Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (2024)


Next: Text ads

A campaign is a grouping of ads. Each campaign can have multiple ads with different advertising goals. Advertisers should create separate campaigns for different advertising objectives.

An ad is what users view on their phones. Ads are used to promote your apps and campaigns to organize your ads. For example, you can create a campaign named "Nexus 7" with several ads targeting Nexus 7 users.

You can create a new campaign by following these steps:

  • Step 1. Set up your campaign
  • Step 2. Select ad units
  • Step 3. Adjust campaign and goal
  • Step 4. Create ads (optional)

Get started on a new campaign

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. ClickCampaigns in the sidebar.
  3. Click Create campaign.

Note: It can take up to 6 hours for ad serving to begin on new campaigns.

To ensure your campaigns will serve ads, make sure yourbilling information is up-to-datein theGoogle Ads account associated with your AdMob account.

Step 1. Set up your campaign

  1. Select your campaign type.
    • House ad: Promotes your own apps and websites.
    • Direct sold: A campaign you create for an advertiser.
  2. Select the Goal type to choose how your campaign will be measured.
  • Max cost per install (Android Beta): Set the maximum amount you want to spend to acquire a new user for your app. This goal type is for house ad campaigns only.
  • Mediated ads (recommended for backfill): Your ads compete in the mediation chain using an eCPM that can be optimized for backfill.
  • Number of impressions: Set the number of impressions for your campaign.
  • Number of clicks: Set the number of clicks for your campaign.
  • Percentage of impressions: Set the percentage of daily impressions to direct your campaign.
  1. Click Continue.

Step 2. Select ad units

  1. Click Add ad units.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the ad units you want to serve in this campaign. This action adds them to the selected ad units list. To add all of the available ad units, click Select all.

    Note: AdMob campaigns can't be served on apps that target children as an audience. If you've included an ad unit from an app that targets children in your AdMob campaign, you won't see any campaign impressions for that app.

  3. Click Confirm.

Choose advanced targeting

Click Advanced targetingand then click each of the criteria you want to edit.Then click Let me choose (select at least one).

  • Geographic location(s) you want to target. If you don't want any specific geographic targeting, choose Select All countries and territories.
    • By advertising in areas with the right customers, you can help increase your return on investment.
  • Language(s) you want to target. Language is based on the user's device language settings. Defaults to All available languages.
    • AdMob looks at the customer's language setting on their device to determine if it matches one of the languages that your campaign targets.
  • Internet providers you want to target. Defaults to All Internet providers and Wi-Fi.
    • For example, If you choose to target Wi-Fi traffic, your ads will appear on mobile phones only when they are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • Devices and OS versions you want to target. Defaults to All available devices and OS versions.
    • For example, if you have an iPhone app with HD image assets, you could choose to target iPhone 12 and higher device models.
    • Note: Campaigns can be targeted to multiple ad units in multiple apps, so restricting these settings too much may adversely affect your campaign.
  • Demographics or specific groups of customers who are most likely to be interested in the advertised app. For example, an app for new mothers targeted to women ages 18–44. Defaults to All available genders and ages.
    • Note:More specific demographic targeting means ads in the targeted campaign are shown to fewer customers. For specialty apps, this might be desirable. For apps with a general purpose, more general demographic targeting will widen the audience.

The more you refine your selections, the more you reduce the total amount of traffic available for your ads. As you experiment with targeting, we recommend watching your reports closely and refining your selections.

  1. Click Continue.

Step 3. Adjust campaign and goal

  1. Enter a name for your campaign. The campaign name won't be visible to users.
  2. Set a specific goal for your campaign. This field is based on the goal type chosen when you set up the campaign. It can be a percent of impressions, a number of impressions, or a number of clicks your campaign aims to meet. You can also set your goal as mediated ads, which means your ads compete in the mediation chain using an eCPM that can be optimized for backfill.

    Before you set a goal for this campaign, you may want to review the app's historical traffic, impression, and click data to identify trends and ensure the goal is achievable within the scheduled time period.

  3. Set the start date and end date for your campaign’s goal schedule. The earliest possible start date you can set for your campaign is 12:00 a.m. the next day (e.g., if today is Monday, then your campaign's earlieststart date is Tuesday at 12:00 a.m.). End dates are optional for mediated ad and maxcost per installcampaigns. You can allow these campaign typesto run until you pause them.

Important: To ensure your campaigns are fully optimized, set accurate campaign goals.

Set Advanced options

To set frequency capping or ad serving pace, click Advanced options:

  1. Frequency capping:Enable frequency capping if you want to limit the number of times your ads appear to the same person. Learn more aboutfrequency capping for campaigns.
  2. Ad serving pace:Set the pace at which ads are served to control the number of impressions each line item receives:
    • Even:Ensures that each line item receives sufficient impressions to stay on track each day. This is the recommended pace if you're trying to manage multiple campaigns.
    • As fast as possible:Ensures this campaign receives impressions at the highest possible pace. This pace will likely take impressions that would have gone to other campaigns to increase the chances of this campaign reaching its goal.
  3. Click Save & Continue.

Step 4. Create ads (optional)

You can choose to create your ads or you can return to this step later by clicking the name of the existing campaign, clicking the Ads tab, and then following the steps below.

Note: Ads within a campaign must conform to Google platform policies. Learn moreabout these policies.

  1. Click Create new ad.
  2. Select what you're advertising:
    • An app on Google Play: You can search for the app using the app name, developer name, or app ID, and we’ll use the results to create your ad.
    • An app on the App Store: You can search for the app using the app name, developer name, or app ID, and we’ll use the results to create your ad.
    • An app hosted somewhere else: Enter the destination URL for where AdMob will direct users when they click the ad.
    • A website: Enter the destination URL for where AdMob will direct users when they click the ad.
  3. Select an ad type and enter the relevant details for the ad:

    Note: The ad type must be compatible with the ad unit formatyou previously selected and with what you're advertising. Learn which ad types are compatible with the ad formats.

    Text ad

    Text ads are ads made up of lines of text.

    Promote an app

    • App: Use the search box to find the app the ad will promote.
    • Ad name: Enter a name for the ad, up to 25 characters.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they click the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Headline: Enter the message that you want users to view, up to 25 characters.
    • Ad text: Enter a description for the app being promoted, up to 35 characters.
    Image ad

    Image ads are made up of 1 image file you upload.

    Promote an app

    • Ad name: Enter a name for the ad, up to 25 characters.
    • App/Website: Click the App button, if not already selected.
    • App: Use the search box to find the app the ad will promote.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they click the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Image upload: Upload an image file from your computer to use as the ad creative.

    Promote a website

    • Ad name: Enter a name for the ad, up to 25 characters.
    • App/Website: Click the Website button, if not already selected.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they click the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Image upload: Upload an image file from your computer to use as the ad creative.
    HTML5 ad

    HTML5 ads are only available if you're advertising a website or an app hosted somewhere else.

    HTML5 ads are made up of 1 .ZIP file you upload containing an HTML5 ad designed in Google Web Designer.

    • Ad name: Enter a name for the ad, up to 25 characters.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they click the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Creative: Upload 1 .ZIP file containing an HTML5 ad created in Google Web Designer from your computer to use as the ad creative.
    Video ad

    Note: Currently, only YouTube videos are supported. Video ads are only available if you're advertising an app on the Google Play store or on the App Store.

    • Ad name: Enter a name for the ad, up to 25 characters.
    • App: Use the search box to find the app the ad will promote.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they tap the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Video URL: Enter the URL of the video you want to show in the ad. You can review the automatically generated video preview to ensure the right video is being linked. Please note the following:
      • YouTube videos that don’t allow embedding can still be shown in video ads.
      • Video ads respect video privacy settings. YouTube videos set to Private cannot be shown in video ads. Only Public and Unlisted videos can be shown.
      • A static end card will be shown if a video fails to load for any reason. Example: video is country-restricted
    • Headline: Enter the message that you want users to see, up to 25 characters.
    • Description: Enter a description of the app being promoted, up to 70 characters.
    • Included info: This field is auto-populated. It contains additional information, such as price and ratings (if available) from the relevant app store that we use to enhance this ad.
      • Price in the ad preview is based on the default currency and will be adjusted to the currency based on user location.
      • Ratings are shown only when they are greater than four stars and the number of reviews is over 100.

    Videos displayed in rewardedad units must be shorter than 30 seconds.

    Responsive display ad

    Note: You must select “website” as what you’re advertising in your campaign to use responsive display ads.

    • Destination URL:Enter the URL that AdMob will direct users to when they click the ad. This URL is not visible in the ad.
    • Headline: Enter the first line of your ad, up to 30 characters.
    • Long headline: Enter the first line of your ad that will appear instead of your short headline in larger ads. It can be up to 90 characters, and may appear with or without your description.
    • Description: Enter a description of the website being promoted, up to 90 characters.The description adds to the headline and provides additional context or details.
    • Business name: Enter the name of your business or brand, up to 25 characters.
    • Video URL (optional): Enter the URL of the video you want to show in the ad. Please note the following:
      • YouTube videos that don’t allow embedding can still be shown in video ads.
      • Video ads respect video privacy settings. YouTube videos set to Private cannot be shown in video ads. Only Public and Unlisted videos can be shown.
      • A static end card will be shown if a video fails to load for any reason. Example: video is country-restricted
    • Disclaimer (optional): You can include a disclaimer that tells users about any consent or legal notices associated with the ad. Disclaimers can't be more than 90 characters, or include links to other websites or resources.
    • Landscape image: Upload a landscape image should have a ratio of 1.91:1 and be greater than 600 x 314. The file size limit is 5120KB.
    • Square image: Upload a square (1:1) image should be at least 300 x 300. The file size limit is 5120KB.
    • Call to action text: To encourage people to act, your call to action text can show in a variety of layouts. By selecting "Automated," Google selects the call to action for you. Some ad layouts don't include a call to action.
  4. Click Preview to preview the ad.
  5. Click Create ad.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5for each ad you want to create for this campaign.
  7. When you're finished creating ads, click Done.

Understand ad type compatibility

When you design an ad, you'll need to choose an ad type.Be sure toconsider the ad formats that can support the ad types you choose. You can use the table below to help you decide.

Also note thatyou'll need to select ad units that are the same format as the ad you want to create, otherwise your ad may not appear.

Ad types for advertising an app (Google Play or App Store)

Text Image HTML5 Video
Banner Yes Yes No No
Interstitial Yes Yes No Yes
Rewarded Yes Yes No Yes
Native ads Yes Yes No Yes
App Open Yes Yes No Yes

Ad types for advertising an app hosted elsewhere

Text Image HTML5 Video
Banner No Yes Yes No
Interstitial No Yes Yes No
Rewarded No Yes Yes No
Native ads No Yes Yes No
App Open No Yes No No

Ad types for advertising a website

Text Image HTML5 Video RDA
Banner No Yes Yes No Yes
Interstitial No Yes Yes No Yes
Rewarded No No No No Yes
Native ads No Yes No No Yes
App Open No Yes No No Yes

Your campaign goal type also affects the ad type compatibility. Use the table below to help you choose your campaign goal type.

Campaign goal type compatibility with ad types table

Note: When using cost per install as the goal type, you can only use text, video, and image ad types in campaigns advertising apps on Google Play. They aren't currently supported on other app stores or a website.

Campaign goal types


Ad type

Max CPI Mediated Ads Number of Impressions Precent of Impressions Number of Clicks
An app on Google Play Text Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (1) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (2) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (3) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (4) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (5)
Video Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (6) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (7) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (8) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (9) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (10)
Image Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (11) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (12) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (13) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (14) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (15)
An app on the App Store Text Beta Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (16) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (17) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (18) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (19)
Video Beta Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (20) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (21) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (22) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (23)
Image Beta Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (24) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (25) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (26) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (27)
An app hosted somewhere else Image Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (28) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (29) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (30) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (31) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (32)
HTML 5 Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (33) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (34) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (35) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (36) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (37)
A website Image Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (38) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (39) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (40) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (41) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (42)
HTML 5 Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (43) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (44) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (45) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (46) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (47)
Responsive format Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (48) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (49) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (50) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (51) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (52)
Text Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (53) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (54) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (55) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (56) Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (57)
Next: Text ads

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Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (58)

Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

Learn More

Create a new campaign - Google AdMob Help (2024)


How much does AdMob pay per 1000 views? ›

AdMob Payment

Moreover, the CPM rates for AdMob may vary from $0.2 to $10 per 1,000 impressions based on the location of your app users, adding yet another variable into revenue calculation. Google AdSense pays publishers via the following payment methods: Check.

How to create a Google AdMob campaign? ›

  1. Set up your campaign. Select your campaign type. ...
  2. Select ad units. Click Add ad units. ...
  3. Adjust campaign and goal. Enter a name for your campaign. ...
  4. Create ads (optional)

How do you make sure a Google Ads campaign is successful? ›

8 steps to prepare your campaign for success
  1. Define your objective. Each campaign begins by choosing a goal. ...
  2. Choose a campaign type. ...
  3. Set a budget. ...
  4. Choose your bidding. ...
  5. Add assets to your ads. ...
  6. Create ad groups. ...
  7. Select your targeting. ...
  8. Set up conversions.

How much is 1 million views with ads? ›

As a rough estimate, many creators earn around $3 to $5 per 1,000 views from ad revenue. So, for 1 million views, this could translate to approximately $3,000 to $5,000. However, this is just a ballpark figure, and actual earnings can be higher or lower depending on the factors mentioned above.

How much does AdMob campaign cost? ›

AdMob campaigns are always free, but serving a campaign ad means you aren't serving an ad that would have earned revenue. You can also interpret estimated cost as how much ad revenue is forgone to get conversions through campaign ads.

Is AdMob campaign free? ›

House ad campaigns are cross-promotion campaigns that serve ads to an app using a developer's own inventory for free.

How much does AdMob pay per ad view? ›

The amount of money you can earn from 1000 rewarded ad views will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of ad, the country where the ad is being viewed, and the ecpm. In general, you can expect to earn between $0.50 and $1.00 for every 1000 rewarded ad views.

Can I use Google Ads without creating a campaign? ›

Click the blue "Start Now" button. Choose the email address you want to use with your Google Ads account. Click the link that says "Switch to Expert mode" located below the campaign goal selection. When prompted to choose a campaign type, click the option that says "Skip creation for now" near the bottom of the page.

How much does a Google ad campaign cost? ›

Giant retailers can spend up to $50 million per year on paid search in Google Ads. The average small- to mid-size business spends anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month on their Google paid search campaigns. That's $12,000 to $120,000 per year.

How long does it take to build a Google Ads campaign? ›

Before you begin, you should know how long this powerful ad channel takes to work. Here's what you can expect: a successful Google ad campaign will take at least 3 months to mature and then approximately 4-12 months to develop into a strong campaign. I know, that seems like a while.

How many campaigns should you have in Google Ads? ›

It's a best practice to run a few different campaign types within your Google Ads account to maximize your performance across Google's advertising networks. Different campaign types can help you hit different PPC metrics, so it's in your best interest to try at least one or two when starting out.

What is the best strategy for Google Ads? ›

Optimize for high-quality ad placements
  • Adjust your bid strategy.
  • Improve your ad and landing page copy and relevance.
  • Narrow down your demographics.
  • Test different ad formats and see what works best.

How to build a strong Google Ads campaign on a tight budget? ›

Key takeaways
  1. Use pay-per-click ads.
  2. Set your goals to set your budget.
  3. Connect your Google Ads and Analytics accounts.
  4. Stick to your budget.
  5. Save the Google Display Network for later.
  6. Target specific locations.
  7. Target a lower position in search results.
  8. Try long-tail keywords keywords.

How much can I earn with AdMob with 100 daily app users? ›

So concludingly, let's say your app has 100 DAU and for instance, each user views 10 ad impressions every day, which equals 1000 impressions each day. Now, depending on the eCPM, ad earnings can be anywhere between $0.5 to $10.

Is it possible to earn $100 a day from ads in mobile games? ›

MyPoints (Computers, Android & iOS – Paid/Free)

As you play games, you accumulate points, which can be redeemed for your preferred gift cards or sent to your PayPal account. MyPoints offers a diverse range of games, providing ample opportunities to make $100 a day on your phone through gaming.

How much do you get paid on AdMob? ›

Google AdMob revenue may fluctuate based on criteria such as the user's location, User Performance, Ad Placement, Fill Rates, User Device Type, and so on. eCPM (effective cost-per-mile) varies depending on the country of origin. The average eCPM in India ranges from 0.50 USD to 2.00 USD.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 6152

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.