Configuring Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet | Junos OS (2024)

Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)combines PPP, with the Ethernet link-layer protocol that allows usersto connect to a network of hosts over a bridge or access concentrator.The below topics discuss the overview of PPPoE interfaces, PPPoE Ethernetinterfaces, PPPoE ATM-over-ADSL, and ATM-over-SHDSL Interfaces, CHAPaunthentication on PPPoE, displaying statistics, setting tracing optionsfor PPPoE and verification of these interfaces on security devices.

Understanding Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)combines PPP, which typically runs over broadband connections, withthe Ethernet link-layer protocol that allows users to connect to anetwork of hosts over a bridge or access concentrator. PPPoE enablesservice providers to maintain access control through PPP connectionsand also manage multiple hosts at a remote site.

PPPoE connects multiple hosts on an Ethernet LAN to a remotesite through a single customer premises equipment (CPE) device—aJuniper Networks device. Hosts share a common digital subscriber line(DSL), a cable modem, or a wireless connection to the Internet.

To use PPPoE, you must initiate a PPPoE session, encapsulatePoint-to-Point Protocol (PPP) packets over Ethernet, and configurethe device as a PPPoE client. To provide a PPPoE connection, eachPPP session must learn the Ethernet address of the remote peer andestablish a unique session identifier during the PPPoE discovery andsession stages.


Juniper Networks devices with asymmetric digital subscriberline (ADSL) or symmetric high-speed DSL (SHDSL) interfaces can usePPPoE over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) to connect through DSLlines only, not for direct ATM connections.

PPPoE has two stages, the discovery stage and the PPPoE sessionstage. In the discovery stage, the client discovers the access concentratorby identifying the Ethernet media access control (MAC) address ofthe access concentrator and establishing a PPPoE session ID. In thesession stage, the client and the access concentrator build a point-to-pointconnection over Ethernet, based on the information collected in thediscovery stage.

This topic contains the following sections:

  • PPPoE Discovery Stage
  • PPPoE Session Stage

PPPoE Discovery Stage

To initiate a PPPoE session, a host must first identify theEthernet MAC address of the remote peer and establish a unique PPPoEsession ID for the session. Learning the remote Ethernet MAC addressis called PPPoE discovery.

During the PPPoE discovery process, the host does not discovera remote endpoint on the Ethernet network. Instead, the host discoversthe access concentrator through which all PPPoE sessions are established.Discovery is a client/server relationship, with the host (a devicerunning Junos OS) acting as the client and the access concentratoracting as the server. Because the network might have more than oneaccess concentrator, the discovery stage allows the client to communicatewith all of them and select one.


A device cannot receive PPPoE packets from two different accessconcentrators on the same physical interface.

The PPPoE discovery stage consists of the following steps:

  1. PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI)—The clientinitiates a session by broadcasting a PADI packet to the LAN to requesta service.

  2. PPPoE Active Discovery Offer (PADO)—Any access concentrator thatcan provide the service requested by the client in the PADI packetreplies with a PADO packet that contains its own name, the unicastaddress of the client, and the service requested. An access concentrator can alsouse the PADO packet to offer other services to the client.

  3. PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR)—From the PADOsit receives, the client selects one access concentrator based on its name or theservices offered and sends it a PADR packet to indicate the serviceor services needed.

  4. PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation (PADS)—Whenthe selected access concentrator receives the PADR packet, it accepts or rejectsthe PPPoE session:

    • To accept the session, the access concentrator sends the client a PADSpacket with a unique session ID for a PPPoE session and a servicename that identifies the service under which it accepts the session.

    • To reject the session, the access concentrator sends the client a PADSpacket with a service name error and resets the session ID to zero.

PPPoE Session Stage

The PPPoE session stage starts after the PPPoE discovery stageis over. The access concentrator can start the PPPoE session afterit sends a PADS packet to the client, or the client can start thePPPoE session after it receives a PADS packet from the access concentrator.A device supports multiple PPPoE sessions on each interface, but nomore than 256 PPPoE sessions per device.

Each PPPoE session is uniquely identified by the Ethernet addressof the peer and the session ID. After the PPPoE session is established,data is sent as in any other PPP encapsulation. The PPPoE informationis encapsulated within an Ethernet frame and is sent to a unicastaddress. Magic numbers, echo requests, and all other PPP traffic behaveexactly as in normal PPP sessions. In this stage, both the clientand the server must allocate resources for the PPPoE logical interface.

After a session is established, the client or the access concentratorcan send a PPPoE Active Discovery Termination (PADT) packet anytimeto terminate the session. The PADT packet contains the destinationaddress of the peer and the session ID of the session to be terminated.After this packet is sent, the session is closed to PPPoE traffic.


If PPPoE session is already up and the user restarts the PPPoEdaemon, a new PPPoE daemon with a new PID starts while the existingsession is not terminated.

If PPPoE session is already down and user restarts the PPPoEdaemon, the PPPoE discovery establishes a new session.

The PPPoE session is not terminated for the following configurationchanges:

  • Changing idle time out value

  • Changing auto rec timer value

  • Deleting idle time out

  • Deleting auto rec timer

  • Add new auto rec time

  • Add new idle time out

  • Change negotiate address to static address

  • Change static ip address to a new static ip address

  • Changing default chap secrete

The PPPoE session is terminated for the following configurationchanges:

  • Add ac name

  • Delete chap ppp options

  • Add new chap ppp options

  • Configure uifd mac


    When the MTU for an underlying physical interface is changed,it brings down the PPPoE session. The PPPoE MTU can be greater than1492 if the Ethernet or WAN connection supports RFC 4638 (Mini JumboFrames).

See Also

  • Understanding Physical Encapsulation on an Interface

  • Understanding PPPoE Interfaces

  • Understanding PPPoE Ethernet Interfaces

  • Understanding PPPoE ATM-over-ADSL and ATM-over-SHDSLInterfaces

  • Understanding CHAP Authentication on a PPPoE Interface

  • Understanding the PPPoE-BasedRadio-to-Router Protocol

Understanding PPPoE Interfaces

The device’s Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet(PPPoE) interface to the access concentrator can be a Fast Ethernetinterface, a Gigabit Ethernet interface, a redundant Ethernet interface,an ATM-over-ADSL interface, or an ATM-over-SHDSL interface. The PPPoEconfiguration is the same for all interfaces. The only differenceis the encapsulation for the underlying interface to the access concentrator:

  • If the interface is Ethernet, use a PPPoE encapsulation.

  • If the interface is ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL, usea PPPoE over ATM encapsulation.

To configure a PPPoE interface, you create an interface witha logical interface unit 0, then specifya logical Ethernet or ATM interface as the underlying interface forthe PPPoE session. You then specify other PPPoE options, includingthe access concentrator and PPPoE session parameters.


PPPoE over redundant Ethernet (reth) interface is supportedon SRX100, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340 and SRX650devices. (Platform support depends on the Junos OS release in yourinstallation.) This feature allows an existing PPPoE session to continuewithout starting a new PPP0E session in the event of a failover.

Example: Configuring PPPoE Interfaces

This example shows how to configure a PPPoEinterface.

  • Requirements
  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Disabling the End-of-List Tag


Before you begin, configure an Ethernet interface.See Example: Creating an Ethernet Interface.


In this example, you create the PPPoE interface pp0.0 and specifythe logical Ethernet interface ge-0/0/1.0 as the underlying interface.You also set the access concentrator, set the PPPoE session parameters,and set the MTU of the IPv4 family to 1492.



  • CLI Quick Configuration
  • Step-by-Step Procedure
  • Results
CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy thefollowing command, paste it into a text file, remove any line breaks,change any details necessary to match your network configuration,copy and paste the command into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchylevel, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in ConfigurationMode.

To configure a PPPoE interface:

  1. Create a PPPoE interface.

  2. Configure PPPoE options.

  3. Configure the MTU.


    If you want to configure mtu to a value above1492 octets, then use ppp-max-payload option. Refer pppoe-options for more details.

  4. Configure the PPPoE interface address.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the show interfaces pp0 command. If the outputdoes not display the intended configuration, repeat the configurationinstructions in this example to correct it.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

  • Verifying PPPoE Interfaces
  • Verifying PPPoE Sessions
  • Verifying the PPPoE Version
  • Verifying PPPoE Statistics
Verifying PPPoE Interfaces
  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify that the PPPoE device interfaces are configuredproperly.


From operational mode, enter the show interfacespp0 command.

The output shows information about the physical and the logicalinterfaces. Verify the following information:

  • The physical interface is enabled and the link is up.

  • The PPPoE session is running on the correct logical interface.

  • For state, the state is active (up).

  • For underlying interface, the physical interface on whichthe PPPoE session is running is correct:

    • For an Ethernet connection, the underlying interface isFast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet—for example, ge-5/0/0.0.

    • For an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL connection, theunderlying interface is ATM—for example, at-2/0/0.0.

Verifying PPPoE Sessions
  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify that a PPPoE session is running properly onthe logical interface.


From operational mode, enter the show pppoe interfaces command.

The output shows information about the PPPoE sessions. Verifythe following information:

  • The PPPoE session is running on the correct logical interface.

  • For state, the session is active (up).

  • For underlying interface, the physical interface on whichthe PPPoE session is running is correct:

    • For an Ethernet connection, the underlying interface isFast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet—for example, ge-0/0/1.0.

    • For an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL connection, theunderlying interface is ATM—for example, at-2/0/0.0.


To clear a PPPoE session on the pp0.0 interface, use the clear pppoe sessions pp0.0 command. To clear all sessions onthe interface, use the clear pppoe sessions command.

Verifying the PPPoE Version
  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify the version information of the PPPoE protocolconfigured on the device interfaces.


From operational mode, enter the show pppoe version command.

The output shows PPPoE protocol information. Verify the followinginformation:

  • The correct version of the PPPoE protocol is configuredon the interface.

  • For PPPoE protocol, the PPPoE protocol is enabled.

Verifying PPPoE Statistics
  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify the statistics information about PPPoE interfaces.


From operational mode, enter the show pppoe statistics command.

The output shows information about active sessions on PPPoEinterfaces. Verify the following information:

  • Total number of active PPPoE sessions running on the interfac

  • For packet type, the number of packets of each type sentand received during the PPPoE session

Disabling the End-of-List Tag

During the PPPoE discovery stage, any accessconcentrator that can provide the service requested by the clientin the PADI packet replies with a PADO packet that contains its ownname, the unicast address of the client, and the service requested.An access concentrator can also use the PADO packet to offer otherservices to the client. When a client receives a PADO packet, andif it encounters the End-of-List tag inthe PADO packet, tags after the End-of-List tag are ignored and the complete information is not processed correctly.As a result, the PPPoE connection is not established correctly.

Starting in JunosOS Release 12.3X48-D10 you can avoid some PPPoE connection errorsby configuring the ignore-eol-tag option to disable the End-of-List tag in the PADO packet.

  • Procedure
  • Verifying That the End-of-List Tag Is Disabled


  • Step-by-Step Procedure
  • Results
Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in ConfigurationMode.

To disable the End-of-List tag:

  1. Create a PPPoE interface.

  2. Configure PPPoE options.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the show interfaces pp0 command. If the outputdoes not display the intended configuration, repeat the configurationinstructions in this example to correct it.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.

Verifying That the End-of-List Tag Is Disabled

  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify the status of the End-of-List tag in the PPPoE configuration.


From operational mode, enter the show interfacespp0.0 command.

The output shows information about active sessions on PPPoEinterfaces. Verify that the Ignore End-of-List tag: Enable option is set.

Understanding PPPoE Ethernet Interfaces

During a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) session,the device encapsulates each PPP frame in an Ethernet frame and transportsthe frames over an Ethernet loop. Figure 1 shows a typical PPPoE session between a device and an accessconcentrator on the Ethernet loop.

Figure 1: PPPoE Session on the EthernetLoopConfiguring Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet | Junos OS (1)

To configure PPPoE on an Ethernet interface, you configure encapsulationon the logical interface.

Example: Configuring PPPoE Encapsulation on an Ethernet Interface

This example shows how to configure PPPoE encapsulationon an Ethernet interface.

  • Requirements
  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Verification


Before you begin:

  • Configure an Ethernet interface. See Example: Creating an Ethernet Interface.

  • Configure a PPPoE encapsulation interface. See Example: Configuring PPPoE Interfaces.


In this example, you configure PPPoE encapsulation on the ge-0/0/1interface.



Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure PPPoE encapsulation:

  1. Enable PPPoE encapsulation on the interface.

  2. Commit the configuration if you are done configuring thedevice.


To verify the configuration is working properly,enter the show interfaces ge-0/0/1 command.

Understanding PPPoE ATM-over-ADSL and ATM-over-SHDSL Interfaces

When an ATM network is configured with a point-to-point connection,Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) can use ATM AdaptationLayer 5 (AAL5) for framing PPPoE-encapsulated packets. The AAL5 protocolprovides a virtual connection between the client and the server withinthe same network. The device encapsulates each PPPoE frame in anATM frame and transports each frame over an asymmetric digital subscriberline (ADSL) or symmetric high-speed DSL (SHDSL) loop and a digitalsubscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM). For example, Figure 2 shows a typical PPPoE overATM session between a device and an access concentrator on an ADSLloop.

Figure 2: PPPoE Session on anADSL LoopConfiguring Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet | Junos OS (2)

For PPPoE on an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL interface, youmust configure encapsulation on both the physical and logical interfaces.To configure encapsulation on an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL physicalinterface, use Ethernet over ATM encapsulation. To configure encapsulationon an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSL logical interface, use PPPoE over AAL5 logical link control (LLC) encapsulation. LLCencapsulation allows a single ATM virtual connection to transportmultiple protocols.

Example: Configuring PPPoE Encapsulation on an ATM-over-ADSLInterface

This example shows how to configure a physicalinterface for Ethernet over ATM encapsulation and how to create alogical interface for PPPoE over LLC encapsulation.

  • Requirements
  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Verification


Before you begin:

  • Configure network interfaces. See Example: Creating an Ethernet Interface.

  • Configure PPPoE interfaces. See Example: Configuring PPPoE Interfaces.

  • Configure PPPoE encapsulation on an Ethernet interface.See Example: Configuring PPPoE Encapsulation on an EthernetInterface.


In this example, you configure the physical interface at-2/0/0for Ethernet over ATM encapsulation. As part of the configuration,you set the virtual path identifier (VPI) on an ATM-over-ADSL physicalinterface to 0, you set the ADSL operating mode to auto, and you setthe encapsulation type to ATM-over-ADSL. Then you create a logicalinterface for PPPoE over LLC encapsulation.



  • CLI Quick Configuration
  • Step-by-Step Procedure
  • Results
CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy thefollowing command, paste it into a text file, remove any line breaks,change any details necessary to match your network configuration,copy and paste the command into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchylevel, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in ConfigurationMode.

To configure PPPoE encapsulation on an ATM-over-ADSL interface:

  1. Configure the physical interface.

  2. Set the VPI on the interface.

  3. Configure the ADSL operating mode.

  4. Configure PPPoE encapsulation.

  5. Create a logical interface and configure LLC encapsulation.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the show interfaces at-2/0/0 command. If theoutput does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configurationinstructions in this example to correct it.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying a PPPoE Configuration for an ATM-over-ADSL or ATM-over-SHDSLInterface

  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify the PPPoE configuration for an ATM-over-ADSLor ATM-over-SHDSL interface.


From operational mode, enter the show interfaces command.

Understanding CHAP Authentication on a PPPoE Interface

For interfaces with Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)encapsulation, you can configure interfaces to support the PPP ChallengeHandshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). When you enable CHAP onan interface, the interface can authenticate its peer and be authenticatedby its peer.

If you set the passive option to handle incomingCHAP packets only, the interface does not challenge its peer. However,if the interface is challenged, it responds to the challenge. If youdo not set the passive option, the interface always challengesits peer.

You can configure Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service(RADIUS) authentication of PPP sessions using CHAP. CHAP enables youto send RADIUS messages through a routing instance to customer RADIUSservers in a private network.

Example: Configuring CHAP Authentication on a PPPoE Interface

This example shows how to configure CHAP authenticationon a PPPoE interface.

  • Requirements
  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Verification


Before you begin:

  • Configure an Ethernet interface. See Example: Creating an Ethernet Interface.

  • Configure a PPPoE interface. See Example: Configuring PPPoE Interfaces.

  • Configure PPPoE encapsulation on an ATM-over-ADSL interface.See Example: Configuring PPPoE Encapsulation on an ATM-over-ADSLInterface.


In this example, you configure a CHAP access profile, and thenapply it to the PPPoE interface pp0. You also configure the hostnameto be used in CHAP challenge and response packets, and set the passiveoption for handling incoming CHAP packets.



  • CLI Quick Configuration
  • Step-by-Step Procedure
  • Results
CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy thefollowing command, paste it into a text file, remove any line breaks,change any details necessary to match your network configuration,copy and paste the command into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchylevel, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in ConfigurationMode.

To configure CHAP on a PPPoE interface:

  1. Configure a CHAP access profile.

  2. Enable CHAP options on the interface.

  3. Configure the CHAP access profile on the interface.

  4. Configure a hostname for the CHAP challenge and responsepackets.

  5. Set the passive option to handle incoming CHAP packetsonly.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the show interfaces command. If the outputdoes not display the intended configuration, repeat the configurationinstructions in this example to correct it.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying CHAP Authentication

  • Purpose
  • Action

Verify that CHAP is enabled on the interface.


From operational mode, enter the show interfaces command.

Verifying Credit-Flow Control

  • Purpose
  • Action


Display PPPoE credit-flow control information aboutcredits on each side of the PPPoE session when credit processing isenabled on the interface.


Verifying PPPoE Interfaces

  • Purpose
  • Action


Display PPPoE interfaces information.


  • To display PPPoE interface information:

  • To display PPPoE terse interface information:

Verifying R2CP Interfaces

  • Purpose
  • Action


Display R2CP interfaces information.


  • To display R2CP interface information:

  • To display R2CP information:

  • To display R2CP session information:

Displaying Statistics for PPPoE

  • Purpose
  • Action


Display PPPoE statistics.


Setting Tracing Options for PPPoE

To trace the operations of the router’s PPPoE process,include the traceoptions statement at the [edit protocols pppoe] hierarchylevel:

To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements.

You can specify the following flags in the traceoptions statement:

  • all—All areas of code

  • config—Configuration code

  • events—Event code

  • gres—Gres code

  • init—Initialization code

  • interface-db—Interface database code

  • memory—Memory management code

  • protocol—PPPoE protocol processing code

  • rtsock—Routing socket code

  • session-db—Session management code

  • signal—Signal handling code

  • state—State handling code

  • timer—Timer code

  • ui—User interface code

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.




Starting in JunosOS Release 12.3X48-D10 you can avoid some PPPoE connection errorsby configuring the ignore-eol-tag option to disable the End-of-List tag in the PADO packet.

Configuring Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet | Junos OS (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.