping put together a livable budget that is sustainable and realistic.

Credit Karma Provides Much More Than Your Credit Score

At first, you might think the main benefit of Credit Karma is being able to view your credit score.

But the best feature of Credit Karma is that it also has a credit monitoring service (which is also FREE). Once enabled, you will be notified when there are significant changes to your credit report.

In other words, you immediately get minions working for you that send notifications any time something significant happens on your credit report.

This is a huuuuuge deal.

Let’s say someone manages to get your info and signs up for a new credit card. The only way you would know this happened is by manually viewing your credit report, or getting something in the mail about a new account that you didn’t open.

With Credit Karma, you would get an email (or mobile notification) when that new account shows up on any of your two credit reports. This notification allows you to jump onto this identity fraud ASAP.

A few weeks ago, I was able to test out this feature. I signed up for a new credit card, and a few days later, I ended up getting two emails with the new account that showed up on both of my credit reports in Credit Karma. Ask anyone who has had their identity stolen, and they will scream this is a massive benefit.

Their credit card monitoring feature is another reason you might want to consider opening up a Credit Karama account ASAP. Before, to get this service, you would have to pay a monthly fee. But not anymore!

Do I Have To Use Credit Karma?

If you have other ways of viewing your credit score and credit reports, don’t feel like you have to use Credit Karma. By now, it’s pretty clear that I think it’s safe to use Credit Karma, but they aren’t the only place where you can get your credit reports for free.

As long as you are periodically viewing this information to make sure it is accurate, the way you do this doesn’t matter. But there are services out there that charge a fee and don’t provide the benefits Credit Karma does, so it is worth taking a close look to see which is the best option.

Credit Karma is not only safe, but it is more usable than many other “premium” credit card monitoring services I’ve used in the past.

The minimum you should do is view your credit reports for free on once per year. You aren’t going to be able to view this information more than once per year, but it is better than doing nothing. And you can access all three credit reports.

Negatives In Using Credit Karma

Credit Karma is a legitimate and safe company that provides enormous value, especially considering it is free. I couldn’t find any information that inferred that your personal information is at risk using Credit Karma.

But there is one downside to Credit Karma. They only give you access to your credit score and report from two of the three major credit bureaus. You can access TransUnion and Equifax credit reports, but not Experian’s.

In most cases, any changes to your credit will be reported to all three credit agencies. But there is a chance something could only go to one report, and so I would suggest pulling up Experian’s credit report once per year from This plan ensures that if there is some unique discrepancy with that credit report, you can catch the error.

Is this a big issue? Yes and no. It is possible something unique could show up on Experian’s credit report, but in most cases, it will end up showing up in the other reports as well. But it is better to play it safe and cover your bases.

Outside of this one issue, Credit Karma is a fantastic service that is incredibly safe and reliable.

Credit Karma’s UI Is Increasingly Optimized To ‘Sell’ You Products

One thing that you should be aware of is that over time the UI or user interface (what you see when using the service) is increasingly tailored to increase the number of people that sign up for credit cards, loans and other products via their service.

As I mentioned earlier, this is how the company makes sense.

The reason this matters is because if you are the kind of person that makes impulsive decisions and signs up for a new credit card after seeing one ad for it, then spending time on a site which constantly highlights those products might be risky.

While your personal information will be as safe as possible with Credit Karma, that doesn’t mean your financial foundation will be safe if the platform pushes you to take our loans you don’t need. However, if used properly, it can actually make you much more aware of how to improve your finances.

Credit Karma Is A Great Tool In Creating A Strong Financial Foundation

Credit Karma isn’t going to magically improve your credit score or credit history.

But it does provide a fantastic bird’s eye view of your financial picture.

If you are you trying to become credit card debt free, you can use it to ensure your payments end up showing on your credit card reports. Over time, your credit score should increase.

I also found it valuable to see the average age of all my credit card accounts. This info is a crucial data point that is used in generating your credit score and is useful in figuring out if you should close individual credit card accounts. You might not want to close your oldest credit card, for example, as that could drastically reduce the overall average.

You also can see how much debt you have, relative to the amount of credit you have available. Take a look at the image below for an example in how this looks:

Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (3)

All the data I can access from the desktop browser is accessible in their mobile applications. It’s refreshing to see how much info you can access at any point in digging deep into your financial history.

Credit Reports Aren’t Intuitive

If you have ever taken a close look at a credit report, they usually aren’t easy to work through. You might be looking at a long list of accounts, and it is hard to make sense of all of the info.

Credit Karma easily and safely makes the details of your credit report accessible in your account in an incredibly intuitive way.

I’m amazed at the amount of clarity I now have about my credit history. I now look forward to seeing my credit score and credit report! I’ve never been this excited about my credit report in the past. It always felt like a chore. But now I’m passionate about digging deep into the details, and ensuring the information in my credit reports is accurate.

If you are married, make sure that both you and your spouse signup for accounts. There might be something unique in one of your credit reports. And since each Credit Karma account is free, there hasn’t been a better time to make sure your whole financial house is in order.

Entering your social security number and personal information into a website form can be incredibly scary. Given the history of Credit Karma and the lengths they have gone in securing your data, you can feel confident that your info is safe. But like anything in life, especially on the internet, there are no guarantees, and most of the risk involves the strength of your password, the answers to your security questions, and making sure your email account is locked down.

I highly recommend giving Credit Karma a try. I’m confident my info is safe, and it provides useful information I can access at any time.

What do you think? Do you think it is worth trying? What other similar apps have you tried? Let us know in the comments below!

This article originally appeared on The Money Mix and has been republished here with permission.

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Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (4)

Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (5)


Daniella is the creator and author of When their wife Alexandra and them aren’t globetrotting or playing with their 7+ animals, they are dabbling and working towards a future of financial freedom.

Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? (2024)


Credit Karma Review: Is Credit Karma Safe? ›

The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma come directly from TransUnion and Equifax, two of the three major consumer credit bureaus. The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma should accurately reflect your credit information as reported by those credit bureaus.

Is there a risk to using Credit Karma? ›

Credit Karma goes the extra mile when it comes to the safe-keeping of our members' personal information. We use 128-bit or higher encryption to protect during the transmission of data to our site and encrypt data at rest. If we suspect any suspicious activity on your account then we'll alert you as soon as possible.

Is it safe to give Credit Karma my social security number? ›

Credit Karma asks only for your name, address, birthdate, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. It doesn't store Social Security numbers, so there's virtually no risk that anyone can steal this information.

Is karma legitimate? ›

Yes, it is safe to use Credit Karma. The site uses 128-bit encryption to protect the data you provide.

Is my money safe in Credit Karma? ›

When you open a Credit Karma Money Spend account, your funds will be deposited into an account at MVB Bank, Inc. and its deposit network. MVB Bank, Inc. is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., and funds in your Spend account are FDIC-insured up to $5,000,000.

Can I trust Credit Karma? ›

The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma come directly from TransUnion and Equifax, two of the three major consumer credit bureaus. The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma should accurately reflect your credit information as reported by those credit bureaus.

What is Credit Karma in trouble for? ›

In September 2022, the FTC announced an enforcement action against Credit Karma, alleging that the company used claims that consumers were “pre-approved” for a credit card or had “90% odds” of approval to entice them to apply for offers that, in many instances, they did not qualify for.

Why is Credit Karma asking for my ID? ›

Try another wayTo help us verify that you're really you, we'll need to see photos of your ID. Why do you need my information? Your information allows us to securely retrieve your credit scores and provide personalized recommendations based on your credit profile.

Does Credit Karma prevent identity theft? ›

Free identity monitoring from Credit Karma

Check if your personal info is exposed on the dark web. We'll tell you what to do next — like which passwords to stop using. Get free alerts and updates to help you spot and stop identity theft.

Who owns Credit Karma? ›

Founded in 2007 by Ken Lin, Credit Karma, an Intuit company (Nasdaq: INTU), is a consumer technology company with nearly 130 million members in the United States, U.K. and Canada, including almost half of all U.S. millennials.

Why is my FICO Score 100 points lower than Credit Karma? ›

Your FICO Score is a credit score. But if your FICO score is different from another of your credit scores, it may be that the score you're viewing was calculated using one of the other scoring models that exist.

Is Credit Karma FDIC insured? ›

How does Credit Karma Money™ Save work? Credit Karma uses a network of banks to provide a 100% free interest-bearing savings account with no fees. The balance in your Credit Karma Money Save account is eligible for FDIC insurance up to $5,000,000.

What's more accurate, Experian or Credit Karma? ›

Experian vs. Credit Karma: Which is more accurate for your credit score? You may be surprised to know that the simple answer is that both are accurate. Read on to find out what's different between the two companies, how they get your credit score, and why you have more than one credit score to begin with.

Should I link my bank account to Credit Karma? ›

Why should I connect my financial account data to Credit Karma?
  1. See your linked financial accounts in one place.
  2. View your transactions.
  3. Track your spending.
  4. View your cash flow.
  5. Track your net worth trend over time.
Mar 25, 2024

Is it worth it to use Credit Karma? ›

How Accurate is Credit Karma? Credit Karma is considered an accurate source of credit information because it gets its information from two of the three major credit bureaus: TransUnion and Equifax. So, if there is credit information reported to Experian, it will not be reflected in Credit Karma's data.

Is it good to save with Credit Karma? ›

It's also a good choice if you already use Credit Karma's other tools, such as its credit monitoring services, loans, or Credit Karma Money Spend Account. The savings account's APY (Annual Percentage Yield) of 4.10% means it's considered a high-yield savings account.

Do not use Credit Karma.? ›

The FTC said that Credit Karma falsely claimed that consumers were "pre-approved" and had "90% approval odds" to get them to apply for a credit card. According to the FTC, nearly one-third of people who applied for those offers were ultimately denied and that misrepresentation impacted their credit scores.

Is something wrong with Credit Karma? ›

No, we are not detecting any problems with Credit Karma right now. The last outage detected for Credit Karma was on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 with a duration of about 57 minutes.

Why does Credit Karma need a picture of my ID? ›

Try another wayTo help us verify that you're really you, we'll need to see photos of your ID. Why do you need my information? Your information allows us to securely retrieve your credit scores and provide personalized recommendations based on your credit profile.

Can you go negative on Credit Karma? ›

Credit Karma will remind members every 10 days via email, prior to taking action. A Credit Karma Money account with a negative balance may result in immediate closure, no matter the amount; however, we may allow up to 60 days for the negative balance to be corrected or the account will be closed by our bank of record.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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