Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (2024)

Do you want to develop an app like Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is one of the most popular payment applications in the market today, being the market leader in the US. This has inspired a lot of businesses and start-ups alike to develop their own Apple Pay Clone.

The first question that comes to mind when considering this project is:

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like Apple Pay?

On average Apple Pay app development costs range from $25,000 to $60,000 based on complexity, platform, tech stack, and so on.

However, there’s much more that goes into it than what meets the eye.

But don’t worry, we shall be discussing all you need to know about developing an app like Apply Pay, covering features, monetization, cost, as well as factors that affect it.

Let’s get right into it, starting with a brief introduction.

Apple Pay: Apple’s eWallet Masterclass

If you use digital payment apps, you already know which app we are talking about today.

Apple Pay is a mobile wallet and contactless payment service by Apple. It allows users to make secure in-store, in-app, and online payments using their Apple devices.

While limited to the iOS platform, Apple Pay has a significant presence in the mobile wallet market.

Here are some statistics to consider:

  • Digital payment statistics show that transactions made via Apple Pay account for around5% of all card transactions globally.
  • In the US, Apple Pay holds a dominant position in mobile wallet payments, accounting forover 90%of such transactions in 2020.
  • There are estimates that Apple Pay has over500 million users worldwide.
  • The use of mobile wallets like Apple Pay is expected to grow. Fintech statistics forecasts predict Apple Pay’s share of the card transaction market to reach 10% by 2025.

Top Features of Apple Pay

So what makes Apple Pay so special? The answer is, the platform’s digital payment features!

Despite being a simple and to-the-point app, this iOS payment application has changed how we pay in our day-to-day lives.

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (2)

Here’s how it does that:

1. Convenience and Speed

Apple Pay transactions are known for their speed, often being up to twice as fast as traditional payment methods.

Users can activate Apple Pay on their iPhones with Face ID or Touch ID, then hold their device near a point-of-sale terminal to complete the transaction without sharing their card information with the merchant.​

That’s the power of contactless payment.

2. Wide Acceptance

One of the key forces behind its success among users is wide acceptance.

Apple Pay can be used virtually anywhere that accepts contactless payments, including in stores, online, in apps, and at certain ATMs, universities, ballparks, and more.

It is supported by thousands of banks and credit unions in the U.S. and is available in numerous countries worldwide.

3. Integration with Apple Wallet

When it comes to integration, Apple Pay is unmatched.

Users can add multiple cards to their Apple Wallet. This includes credit and debit cards, store cards, boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, and more, for use with Apple Pay.

This feature extends to certain transit and student ID cards, which can even work on a device when the battery is depleted.

4. Security and Privacy

In the world of digital payments, app security is paramount.

Apple Pay enhances security by using a tokenized Device Primary Account Number and unique dynamic security codes for transactions, keeping the user’s actual card number secure.

In addition to this, each transaction requires authentication through Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode.

5. Apple Pay Later and Tap to Pay on iPhone

Apple Pay Later offers a buy now, pay later service, allowing users to split purchases into monthly installments.

Tap to Pay on iPhone enables third-party merchants to accept payments directly on their iPhones without the need for additional hardware.

Also Read: BNPL vs Credit Cards, Loans, EMIs

6. Apple Card and Apple Pay Cash

The Apple Card offers cashback on purchases, with an increased rate for Apple Pay transactions.

Apple Pay Cash allows for peer-to-peer payments and can be used anywhere Apple Pay is accepted.

7. App Clips and Compatibility

App Clips enables users to interact with parts of apps without needing a full download, facilitating quick transactions using Apple Pay.

Apple Pay is compatible with a wide range of Apple devices, ensuring a broad user base can benefit from its features.

8. No Fees and Spending Limits

Lastly, Apple does not charge a fee for using Apple Pay. Although international fees imposed by the card issuer may apply.

Spending limits are typically set by the bank or card issuer, with some limits on Apple Cash payments.

So, these are the top features of Apple Pay. Why is this out of the way, let’s answer the big question.

Why Develop an App Like Apple Pay?

Before we dive any deeper into the topic, let’s first answer a question more common than “How much does it cost to develop Apple Pay like App”?

This is, why develop an eWallet app?

You see, there are many who want to develop an eWallet app. But this is not a cheap consideration, as it can be send you back multiple thousand dollar.

So, is it worth it?

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (3)

Well, the short answer is YES. And longer one is:

1. Digital Transformation and Financial Inclusion

For large financial institutions and startups alike, creating a digital payment app represents a pivotal shift towards digital transformation.

It enhances the customer experience by transitioning from traditional, in-person financial transactions to a more accessible, digital-first approach.

This shift not only streamlines operations and reduces reliance on physical banking infrastructure, but also opens up financial services to a broader, potentially underserved audience.

Therefore, promoting financial inclusion.

Also Read: Why Digital Wallet App Startups Fail?

2. Market Growth and Demand

One of the biggest reasons people want to create an app like Apple Pay is, the market demand.

The digital payments sector is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing consumer preference for convenient, quick, and secure transactions.

The global P2P payment market, for example, is projected to reach substantial valuations by 2030, showing CAGR of 17.3%.

This growth signifies a rising demand for digital payment solutions, offering a promising market.

3. User Convenience and Enhanced Security

Digital payment apps like Apple Pay prioritize user convenience by enabling seamless transactions through mobile devices, eliminating the need to carry cash or physical cards.

In addition to these, these apps incorporate advanced security features such as biometric authentication and tokenization to protect user data and transactions.

Thus, providing a secure and trustworthy platform for users .

4. Diverse Revenue Streams

Developing a payment app can open up various revenue streams, from transaction fees and premium feature subscriptions to partnerships with financial institutions and merchants.

This diversification can lead to sustainable business models and growth opportunities in the fintech space.

Also Read: Different Mobile App Monetization Strategies

5. Innovation and Competitive Edge

By entering the digital payment app market, app developers have the opportunity to innovate and differentiate their offerings with unique features, integrations, and user experiences.

Staying ahead of technological advancements and consumer trends can provide a competitive edge in a crowded market.

6. Global Expansion Potential

Digital payment apps have the potential to scale globally, tapping into international markets and accommodating cross-border transactions.

This global reach can significantly expand the user base and open up new market opportunities.

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay

So, how much does it cost to develop an app like Apply Pay?

On average apple pay app development cost may range between $35,000 and $60,000 depending on various factors, as eWallet app development cost does.

Complexity FactorImpact on CostEstimated Cost Range
1. Basic Features OnlyLower end$35,000 – $40,000
2. Advanced Security MeasuresModerate impact$40,000 – $45,000
3. Custom UI/UX DesignModerate impact$45,000 – $50,000
4. Integration with BanksHigher impact$50,000 – $55,000
5. Cross-Platform CompatibilityHigher impact$55,000 – $60,000

Now, there are various factors which affect cost to develop a solution like this.

Factors That Affect Apple Pay Like App Development Cost

To get an accurate cost estimate for Apple pay app development, you need to connect with an app development company.

However, that shouldn’t stop you from understanding how these different factor do affect cost to build Apple pay like app.

So, let’s see effect of different factors on the total cost:

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (4)

A] Complexity

Let’s start with the most important factor, complexity.

Complexity of the app idea and final product, highly affecting the total app development cost that went into it.


Well, the answer is simple, the more complex an app is, the more effort, time, and expertise is required. All of which adds up to the total cost.

App ComplexityEstimated Development CostFactors Influencing Cost
Highly Complex App$55,000 – $60,000Advanced security features, multiple integrations, custom UI/UX design, cross-platform compatibility, extensive testing
Average App$45,000 – $55,000Moderate features, some custom UI/UX elements, a few third-party integrations, medium user base, comprehensive testing
Simple App$35,000 – $45,000Basic functionality, minimal UI/UX customization, limited third-party integrations, smaller user base, basic testing

That’s how much does it cost to develop an app like Apple Pay, across different complexities along with the factors that add to the complexity.

With this out of the way, let’s move to the next factor that we shall be discussing, the platform.

Also Read: Google Pay vs. Apple Pay vs. Samsung Pay

B] Platform

Second up, we have platforms.

You see when you are creating an app like Apple Pay, the first thing you need to choose in terms of technicalities is a platform.

Choosing between iOS and Android can be tough, but did you know, the choice can also affect development costs?

Well, it can!

Here’s how different platforms would affect Apple Pay clone app development cost.

PlatformEstimated Development CostKey Considerations
iOS App Development$40,000 – $60,000iOS apps are known for their high-quality standards and strict App Store guidelines. Costs might be on the higher end due to the need for specialized development skills and extensive testing.
Android App Development$35,000 – $55,000Android apps can reach a wider audience given the platform’s market share. Development might involve dealing with a variety of devices and screen sizes, influencing the cost.
Cross-Platform App Development $45,000 – $60,000Cross-platform development allows for a single codebase to run on both iOS and Android, potentially saving time and resources. However, complex apps might still require platform-specific adjustments, impacting the cost.
Web App Development$35,000 – $50,000Web apps are accessible on various devices through a browser, which can reduce development costs. However, they might lack some functionalities compared to native mobile apps.

Speaking of selecting technologies, it’s time to look at an important aspect, the tech stack to build a payment app.

C] Tech Stack

For those who don’t know, tech stack refers to the set of technologies used in app development. This covers everything from programming languages to frameworks.

Now, an eWallet tech stack is very, very important when you are developing an Apple Pay clone.

Again, the tech stack does have a massive effect on payment app development costs due to it being a core aspect of the platform.

Here’s a representation of the potential tech stack and its associated cost.

Technology ComponentPotential TechnologiesCost InfluenceEstimated Cost Range
1. Frontend (Mobile)React Native, Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android)High (Especially for native apps due to separate codebases for iOS and Android)$15,000 – $25,000
2. BackendNode.js, Ruby on Rails, .NETHigh (Complexity of transactions and security measures can drive up costs)$10,000 – $20,000
3. DatabasePostgreSQL, MongoDB, FirebaseModerate (Depends on data volume and complexity)$5,000 – $10,000
4. Payment GatewayStripe, PayPal, BraintreeModerate to High (Integration complexity and transaction fees)$2,000 – $5,000 (excluding transaction fees)
5. SecurityOAuth, JWT, SSL/TLS encryptionHigh (Essential for protecting user data and transactions)$5,000 – $10,000
6. Cloud InfrastructureAWS, Google Cloud, AzureHigh (Scalability and data storage needs)$3,000 – $7,000 (monthly recurring)

With the table representation, it’s much easier to understand how tech stack choices can affect Pay app development cost.

Now, let’s move to app design.

D] App’s UI/UX Design

What’s a common theme in top digital payment apps? They all look amazing.

Again, UI/UX design is half of the app itself.

Now, design has a lot behind it, from basic HTML layers to all the way up to animations and advantage graphics. As we move towards higher quality, the investment also greatly increases.

But rest assured, the cost that goes into the payment app design is well worth it.

E] Development Team (Location & Expertise)

Lastly, we are onto eWallet app developers.

Now, it goes without saying that a major portion of Apple Pay clone development cost goes to find app developers and hiring them.

You see, the cost to hire app developers is affected by 2 major factors.

Starting with the first one is, their expertise:

Developer ExpertiseDescriptionEstimated Hourly Rate
Junior DeveloperBasic skills require guidance.$15 – $35
Mid-Level DeveloperProficient in core skills, somewhat independent.$35 – $75
Senior DeveloperHigh expertise, leads projects, mentors others.$75 – $150+

And then, it’s about their location:

Developer LocationDescriptionEstimated Hourly Rate
North AmericaHigh living standards, higher costs.$43.91 – $49.57
Western EuropeSimilar to North America.$40 – $100
Eastern EuropeLower costs and growing tech hubs.$25 – $49
Latin AmericaCompetitive rates and time zone advantages.$4 – $20

This is one of the most important factors when speaking of the cost of making an app like Apple Pay. And with this out of the way, it’s time to look at app development time in the section below.

How Long Does It Take to Make Apple Pay Clone?

Now that we are done with cost to develop Apple Pay Clone, it’s time to look:

How long it takes to develop an app like Apple Pay?”

On average, if you want to develop an app like Apple Pay, it ranges between 6 and 12 months. Again, the factors that affect development time are similar to the ones we discussed in cost.

In any case, here’s a breakdown:

Development PhaseTasks IncludedEstimated Time Range
Concept & PlanningMarket research, feature planning, defining MVP2 – 4 weeks
DesignWireframing, UI/UX design, prototype creation4 – 8 weeks
DevelopmentFrontend and backend development, API integration, and security features12 – 24 weeks
Testing & QAFunctional testing, usability testing, security testing, bug fixing4 – 8 weeks
LaunchDeployment to production environment and app store submission1 – 2 weeks
Post-Launch MaintenanceBug fixes, updates, and new features based on user feedbackOngoing

And with this out of the way, it’s time to look at the different ways you can earn back what you spent in Apple Clone app development.

How to Make Money With An App Like Apple Pay?

Finally, it’s time to generate some revenue.

The market shows how different fintech business modelshave allowed top companies to generate billions in revenue.

While you can’t reach the billion dollar mark in one day, there are some monetization strategies that can help you generate healthy income. Let’s look at the same below:

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (5)

1. Transaction Fees

Charging a small fee for transactions is a common revenue model for payment apps.

These fees can be levied on merchants for each sale made through the app, or on users for specific types of transactions, such as international transfers or instant deposits.

2. Premium Features

Offering a basic version of the app for free while charging for premium features is another strategy.

These features might include higher transaction limits, advanced security options, or specialized financial reports and analytics.

3. Interest on Stored Funds

Apps like Apple Pay can earn interest on funds stored in users’ accounts, similar to traditional banking models.

This requires a large user base and substantial funds in user accounts to be significant.

4. Partnerships and Integrations

Forming partnerships with banks, financial institutions, and retailers can provide additional revenue streams.

These might involve referral fees for new customer acquisitions, shared transaction fees, or promotional partnerships.

5. Data Insights

While respecting privacy laws and user consent, anonymized aggregate data can be valuable for market research and targeted advertising, providing another potential revenue stream.

Nimble AppGenie – Your Partner in Payment App Development

Want to develop an app like Apple Pay?

Leave it to the experts! Nimble AppGenie is a market-leading eWallet app development company with extensive experience in developing payment app that generates revenue.

We have dealt with over 700 projects, earning 95% customer satisfaction. Some of our top projects include:

  • Pay By Check– Pay by Check is a popular ewallet mobile app in the United States of America. It allows users to transfer, pay, or even exchange currency.
  • SatPay– An eWallet platform is a Versatile eWallet Solution that allows users to request, receive, and send payments without hassle.
  • CUT– an E-wallet Mobile App, CUT is available in China and Myanmar. It works well with both RMB and MMK currencies.
  • SatBorsa– a Currency Exchange Fintech app. SatBorsa is one of the platforms that is available on both platforms, iOS and Android.

So, hire app developers with a click and get your own team in 24 hours.

We are here to help you.


Developing an app like Apple Pay involves careful planning and significant investment but offers a promising avenue in the booming digital payment market. With its key features like convenience, security, and wide acceptance, an Apple Pay clone can tap into growing consumer demand for mobile wallet solutions. Considering factors like app complexity, chosen platforms, development team expertise, and location are crucial in determining the overall cost and development timeline. Embracing this opportunity could set you on the path to creating a competitive and innovative payment solution.


The development cost for an app similar to Apple Pay typically ranges from $25,000 to $60,000, influenced by factors like complexity, chosen platform, and the tech stack used.

Developing an eWallet app like Apple Pay can drive digital transformation and financial inclusion, tap into a growing market demand, offer user convenience with enhanced security, open diverse revenue streams, provide a competitive edge through innovation, and has significant global expansion potential.

Key features include convenience and speed with contactless payments, wide acceptance across merchants and banks, seamless integration with Apple Wallet, robust security and privacy measures, innovative solutions like Apple Pay Later and Tap to Pay, and the incorporation of Apple Card and Apple Pay Cash for financial transactions.

The cost to hire developers varies significantly based on their expertise and location. For example, senior developers and developers located in regions like North America and Western Europe tend to command higher rates due to their high level of expertise and the high cost of living in these areas, respectively.

On average, the development process for an Apple Pay clone can take between 6 to 12 months, depending on the project’s complexity, chosen platform, and the specific features you plan to include.

Monetization strategies for an app like Apple Pay include transaction fees, offering premium features, earning interest on stored funds, forming partnerships and integrations with financial institutions and merchants, and leveraging data insights for market research or targeted advertising.

Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (7)

Udai Singh Shekhawat

Udai Singh is a senior content writer with over 6 years of experience in creating content for FinTech, eWallet, EdTech, and App Development. He is an expert in simplifying complex concepts and creating engaging content that resonates with the audience.

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Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown (2024)


Cost to Develop an App Like Apple Pay - Detailed Breakdown? ›

A. On average, the cost of iOS app development ranges between $30,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on various factors (mentioned above) and your unique project requirements.

How much does it cost to make an Apple app? ›

A. On average, the cost of iOS app development ranges between $30,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on various factors (mentioned above) and your unique project requirements.

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Mobile App Development

As you can see, many influencing factors can shift the cost to build a mobile app in either direction. The minimum app development cost is $5,000-$10,000. A more complex mobile application will cost you around $50,000-$75,000 and reach $300,000+.

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According to Clutch, the average cost of hiring app developers is between $25 to $49 per hour. They also mention that on average, most mobile app development projects cost around $10,000 to $49,000 to fully complete and launch. But before you take these figures to heart, just know that they're not drawn in the sand.

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To make a long story short, the average cost to create an app of good quality starts between $40,000 - $60,000 and may rise to $300,000+ for one platform (web, iOS, Android). Consequently, the timeline can take 2 months for a simple and 9+ months for a complex mobile app development project.

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With that said, 16% of Android developers earn over $5,000 per month with their mobile apps, and 25% of iOS developers make over $5,000 through app earnings. So keep these figures in mind as you're comparing the differences between iOS and Android app development.

How much money do you make if you own an app? ›

If an app falls in the list of the top apps, it would have an average earning of about $82500. This varies drastically when the top 800-900 app's average earnings are $3500. We are discussing an average here because it is a variable that depends on numerous factors.

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The UI/UX design budget in app development price begins from $5,000 and can go far beyond $50,000. The cost depends on the number of screens to be designed, and solution logic complexity.

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On average, app owners should expect to spend around $2,000 to $2,500 a month initially to keep the app running optimally. A general guideline is to budget 20% of the initial development cost for maintenance.

Why is app development so expensive? ›

Complexity and Functionality

- Modern mobile apps are more than simple tools; they often require complex features such as real-time data synchronization, integration with third-party services, in-app purchases, and advanced security protocols. Each additional feature increases development time and costs.

How to estimate the cost of an app? ›

Simply put, you could calculate app development costs with a simple multiplication: Total App Development Time (in Hours) x Hourly Rate. However, that doesn't take into account all other costs like maintenance costs which are a major cost factor during the app's lifecycle. Apps are also sold at a fixed price.

Can I create an app for free? ›

One way to create an app for free is through Google AppSheet. AppSheet is a Google-owned platform that uses AI to generate code automatically, making app development accessible to non-programmers. With AppSheet, you can create custom apps for your business without writing a single line of code.

How much does it cost to run an app per month? ›

Maintenance costs vary depending on how frequently you update your app, the technology stack you use, the complexity of your app, and the size of your development team. A typical app developer can expect to spend: $70-$320 per month for hosting. $50-$2,000 per fix to correct bugs and glitches.

How much should I pay for app development? ›

The average cost of developing a simple app is $5,000 – $50,000. A simple app comes with a set of basic user features such as a login system, user profile facility, dashboard and limited administration. The cost of a medium complex app is $50,000- $120,000.

What is the average cost per app? ›

According to Business of Apps, these are the latest key average cost-per-install statistics: Mobile app CPI in North America is US$5.28, US$0.34 in Latin America, US$0.93 in APAC, and $1.03 in EMEA. iOS app CPI (globally) is US$3.6. Android app CPI (globally) is US$1.22.

How much does the average app design cost? ›

Designing a basic app, similar to creating a simple sketch, typically falls between the range of $5,000 to $10,000. On the other hand, a more advanced app design can range from $15,000 to $20,000. For highly complex apps with extensive features, the design cost can exceed $20,000.

How much does Apple charge to have an app? ›

How much does it cost to register an app on the App Store? In order to publish an iOS application on the Apple App Store, you have to register as a developer. The annual fee for the Apple Developer Program is $99 and the annual fee for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program is $299.

Can I make an Apple app for free? ›

You can learn how to develop apps for Apple platforms for free without enrolling. With just an Apple ID, you can access Xcode, software downloads, documentation, sample code, forums, and Feedback Assistant, as well as test your apps on devices.

How much will it cost to run an app? ›

On average, app owners should expect to spend around $2,000 to $2,500 a month initially to keep the app running optimally. A general guideline is to budget 20% of the initial development cost for maintenance.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.