Contributor Terms (2024)

Effective May 15, 2024. Last Revised May 15, 2024

Welcome! We are excited that you are interested in our Reddit Contributor Program (the “Program”). Below are the terms and conditions (the “Contributor Terms”) that apply to and govern your participation in the Program and that constitute an agreement between you and Reddit. These Contributor Terms apply in addition to our User Agreement, Premium and Virtual Goods Agreement, and Previews Terms of Use (collectively, the “Reddit Terms”), which you have already agreed to, and include certain terms that are defined in the Reddit Terms. Please read these Contributor Terms and the Reddit Terms carefully before accepting them and participating in the Program.


By enrolling in the Contributor Program through the Services, you agree to be bound by the Contributor Terms. In addition, by making a Contribution (defined below) or by receiving a Payout (defined below), you agree to continue to be bound by the Contributor Terms. If you do not agree to the Contributor Terms, then you may not participate in the Program.

Some contributors may be represented by a management company, manager, agency, agent, publicist, or other individual or organization. If you are agreeing to the Contributor Terms on behalf of a third party (e.g., your employer, talent you or your management company represents, etc.), then you represent and warrant to us that you are an authorized representative of and have the authority to bind that third party to the Contributor Terms. Plus, any use of “you” throughout the Contributor Terms will also refer to that third party.

Eligible Contributor

You will need to provide information about yourself (which may include your name, date of birth, address, Account, email, tax, government identification, and payment information) (collectively, your “Contributor Info”) in order to participate in the Program. We use your Contributor Info to determine if you are eligible to participate in the Program (an “Eligible Contributor”) and to comply with law.

You are not eligible to participate in the Program if:

  • You are under 18 years old or otherwise under the minimum age required by the laws of your country of residence to enter into binding contracts;

  • You, or your employer, are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions, embargoes, export restrictions, or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties, are located in (or a citizen of) a country subject to the foregoing, or are otherwise barred from participating in the Program or using the Services under applicable laws;

  • You are or represent an elected or appointed government official in office, a political candidate in an upcoming election, a political action committee or similar political fundraising organization, or a government agency or department;

  • You have breached or are attempting to breach Reddit's User Agreement, Premium and Virtual Goods Agreement, Previews Terms of Use, Contributor Terms, or any other policies, terms, and conditions that apply to our various Services and programs;

  • You fail to satisfy any Eligible Contributor requirements outlined in the Reddit Contributor Monetization Policy; or

  • You do not provide us with Contributor Info or, based on the Contributor Info you provided, Reddit determines your Contributor Info disqualifies you from participating in the Program.

By participating in the Program, you represent and warrant to Reddit that you are eligible to participate in the Program and to otherwise comply with the Contributor Terms and all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to your participation in the Program.

Eligibility to participate in the Program is solely up to Reddit, and Reddit may change the Program requirements at any time. Reddit also reserves the right to block, suspend, limit, or terminate access to the Services, including in connection with the Program, at any time for any or no reason, in our sole discretion, without advance notice or liability to Reddit (subject to applicable law).

Eligible Contributions

The Services enable you to contribute Content from your Account (including information, text, links, graphics, photos, videos, audio, streams, software, tools, or other materials) to the community and other redditors (collectively, your “Contributions”). Other redditors may want to award your Contributions by upvoting them and giving them Awards through the Services, resulting in you receiving karma and/or Gold.

If you are an Eligible Contributor, Reddit may compensate you for your Contributions in accordance with the Contributor Terms and Contributor Monetization Policy (your “Contributor Earnings”). However, only Contributions made from your Account (not any alternative Account controlled by you) that comply, at the time of posting and payout, with all applicable laws, the Contributor Terms and Reddit’s Contributor Monetization Policy are eligible for Contributor Earnings under the Program (“Eligible Contributions”).

Contributor Level

Your Contributor Earnings will be determined based on the quality of your Eligible Contributions to the community, which is measured by the amount of karma you earned starting on the day you first received Gold and within the last 12 months as described here and the amount of Gold you received from Eligible Contributions in the prior month (your “Contributor Level”). Reddit will not initiate a payout to you unless you meet certain minimum thresholds described here (the “Minimum Contributor Level”).

Any karma earned by you within the last 12 months and any Gold from Eligible Contributions will carry over until you meet the Minimum Contributor Level. However, if your Account is inactive for a period of 12 months, then you will forfeit any Contributor Earnings associated with your Account.

Payout Terms

Payout Timing and Payout Rate

If you are an Eligible Contributor, have made Eligible Contributions, and meet the Minimum Contributor Level, then you have earned a payout from Reddit for your Contributor Earnings under the Program (each, a “Payout”). Payouts are made on a monthly basis beginning at the end of the month in which you met the Minimum Contributor Level and are made 30 days after the end of the month. For example, if you met the Minimum Contributor Level on October 18th, Reddit will pay you within 30 days after October 31st.

A Payout will only be made to you if Reddit determines, in our discretion, that 1) you, your Account, and your Contributions associated with the Payout are eligible for Contributor Earnings under the Program, and 2) any Gold and karma associated with your Contributor Earnings was received by you in compliance with the Contributor Terms and Contributor Monetization Policy.

By participating in the Program and receiving a Payout, you are opting to redeem your Contributor Earnings (including any Gold you received for Eligible Contributions) for real money at the then-current Payout rate for your Contributor Level set by Reddit (the “Payout Rate”). Once redeemed, Reddit will reduce your Contributor Earnings when we pay you real money under the Program using the Payout Rate and will also reduce the Payout by any applicable Program fees described in the Contributor Terms. You can learn more about the current Payout Rate here.

Reddit reserves the right to refuse to initiate a Payout if we reasonably believe you have violated or will violate the Contributor Terms, Contributor Monetization Policy, or other Reddit Terms. Reddit also makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the amount of Contributor Earnings you can expect to receive at any time in connection with the Program, and we will not be liable for any actions you undertake based on your expectations.

Payment Partner Onboarding and Fees

In order to receive Payouts, you agree to register with a Payment Partner selected by Reddit, which Reddit may change at our sole discretion. You may not use a payment provider other than the one selected by Reddit. Any Payouts due to you from Reddit will be made via our Payment Partner.

You will provide our Payment Partner and Reddit any Contributor Info or other information required in order to receive Payouts via the Payment Partner, e.g., information about the bank account that you own at a regulated financial institution and IRS Form W-9 or W-8BEN (or alternative tax forms acceptable to our Payment Partner and Reddit).

If you do not provide our Payment Partner and Reddit with all required information, then you may not be able to receive Payouts due to you. Reddit will not be responsible for any damages, delays, losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with your inability to receive Payouts as a result of your failure to provide this information.

You acknowledge and agree that Reddit does not operate, own, or control any Payment Partner and that your use of any Payment Partner’s services is subject to the terms and privacy policies of that Payment Partner. You agree that we are not responsible for any delay, failure, damage, or liability caused by any Payment Partner, any other third party, a force majeure, or your failure to timely or properly set up an account with our Payment Partner or otherwise provide requested information for any Payout.

Our Payment Partners may charge transaction fees on any Payout relating to the Program. These fees are charged by our Payment Partners, not us, and vary depending on the payment method chosen.

Payout Currency

Reddit will default to making all Payouts to you in U.S. dollars. Reddit and our Payment Partners may not be able to remit Payouts to certain countries, entities, or individuals under applicable law or due to other considerations (e.g., prohibitive foreign exchange rates). If you opt to receive any Payout in a currency that is not U.S. dollars but that is supported by us, then Reddit will convert amounts payable to you at an exchange rate that Reddit or our Payment Partner determines, which may include fees and charges for the conversion.

Reddit Rights

Reddit reserves the right to clawback payments made to you or adjust or offset against any Contributor Earnings payable to you under the Program the amount of 1) any excess payments made to you for any reason by Reddit and 2) any claim, dispute, refund, or reversal request relating to your Contributions associated with a Payout paid or about to be paid by Reddit. Reddit owes you no interest on that amount and may also require you to remit that amount to us.

In addition, if we believe, in our sole discretion, that any fraud, money laundering, or other violation of law or regulation or the Contributor Terms is taking place on or in connection with the Program, you acknowledge and agree that we may withhold, delay, or seek repayment of any payments we believe, in our sole discretion, are related to the violation unless and until the issues are resolved to our reasonable satisfaction.


You agree that you are responsible for paying all applicable taxes that may result from your receipt of any Contributor Earnings and that we may deduct or withhold any taxes that we may be legally obligated to deduct or withhold from any Contributor Earnings paid to you. Reddit treats all Contributor Earnings payable to you as payments for services you have provided to us and, as applicable, will perform any information reporting required by law. You agree to cooperate and provide us with any additional information requested by us in order to comply with information reporting or tax obligations relating to the Program.

Represented Contributors

If you are a management company, agency, or similar individual or entity entering into these Contributor Terms on behalf of a Contributor, you are solely responsible, and Reddit will not be responsible or liable, for fulfilling the terms of any contract between you and the Contributor, including any payment arrangement (such contract between a Contributor and its manager, agent, or other representative, “Management Agreement”). Alternatively, if you are a Contributor who is managed or represented by another individual or entity, you are solely responsible, and Reddit will not be responsible or liable, for fulfilling the terms of any applicable Management Agreement, including any payment arrangement.

Modification or Discontinuation

Reddit reserves the right to modify, amend, or cancel the Program, add, remove, or modify Program requirements, policies, and limitations, and change the Payout Rate and applicable Program fees, all at any time and for any reason by updating the Contributor Terms and Contributor Monetization Policy. Reddit has no obligation to continue to offer the Program in the future merely because we offer it today, and we also do not guarantee that Contributor Earnings can be redeemed in the future for real money. We reserve the right to review your Contributions and other Account activity to assess the validity of your Contributor Earnings and to clawback, adjust, or offset your Contributor Earnings if we believe that you have violated the Contributor Terms, Contributor Monetization Policy, or other Reddit Terms (including their spirit) or that your Contributions do not qualify as Eligible Contributions under the Program.

Your Representations and Warranties

You represent, warrant, acknowledge and agree that:

  • You are eligible to participate in the Program in accordance with Reddit’s eligibility criteria under the Contributor Terms and the Contributor Monetization Policy and have, before agreeing to the Contributor Terms, read and understood the implications of the Contributor Terms and Contributor Monetization Policy;

  • 1) You are the sole and exclusive owner of, or have the necessary rights and permissions to use, your Contributions, 2) your Contributions do not infringe, misappropriate, or otherwise violate the rights (including intellectual property rights) of a third party, 3) you have not granted any rights or licenses to your Contributions that would conflict with the Contributor Terms, the Reddit Terms, or licenses granted by you under them, 4) you have obtained rights in your Contributions without violating any laws and are not subject to any applicable accreditation terms or access condition that might be breached by your Contributions being used by Reddit Entities in accordance with the Contributor Terms and licenses granted by you under them and the Reddit Terms, and 5) your Contributions do not include any Reddit intellectual property used without our permission or intellectual property of third parties (including, for example, names of famous personalities) used without their permission;

  • 1) your Contributions are not, and are not intended to be, covered by any guild, union, collective bargaining, or similar agreement and there will be no residual or any other type of payment due from Reddit to you, to any third party, guild, union, management, or agent, or pursuant to any collective bargaining agreement, in connection with any payment from Reddit to you under the Contributor Terms or otherwise in connection with your participation in the Program, 2) Reddit is not responsible for, and will not make any deduction to payments made to you for any fees, commissions, costs, expenses, or payments of any kind to or with respect to any third party (including any management company, manager, agent, attorney, representative, or service provider) in connection with any revenue earned by or payments made to you in connection with the Program, and 3) Reddit is not responsible for any contributions, payments, taxes, or deductions for Social Security, retirement benefits, unemployment insurance, annuities, or pension or welfare fund payments required by law or any labor union, or any withholding or taxes (other than any sales tax collected by Reddit in relation to a purchase); and

  • Your Contributions, your provision of them through the Services, and your participation in the Program complies and will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and the Reddit Content Policy and Reddit Contributor Monetization Policy, as well as the Contributor Terms and the Reddit Terms.

Reddit may require you to provide additional information and documents in certain circ*mstances, for example, if we receive a request from a government authority, as any applicable law or regulation dictates, or to investigate a potential violation of the Contributor Terms. Reddit reserves the right to, in its discretion, disable your Account and block your ability to access the Services until the requested information and documents are processed by Reddit. If you do not provide complete and accurate information in response to our request, then Reddit may refuse to restore your access to the Services.

Limitation of Liability

By participating in the Program, you agree that the liability of any Reddit Entities will be limited to the maximum extent permissible by applicable law.

The Reddit Entities will not be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, punitive, consequential, or similar damages or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the Contributor Terms, whether under contract, tort (including negligence), civil liability, statute, strict liability, breach of warranties, or any other theory of liability, and whether any Reddit Entities have been advised of, knew of, or should have known of the possibility of the damages, and notwithstanding any failure of the essential purpose of, or any limited remedy under, the Contributor Terms.

In no event will the aggregate liability of the Reddit Entities arising out of or in connection with the Program, under any theory of liability, exceed the amounts payable to you by Reddit in connection with the Contributor Terms for the 12 months immediately preceding the event giving rise to the claim for liability.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Reddit Entities from all costs, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by any of the Reddit Entities in connection with any claims, lawsuits, or causes of action (“Claims”) by a third party arising out of or relating to: 1) your Contributions; 2) your breach of the Contributor Terms; 3) any infringement or other violation of any intellectual property rights or other personal or proprietary rights of any person or entity resulting from Reddit exercising our rights under the Reddit Terms; 4) your failure to pay any applicable taxes in connection with your Payouts or to provide Reddit or our Payment Partner with a properly executed tax form; or 5) if you are a represented Contributor or represent a Contributor, any dispute arising under a Management Agreement.

Reddit will have the right to: 1) approve of any counsel retained to defend against any Claims against any Reddit Entities; and 2) control and participate in the defense of any Claims concerning matters that relate to Reddit. You agree to cooperate with Reddit’s defense of any Claims and not to settle or compromise any Claims without Reddit’s prior written consent.

Term and Termination

You may terminate the Contributor Terms at any time and for any reason by deleting your Account and discontinuing use of the Services. However, if you stop using the Services for a period of 12 months, your Account will no longer have any Contributor Earnings associated with it due to prolonged inactivity.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we may terminate the Contributor Terms, suspend or terminate your Account, refuse to initiate a Payout to you, at any time for any or no reason, including for violating the Contributor Terms, Contributor Monetization Policy, or other Reddit Terms.

However, no termination of the Contributor Terms will relieve Reddit or you for any liability relating to any breach of (or liability accruing under) the Contributor Terms prior to termination. The following sections will survive termination of the Contributor Terms: “Limitation of Liability,” “Indemnity,” “Term and Termination,” and “Other Terms.”

Other Terms

Contributor Info

Your Contributor Info will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy and to determine your eligibility to participate in the Program. We may share your Contributor Info with third-party payment and compliance providers in order to confirm your eligibility to participate in the Program, to comply with law, and as outlined in our Privacy Policy. You consent to Reddit collecting, using, and sharing your Contributor Info for such purposes. If there are any changes to your Contributor Info, you must notify us of those changes and keep your Contributor Info accurate, complete, and up-to-date at all times.


You agree to hold Confidential Information (as defined below) in confidence and to protect the disclosed Confidential Information by using the same degree of care to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination or publication of the Confidential Information as you use to protect your own confidential information of a like nature, but at least reasonable care. “Confidential Information” includes any information disclosed by Reddit to you in writing that is marked as confidential at the time of disclosure or that would otherwise reasonably be understood, given the nature of the information or the circ*mstances surrounding its disclosure, to be confidential. Confidential Information excludes any information which: 1) is or becomes public knowledge through no fault on your part; 2) is rightfully received by you from a third party without any duty of confidentiality; 3) is disclosed under operation of law; or 4) is disclosed with the prior written approval of Reddit. Reddit retains all intellectual property rights in Confidential Information disclosed to you.

Governing Law and Venue

We want you to enjoy your participation in the Program, so if you have an issue or dispute, you agree to raise it and try to resolve it with us informally. You can contact us with feedback and concerns here.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any claims arising out of or relating to the Contributor Terms or the Program will be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.

All disputes related to the Contributor Terms or the Program will be brought solely in the federal or state courts located in San Francisco, California, and you and Reddit consent to personal jurisdiction exclusively in these courts.

Emails and Other Notices

By agreeing to the Contributor Terms and participating in the Program, you agree to receive communications from us or communications related to the Program at your Account or at any of the email addresses provided to Reddit by you or on your behalf. Communications from Reddit Entities may include operational communications concerning your Payouts or participation in the Program, updates concerning requested changes to your Payouts or changes to the Program, communications concerning marketing or promotions run by us or our third-party partners, and news concerning Reddit and industry developments. If you change or deactivate the email address you provided to Reddit, you agree to update your Account information.


All notices or communications of any kind made or required to be given in connection with the Program will be in writing and will be sent to your Account or to the email address associated with your Account through the Services.

Changes to Contributor Terms

We may make changes to the Contributor Terms from time to time. If we make changes, we will post the revised Contributor Terms. If the changes, in our sole discretion, are material, we may also notify you by sending an email to the address associated with your Account or by otherwise providing you with notice through our Services. By continuing to participate in the Program or by receiving a Payout after the Contributor Terms are revised, you agree to be bound by the revised Contributor Terms. If you do not agree to the revised Contributor Terms, you must stop participating in the Program and receiving Payouts.

You acknowledge and understand that Contributor Terms may be changed and the Program may be canceled at any time for any or no reason, in our sole discretion, without advance notice or liability to Reddit (subject to applicable law). Please review the Contributor Terms for any changes; it is your responsibility to do so.


Reddit may freely assign any of its rights and obligations under the Contributor Terms. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under the Contributor Terms without Reddit’s consent.

In order to participate in the Program, you acknowledge and agree that you have had adequate opportunity to review, reflect upon, and consider the Contributor Terms and fully understand and voluntarily agree to the Contributor Terms. You also acknowledge and agree that you have received, or had the opportunity to receive, independent legal advice from attorneys of your choosing regarding the advisability of entering the Contributor Terms.

Your participation in the Program and the Contributor Terms do not constitute an agency, partnership, or joint venture between you and Reddit. You will not be treated as an employee of Reddit under the Contributor Terms for any federal, state, or local laws, including laws pertaining to income tax withholding, unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, social security, or the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

Headings are used in the Contributor Terms for reference only and will not be considered when interpreting them. For purposes of the Contributor Terms: 1) the words “include,” “includes,” and “including” will be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation;” 2) the words “such as,” “for example,” “e.g.,” and any derivatives of those words will mean by way of example and the items that follow these words will not be deemed an exhaustive list; and 3) the word “or” is used in the inclusive sense of “and/or” and the terms “or,” “any,” and “either” are not exclusive. No ambiguity will be construed against any party based on a claim that the party drafted the language.

In the event that any provision of the Contributor Terms or the application of any provision of the Contributor Terms is held to be contrary to law, invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be given effect to the greatest extent possible, and the remaining provisions of the Contributor Terms will remain in full force and effect.

No failure by you or Reddit at any time to give notice of any breach by the other party of, or to require compliance with, any condition or provision of the Contributor Terms will be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default under that provision or any other provision.

The Contributor Terms (including the User Agreement, Premium and Virtual Goods Agreement, and Previews Terms of Use, which are incorporated by this reference into, and made a part of, the Contributor Terms) are a legally-binding agreement between you and Reddit and contain the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of the Program and supersede all previous communications, representations, understandings, and agreements, either oral or written, between the parties with respect to said subject matter. To the extent any Contributor Terms conflict with other Reddit Terms, the Contributor Terms govern with respect to the Program.

If you have any questions about the Contributor Terms, please contact us.

Contributor Terms (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 6717

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.